《ʜᴇʏ ᴇᴍᴏ ʙᴏʏ | xɪᴀᴏ x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ ᴄʜᴀᴛꜰɪᴄ》Part 46


hey xiao

you should come over to my house today


did smth happen tho, you don't usually say that so randomly

well, both of my parents will be home today

you said you wanted to meet them, right


i do recall saying that, yeah

then there you go

but you don't have to if you don't want to

no it's alr, i would like to


in that case, we can walk home together after school

fine by me

see you thennn

Liked by Xiao

Although you were hesitant at first, you eventually decided to let Xiao meet your parents. After all, that is what he wanted.

But you weren't worried about Xiao, you were more so worried about your parents. They weren't exactly the easiest people to introduce someone to.

They had rather conflicting personalities. But nonetheless, you couldn't go back on your words. Xiao was going to meet them today.

As the both of you walked to your home, Xiao held onto your hand the entire way. Maybe he was also just as nervous as you were about meeting them.

The walk to your home was quick. You made small talk with Xiao on the way there, but it wasn't so awkward.

You knocked on your door and heard some movement coming from the other side. You briefly sighed, crossing your fingers that this would go well.

Moments later, the door opened, revealing a tall man. "Welcome home, Y/n," the man spoke, before turning to face Xiao. "So. This is your boyfriend, huh."

Xiao tensed up, taking a step back by instinct. This man was far more intimidating than he anticipated. The man leaned his head downwards, to reach Xiao's eye level. "Have you been taking good care of Y/n, Xiao?"

Xiao slowly nodded, his grip on your hand tightened. You gave him a reassuring smile.

"D/n, you'll scare the poor guy. Give him a break," a tall female appeared from behind the man and patted his shoulder.

"If he gets scared so easily, then how will he protect Y/n?" Your father turned to face the women, who was your mother.


You and Xiao both stood there idly with a blank face on. Xiao took in a deep breath before speaking. "Hello Mr and Mrs. L/n. It's a pleasure to finally meet you," he said with a calm expression.

Your father placed a finger on his chin and began thinking deeply. Your mother, on the other hand, was simply delighted. "He's so polite!" She exclaimed.

"Hmm." Your father continued thinking hard. "D/n, don't think so hard, you'll only hurt yourself," the tall lady joked.

"Are you calling me dumb?"

"What if I am?"

And seconds later, your parents began arguing while you and Xiao were still standing in front of the door.

You facepalmed yourself. "I can't believe this— Mom. Dad. Can we come inside now?" You asked them sternly, getting their attention. "Ah yes, of course! Come on in," your mother gestured for you both to walk inside and so you did.

Your father had his arms crossed as he sat down on the couch. His eyes never once left Xiao, and this began intimidating the shorter male even more. "Is something the matter?" Xiao finally spoke up, glancing at your father.

"Yeah actually. Something is very much the matter."

"What is it?"

"Why are you so short? Did you not drink enough milk as a child?"

Xiao twitched an eye, not knowing how to respond to that. After all, this man was your father.

You choked on air the moment you heard him say those words.

Your mother simply gasped. "D/n! That's rude."

"What? It was an honest question," your father rolled his eyes. Another disappointed sigh left your mouth.

"It's fine Mrs. L/n. I will answer his question," Xiao said before looking back at your father again. "I don't know the answer to why I'm short. However, I'm certain it wasn't because I didn't drink enough milk."

"Hmm, are you really sure though?" Your father narrowed his eyes at him. "Dad, please." You frowned, while shaking your head.

But your father remained the same. "I'm just saying... but nevermind that! Tell me, Xiao. Where do you work?"


You tried hard not to facepalm yourself again, and you could hear Xiao sighing from beside you.

"I'm still in high school. I don't have a job yet."

"So then... how do you make money?"

"I may not have a job but my guardian does."

"Ok but then how—" your father was interrupted by your mother clearing her throat. "Ahem. Those questions aren't important. What's important is. What are your grades looking like?" She asked him.

The displeasing look on Xiao's face was as clear as day. You could tell he wasn't expecting all of these questions so suddenly. However, you knew you couldn't make your parents stop anytime soon.

"My grades range from A- to A," he said quietly. Your father's eyes immediately lit up. "You're smart! When I was in high school, I'd be lucky to even pass!"

"That isn't hard to tell," your mother grinned, holding in a laugh. But your father wasn't pleased at all.

"Hey... I'm not that dumb anymore, alright..."

"I'm just kidding, don't worry."

You glanced at Xiao and his face didn't seem so tense anymore. You smiled, maybe he wasn't completely annoyed by your parents after all.

Time passed by quickly, as you all continued conversing about random topics. You were happy to see Xiao getting along well with the both of your parents. He seemed happy to know them.

But like everything else, this precious family bonding time had to come to an end as well. Before you knew it, it was time for Xiao to head back home. Zhongli must've been waiting for him.

"Goodbye dear, take care!" Your mother waved at the teal headed boy who was heading out the door.

"Goodbye kid. Take good care of Y/n, alright?" Your father had his eyes glued onto Xiao, sending a shiver down his spine.

"Rest assured. Y/n will be fine," Xiao smiled before turned around to leave. You waved at your parents and followed Xiao from behind, holding onto his hand.

Before Xiao was going to go home, the both of you decided to stop by the park nearby first. You wanted to spend more time with him before the day ended.

To your relief, the park was completely empty. And that meant you had the entire playground to yourself. And that meant you didn't need to care about your age and could play to your heart's content.

Xiao watched you swing with a small smile on his face. He loved seeing you happy. Though, he didn't partake in the park's activities himself. He only enjoyed watching you do it instead.

His attention on you was soon interrupted by the feeling of something small rubbing against his leg. As he looked down to see what it was, he saw a small black cat.

He got on his knees to pat it, but it ran away before he could even touch the small feline. You noticed this and quickly got off the swing. "Don't worry! I'll catch that cat for you," you said joyfully as you began running after it.

"Wait Y/n, you don't need to." Xiao tried reaching for you but you escaped his grasp.

You continued running forward, not looking back to see if Xiao was following you from behind.

You had been so caught up in finding the cat, you weren't paying any attention to your surroundings.

And soon without noticing, you ended up on the road, while still calling out to the cat. "Dammit, where'd it go? I swear I saw it come here."

As you continued looking around, you heard the sound of something approaching you. But it didn't sound human.

It sounded similar to roaring, and the noise gradually got louder and louder.

You turned your head and your eyes immediately widened at the sight. This felt all too familiar. Your entire body froze up on the spot, leaving you unable to react.

All of your thoughts vanished and your mind went completely empty.

The only thing getting through to you was the sound of the car that was approaching you, and someone yelling from behind.

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