《Nebula's Echo (a Naruto Fanfic)》Chapter 37


I was seething. Looking at it through Sasuke's eyes, I had to control myself not to right out slaughter the Oreopedo. I mean, why shouldn't I?

....Because this piece of shit is a key-part of your plans for the future, you dumbass.

But really, I was barely containing the urge to rip his hair out one chunk at a time, rip his nails out with hot pincers, drag a hot iron over his skin, stuff centipedes into his ears, gauge his eyes out, rip his teeth out one at a time, make him swallow shattered glass, rip his tongue out base and all, dislocate his knees, elbows and shoulders, saw off his toes, stab through his fingers with the biggest needles I can find, saw his nose off, pour melted metal on his skin and letting it cool, dip him in acid, whip him while he's still wet from the acids and then tie his four limbs to four horses, making them run full force in different directions and effectively ripping all his limbs off him, leaving him barely alive for further fun.

...and I just realized two things.

1. I TOTALLY need to make a list, I'm never going to remember all this shit whenever someone pisses me off. It's gonna come in real handy. Plus I can always improve on it...

2. ...I think I might have minor anger issues... no? Well not like it's important anyways...

I mentally shook myself, and looked back at Naruto and Oreopedo. My raging emotion was all over the place.

After all the work I did, acting pitiful, enticing Naruto's battle with the pedo all to get to see my dad, the pedo has the nerve to seal him right back?!

Eheheh-excuse moi!

I noticed my shadows dancing around me, and even though I was trying to suppress it, some of my black mist has already leaked out, contaminating the air around me (well Sasuke really but same thing). I started preparing an attack on the pedo, nothing lethal mind you, just some well-deserved payback, but I felt Sasuke's consciousness stirring.

I felt Sasuke's consciousness surfacing, and I tried to gently push it back down, but the stubborn boy wouldn't give. Fearing my pressure could crush his poor, fragile mortal soul I had to pull back on my strength, and in the end reluctantly recede control. Still watching the situation from his mindscape, I was fuming.

That damned perverted cookie-monster...

Sasuke slowly regained awareness, and quickly gauged the situation. My view in the mindscape was flickering from side to side, meaning his gaze was probably flying all over the place, figuring out what's going on.

...He was basically unconsious since the moment I took over and doesn't really know what's going on...


After Sasuke was done surveying, his gaze fixed on his former enemy; the Oreo.

Sasuke gave the Oreo a fierce look and activated his sharingan.

Although I can't see it, I suspect that his sharingan, which was previously purely red, now was a color slightly closer to purple. But that's just because I'm giving him some of my power right now. With me powering his sharingan, it swirled until his third tomoe made an appearance.


I noticed the Oreopedo giving my Sasuke some weird looks, and almost wanted to bring my list out right away and demolish him.

Then the pedo gave a creepy AF grin, and his snake vanished in a MASSIVE puff of smoke.

...Why are the oreo's puffs of smoke always so damn fine?!

"It's finally happened... his Uchiha blood has come to a boil. I think I'll play with him, and learn the true extent of his powers."

I raised an eyebrow.

Well, that oreo sure is confident.

After he said that, the pedo prepared for his attack while Sasuke fished out a kunai.

I, well.

I was just smirking with my nose in the air.

Hah, sure, tell me another one. Like you could play with him while I'm here babysitting. YOU'RE A BAD INFLUENCE OROCHI. And again, HAH, dafuq, you really think you could walk away with even a patch of healthy skin, no, scratch that, do you really think you could walts out alive after 'learning the true extent of his powers'? Even when I'm included into that 'true powers' part? Pfffttttt. Yah, sure. Never took you for the funny type, Orochi... I should tell Jiraiya sometime...

Meanwhile, Sasuke had put a kunai in his mouth, holding it with his teeth as he charged at Orochimaru. I vaguely heard a very moving speech he made in his mind, something along the lines of;

All I cared about was surviving in order to defeat my brother. What a fool I've been. I see the truth now. Naruto, Sakura, if I don't have the courage to face this demon, then how can I ever hope to face him.

Tad bit dramatic, right? I sweatdropped when hearing him, but then I reminded myself that he does have a point conserning Itachi... Plus, on the bright side, dad has to deal with all of Naruto's speeches, and I'm SURE there are A LOT more of those than Sasuke's. Like, really.

But. On the subject of.... ITACHI MY LOVE. PPPPPFFFFTTTTT NO WAAAAY could that Oreopedo even COMPARE to freakin' Itachi Uchiha! So, Sasuke, you're right about that.

While I was busy having my inner monologue, Sasuke dashed at Orochi, jumping from tree to tree and throwing kunais at him before reaching him, where they engaged in a taijutsu battle. It was all PUNCH, KICK, DODGE, FLIP, HIGH-KICK, SPIN, PUNCH and so on.

I realize I'm a tad bit excited, but seeing it through his eyes, being RIGHT THERE, the adrenaline rush is real, I tell you. When Orochi started dashing in super-speed around Sasuke, Sasuke was really surprised, thinking things like "I can see him. I can see."


