《ʜᴇʏ ᴇᴍᴏ ʙᴏʏ | xɪᴀᴏ x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ ᴄʜᴀᴛꜰɪᴄ》Part 41


Oct 30


"Hello, ladies and gentlemen. The alpha has arrived."

Itto straightened his back, stretched his arms and legs, then cleared his throat to get ready for his performance.

Meanwhile, Heizou looked for any chance he got to leave the restaurant but unfortunately, he was left with no option other than to stay through this.

You were genuinely worried about what the two had planned, hoping it wouldn't ruin the date. That is, if the date wasn't already ruined.

And Xiao was already prepared to commit the illegal, depending on Itto's next move.

"Alright, Heizou. Drop the beat," the giant exclaimed, making the red head flinch.

"You owe me a lot for this humiliation, Itto." Heizou whispered to him, before taking in a deep breath.

Itto simply laughed enthusiastically in response, waiting for Heizou to begin. And moments later, Heizou did begin. He began beatboxing.

And that was when you already knew that this was going to go terrible. You glanced at Xiao, who had his eyes widened in disbelief and his mouth held wide open, along with everyone else.


That verse was enough to get Xiao to get up from his table. As he was about to snap at Itto, he suddenly stopped himself from doing so after hearing laughter come from beside him.

"ONE AND ONI ALPHA," was all you managed to say in between your outburst. But thankfully, your laughter was able to calm down the teal headed male, who was more than ready to throw hands at Itto.

Xiao sat back down and closed his eyes while crossing his arms. "Tell me when it's over," he spoke in a low tone, while you continued laughing your ass off.


Xiao suddenly opened both of his eyes again, with one twitching this time. This was becoming unbearable for the male to tolerate. You tried holding in your laughter, for the sake of Xiao.

While Childe and Kaeya had also been laughing at Itto embarrassing almost everyone in the proximity, Scaramouche was simply done. He wanted to strangle Itto on the spot to make him shut up. Both him and Xiao.


Though, Hu Tao was completely losing it in the background. She couldn't hold in her laughter any longer. "Xiao is so going to kill me," the brunette whispered to herself.

Heizou was able to notice Xiao's rage just from one look in his eyes and eventually decided to stop beatboxing.

But this upset Itto. "Hey, why'd you stop? I wasn't done."

"Xiao doesn't seem like he's enjoying this very much," the red head explained briefly.

"But... I wasn't done..." Itto said once more, disappointed for having to stop.

Heizou sighed before an idea popped up in his head. "Hey giant. Why don't we do something else?" He suggested, looking up at Itto.

"Like what?"

"Let's fight."


"Did I hear that correctly?" You said, while glancing back at Xiao. "They'll get kicked out," Xiao exhaled, tired of them.

"Are you crazy? We can't fight here," Itto protested, but to no avail. "Who cares? Now fight me. Unless of course, you're too scared," the red head grinned.

"HAH. As if I'd be scared!" Itto got in a fighting stance, with Heizou doing the same.

"Are they being for real?" Scaramouche facepalmed himself again. "Why am I always surrounded by dumbasses?"

"FIGHT. FIGHT. FIGHT. FIGHT." Childe cheered them on. Scaramouche had to hold himself back from punching the ginger.

Meanwhile, Hu Tao debated whether she should step in or not. 'If they fight, then not only will Xiao kill me... but Xiangling will too. I'll die twice! But Heizou wouldn't do anything dumb, right...?'

While everyone was stuck in their own thoughts, the red head continued provoking Itto.

This caused Itto to eventually fling his fist at Heizou, to which Heizou was able to dodge smoothly. "Too slow," the red head's grin grew wider.

"You little." Itto continued throwing punches at Heizou, with Heizou continuing to dodge them effortlessly.

But the fight didn't continue on for too long, since Xiangling immediately stepped in the moment she heard the commotion.

"Hey, what's all this nois— WHAT ARE YOU GUYS DOING?" The female quickly ran to the two, separating them to stop the fight.

