《Lego Monkie Kid (characterxcharacter oneshots!!)》oh no. (spicynoodles)


Spicynoodles angst 😈 but with a happy ending :D

REQUEST BY: Thank you for the amazing idea!


"PLEASE JUST STOP THIS!" Mk screamed. They were fighting the LBD mei, tang, sandy, pigsy, mk, red son , macaque and wukong. Everyone. They were all going to fight together, to stop her.

"Stop what child? This. is. ." LBD screamed and summoned her magical crystals in an attempt to impale any of the group, luckily everyone was able to fight off her attacks. Suddenly the mayor got a hold of red son. "My lady would like to speak with you." the mayor held red son in place and disappeared. Mk tried to run towards where he was being taken but was held back by someone "kid! You have to stay put, you can't just run after her you'll get seriously hurt!" Wukong held him back.

"" Mk shouted trying to break free of wukong grasp. The mayor had red son and Mk felt so useless. Red son and the mayor appeared right next to the LBD, the mayor still having a hold on red son. He tried to break free from the mayors hold but it was no use, red son yelled insults and threats at him and even lit himself aflame in an attempt to loosen the mayors grip but that didn't work.

"Now watch as I turn this child into my little play thing." the LBD used her magic to levitate red son in front of her, him still floating and the LBD's hand raised , and in one blink..

He was gone.

You could see a puff of a light blue smoke and spirits entering his body. "" Mk blindly ran at the LBD "WAIT MK NO!" mei screamed as she ran after him. Mk lunged at the LBD, when he felt a blow to the stomach. He flew backward and hit the rock wall, "MK!" Mei yelled for her best friend, she drew her sword towards whoever punched him, her eyes widened as she lowered her sword "oh.. no...."

There stood a glowing red son, his eyes an icey blue. Red son lunged at mei and tried to punch her, luckily she was able to dodge it causing him to punch the ground. Red son created a giant crater into the ground, what happened to him?


Mk had blacked out from the blow and he slowly opened his eyes, 'w-whats going on..' He weakly turned his head over to where the fight was happening. Everyone was currently trying to get red son back to his senses, fighting him off and trying to apprehend him. 'Red.... Son..' Tears pricked the corner of Mk's eyes, he didn't ever think he would see red son like this. Mk knew he was the one that would have to enable him. He was the only one that could get through to red son.

He tried to get up but hissed in pain, grabbing his stomach. He slowly brought his hand from his stomach, looking at it. His eyes widened, his hand was coated in blood. Mk coughed, blood following soon after, he started to cough up blood and it wasn't good.


He had to fight though, he couldn't sit back and do nothing when the love of his life was possessed by that witch. Mk grew angry, vengeful and stumbled and tripped but eventually got back to the others. " Macaque ran over and put his hands on Mk's shoulders. Everyone looked over in horror at the sight of Mk. They all continued to fight as macaque tended to his aid.

His stomach injured, bleeding, blood dripping down his mouth, his shirt and jacket were soaked in blood. He clutched his stomach in pain. "I- ahg- I'm okay! I need to get through to red son" Mk persisted.

"Kid what you NEED to do now is just stay here and don't move, you're badly hurt. Going after red and fighting him would be suicide!" Macaque scolded.

"I'll be fine! Just let me go!" Mk groaned

" I'm not letting you do that to yourself! Peaches and your folks would kill me!" Macaque shook him lightly

"!" he shoved him out of the way and ran over to fight.


Mk ran over and lunged at red son to try and snap him out of it. "." Mk grabbed him by the shoulders. Causing red son to attempt a punch to his face, Mk caught it and tried to stand as much as he could but his legs and stomach were failing him, he could barely breathe but he was way to determined to turn back now.

"Hah! you foolish child he is completely under my control." the LBD said, her hands behind her back. "SHUT IT YOU OLD PRUNE!" Mk retorted he was so angry, so irritated, so..devastated. The LBD ignored the response and rose a hand towards Mk, before she could cast anything wukong slammed into her causing her to go flying back into the ice crystals. "she's breaking! That's how we have to free red son, we kinda just have to smack her around a bit!" Mei said lunging toward the LBD

"EASIER SAID THAN DONE!" tang said as he also lunged toward her. "God dammit." pigsy said before doing the same. They all took a knock at her, but it wasn't easy. She tried fighting all of them off with her magic, crystallized ice and just plain combat. One by one she chipped, cracked, but they needed to try a lot harder if they wanted to set red son free.


" Mk yelled from afar, he was beaten and bruised. Mk refused to fight red son, he couldn't bring himself to hurt him. None of this was his fault, Mk was on the verge of collapsing, but kept his ground and still spouted reassuring and comforting words to the possessed demon.

