《Lego Monkie Kid (characterxcharacter oneshots!!)》an encounter [EXTRA!!]


(hey I wrote an extra! but you can see it as a part 3 if ya want but enjoy!)

Red son and Mk held each other close as they sat at the edge of a cliff looking at the stars together. The wind was picking up and Mk gave a slight chill, red son noticed this and started to heat up his body using his fire to warm him up as he brought him onto his lap holding him close. Mk blushed at this action but finally melted into the warmth and as well as red sons arms, they stayed like that for at least 5 minutes until Mk broke the silence "so! What do we do about the whole 'parent situation' I mean they practically hate each other! If they find out we were dating, everything would be sorta awkward.. " Mk spoke but red son reassured him when the time was right they would both tell their side of their families.

It had been at least 5 months since the pair started dating and everything was going well and the act of keeping their relationship hidden was so far a success. Mk and red where cuddling together on the couch when Mk spoke his mind: "hey red? I've been thinking we've been together for five months and I think it's time... We tell everyone?" Mk shrugged nervous at what his boyfriend would say. "You know I have also been thinking about it and I couldn't agree more." Red son gave a light smile as Mk kissed him on the cheek.

They agreed to act normal as if everyone knew they were a thing because they were both too scared to just announce it. Just like how they were too dense to realize they both had fat crushes on each other all those months ago. It was a day that red son and Mk had a scheduled date so what better time than ever to just go pick Mk up at the noodle shop, ya know since he lived above it and everything. Red son got ready and stepped into the noodle shop like he was a normal customer. The gang turned and nothing but shock on all of their faces as they saw the one and only red son, "what are you doing here red boy! Lookin for a fight?!" Mei yelled as she got into a fighting stance "silence dragon-girl and no! I'm here to pick up Mk." Red son said calmly as the gang gasped at the sound of red son not calling him 'noodle boy' or some other degrading nickname. "Okay now you're acting really weird what do you want with Mk!" Tang responded in a protective tone, all of a sudden footsteps could be heard coming down the stairs. It was Mk.


Mk ran toward red son and hugged him "ready to go sugar?" Mk said kissing reds cheek. "Yup as son as your peasant friends stop trying to interrogate me every few seconds!" Everyone watched in horror at the sight of Mk clinging to reds arm "WOAH WOAH! CAN SOMEONE EXPLAIN WHAT EXACTLY IS HAPPENING?!?!" Pigsy yelled in utter confusion. "Oh right! That..! Uhm so you see me and red have kind of been dating for.. Uh five... months..heheh" Mk sweat drooped. "DATING?!?" everyone said in unison not believing their eyes. "Oh young love! It's so beautiful! our little Mk growing up" sandy said getting emotional. Pigsy glared red down and so did tang immediately starting to question him "so you like our Mk huh?" Pigsy said with his still piercing glare. Red son started to sweat and mumbled a quick "of course...". " and has he been good to you?" Tang then turned towards Mk asking him that question "you bet he has! He's the best boyfriend I could've ever asked for! He's a big ol' softie" Mk said as he grabbed his hand smiling as red son turned... well red. "And does he make you happy ..?" Tang asked yet another question. "One hundred and ten percent!!" Mk cheered as mei was just taking pictures of the two holding hands. Tang and pigsy looked at each other then just lightly smiled "well I guess if you're happy then we're happy if he's been with you THAT long than that proves to us he's good for you" tang said softly "yeah if you're good to him that makes you okay in our book" pigsy said looking at red son. "Yeah who knew you had the hots for ol' 'noodle brain' over here!" Mei said as she nudged red son. He blushed at bit "thank you everyone.. I promise to be the best version of myself to him as I can be." and with that everyone gave both of them a proud look as sandy yet again got emotional. "Come on red we're going to be late for our date!" Mk said as he grabbed his hand and dragged him out of pigsys.


"Those two are just so cute!" Mei gasped

(Alright I decided to do an aftermath of when they confessed and blah blah hope you enjoyed and there is more 2 come should I do shadowpeach next? I'd love requests!

But anyway thank you for reading and bye!)

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