"Uhh." Itto's mind went blank.

Xiangling massaged her forehead. "I think you guys should leave now," she glared at them, before turning around to face Hu Tao, who simply shrugged her shoulders.


"Alright! Let's go guys," Hu Tao told the others, as she gestured for them to follow her.

"Aww, we're leaving already... I wanted to sing again," Childe pouted. "Shut up, I'll literally pay you to never sing again," Scaramouche scoffed. "Yeah, yeah."

"Hah I can finally leave this place," Heizou stretched his arms with a sigh of victory, his plan was successful. "If we continued fighting, I totally would've won," Itto claimed. He was still disappointed for not being able to finish his performance. "Sure you would."

The group eventually all left, to both yours and Xiao's relief. You didn't exactly know what just happened but you were glad it was finally over.

However, Xiao looked rather gloomy afterwards.

"What's wrong?" You asked him.

"I apologize, the date is ruined." He frowned, to which you smiled in response. "Are you kidding me? This date was amazing so far. Sure, whatever happened was... unexpected. But it was fun, I had a good laugh," you said with a thumbs up, trying to cheer him up.

Xiao's eyes slightly widened. "It was? You mean you enjoyed all of that?"

"Yeah. I mean despite the second hand embarrassment I got, it was amazing," you reassured him. Xiao felt relieved, while a small smile appeared upon his face. "I'm glad."


You waited outside of the restaurant, specifically near an alleyway, to wait for Zhongli to come pick you both up.

"He's taking quite a while, huh?" You said, while rubbing your hands together. The chilly breeze sent shivers down your spine. It was far too cold to your liking.

"Are you cold?" Xiao asked, glancing at you sideways. It was as if he could read your mind.

"Nope, I'm fine!" You told him, trying to hold back a sneeze. But you ended up sneezing regardless. You heard Xiao mumble something inaudible, before taking off his jacket and giving it to you. "Wear it," he said, averting his eyes.


"Wear it."

Not being able to refuse, you did as he said. Though, you didn't regret it afterwards. His jacket was able to warm you up quickly, and not only that, but it also had a nice smell. 'This is clichéd, but still cute,' you thought.

"Were you able to enjoy the date?" Xiao asked, while facing you fully now. You nodded. "I really did. Thanks for taking me out, Xiao."

"No need for thanks. I'm glad you were able to enjoy it despite those dumbasses."

"Don't worry, those dumbasses only made it better."

Xiao couldn't hold back the soft smile that appeared on his face. A small sigh escaped his lips as he closed his eyes. "Then I have nothing to worry about."

"Yeah!" You exclaimed, reassuring him.

Although it may have been dark, the bright street lights were able to grant you both a beautiful view ahead. While looking up at the lights, you felt something warm grab your hand.

You glanced sideways and saw a light shade of red appear on Xiao's cheeks. And even though his face looked tense, his hand held onto yours gently. You found his shyness adorable.

You took in a deep breath before leaning towards him to land a quick kiss upon his cheek, kind of worried it'd only make him panic. Like the time when you hugged him.

However, his reaction was different this time. Indeed he was embarrassed, but the look of delight overtook his embarrassed state. The boy was simply overjoyed.

Warmth took over your heart as you saw his expression. Xiao then looked at you once more, his face tensing up again. You raised a brow.

"Can I kiss you?" He asked in a quiet tone, hesitant at first. This time, you were the one blushing. "You... don't need to ask, y'know," you mumbled, earning a small chuckle from him.

He grabbed you by the chin and leaned forward, placing his lips upon yours. You felt his soft lips go against yours, as your heartbeat gradually increased.

With the both of you blushing now, he eventually pulled away and quickly averted his eyes. His hand was still holding onto yours, but you felt his grip tighten.

"Uh," the male spoke up again but hesitated to finish. "Yeah?" You encouraged him to continue.

"I love you, Y/n." And those four simple words meant the world to you. You could feel your heart practically melting.

"I love you too, Xiao."

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