《Nebula's Echo (a Naruto Fanfic)》Chapter 35


Listen up kids!

K, so it's my darling sister's birthday today~ .+:。(ノ・ω・)ノ゙

And me, being the cheap bit*h I am, decided on not buying a present. Instead, I spent close to five hours (when I should have been doing homework), FIVE HOURS yesterday to finish three chapters for her sake. THREE. Like damn, I'm good. And that's why my friends, you get a once-in-a-lifetime three chapter mass-update (mass update for being me XD)

(The fist chappy is a bit short cuz I divided it into two, cuz it was too long)

Enjoy~ O(≧∇≦)O


"Now this... promises to be very entertaining."

The suspicious woman(?) smiled. The sharp corner of her tongue slowly traced her lips, the twisted excitement in her eyes coming to the surface.

Then, a mischievous light lit up her eyes. Slowly, almost teasingly, the shinobi took an earth scroll out of her pouch. Holding it up for them to see, she twisted it this way and that, the twisted happiness clearly revealed on her face.

"You'd really like this scroll of mine, wouldn't you? It would match so perfectly with your heaven scroll... sadly..."

The grass ninja (suspicious woman) raised the scroll to her face, and her long tongue slipped past her lips and wrapped tightly around the scroll, before she jammed the whole thing into her mouth (wholesome, child-friendly material~). Sasuke and Sakura watched in complete mortification as they saw the scroll slowly slide down her throat, until she completely swallowed it. When she had swallowed the scroll, the grass ninja gave a slight sound of satisfaction before turning to look at the two genin.

"By the time this is over, one of us will have to scrolls. The other ... will probably be dead."

Her lips curled into a sinister smile, as she fixed the genin with her laughing gaze. All of a sudden, the shinobi released all her KI out at once, making it pour like tidal waves. The very shock of it made the genin fall to their knees, shaking.


Sasuke and Sakura looked at the grass ninja in utter terror. Her simple release of KI (killing intent) had made them feel as if they had been bleeding from all their pores, the feeling so dreadful, painful and oppressive that they simply couldn't move an inch. Except for heaving air into their lungs and looking at the perpetrator with utter terror they couldn't do anything.

Sasuke had to keep from wretching, his eyes boring into the ground.

Her thirst for blood... is palpable.

Sasuke slowly lifted his terrified gaze back at the ninja.

Looking into her eyes... I saw the moment of my own death.

Sasuke's breathing was heavy, his eyes wide and pupils constricted in fear. It was overwhelming. He couldn't move.

Who is this? What is she?!

Sasuke slowly turned his head to look at Sakura, but froze upon seeing the kunoichi on her knees, trembling with tears running down her face. She wasn't handling the killing intent any better than he was...

The true weight of what was happening slowly settled onto Sasuke, making his whole mind go numb.

We have to get away from her... she's... death!

Just as the thought surfaced in his mind Sasuke heard a voice. It sounded much creepier and more sinister than the grass ninja's, but for some reason he wasn't afraid. It sounded almost...


But he couldn't remember from where.

Sasuke could hear the sinister laughter sounding in his mind.

Sasuke could practically hear the grin in the voice, but before he could produce any kind of reaction, his world faded into black.


Orochimaru watched with perverse fascination as the two teenagers were on their knees, trembling from his pressure. He was relishing in their pain and fear, the corners of his mouth curling into a sick smile. The tip of his tongue languidly glided over his lips, his eyes fervent.



"I agree."

Orochimaru stiffened, and his head snapped up. One of the teenagers, more precisely his prospective next body, had stopped shaking. The Uchiha brat was slowly standing up, his movements not exhibiting even a trace of fear or oppression. When he met the teenager's eyes, the snake-sannin froze. The eyes were such a deep black, but they were laughing. There was a twisted joy in them, the look of a predator ready to play with his food.

Orochimaru recognized the look. He often had it himself. The sannin looked closer at the boy, his interest for his possible future body peaking higher than ever.


A corner of Sasuke's mouth curled, and the tip of his tongue made a swift sweeping motion over his lips. The smirk was condescending, but there was laughter in his eyes. Orochimaru's eyes twitched.

He isn't taking me seriously.

Orochimaru was confused.

What changed? And so fast?

Sasuke's voice sounded again, but it was slightly different. It was still the same voice, but the tone was different. It was a mischievous tone, the kind that people who played with others used. The kind of people with no real regard for life.

"Fear really is quite delicious."

Sasuke licked his lips again, half-lidded. But then he seemed to think of something, so his eyes widened and he pouted.

"Ah, I really wanted to do something dramatic, but no puff of smoke can beat your puff of smoke ah! Orochi, you've put the bar too high~"

The whining voice sounded genuinely aggrieved, and Orochimaru was stumped. His brain was whirring out of control just pinpointing everything wrong with that statement. Everything from the tone and the body motions to the words themselves and the knowledge implied with them... it was all wrong!!!

Orochimaru was developing a slight suspicion that his next vessel was just downright nuts.

Sasuke just sighed and started rolling his shoulders, stretching.

"Oh well, I guess I'll just have to submit on the point of smoke-puffs."

Rolling one of his shoulders and groaning in satisfaction when it finally stretched, Sasuke looked up at Orochimaru. No one noticed that the patch of grass Sasuke was standing on had completely rotted and withered away.

Taking one step at a time, Sasuke slowly walked towards Orochimaru. And every step Sasuke took resulted in another patch of grass speedily rotting, before withering away.

When Sasuke was halfway to Orochimaru, a giant snake shot at him from the side, jaws opened wide and long teeth gleaming. But Sasuke didn't even blink. A second before the snake touched him, it froze, and started slowly decaying. It's flesh started rotting, the putrid smell filling the air. Black and green liquid started gushing out of it's throat as its flesh started rotting, turning black before falling off. In less than half a minute, all that was left of the snake the size of two houses was a pile of black waste.

Like nothing happened, Sasuke continued on his way before stopping before a completely dumbfounded sannin. The black-haired genin stood face to face (well, not really cuz height difference~) with the sannin, and Sasuke's hand shot out faster than even Orochimaru could react, grabbing his chin and forcing the sannin to look down.

Sasuke led his face right in front of his own and the Uchiha's smirk widened, his onyx eyes sparkling with the same twisted excitement Orochimaru had displayed earlier.

"Hey snakey, let's play~"

But before the sannin could even begin to process the all too familiar words coming from the completely wrong person, they heard another loud voice resonating in the clearing.


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