《Nebula's Echo (a Naruto Fanfic)》Chapter 33


Sorry for taking so long you guys! T^T

I had another two of those "test weeks", fml. So I'm a bit behind my writing schedule, really sorry (シ_ _)シ

I've read through my story, and I'm a bit shocked. Bad quality much?! But, I really don't have the time to fix it so I'm just going to continue it like usual, really sorryyyyy~ T^T

Well anyways, ponint is, I APOLIGIZE FOR EVERYTHING.

Now, please have a good read ( ' ▽ ' )ノ

My eyelashes fluttered open, brows furrowed in annoyance at the stinging light. Looking to the source, I noticed that the black curtains usually closing out the light were open. My frown turned deeper. I was not in the mood.

But then, my sluggish mind seemed to catch up. My eyes widened as I remembered;

Cei was here last night.

The curtains flew open when she was here.

At the thought, my wide eyes quickly scanned the room, only to be disappointed to come up empty. The annoyance in my eyes was soon replaced by sadness.

She's really gone...

But she said she'd never truly leave us.

My eyes turned cold as I rose out of bed. I walked towards my closet, the movement slow and purposeful.

I didn't believe her.

Picking out my usual outfit, a blue short sleeved shirt with a high neck and an Uchiha insignia at the back, coupled with white shorts, a holster at the thigh, and black ninja footwear. I picked up my headband and tied it around my forehead before walking out.

My expression was as cold and indifferent as always as I walked along the halls of my home. Reaching the door to the kitchen, I slid it open and walked inside. When I entered, the expectant faces of Sakura and Kakashi turned to look at me. I briefly met Kakashi's gaze before walking to the counter and grabbing some bread.

While I was working on my breakfast in silence, it seemed like some just couldn't take it. I heard Kakashi's voice, quiet and gentle.

"Sasuke... about Cei?"

I just continued working on my breakfast, my movements smooth and practiced, my eyes never shifting from my hands.


I heard a sigh behind me at my answer. But I wasn't bothered. Finishing my sandwiches, I walked to the table and ate. While slowly munching on my sandwiches, I let my gaze drift over my teammates. Kakashi didn't seem bothered. His countenance was the same as ever. As if he didn't care.

He's probably used to it.

At least Cei isn't dead. Just gone. In his mind, that must already count as quite good.

My gaze drifted over to Sakura. I could see that she was slightly sad, the air around her gloomy. I mean, usually I wouldn't think that the two were close, but in reality they weren't enemies. Rather, they were actually friends. Not to mention, Cei was her teammate. And I doubt Sakura has faced any real loss before, making her more receptive to Cei's disappearance.

I was used to it.

I have lost people before. I know the feeling of being abandoned.

It really does hurt.

The thought of hating her has come to me. She abandoned us, without any clear explanation, only with empty promises of "never truly leaving" and how teammates stick together.

I want to hate her for that.

But I can't.

My brows furrow slightly. For some reason, I can't seem to muster up any hate, dislike, or anything even remotely negative. Not for her. And that feeling of abandonment... I don't really feel it. I don't feel abandoned.


Is it because I've experienced it so much I'm already numb to it...?

I think so.

Finishing my breakfast, I get up to clean up, but then I notice something. My face darkens. I turn to Kakashi.

"The exams are starting soon... where's Naruto?"

Kakashi looks back at me, his face completely inpassive.


My face darkens further.


Sakura instantly made a dash for the door, leaving behind a "I'll go wake him up right now!"

Before the beginning of the test, all the teams had to sign a form that consents to the risk of dying, meaning it relieves the proctor of any responsibility in the case of their death. Then, each team received either a heaven or earth scroll before being sent to their respective gates.

Standing at gate twelve at the edge of the Forest of Death, team seven was preparing for the grueling, food-less and full of disgusting insects test.

They had been rather gloomy all morning, the air around them melancholy until Naruto had loudly declared that if they didn't get stronger, Cei's condescending smirk was going to be permanently stuck on her face once she comes back and learns of it. Then, she'll shamelessly use them as slaves (cushion, entertainer and servant) with the excuse 'well, you're just not good enough for anything else'. Obviously, the rest of the team didn't take Naruto's ramblings seriously, but after a while his claims started becoming so outrageous that they had no choice but to laugh (or Sasuke's case, smirk with an amused "hn") and get over it.

Because Naruto was right. No point staying weak forever. If they can beat Cei when she gets back, they might even get to boss her around....

