《Nebula's Echo (a Naruto Fanfic)》Chapter 31


We were all sitting silently, eating dinner at Sasuke's house. The dining room was spacious, classic wooden design and a homey, yet cold feeling to it. I suppose I shouldn't have been surprised by the tidiness, but you should have seen Naruto's face; it was he'd never even known that such cleanliness was physically possible.

Ah, Naruto my sweet puff...

I must say though, Kakashi can't cook. Neither can Naruto. Or Sasuke (at least not on a higher-than-basic level). So, me and Sakura had to take care of the food. Even though I don't need to eat anymore and don't even enjoy food as much as when I was human, I still retained some of my cooking skills, and could make a really decent spaghetti bolognese considering the ingredients I had at my disposal. I'm really satisfied, and by the looks of it, my teammates are too.

The soft side of chopsticks being put down made me look up. Kakashi had finished eating, placed his chopsticks (yes we ate spaghetti bolognese with chopsticks quiet people) down with a crisp sound. Then he looked up at us, his visible eye serious. I noticed the rest of my team straightening in their seats.

Kakashi cleared his throat gently before addressing us.

"So, as you guys know, we have a bit of a situation on our hands..."

Naruto boobed his head in agreement, Sakura and Sasuke have Kakashi a solemn look. I was going to speak up, but Sakura beat me to it.

"Let's just leave Naruto out of it?"

I flinched at that. Looking at Naruto's hurt eyes, my heart bled.

Sakura, why?! Can't you understand that he needs some emotional and moral support? The child is starved for affection!

Just as I opened my mouth, Naruto stood from his seat, his head lowered so his bangs covered his eyes, and walked out. I gave Sakura a harsh look and she responded with hurt, confusion and guilt.

She knows she said something wrong but doesn't know what was so bad about it...

I just sighed, shaking my head slightly as Sakura's insensitivity.

Well, she'll get better at it. In canon, she and Naruto were actually pretty close friends.

I looked back at my team and continued what I was going to say.

"No. Also, this isn't going to be a problem."

The other three people at the table turned to look at me, their eyes questioning. I sighed softly before continuing, letting my gaze switch over my sensei and two teammates in equal measure.

"Because I'll be leaving."

It was silent for a while, and I could see the shock, curiosity and alarm on each of their respective faces. Kakashi was the first to recover from his stupor to respond to me.

"You mean... you'll drop out of this chuunin exam?"

I looked back at him, my eyes never leaving his as I slowly explained.

"Well yes, that too, but I meant what I said. I'll be leaving."

Sasuke stood from his chair, his alarmed eyes caging mine.

"What do you mean, you're leaving?!"

I looked back at him, my eyes turning warm and soft.

Well Sasuke, I've been considering this for a while already...

"Just that. For an unknown amount of time, we'll be unable to meet."

At the end of my sentence, I turned to look at Kakashi. When I saw my words were sinking in, I looked back at Sasuke and smiled.

"But don't worry, we're a team after all! We'll always be together, and I'll always watch over you!"

I meant it. My teammates were precious, even Sakura. They were all good people at heart, and I was going to protect them. Mind you, I'm not planning to overwrite canon completely, but just help them with the worst of it.


Well, there's still a while before Sasuke kills Itachi and Madara makes an entrance...

And I had just the plan of how I was going to help without completely disrupting anything or stealing someone's glory. Just the plan...

I gave my teammates a soft smile and stood from my chair, before walking up to Kakashi. I gave him a hug and bid farewell before doing the same to Sakura. Her eyes seemed slightly dazed, as if she hadn't really quite processed what was going on. When I reached Sasuke, his cold eyes boring into me were to stop me from nearing, but I ignored him and hugged him, whispering softly into his ear.

"Hey, no need to be sad now, Mr dark, powerful and self-proclaimed Avenger."

Pulling away from him, I gave a teasing smile before walking out the way Naruto did, the cold night air caressing my skin the moment I stepped over the threshold.

I was sitting in a corner on Sasuke's porch, staring up at the moon. It was late, and the darkness made my already restless heart feel even more uneasy.


Did they really hate me that much? Did they not want me around?

Even Cei...

