《ʜᴇʏ ᴇᴍᴏ ʙᴏʏ | xɪᴀᴏ x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ ᴄʜᴀᴛꜰɪᴄ》Part 50


y'know sometimes i think

what if we were animals

then we would be animals

YEAH but what type of animal 🤨

that's the real question


maybe a cat or smth

of course you'd choose a cat

but i don't blame you, cats are so cute


why are you asking this tho

i searched up best convo starters and one of them said to talk abt your fav animals


why tf were you searching how to start a convo

because idk how to begin convos, why else

you should google it too tbh

might learn a thing or two 😹👍

...shut up

besides, google never gives good advice

i'd rather ask smn

good idea

i can just ask smn

but who 🤔

idk, just make sure it isn't childe or itto

but they're my best options...


who else can i ask

zixin? heizou?

scaramouche? 😹

scaramouche would give better advice than childe


maybe i should ask them both

scaramouche would prbly tell me to start off with an insult or smth

like "hru bitch."

and childe would just tell me to flirt

then don't ask them


sigh. i guess i'll just keep googling


ask hu tao or venti


so what's your fav type of flower

get off google rn, y/n.



can i come over



yeah, i'm bored

hmm alr

but i'll be working on my assignment

that's ok

i can help 😹👍

that won't be necessary

but sure, you can come over


see you in like 10 mins or smth

see you

Y/n reacted with ‼️

Nov 13






"Why isn't he opening the door?" You said as you proceeded to aggressively ring the doorbell.

Patience? Never heard of her.

After a few minutes of constantly ringing the doorbell, someone finally opened the door.

"THANK YOU," you dramatically exclaimed, before a very tall man appeared in front of you. "Oh."

"Hello, Y/n. What a pleasant surprise to see you here again, are you here for Xiao?" Zhongli spoke in his usual monotonous voice.

"Yes, sir." You nodded your head. "Ah, then please, come inside. I have some errands to run unfortunately, but I'll see you later," he told you as he walked outside. He then gestured for you to enter the house.


"Alright, bye then." You waved at him while he took his leave.

After entering Xiao's home, you didn't see him anywhere. You assumed that he was probably doing his assignment in his room.

You quietly sneaked to his room and opened the door, poking your head inside to see him. He seemed to be working on his assignment, just as you thought. "Aw, look at him so hard at work," you whispered.

"I can hear you." Xiao turned his head and narrowed his eyes at you. You flinched, a bit startled by his voice.

"Well? Aren't you going to come inside?" He asked you. You quickly shook your head, snapping out of your thoughts. "Right, right." You walked inside and took a seat beside him.

"So. What're you working on?" You asked him. "Math," he answered.

You exhaled while leaning backwards on the chair, as Xiao continued to work on his assignment.

You waited patiently for him to finish. But eventually, that patience ran out. "Xiaooo."

"Hm?" He kept his eyes on his assignment. "Let's do something."

"What would you like to do?" He asked, moving his gaze to you. You shrugged your shoulders. "Dunno. But I'm fine with anything."

Xiao sighed as he placed his pencil down. "If you're expecting me to decide, you'll be disappointed. If there's something you'd like to do, then tell me."

You placed a finger on your chin and began thinking hard, before Xiao's voice interrupted you.

"Actually, I do have a place in mind. Let's go there," he suggested. "Oh. Alright then."

You were curious to know what place Xiao had in mind, and also kind of excited, since he rarely ever suggested places to go. The both of you headed downstairs for the door.

You waited for Xiao to get ready before leaving. He wore an over-sized black t-shirt with a teal tinted hoodie, black pants, and grey sneakers. His typical emo outfit.

You, on the other hand, wore a beige sweater with a black coat, blue jeans, and white sneakers.

After Xiao finished getting ready, the two of you headed out to wherever Xiao was taking you.

The walk was fairly long but you didn't mind, mostly because Xiao held your hand the entire way. You were fine with taking a long walk as long as it was with him.


