《Nebula's Echo (a Naruto Fanfic)》Chapter 32


Hello again!

I apologize for the slightly late update... I've seem to hit a bit of a snag. That plot-twist in the last chapter...sorry 'bout that peeps XD

Although the alterations that caused will bring me some trouble when I continue to write, but I just couldn't stop myself! You have to admit, it was too good an opportunity to pass up! (At least for me (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)و )

I also seem to be having some trouble figuring out how to finish this story. Should I make two books, one for "Naruto" and another for Shippūden? Or not make another book at all? I'm conflicted! Help me please, what do you think I should do?? ˚‧º·(˚ ˃̣̣̥⌓˂̣̣̥ )‧º·˚

In the darkness of my room, the familiarity gave me a slight amount of comfort. Cei was beside me, and I was gripping her wrist with an iron grip. It should have soothed the uneasiness in my heart, but even so I couldn't force myself to be completely calm.

But even with her so close to me, my heart felt uneasy. She said we would not be able to see her for a while. How long is 'a while'? Is she going far? Is she going to be safe? Is she going to come back? The thoughts would not leave me alone, my worries eating me up from the inside.

I was missing her already.

But then... she said she'd be with me. Always. My brows couldn't help but furrow at that. Doubt, clouding my very soul. But...

With her standing so close to me, I felt safe.

When she stroked my hair, I felt warm.

When her enchanting voice wove songs around me I felt like I would never be lonely.

She had said such strange things... about my revenge, and something about farewell gifts...

About power.

I wanted to stay awake, voice all the questions plaguing my heart, but couldn't resist her enchanting voice that seemed to weave a sphere of safety and sleep around me.

Soon, I couldn't fight it anymore and succumbed to the sweet sleep her presence offered. For the first time since that night, I slept soundly. No fear or loneliness. Just warmth.


When I try to recall what happened next, it's like my mind revolts against me.

What happened after was a blur. Suddenly a sharp pain pierced through the cocoon of safety and warmth Cei's presence had wrapped me in. But the pain disappeared as soon as it had come. What remained was just a kind of sting, and a crawling sensation.

I whimpered slightly at the uncomfortable feeling.

That night, I had the strangest dream.

Suddenly I found myself in a dark space. Though it was dark, a slight feeling of familiarity hit me like a wave. Curious, I followed down the dark hallway.

The corridor was long, seemingly without end. The further I walked, the colder the air got. There was a sinister feeling in the air, and a smell that kept getting stronger the further in I went.

When I finally reached a door, it was like lightning had struck me.


This is...

The room where my parents were murdered. The room where I saw him standing over them, blood coating his blade.

I was feeling afraid now. Vicious, sinister power seemed to be emanating from that door.

I was shaking, unable to stop.

I am afraid.

I looked back at the corridor that I had come from. While contemplating whether to go back, I noticed something that I hadn't noticed before. On the walls, small Uchiha-crests were etched everywhere, and the walls seemed to have some dark stains on them. Reaching out to touch it, I was met with a warm, wet substance. Taking my hand away, I inspected it.

I noticed, that the scent was familiar.

This was the odor I had felt while walking the corridor.

It was dark, so it was hard for me to see the color, but a sinking feeling in my stomach coupled with the slight shaking of my hands confirmed my growing suspicion.

This is ... blood?

I started feeling slightly queasy, as I looked back at the door. I was afraid to go in. Afraid of what I may see.

The dobe would definitely be laughing at me now.

That's right. I am an Uchiha. I am no coward.

I took a deep breath and opened the door, the door to my most traumatizing memory.

Am I stupid?

But before I could feel any real regret, I stopped in my tracks. The room was different. There were no corpses of my parents lying anywhere. The walls and floor were clean of blood. I also noticed that the room was big. I couldn't even see the ends of the walls. Feeling puzzled, I walked further in. Further into the room, it got darker and the sinister energy from before was getting stronger with every step. It was massive.

When I reached what I thought might be the center of the room, my jaw practically fell open. There stood a ginormous golden bird cage. And I mean GINORMOUS. And it was beautiful. Intricate carvings of gold leaves and butterflies decorated the bars of the cage, making it seem like an enormous work of art.

In the cage the darkness was even more oppressive than outside. The room was lit up with something similar to moonlight, and I couldn't for the life of me figure out where it came from, but inside the cage, it was completely black. The darkest shade of it I have ever seen.

I was woken from my musings when the darkness in the cage moved.

Yes, moved.

It twisted and turned for a while before unfurling to its full height.

It seemed to be the silhouette of a ... bird...?

When I got used to the darkness, I could see it a bit better. I could make out some of the enormous feathers of the giant black bird, as it seemed to furrow them. Soon, ten shadows, that I identified as ABSOLUTELY ENORMOUS feathers, fanned out around the creature, slowly swaying.

I followed their movement with my eyes, but stopped when I met it's gaze. The creatures blazing purple eyes. They were shining like twin beckons in the darkness that was its body, expressing power beyond my wildest imaginations.