My head snapped to the sound of a door sliding open. Squinting my eyes to see in the sudden light, I watched as the figure closed the door behind them and approached me. When it exited the shadows and stepped into the moonlight, I could clearly see the sparkle of white hair and pale skin.

I looked down, not wanting to face anyone right now. My eyes were brimming with tears, but I didn't want her to see it.

Yet something deep inside me keeps telling me that I can trust this person...

I know that. About that, there isn't a doubt in my mind.

I sighed as I curled up and put my head on my knees, hiding my face.

"Why do I crave love so much?"

I whispered, more to myself than to her.

"How can you miss something, that you've never had?"

Sadness overwhelmed my being. My words were true. I knew it. But it still hurts nonetheless.

A sudden snort distracted me from my pity-session. Before I could get angry at her for laughing at me, I felt arms wrap around me tenderly. I stiffened, and instantly felt warm, happy, and another feeling that I couldn't describe, stronger than anything I had ever felt before, seeming to come from deep within me.

I lifted my head to face her, curious. Only to be met with her radiant purple eyes mere inches from mine. Before I could say anything, or scream or maybe even pass out, she leaned in. I closed my eyes tightly, but opened them in shock when I felt a forehead bump against mine. I looked at her. Her gorgeous features had pulled into a gentle smile, making her look like a goddess. Her eyes looked at me, not with pity, but with something else. I almost didn't even dare consider it, but, maybe... love?

I felt my heart speed up, but I didn't feel excited. There was no desire to kiss her, just to hold her close and soak up the pure joy her presence, for some reason, brought me.

I woke up from my musings by the sound of her enchanting voice.

"Just because you don't remember it, doesn't mean it didn't happen."

I just stared into her eyes for what felt like the longest time. After a while, her eyes softened even more, and she pulled me closer into her hug, laying my head at her chest. Then she started slowly stroking my hair and rocking me back and forth, softly.


In that moment, I felt so warm, so happy, and so loved. My feelings seemed to overwhelm me. There was so much I was almost convinced that they weren't all mine.

I hugged her back, burying my face into her fragrant skin, and slowly let my eyes close.

While continuing her soothing stroking and rocking, she slowly started humming a beautiful melody out into the night. My eyelashes fluttered. She always seemed so at ease in the dark.

I feared it. I spent so much of my life there. And I knew that even Sasuke, that emo, feared it a little. No matter what he says, I can see him stiffening ever so slightly whenever the sun sinks over the horizon. I still don't know what happened to him. But damn I'm gonna find out.

But Ceiren, she's more like the polar opposite. She always seems slightly tense during the day. Only covered in shadows and darkness can she seem to truly be at ease. This puzzles me.

What kind of person feels so at home in the dark?

But even if I do want to question her, it feels like something is stopping me. Like something inside of me is urging me to forget. To not question anything, and just enjoy all the warmth she has to offer.

I gave in to that voice. I let myself relax and drift into deep sleep, fully aware that for the first time in my entire life, I felt completely safe.

For the first time in my life, I felt like I was truly and unconditionally, loved.

After comforting Naruto and putting the cute little fox to sleep, I walked the dark halls of the as good as abandoned Uchiha compound. My feet made absolutely no noise, neither did my breathing that I didn't necessarily need to do. The silence was oppressive, but it didn't bother me.

Oppressive silence.

Oppressive darkness.

A corner of my lips tilted up ever so slightly.

Now, that is a part of who I am.

My feet came to a stop before a simple door. The wood was of a neat and simple design, matching seamlessly with the rest of the house.

Well, one certainly can't fault the Uchiha's sense of style.

My hand reached out, and slowly slid the door open. It was completely quiet inside, and just as dark as the corridor had been. Even the light from the moon had been blocked by black curtains. But that didn't stop me.

My eyes, meant for the dark, flickered over the room before centering on the bed on the left side of the room. There was figure there, completely covered by the sheets except for a mop of inky black hair that seemed to be messier than usual.

A smile tugged at my lips as I walked towards the bed, silent. When I was standing beside it, I reached out a hand and gently stroked my fingers through the silky raven tresses. But before I could brush my fingers all the way through, my wrist was caught in an steel grip.