That far-fetched fantasy lighted up everyone's will of fire, as it visibly burned in their eyes while their own imaginations played in their minds.

(Cei; Whatcha thinking there, your facial expressions are suspicious... You creeps!)

But anyways, with the test starting at any moment, team seven was attentively standing just in front of the gate, waiting for the signal to sound.

Naruto was punching at the air, the adrenaline rushing through his body.

"BELIEVE IT! I dare you to bring it on ninja, I'll just send it right back! Twice as hard!!!"

Sakura gave a solemn nod, fire burning in her eyes as well. They were all anticipating getting to beat someone up. Sasuke was standing at the side, his face impassive as he gazed into the forest.

He didn't know why, but even when he obviously felt the danger, there seemed to be a feeling of nostalgia rising from deep within him.

Like the Forest of Death wasn't dangerous.

Just a nice place for a picnic.

Inwardly, Sasuke started questioning his sanity.

Maybe he's just sleep deprived?

The bell sounded and all the gates flew open with a bang. Immediately all the teams rushed into the darkness of the forest, rushing head-first into what could be their death.


Not even ten minutes into the exam, screams echoed through the forest.

Sakura flinched, looking into the direction of the noise, her face pale.

"I do not like this place."

She hugged herself and gave a slight shudder. Naruto, who was walking in front, turned around, put his hands behind his head in a carefree motion and tried to comfort their scared teammate.

"Oh come on, there's nothing to be scared of! It's gonna be a piece of cake!"

Sasuke gave the dobe a cold glance, but didn't comment. He did, afterall, fully agree with Naruto's statement. Sakura seemed slightly soothed by the confidence of her teammates, but then she noticed Naruto's face twisting into a strange expression. Before she could even ask, Naruto strutted to the nearest bush.


"...excuse me a second, I really gotta, you know-"

And then she lost it.


Her powerful right hook hit Naruto straight on the head, the bump growing pitifully big. He grasped his head, and turned on Sakura with teary, upturned eyes.

"...but I am at a bush-"


Sakura was having none of it. Grabbing Naruto's collar, she heaved and hurled him right into some big bushes about twenty meters away. While listening to Naruto's mournful cries as he flew further and further away, Sasuke looked at Sakura with a sarcastically wistful look in his eyes.

If only she was this fierce in battle...

Sakura's breathing was heavy, her eyes still burning with rage. After a few minutes, she calmed down and turned. When she saw Sasuke, her whole face turned into an angel, eyes sparkling with the desire to please. Then her sickly sweet, timid voice sounded.


And was interrupted by Naruto who came back through the bushes, a satisfied smile on his face.

"Aw man, that was a lot! I wrote my whole name!"

It took Sakura literally half a second to transform into a monster once again.

"YOU'RE SUCH A PIG! You're really disgusting sometimes, you know tha-"

But she couldn't even finish before Sasuke flashed in front of Naruto, and aimed a roundhouse kick right at his guts, sending the blond crashing into a tree.

Sakura froze, then looked at Sasuke, a bit bewildered.

"Sasuke, it wasn't that bad..."

A groan sounded from Naruto as he slowly righted himself, rubbing the back of his head that had hit the tree while giving Sasuke dagger eyes.

"Yeah, what gives?"

Sasuke didn't even bother answering before charging straight at Naruto, his legs flying out, swiftly aiming at Naruto's head. Naruto dodged just in time, and Sasuke followed him wherever he dodged. But Naruto wasn't fast enough to deal with Sasuke, and soon Sasuke's foot was in Naruto's face, sending the blond crashing to the ground. Before he could even come back onto his feet, Sasuke had fished out a kunai, brandishing the blade towards the blond.

Sakura had been on edge the whole time since Cei said she'd leave, so her nerves and patience were running low. Confused as to why her two remaining teammates were fighting each other, she called out in a distressed yet obviously impatient voice.

"What's going on? Sasuke, why are you attacking Naruto?"

"I'm not"


Sakura let out a sound of confusion. The gaze as she looked at Sasuke took on a few thick shades of worry.

Is he okay?

Well, Cei's absence did do a number on us all... and Sasuke was pretty close with her.

She started nodding he head to herself, certain she came across the root of the problem and that it would pass in time. Sasuke on the other hand completely ignored her weird behavior and continued with what he had been saying.

"Take a closer look at him."

Sakura snapped out of her thoughts at the sound of Sasuke's voice and automatically obeyed, turning to look at Naruto.

"The cut on his cheek is gone."