I felt fear, but something else too. Greed.

I want that power.

Suddenly a chuckle disrupted the silence.

I was startled. The voice was slightly raspy, and sounded like violent rushes of wind. Not male or female, not even human.

The voice of a beast.

I crossed my arms over my chest, struck my coolest and most cold pose and glared at the creature, refusing to be intimidated.

We stared at each other for a while, and I let out my own intimidating air, lifting my chin at it and said;


For a moment there was silence, and then more chuckles filled the air, slowly escalating into full-blown laughter.

If looks could kill my glare would have sliced this damn bird to pieces and already be halfway done with making chicken cutlets.

The laughter stopped abruptly, but when I looked at the bird, it's whole body was violently shaking. It looked like it was dying.

I gave the bird my most suspicious look, and it doubled over, practically groveling on the ground, convulsing like crazy.

I was seriously confused.

Can this thing get sick?

The high pitched scream made me jump. The voice had turned high pitched, like a child's.

I made a deadpan expression at the whining voice. Wtf was this thing whining about?

I lifted an eyebrow and looked at the bird as if it was damaged.

The voice was so timid and unsure, a total child. Suddenly all my previous thoughts went to the back of my mind as I chuckled slightly. Somehow, this felt familiar...

Without meaning to, the next time I looked at the bird my eyes were warmer.

For some reason, I just want....






I really want to....





The bird that had just straightened back up fell right back down, collapsing on itself and rolling around on the floor of the cage, reminding me somewhat of a certain hyperactive dobe I know....

The bird slowly stood back up, shaking like crazy. Whatever fear instilling and dominating feeling it had given me in the beginning, it was all gone.

Yep, completely gone.

I rolled my eyes at the beast antics, but froze when I realized what just happened.

It just commented on my thoughts?

I didn't say it out loud, did I?


I gave another glare, my cold demeanor back up. This was suspicious.

I was skeptic. What utter nonsense was this crazy bird spouting here? My body is not just some damn vacation spot that giant birds can decide to live in whenever.

Just get lost.

The bird was sounding really smug. Wtf, feel special?? Like it's doing me a favor. Are you serious? Would this damn bird die if it didn't spout nonsense every other minute?

I let out a tired sigh, putting my thumb and index finger on either side of the bridge of my nose, massaging.

"... according to you I have a fecking beast sealed inside me. And it can read my thoughts. And can stalk me all the time. What part of this is good? Get a grip, would you, stupid bird."

Silence followed my statement. I heard the bird whisper something about

I went back to staring at the bird as if it was damaged. Is it really sick...? What 'dad' and 'fox'? It does know its a bird... right?!

Eyes narrowed and face blank, I'm sure my face was ridiculous.

The bird was back to sounding smug, and I was about to retort but suddenly a wave of power hit me. It was pure, vicious and destructive power. Whatever words I was going to say never made it past my throat.

I want it.

I want this power.

With it, I will be unstoppable.

With it, I'll easily kill him.

The bird stopped broadcasting its power and lowered its head down to my level, blazing and eerily familiar purple eyes looking at me almost gently.

I glared, my gaze filled to the brim with venom.

"Don't you dare call me KID."

I had been pleasantly surprised when it told me it would lend me it's power, then annoyed when it decided to give me the 'vengeance is bad' talk, and lastly shocked when it told me to come closer.

I hesitated a while, but after thinking it through, if it had wanted to kill me, it could have done it before. So I slowly made my way towards the cage. When I reached the golden bars of the cage, I looked back up at the beast, curiosity reflecting in my eyes.

The bird lowered itself down and furrowed its feathers.

...It looks so fluffy...

There was a slight snort and then the bird spoke again.

I was embarrassed. REALLY embarrassed. Fuq, it heard me that time... WAIT SO THAT CONVULSING AND THE HEART ATTACK SYMPTOMS WAS LAUGHTER??? Damn bird imma make chicken cutlets out of you!!!!

... but it did say something reasonable...

So I suppose, for the sake of my future peace of mind I have NO CHOICE but to cuddle... yes... that's right. No choice.

Once I finished analyzing the situation and deemed it ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY, I took a deep breath and stepped through the golden bars of the birdcage and walked toward the bird.

It lifted one of its wings, allowing me to reach its stomach(?). I tentatively reached out a hand, and was met with the smoothest sensation ever. I instantly added my other hand, running them through the soft feathers on its belly. The temptation was too great, and soon my whole body was submerged in the smooth softness. I noticed that when I rubbed it, the bird would furrow it's feathers further, so I started rubbing and mercilessly stroking it. Slight whines kept escaping the bird as it writhed, and I somehow found it both hilarious and ... cute.

Shaking my head, I stopped my assault and laid down on the soft feathers, feeling completely relaxed. My last thought before I succumbed to sleep was; This warmth, comfort and safety, feels somehow...familiar?

But I can't remember from where?

What a strange dream.

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