Well, steel for a human.

Puny and insignificant, to me.

But I relented, letting go of his hair and looking into the onyx eyes staring at me from the darkness.

"...what are you doing?"

I looked at him for a while, neither of our gazes relenting before I flashed him a blinding smile, responding in a cheery tone.

"Well, taking a proper farewell with my favorite cushion, no?"

He wan't amused. His cold eyes stared at me unwavering and he yanked my hand, making me fall to my knees next to the bed.

Well, as if anyone could make me do anything without my consent...

But I just looked at him, my eyes clear, my face expressionless. Waiting for him to say what he wants to say.

"...well if I'm your favorite cushion, why not stay? You can just continue sleeping, like you always do. No need to leave."

His hold on my wrist tightened as he spoke. My eyes softened, and I gave him a slight, yet completely sincere smile.

"I said before though, didn't I? You guys are my precious people. I will never truly leave you."

My smile fell, and I regarded his face, my expression the epitome of serious contemplation.

Maybe, I could make it work...

I slowly licked my lips, still looking at him in complete seriousness as I posed a question.

"...say Sasuke, remember the day we had our team introduction? You said your dream was to... kill a certain someone. Is that still your dream?"

At my mentioning this, his body stiffened and his gaze grew cold, and he stared back at me with seriousness mirroring my own.

"Yes. Someday, that will be my reality. I will kill that person."

I regarded him with my expressionless face and disturbingly interested eyes. I hadn't even noticed that the purple flames in them had ignited in excitement, burning like small embers at the mention of murder.

Of death.

"...and for that, you need..."

He immediately filled in my sentence for me.


My lips stretched into an almost insane smile, but I myself hadn't noticed it. I loved Itachi, but all I could think about at that moment was...

All the hate.

All the delicious, destructive hatred... yum~

So, it seems his quest for power and revenge is still his highest priority. But I'll stay with him. I owe my comfy cushion some help for all the times I troubled him. Plus, I did promise him I'd make it up to him when I ditched him with a raging Sakura in favor of Icha-icha...

"... I see. Power, then."

I looked at the window and instantly, it was as if a breeze had swept through the room, blowing the curtains aside and revealing the bright moon.

"Well, I guess a farewell gift is in order..."

I turned back to Sasuke, my expression unreadable.

"Alrighty~ I suppose I can give you this. I will stay. I'm going to stay with you, watch over you, for the rest of your life."

My mouth tilted into a slight smile.

And trust me Sasuke, whether you'll be happy about that remains to be seen...

The silence stretched as his grip on my wrist tightened even more.

"...but I thought you said that you'd be gone for an unknown amount of time. You mean, you're not actually leaving...?"

The slight hope I could hear in his voice made my nonexistent heart feel just a bit warmer. He wasn't as precious as Kurama and Shukaku, yet. But soon...

My smile widened, but mischief was twinkling in my eyes.

"I wasn't lying. I meant it. I'll always be with you."

I started rocking my body back and forth, the movement coupled with my sparkling hair billowing with the motion, making for a hypnotizing and enchanting scene. Slowly, a melody started spilling from my lips. As I sang, I stroked my fingers gently through the silky raven tresses, hearing the breathing of the boy even out. When I was sure he was asleep, I stopped singing and looked down at the beautiful person that I had, in the end, come to truly care about.

"You really might hate me for this. It might cause other people to hate and fear you. But... I seriously doubt you'd even care."

With an almost insane smile on my lips, I slowly lowered my head towards his neck.

Hmm, now you'll actually have another thing in common with Naruto, huh.

A slight smirk spread on my face before I opened my mouth, elongated fangs twinkling in the dark. I sank my fangs deep into the flesh at the base of his neck, around the spot I knew Oreopedo would try to bite him in the second exam.

When I pulled away, a mark was left. On the base of his neck, black lines were slowly moving, as if drawing themselves. When the lines formed into a complete seal, they flared a bright purple before slowly fading from view.

I looked at my handiwork, another smirk spreading across my features.

And so it begins.

As the seal started to take effect, I could feel my body dissolving, and being sucked into the seal.

Into him.

I meant it when I said I'd be with you always.

"...so, let's get along, ne?"

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