《Nebula's Echo (a Naruto Fanfic)》Chapter 38


Okay, concerning the ships, it's still a bit of an open deal but right now I'm just going to let the story continue the way it was supposed to be (so its still written with the purpose of being a sasuke x oc). I'm really sorry for all the confusion though, I just thought that letting you guys have a chance to decide might make you happy (˶′◡‵˶)

But please, enjoy! (⺣◡⺣)♡*


That was all I felt. Pain was assaulting all my senses, spreading from my neck like liquid flame. My whole body...was burning up.

Or that was the case before I felt it. I felt some kind of energy, much more smooth, unnoticeable and cooling, bleed through my body as if in response. I felt it flooding my being, the cold, pure power reeking of sinister strength.

It was so cold.

Like the cold of death. Of nothing.

But it was helping.

That cold, that nothingness, I could feel it devouring the burning sensation whole. In the end, I only felt a slight burning on my neck, but the pain wasn't even comparable to before.

This is nothing.

I opened up my eyes only to meet darkness.

Blinking a few times, I tried to adjust my bearings. I tried moving. Clenching my hand, turning my head. There was no problems with the movement.

But I was in so much pain just now.

I didn't know what happened. I fought the creepy grass ninja. Suspicious snake woman. I tied her to the tree. But she broke free like it was nothing. Like I was nothing. And then she bit me.

I frowned and restrained the urge to curse the damned grass ninja. Or suspicious snake woman. I don't really know which term is more accurate?

But wait. I think she... it, actually introduced itself. Its name was... what now?



I really can't remember.

My eyes snapped open and my whole body twitched at the jumpscare. My head quickly whipped to the side, and I immediately recognized where I was. It wasn't only the surroundings, but that aura of sinister, oppressive power. It was familiar.

That place.

I immediately looked up at the extravagant golden cage lying a ways away from me, in the center of the dark room that should be same the one to hold my most painful memories, yet isn't. As before, there was an opaque darkness within the cage, as if inside was a black hole. A place where all the light was sucked in, never to find its way back out. But then again, maybe it did.

Because those purple eyes really do shine brightly enough to make up for the body's darkness.

"...it's you."

I was shocked. I had thought that was all a dream.

"...I thought you were a dream."

I heard a very undignified snort.

I rolled my eyes, pushing the still lingering shock over the black bird's existence to the back of my mind. Thinking about the bird's oh-so-very narcissistic behavior I felt the need to huff. Yet for some inexplicable reason I found myself completely used to the stupid bird's actions. Even expecting them.


But I've only met the stupid bird once?

I snorted at myself.

Well, if this freeloading chicken really exists, then as it said, its sealed inside of me. No wonder I'd be used to it, if it's part of me.


I shot the cage my most hateful Uchiha glare, feeling slightly annoyed.

"...I forgot you can read my mind, you dumb chicken cutlet in the making."

As soon as I said it out loud, it got me thinking.

It can read my mind... and reply to my thoughts...

I ignored the stupid bird's shocked and desperate attempts at salvaging its dignity and denying its inescapable fate of becoming a chicken cutlet, and said in a steady, cold voice, cutting right through its ranting.

"...what was that you said?"

The bird shut its trap the moment it heard me. I could hear the feathers rustling as it tilted its head to the side puzzled.

The action is so familiar, it's creeping me out.

I walked closer, stopping only when I was a few inches away from the golden bars of the cage.

"When I just came. You said something."

The bird was quiet for a while, presumably thinking. Then, it suddenly stiffened and exclaimed in a giddy, childish voice.

I looked up into the purple eyes that were looking at me with a light of childish expectation.

It was kind of cute. Like a pet.

"Yeah. What is it?"

I tilted my head in return, face still expressionless. But my eyes betrayed a spark of curiosity. I really had no idea what something called "oreopedo" was, or how it was in any way relating to anything.

I gave a dead-pan expression, looking at the ten majestic tail feathers that were swaying around the bird, like a puppy wagging its...tails. This stupid bird...

Suspicious stretchy-meat? Really?



...makes perfect sense though.

Having no choice but to concede on that one point, I have a slight nod. Afterall, with all the weird ways that grass ninja's body stretched, her neck, legs and so on... Suspicious stretchy-meat is actually very correct. I mean, when one says it, it's easy to immediately catch on to who's being talked about.

Obviously, I very smartly chose to completely ignore the last description. Stupid bird.

"So, her name was Oreopedo... I do recall her saying something like that."

I gave the bird a rare nod of thanks with a hn.

I looked up at the sound of mumbling, but couldn't quite hear what the stupid bird said.


The bird stiffened for a second, before exclaiming in a loud yet high-pitched voice.

I gave the bird a suspicious glance but didn't question it any further. I had other questions on my mind, like...