"red son! Ngh- p-please snap out of it! This isn't you at all, we'll help you. Just come back to me!" Mk was crying a river but that wouldn't stop him from saving his red son. Him slowly stepping forward. Reds eyes we're dull and full of evil. He felt nothing, he lunged toward striking him in the head with a swift kick. Mk flew back again, he payed no mind and stumbled back up, blood trickling down his head. Mk gave a weak smile at red son as he slowly began to walk back over to red son taking very sloppy spaced steps


"Red... Son.. Please. Stop.. You're stronger than her.. You can fight her." Mk cried but kept a wide grin. He felt like he could just collapse and die...

It was painful. Both emotionally and physically he didn't want to do this. He didn't think he'd have to. Here he was though. Red lunged at Mk to finally finish him off.

"I love you, my sugar cube."

Mk stood there waiting for an impact he felt like the world around him just completely stopped, 'please something happen. Anything...am I dead yet.' He thought and opened his eyes and looked up at red. His eyes weren't filled with the same void as the LBD'S anymore. He had come back to his senses. His eyes widened as far as they could, he stood there shaking at the sight of Mk, tearing up, tears threatening to fall.

"You.. You came back to me." Mk gave a weak laugh until he finally collapsed into the arms of the shaking red son.

"What... Have I done?" Red son said crying, holding Mk. The others had destroyed LBD and her evil doings and looked at where red son and Mk were. The spirits had left his body and he was back to normal, no longer glowing and no longer dripping with evil. Instead they saw him dropped to his knees, a limp and unconscious Mk in his lap. Red son cried and cried swearing at himself and cursing himself for doing this to Mk.

Everyone rushed to both of their aid, asking red son countless of questions and quickly getting Mk bandages and medicines for his wounds. Red sat there eyes still wide, he was clearly still shaken up, looking at the ground. Red couldn't take it and passed out as well.


Red son woke up his mind still a daze from the events that occurred hours ago. He got up and rubbed his head, everything that had happened from the fight with the LBD came rushing back to him. Them he remembered Mk, he frantically looked around to where he was, in Mk's apartment...and his bed. He stumbled out of Mk's bed he still had jelly legs causing him to fall over, making a loud thud.

Suddenly he heard fast approaching footsteps and the door flew open. There stood a bandaged Mk eyes widened. Mk had a bandage going around his head, stomach and various other places.

"O-oh my god! Red are you okay?!" Mk went to his side, there was a silent filled pause. Red had his hands on the ground his eyes glued to them, until he flung himself towards Mk engulfing him into a warm and comforting hug. Mk hugged back and they stayed like that for awhile, until red son finally broke down mumbling nonsense and saying I'm sorry over and over.

"Hey hey! DON'T even THINK about apologizing. That wasn't you it was the LBD" Mk rubbed his back in a comforting motion.

"B-but I... I hurt you.. And caused you all this pain and worry, I'm the reason you're bandaged up. I-its all my fault and-" red son was interrupted by Mk giving him a passionate kiss on his lips. They both broke the kiss, Mk looked into red sons eyes and as did red. Tears still in the corner of his eyes, Mk took his own hand using it to tilt reds chin up "you're okay and that's all that'll ever matter to me." Mk smiled at him.

"So.. What happened.." Red son asked

"Well.. " Mk began

"Wow... I really... did all of that." Red son looked down. "Yep!" Mk smiled brightly at him. That smile will never get old to red son. "How are you so calm?! I almost killed you." Red frowned and hugged him closer. "We have to go tell the others you're awake! Still got jelly legs?" Mk asked

"Y-yes a little but I think I can sta-" red was cut off. "Scoop!" Mk said as he carried the demon bridal style towards the door of the apartment. " h-hey you... Argh.." Red tried to protest but it was better not to fight it, he knew he wouldn't win anyway, he crossed his arms and huffed. "W-wait Mk I'm still in your pajamas!! This is- so embarrassing.." Red complained.

"It's alright! They look cuter on you anyways." Mk said casually. Red son flushed a bright...red.

Mk got downstairs with red son in arms, everyone turned over to them wide eyed at the sight of red son awake.

"Red son! You're okay!" Tang ran over to them. "Are you sure he's okay? Mk's carrying him" mei said inspecting red son them snapping a picture.

"Yeah he's good! He's just got some jelly legs." Mk commented. "Oh alright well monkey King and macaque left a letter so here ya go!" Tang handed the letter to Mk. "Uh.. Hello? Boyfriend in my arms here." Mk joked and red son squirmed. " well whatever I'll read it." Tang adjusted his glasses and read "hey bud! Hope you're well and fully healed so we can get back to training soon! Come by once ya have fully healed. See ya! Signed - macaque and monkie king." Tang finished.

"Aww how sweet of them, we definitely will." Mk said softly.

"Well who wants noodles?" Pigsy commented

"Oooo me!" Mk said excitedly.

Mk was so happy he got his soulmate back, red was happy to be back.


Muahahaha ahem anyways-



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