《Lego Monkie Kid (characterxcharacter oneshots!!)》an encounter (spicynoodles pt 1)


It was a normal late-afternoon at flower fruit mountain and MK had just finished up some training with SWK. MK was exhausted because he had just finished up work as well and wanted nothing more than to be in his bed right now. "Phew! Well bud I'd say you're gettin pretty good at this!" SWK said cheerfully but also a little out of breath due to the spar session him and MK just had. "Yeah! That training sesh was totally awesome!" MK said in his usual happy go-lucky tone of voice "well I'm gonna head on home see ya monkie king!" and with that SWK gave a quick wave as MK extended his staff and went home.

'Finally' MK thought as he stepped into his appartment/house above pigsys noodles. He immediately discarded his shoes, bag and anything else he brought with him as he left it on the floor , not caring where it went. All he cared about right now was laying down and getting some shut eye. Mk finally got some good sleep that night after what seemed like the longest day of his life to him.

MK groaned as he slammed his hand on his alarm clock and slowly got up, looking at the time "Argh.. What time is it... 10am...WAIT 10 AM?! OH CRAP I'M LATE!" MK got up and immediately started to sloppily get ready and ran out the door as fast as he could. He ran down stairs and looked at pigsy with a nervous expression, "heheh... Heyyyy pigsyyyyy..." MK said as he rubbed his neck and sweat droopped. "Kid.. DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA WHAT TIME IT IS?! " pigsy yelled angrily "YES I KNOW PIGSY I'M SORRY PLEASE DONT FIRE ME!!" MK panicked as he got on his knees and bowed in an apologizing motion over and over as tang sat at on the stool eating some noodles paying no mind to the situation that was occuring next to him because he's seen it so many times he's used to it. "whatever kid just don't let it happen again!! Anyway we've got a lot of orders so get deliverin'!". MK stood up straight and said a quick 'yes sir' as he saluted the pig demon playfully and ran out the door with the orders in his hands.

MK quickly got into the delivery car and started his route to his first order out of at least 30. Boy was this gonna take a while.


MK huffed as he delivered the second to last order and swiftly hopped back into the car , he had one more and was determined to get it delivered to the customer. All of a sudden a certain red fire demon shows up in front of MK and it was sure a surprising event for him indeed. " NOODLE BOY! what a surprise!! Didn't think I'd see a peasant like you around this part of town!" Red son snickered. MK furrowed his eye brows "what do you want now fire boy!" MK hopped out of the car and in front of red son as he got his staff out and got into battle position just incase red son was looking for a fight. I mean of course he was, he's red son. The demon scoffed at the nickname "well I've come here to destroy you and your pathetic peasant friends!!" He shouted as he pointed at MK with a hand on his hip. He looked around MK and didn't see any of his friends as a confused look was plastered on his face, "oh your measley friends arent here.. no matter! I'll just destroy you alone instead!! I will not fail this time! I can't!" Red son laughed maniacally as he then signaled some bull bots to attack MK. "Hey don't you think this fights just a teeny bit unfair!" Mk jolted backwards as a bull bot tried to punch him. He was outnumbered as red son just stood there and smirked as he watched everything unfold.

Mk dodged and blocked as he fought through all the bull bots trying to get rid of them as quick as he could. He really didn't have time for this, he had a noodle order to deliver. Nonetheless he fought his way towards red son "red son just leave me alone, I don't have time for this! I've got stuff to do!!" Mk said as he launched himself at red son. Now the real fight can begin.

Red son and Mk clashed and fought as Mk just swung his staff at him and red son was using hand combat. Finally after what seems like hours they finally came to a stand still, but red son thought of something he thought would catch Mk off guard as he tried to catch his breath red son lunged at him trying to get one last punch in but failed miserably as Mk tripped him just in time for the punch not to make contact with his stomach. This caused red son to go down but not in the direction Mk intended him to. Red son tripped right into Mk's arms and put his hands on his shoulders to catch himself and out of instinct Mk caught him with his hands on the fire demons waist. Both of them made very deep eye contact for a split second before a small slow blush crept onto both of their faces. Red son let out and embarrassed scream and immediately let go of him. Mk did the same.. Minus the scream part, his eyes just went wide and he got as red as his bandana. "TH-THIS ISN'T OVER!!... AND WATCH IT NEXT TIME NOODLE BRAIN!" Red son clearly embarrassed as he turned into flames and disappeared.


"WHAT JUST HAPPENED?! " MK shouted embarrassed. Still stunned as he stood there thinking back and replaying the moment that had just occurred. Suddenly he snapped out of his trance and immediately remembered the order "hopefully I'm not too late! " he said in a worried tone and got into the delivery car quickly and sped off to the place of the order.

What an encounter indeed.

After he finally came back home from delivering that order Mk stepped into the shop still a little stunned after all that had just went down. "Kid where have ya' been?! We haven't seen ya in awhile and I don't think it takes that long to deliver a few orders either! I need an explanation." Pigsys said sternly with his arms crossed at Mk. Mk put his hands up and defeat " okay okay! I ran into red son on the way to deliver the last order and he wanted a fight! Which was really unfair by the way.. " mk mumbled that last part "red son?! What did he do, are you hurt?" Tang came out from the kitchen from helping clean up and formed a worried expression. "no no I'm okay! He just threw some of his bull bots at me then we went at it for awhile, but I was trying to just get him off my back! So I figured just getting it over with and fighting him off was my best option." Mk said yawning. He didn't already realize it was late and just decided to say good night to tang and pigsy while tang helped close up shop.

Mk layed in bed and still thought about said fight 'gah why can I not stop thinking about it! It was a fight Mk.. a fight!! Not to mention with your arch nemesis... one cute arch nemesis..' Mk shook his head vigorously back and forth as a way to get that thought out of his head and blushed a bit. He decided to just let sleep overcome him so he could finally just relax after all of this.

Mk woke up and repeated his daily routine, be late, deliver orders, hang out at the arcade with mei and hang out with the gang. Only he couldn't get his mind off of what had happened yesterday and neither could a certain red fire demon..

It was already a day after the 'incident' and red son couldn't wrap his flames around why he kept feeling a certain way after all of what had happened yesterday. 'Argh!! Why am I still feeling like this? It was a small little mishap, an accident! Curse you, you imbecile!... What a cute imbecile he is then.. ' red son smiled softly to himself as he realized what he was thinking and slapped his hands on his cheeks as they turned bright red, his hair sparking as if he could explode at any moment. His heart dropped as he realized

'I have a crush on that noodle boy... don't I..?'

Red son has never really thought of Mk as an enemy, red son thought he was just too handsome, but he needed to find a way to express his feelings some other way because he wasn't just going to tell him.. What if Mk didn't like him like that.. Red son thought of getting rejected which was now his worst fear. Red son walked into the dining hall where his mother and father sat, "red son we have a new plan to destroy the city and conquer this world." PIF said as the DBK nodded "get your robots prepared for battle. I hope you won't fail me this time." DBK said in a sinister voice

[ END OF PT 1 ]

hello everyone!! Hope everyone enjoyed this part I'm going to upload the second part tomorrow tysm for reading

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