Sakura looked closer and gasped, realizing that was true. Her eyes widened as the clogs in her brain started turning, trying to connect the dots. Meanswhile, Naruto's face turned pale.

"He also has his shuriken-holster on his left leg... but Naruto is right-handed."

Sasuke sighed, as if the situation was a complete nuisance. Then he turned to address the impostor, his voice and bearing condescending, like speaking to a child.

"Really dumb... your transformation skill is worse than Naruto's. Who are you?"

Immediately, Naruto went up in a puff of smoke. When the smoke cleared, there was some weird creepy dude standing there in his stead, slouching like some gangster, which btw didn't fit his outfit or scrawny stature at all.

Sasuke's eyes narrowed as he gave the ninja a judging look.

The guy was wearing a weird full body suit in a nauseating light yellow color, some kind of suspicious breathing mask covering his mouth and a white cloth with holes for the eyes went over the eyes (at this point Sasuke totally looking down at the tragic fashion sense). He had a headband with four vertical lines tied around his forehead, keeping the messy brown hair out of his face.

It took smart little Sauka next to no time to identify the weirdo's origin.

"He's from the rain village."

The guy laughed a throaty laugh, the mask making his voice sound like a terminator or something.

"Well, you caught me. But I'm still gonna take the scroll. Now, hand it over, or else!"

Sakura didn't waste time to fish out her kunai while Sasuke just raised his kunai higher, a clear sign of a threat. The rain shinobi let lout another of his terminator laughs before becoming serious, fixing the two with his creepy eyes peeking out of the completely useless piece of cloth he tied around them.

"Now then, which one of you has it... oh well, I guess I'm just going to find out for myself!"

Right as he said it, he charged right at Sasuke and their kunais clashed. Jumping away from each other, Sasuke quickly made the hand-signs for phoenix flower jutsu and seconds later small balls of fire were flying at the rain shinobi. But the guy didn't get flustered, he plainly dodged, jumping onto the trees and jumping away. Sasuke's eyes narrowed in annoyance as he dashed right after him. The shinobi abruptly turned around, and they clashed again in midair. When they jumped apart, the shinobi sent a barrage of kunai at Sasuke, with paper bombs plastered on them. The following blast sent Sasuke right out of the air, crashing to the ground. When he recovered his balance, the shinobi was already standing behind him, a kunai pointed to Sasuke's neck.

"Now, give me the scroll."

Sakura gave a small scream in fright.

Sasuke looked down, his dark hair obscuring his eyes. At that moment, his eyes slowly swirled as they turned red, the sharingan taking form in his eyes, blazing.

Sasuke was mad.

He really wanted to hurt that damned rain ninja! Actually daring to act so cocky, and to actually blow him out of the air! Bastard!!!

Sasuke's blood was boiling with anger, and in response, without his knowledge, a tinge of purple seeped into his eyes, making the sharingan a much more sinister color.

He breathed deeply, keenly aware of the kunai pressed to his neck. He furrowed his eyebrows in thought, thinking how to reverse the flow of the battle, when he felt tingles sliding down his body. He ignored it, refusing to even think it might be due to fear. So he didn't notice, when darkness pooled at his feet, seemingly pooling out of his body before slowly sinking into the ground.

A moment of absolute silence, and then tree roots burst through the ground, the thick vines grabbing onto the rain shinobi with a vengeance.

Sasuke turned back in surprise when he felt the cold metal on his neck abruptly leave, but froze when his eyes caught what was going on. Sasuke stared, frozen while Sakura gave a yelp in fear as the vines wrapped around the shinobi's neck, choking of his screams.

Then, for a moment, everything stopped. The vines stopped moving, as if frozen, and the clearing became quiet. Only the quiet sounds of the rain ninja choking was heard. Sasuke and Sakura just stared, disbelieving, until they heard a voice coming from just a little ways away from them.

"Where are you guys?! Some random creepy dude just came and tied me up, even ignoring my natural needs! It took me a good while to get out of those ropes, no thanks to you two..."

The moment Naruto's voice sounded, Sasuke snapped out of his thoughts. And it was like the vines were instantly jolted out of their leisure. With a yank, they ruthlessly pulled the rain ninja with them underground, the dirt flying everywhere.

When Naruto finally arrived at the clearing, he was just about to say something else when he noticed his teammates' ashen faces.

With concern plastered on his face, Naruto came up to them, his voice a little skeptic, but concerned.

"Hey guys, you okay?"

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