But yeah, the sharingan is kinda cool, I guess.

Halfway through their skirmish (or Sasuke pummeling the oreao) I lost interest and started moving my shadows around to completely freak out a team not so far from here. Even over all the fighting noise Sasuke and the pedo made, we could still hear their screams.


By the time Sasuke had the pedo securely tied up to a tree, I brought my attention back.

I know what happens next, after all.

"You okay? Don't worry. It's all over."

Hearing Sakura say it, my senses sharpened, waiting for it. Sasuke was already panting, worn out, while Sakura was still standing by the unconscious Naruto, looking up with worried eyes.

Is lowly supplied Sasuke with my chakra, but small doses, so as to not arouse suspicion. Soon, Orochimaru straightened and broke Sasuke's wires that had been restraining him, like they were nothing. Forming a hand sign, his exposed yellow eye flashed, as he cast a jutsu making Sakura's knees give in and leaving Sasuke paralyzed, barely standing. I kept watching him from Sasuke's eyes, while sending Sasuke small portions of my power to help him stand.

"N-no, impossible"

Sasuke stuttered, and I would have rolled my eyes at the blatant denial if I wasn't still avidly watching the pedo as he neared us. The snakey looked at Sasuke, his one exposed yellow eye gleaming.

"Such mastery of the sharingan at such a young age. You're a true Uchiha after all. Yes, you'll do nicely..."

Sasuke groaned at the effort it was taking to withstand the pressure Orochi's jutsu was placing on him.

"...You're definitely his brother. If anything, your eyes are even keener than Itachi's."

At that, I could feel Sasuke's outrage as vividly as if it was my own.

"Who are you?! What do you want?!"

As Sasuke screamed this at the pedo, I was sighing in my cage. I would love to save Itachi, but just how much of the plot can I change? Plus, he's ill. And I don't know if I can cure him.

But I did say I'd accept a challenge.

My lips quirked into a smirk, watching the scenes from the mindscape with more confidence.

"My name is Orochimaru. But as to what I want, that will have to wait until we meet again. Which won't happen until you finish this test with the best score of all..."

As he was talking, he took out the scroll that he had taken from us, and lit it on fire.

"The scroll!"

Sakura exclaimed as she watched it burn.

"...first, you'll have to defeat the hidden sound-ninja who serve me."

"I have no idea what you're talking about, but if you're finished, why don't you just beat it! If we ever meet again it will be too soon!"

Yes, Sakura. For once, I'd guess that you've voiced an opinion the rest of your team agrees with.

"Oh, but he and I will meet again."

Orochi said in his creepy voice and lifted his hands to do another hand sign. Suddenly, his neck extended as his head shot up from his body, and headed towards Sasuke at breakneck speed, no puns intended, I swear.

The moment Orochimaru sunk his teeth into Sasuke's neck, I acted. Limiting the curse-mark to only have access to a few of his minor chakra-points, and at the same time, blocking all interference with his vitals, including his main chakra network. In other words, I made sure that Orochimaru would never be able to control or hurt Sasuke in any way with the curse mark.

Also, while his teeth were still lodged in Sasuke's throat, I gave him a little surprise of my own. My black mist erupted from Sasuke's blood, going down Orochimaru's throat and invading his chakra network. I had thought to put a curse mark of my own on him, but he'll change bodies anyways, so instead, I just put an imprint on his chakra.

So now, I'll at least have a little leverage... Plus, a small amount of my black mist will be blended into his chakra stream. Unless he notices it and manages to somehow separate the two, the black mist is going to slowly make his chakra decay. There's so little of it though, that it's going to take years. But, in three years, he should already be a fine deal weaker.

Now, it's just waiting. And as a bijuu, time is not something I lack.

Orochimaru pulled his teeth out of Sasuke's neck, and his neck shortened again, dragging his head back to his body. The curse mark materialized on Sasuke's skin, and he began to grunt and groan in pain while gripping his neck.


Sakura frantically called his name before she turned to interrogate the pedo that just gave her crush a cursed hickey.

"You! What have you done to Sasuke?!"

Before answering her, Orochimaru put a finger to his chin in a thinking motion.

"I just gave him a little parting gift... very soon, Sasuke will seek me out, desiring my power. In the meantime, I'll enjoy the demonstration of the powers you already possess... kukukukuuu..."

As he was talking, the creep slowly started sinking into the tree branch he was standing on, until he completely disappeared.

I huffed and puffed in my mind.

Show off.

But then Sasuke started getting worse. He fell on all fours, groaning and grunting in pain, and his breathing quickened into pants as he convulsed a few times. Even though I thought I protected all the important parts, I felt his pain and was acutely worried. Spreading my chakra, and making sure it's not my black mist, I tried circulating it in his body to heal him.

Somewhere in the background, I heard Sakura's voice, probably screaming something or calling Sasuke's name, but I was too busy concentrating on Sasuke to care. After a few moments I felt his pain reduce, gradually until it almost disappeared. Then, I sighed in relief before the world around me fell into darkness as Sasuke fell unconscious.

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