《Nebula's Echo (a Naruto Fanfic)》Chapter 43


It barely took a day for all the possible teams to pass. All the proctors, especially Anko, were shocked beyond reason. Anko was completely out of it after hearing the result. Her tests had never been this easily or quickly completed before...

So when the depressed jonin heard that most of the teams that passed had heaven scrolls and that there was a pile of earth scrolls at the base of the tower for them to pick from, she exploded and went on a mad witch hunt for the damned person that completely ruined her exam!

Are they telling me getting all those scrolls was so easy they could just leave a bunch of them lying around cuz they didn't even need them?!?!?! The nerve!!!!!!

Anko was seething while glaring at every genin in the big room, looking for the tiniest signs of guilt. Ibiki who stood next to her just sighed and pretended to see nothing.

The genin that passed had all been gathered in a big room with inner balconies, kind of? The room wasn't well decorated or anything, but it had a lot of space. The genin were standing in straight rows, actually looking kind of profesional. Needless to say, all the rookie 12 (cuz we include Lee's team) made it. So did the sound ninja team. And Kabuto's. And, of course, Gaara's.

Some genin were standing at their spot solemnly, while others were avidly discussing with others. Most were still tired or injured from the exam they had just passed.

In a shadowy corner, hidden out of the genin's view, the Hokage was silently observing. Looking through the injured genin with steady yet sharp eyes, he didn't look like he normally did. He didn't look like a kind, helpless old man. He looked like a true ninja, ever cautious, powerful and experienced. His stance was discreet yet powerful, his gaze unobtrusive yet cutting.

Like the most powerful ninja of the village was supposed to be.


The sharp gaze soon landed on a certain frowning black haired youth. Or more specifically, on the slightly pulsating black mark on that youth's neck. The Hokage's eyes narrowed as he quirked his chin up ever so slightly.

And as on command, Anko, Ibiki and Genma (the third exams proctor) all appeared at the Hokage's side. The three didn't look at their leader, only gazing straight forward, awaiting to be confronted first.

The Hokage's sharp gaze slid towards Anko.

"...your mark was hurting again?"

The kunoichi stilled just a bit before reaching up her hand to grab the area just by ner neck, a slight tremble visible in her movement.

"...yes, Hokage-sama."

One could tell she had questions as to why he asked, but the jonin kept those to herself, respectfully waiting for the Hokage to speak. But the Hokage didn't say anything, he simply turned his gaze back to the black haired boy.

The three jonin, confounded by the lack of response, glanced at their leader before following his gaze. The moment Anko layed eyes on Sasuke, her eyes flashed. When she finally registered the familiar mark on the boy's neck, she froze and slowly, her gaze started burning with rage.

"That son of a-"

But before she could storm off, she was grabbed by Ibiki, who sent her a warning look. Anko was riled up and turned to face the Hokage.

"What are we doing just standing here?! If that man got to him, he needs to be quarantined immediately! Quickly capture him and lock him up!"

But the Hokage remained silent. Genma took a tentative step forward, his expression slightly worried.

"It's true, he isn't safe to leave running around freely. At least something should be done."

The Hokage slowly closed his eyes, sighing. He didn't know how to deal with this. It was the Uchiha, and yes it was dangerous, but...

Behind his closed lids, all he could see was that pair of purple eyes that shocked him and won him over all that time ago. That little girl that asked for a place to stay. That girl so beautiful she couldn't possibly be called human. The outlandish girl that befriended the depressed and revenge-bent Uchiha as well as the damaged and rebellious nine-tails. The girl that, almost immediately after her arrival, beat Kakashi's bell test.


The kind one, that was always lying there, sleeping on the poor yet uncomplaining Uchiha.

Always sleeping like the dead, yet more lively than any other.

She was always so open, yet so full of secrets.

The Hokage felt sad. She had been gone for barely any time at all, and yet it felt like she might have just been a dream from the start.

The Hokage was conflicted. Sasuke... he was one of Cei's best friends. Naruto's too. Both Naruto and Cei were kids he was close with. And the Uchiha was a special case all on his own...

Aaaah, I'm too personally involved with those kids to make an unbiased decision!!!!

The Hokage let out a defeated sigh and scratched his head.

"Give them all a chance to withdraw, but don't forcefully contain or stop anyone. It's their future, their choice."

With that, the Hokage walked out of the building, leaving the proctors to explain the last part of the exams.

After getting the scrolls and making some well-placed comments, I had retreated back into the darkness of Sasuke's mindscape. Back into my cage.

The third part of the chuunin exams huh...

I was looking forward to it. Both Gaara, and Orochi... I really wanted to see both of them. Especially Gaara. I miss him... and Naruto too.

I smiled softly at the thought.

Though I know what Sasuke will put those two through.

I could stop it, but. Changing the plot is always a gamble. I put my money on dealing with Madara. Things like sparing Naruto and Sasuke some emotional pain...

Sorry but nah.

Sitting in the darkness, I couldn't stop the coldness spreading through my heart. I didn't want to stop it either. I've noticed this a while back already. It has been happening for a while now....

I can feel myself changing. Becoming more detached. Cold. Unfeeling.

Like an immortal beast of hatred should be.

But I'm not worried.

It feels right, and even relaxing and reassuring.

I will never care, mourn or feel betrayal.

...nor will I feel love.

I smirked at the thought, my black hair gently sliding over my pale shoulder as I leaned back against the golden cage wall.

I'm slowly losing all that makes me human.

I could still feel, still joke around, still help. But feeling the pain of Sasuke's new curse mark, and feeling all of the constant hate permeating through his mind and heart...

It's delicious.

And contagious.

My tongue quickly swiped over my bottom lip Hooded eyes blazing, I grabbed one of the elaborate golden bars of my self-inflicted cage. Crimson lips stretched into an insane smile, I looked up at the bars of gold stretching infinitely upwards and the endless darkness beyond the confines of the bars of shining gold.

What was it they said... I know I've heard something somewhere... something like...

Tapping my chin in thought, I pouted. I thought for a while, immersed as I looked into the empty darkness that was Sasuke's mind.

Then a flash passed my eyes as my lips tugged into a smile again.

Strong ones die in a battle to break the bonds that presume to rule them.

Weak ones die in sorrow and pain, unable to stop it as they are deprived of their liberty.

But I don't think being strong or weak matters. You just have to be smart.

I remember the saying. It was...

"Beware of those kept in cages."

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