But nonetheless, you both eventually arrived.

"Wangshu Inn," Xiao suddenly spoke.


"This place is called Wangshu Inn. It's where I used to live before Zhongli took me in," he explained, while you nodded in response.

"Ah, so you're familiar with this place. Did you like it here?" You asked him.

Xiao nodded with a hum. "I enjoyed the peace and quiet... and the occasional almond tofu."

Of course.

"Wait, are we going to enter?"

"I'd like to take you to the roof, since that's where I'd often spend my time. The owner knows me fairly well, so she should be alright with that."

You nodded as Xiao entered the Inn, with you following him from behind.

He spoke with a lady there, who you assumed was the owner. Moments later, he walked back to you and grabbed your hand again. "Follow me."

He then took you to the roof. Upon arriving, you looked around. It was definitely a sight worth remembering. 'No wonder he likes this place.'

It was dead silent, with a few muffled noises coming from afar. But it was for sure a peaceful area. Xiao took you to the edge of the roof, at the parapet.

You looked at the view and it was simply breathtaking. "Woah, it's pretty," you mumbled quietly, with your gaze still fixated on the scenery.

Xiao nodded while crossing his arms. "It indeed is quite the view."

He then pulled on your hand to get your attention. "Huh?"

"Do you like it?"

"Oh, definitely. It's no surprise you like this place."

A small smile appeared upon his face, before he quickly hid it. He then turned around and took a seat on a bench nearby. You followed and sat beside him.

Xiao closed his eyes as he took in a deep breath. "I always feel at peace here. I'm glad you can experience it, too."

You smiled while leaning your head on his shoulder. "Thank you for bringing me here," you told him.

He hummed, smiling once more. But that smile faded fast, you noticed. "What's wrong?" You raised your head.

"It's been awhile since I've felt this peaceful. Hopefully, it will last this time."

You straightened your back with confidence, "Don't worry. I'm sure it will."

Xiao shifted his gaze to you and softly smiled. "Thank you once again Y/n, for everything. I'm grateful to have met you, and to have had the chance to get to know you. I no longer need this place to feel peaceful, since I already feel at peace just by simply being with you."

You were slightly flustered by his sudden confession, but you remained calm. "Ahh hah... you really don't need to thank me," you laughed as you rubbed your neck. "I'm thankful to you as well, y'know."

A small chuckle escaped Xiao's mouth while he leaned his head back enough to use the bench for support. But you noticed his discomfort.

"You can lay on my lap, y'know," you offered him. His eyes immediately widened as a small blush appeared on his face. "Wh- what."

You shook your head, before pulling him onto you to encourage him to relax. "You can lay down. Don't worry, I don't mind."

Xiao did as you said and laid down on the bench, placing his head on your lap. You stroked his hair with your fingers as he calmed himself down.

"Thank you," he mumbled, averting his eyes from you. You could feel your heart melt. 'Why are you so cute.'

Xiao then turned his head slightly away from you, which caught your attention. "Is it really alright for me to be so peaceful? After everything that has happened," he mumbled in a low tone, somewhat hesitant.

You waited a moment before answering him. "Of course it's alright. After all, you deserve a break after going through so much. You can close your eyes and rest now, Xiao. Don't be afraid of showing you're tired, it's alright to be weak at times."

You felt him beginning to slightly shake. "Do you believe things will continue to remain peaceful this time?" He asked you, his voice gradually becoming quieter as he grew more fearful.

There was another slight pause before you replied. "I don't know— but that doesn't mean we can't relax while things are still calm... right?"

Xiao hummed. "I guess. Then, can we stay like this?"

"Of course," you continued stroking his hair. "You've done well, Xiao. You can finally take the break you've waited for so long."

Moments later, you had felt a few drops of water fall onto your shoes and you wondered whether it was starting to rain or perhaps, they were tears.

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