"What happened to me?"

Instantly, there was silence. I looked into the cage, expectantly following the birds movements with my eyes. Especially the graceful swaying of its fail-feathers. It was hypnotic. All ten of them were swaying, the motions intricate and enchanting.


When the bird's voice sounded again, it wasn't high pitched or overly happy. It seemed rather... serious?

I perked up in interest, eyes shining.

"So I'm still alive, and she- I mean he - even gave me power?"

Greed danced in my eyes, but I wasn't stupid. I looked back up at the bird.


I was slightly annoyed at the bird for evading answering. I knew it knew something.

"What reason?"

I was starting to get frustrated, and activated my sharingan, glaring at the bird, red eyes swirling.

"This power, I want it. And I will take it. For whatever reason it was given to me, I don't care. Anything to defeat him... anything."

I glared at the bird, conveying with my eyes that even if it chose to stay silent, it wouldn't change anything. At least if it told me, I could outsmart that Oreopedo... was it? And get this power completely to myself.

I couldn't stop the smirk spreading over my face.

I kept looking at the bird, eyes shining a sinister glow.

This is exactly what I need.

I stared coldly into the cage. I wasn't worried. As for leaving my life and friends behind... they aren't that important.

The image of Cei's sleeping face flashed in my mind, but I shook the thoughts away.

She's gone.

There's nothing holding me back in the Leaf Village.


My smirk couldn't help but widen.

When I'm stronger, I'm going to find her again. And then, we'll see how she plans to escape.

I looked up into the blazing purple eyes with confidence.

Power is all I need.

Power, can let me get everything I want.

With its help, I can kill him.

And capture her.

Power is all that matters.

I never shied from that purple gaze, or that presence that seemed to radiate power and strength with its every breath. I looked straight into those eyes, and proclaimed with certainty.

"I'm not afraid of leaving the village or going rogue. I'm not a weakling. And as for becoming a pawn to be discarded when the time is right... we'll see about that. I'm going to become stronger. I'm going to let the snake train me, until I'm more powerful than he is. Then, we'll see how he plans to cross me over."

The confident look in my eyes shone, and even my smile turned daunting as I gazed at the bird, feeling cocky at all the power right at the reach of my fingertips.

Mine for the taking, if I just asked.

"...Plus, I'll have you, won't I?"

I saw the bird jerk in surprise, and my smirk grew.

"You promised me your power. And you're strong, stronger than anything I've ever felt... even stronger than him. If the snake just wants to use me and then kill me, there's no way he could, right? Not with you as an enemy."

I saw the bird twisting in the cage, obviously not expecting me to bring that up. But now that I knew it wasn't a dream, there's no way I'll just let it go.

It's not as if I've forgotten it.

That promise of power.

The room was filled with the sound of rustling feathers, and a second later I stood face to face with a pair of enormous, purple eyes. They like twin orbs of burning purple fire, Hell pits.


Looking into those purple eyes, I didn't notice my expression soften. Even my voice sounded... soft.

"...speaking of, I never did find out what you're called. I can't very well keep referring to you as 'stupid bird' or 'chicken cutlet in-the-making' for the rest of my life. It's too troublesome."

It was silent for a while, and I was starting to wonder what was wrong. Did the stupid bird not trust me with its name? Maybe it didn't have one? Or maybe no one ever bothered to ask, so it forgot?

I couldn't stop the amused expression slowly surfacing on my face at the sound of the bird huffing and puffing in indignation. She seems to take it really seriously!

The sentence was very dragged out, but by the end of it, I raised an eyebrow.

Ren, eh?

A corner of my lips tugged into a slight smile as I stepped closer to the cage, reaching my hand through the golden bars to rest it on the smooth and soft feathers of her forehead.

"Well, Ren. It's a pleasure to meet you."

The flaming purple eyes narrowed in satisfaction, and the voice that answered me seemed different from before. Not like the sound of wind, that had no semblance of humanity or civility. It was instead a soft, melodious and a strikingly feminine voice.

It was not the voice of a monster. More like... the voice of a beautiful, young girl.

I paused for a second, gazing at those eyes, lost in thought.

"...Hey Ren, why does everything you do seem so famili-"

But she cut me off, purple eyes wide in excitement.

I was going to question her further, but her proposition was too tempting...

A flash of mischief passed through my eyes as I was looking at Ren, whose ten beautiful tail-feathers were swaying around her in excitement.

"...well, being a total show-off sure is a tempting proposition... say Ren. Are you going to be helping with said show-off?"

I gave my partner in crime a plotting smirk, and was met with a matching plotting and mischievous look in the flaming purple eyes opposite mine, as well as the oh-so-very-obvious playfully evil tone in her voice.

I gave Ren a deadpan look.

What in the cutlet is she talking about? Stupid bird.

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