《Nebula's Echo (a Naruto Fanfic)》Chapter 29


Hello fellow potatoes! (No worries, you can be a broccoli or sausage if you want :)

So, here's another update. Somehow I feel like its been a long time since I last updated... though I think I did it last week? Maybe my brain died and its actually been two weeks since the last time?

Well anyway, here's the long awaited update. But I have to ask, do any of you feel that this story is getting boring? Should I speed up the happenings just a bit? *~*

Well either way, have a good read! (and hopefully a nice and depression-free day as well!)


After helping Naruto out of his little breakdown, I decided it was prudent to take a nap. Needless to say, without my cushion, there's no such thing as an enjoyable nap. But hey, Ibiki is part of the torture and interrogation unit (I think), so some torture is to expected.

But to aim for my comfy sleep... that's low, Ibiki.

Faintly, I heard the proctor sneeze.



The sudden shout made me freeze. Ibiki can't read my mind, right...?

"Listen up! Here's the tenth and final question!"

I let out an almost inaudible sigh of relief.

Huh, really had me worried there...

"But, before I give you the question, there are some more rules that you need to be aware of..."

I gave an exasperated sigh.

Enough with all the rules dammit Ibiki! You talk too much!

Suddenly the door opened. The doors creaking was the only sound in the total silence following Ibiki's statement, well that and Kankuro's obnoxious "Huh?"

I facepalmed.


Ibiki gave Kankuro a dark smirk.

"Ah, made it just in time. I hope you found your trip to the bathroom enlightening."

I spotted a tinge of panic on Kankuro's face at being discovered before I covered my face with my palms in utter shame.

Really, Kankuro?! The bathroom? Couldn't you cheat with a little more class?!?!?!

"Well, take your seat."

Ibiki's voice was calm, but I still didn't lift my face from my hands. I heard Kankuro's every step, and also the slight impact of the tiny slip note he dropped on the Temari's desk. I was still wallowing in shame.

If I was Kankuro, I would have just dug a hole and buried myself right then and there!

"So then back to business; rule number one; each of you is free to choose not to be given the final question. It's your decision."

Murmurs broke out through the room, confusion permeating the air. Suddenly Temari stood up and slammed her hands on the desk in front of her.

"Woooah, then what's the catch! Say we decide not to do it, what then?!"

Ibiki gave her a cold look before responding.

"If you choose not to take the tenth question, then regardless of your answers to the other nine, you'll get a zero. In other words, you fail. And that's of course, your teammates fail as well. Also..."


Ibiki took a deep breath, the genin in the room hanging on his every word.

"If you do accept the question, but answer it incorrectly, you will not only fail. You will be barred from taking the chuunin exams ever again!"

The moment the last word left his mouth, the room exploded. Exclamations of objections and dissatisfaction were sounding from every corner of the room. This time, the one to stand up and confront Ibiki was none other than Kiba.

And little Akamaru...hehee... yum~


I gently touched my ringing ears. For someone who's hearing was supposed to be as good as a dogs, Kiba seemed way too comfortable with obscenely loud noises. Seriously...

There was silence following Kiba's statement, but then Ibiki broke into a chuckle. Soon, that chuckle had evolved into full blown laughter, dark and menacing. I just watched the old man with amusement.

When his laughter finally died, he fixated Kiba with a dark stare, an almost maniacal expression on his scarred face.

"Then I guess you were just, unlucky. I wasn't making the rules before, but I am now. Of course, if you don't want to take it, you don't have to."

That effectively made Kiba at a loss for words. Ibiki looked away from Kiba to face the rest, his voice powerful and steady.

"If you're not feeling confident enough, then by all means, skip it. You can just try again next year."

It was completely silent. No one spoke a word, as they were contemplating with themselves the best choice of action. I didn't even know what to think.

If I had been in their shoes (meaning mortal and less great), my brain would have long since collapsed from overuse. Like seriously, Ibiki, what a slavedriver! Giving so much for the poor soul to think about...

When he seemed satisfied with the genins' reaction, Ibiki fixated them all with a serious look, his voice steady and final.

"Now then, if you're ready. The tenth, and final question. Those who don't want to take it, raise your hand! Your number will be recorded and then you're free to go."

It was silent after that. No one even moved. It was like they even feared to breathe loudly. I looked over the participants with a knowing look in my eyes. And sure enough, after a good while of utter silence, a trembling hand rose in the air. All faces turned to the trembling young man holding with the raised hand, their expressions complicated.

"I'm out. That's it. I can't do it. Sorry, Genai, Inaho..."

The man was standing, his expression a mix of despair and guilt. I watched with indifferent eyes as the sentinels called out his number, as well as the numbers of his teammates and reported their failure. My gaze followed the team all the way out the door; the guy who had raised his hand apologizing the whole way.


As expected, once someone had gone first, other's started raising their hands. More and more seat numbers were called out. More and more shouts of "Fail!" from the sentinels. More teams being dragged/led out the door. I was indifferent to it all, until my eyes fell on something completely outrageous.

I saw Sakura slowly raising her hand.

My mind exploded.

She wasn't supposed to do that, right?!

I saw the righteous and self sacrificing look she gave Naruto's back, and suddenly I understood. She thought Naruto was going to fail it. That, I could understand... but something was still wrong here. Isn't she stopped by Naruto seemingly raising his own hand? Originally, Naruto was supposed to give a damn impressive inspirational speech after slamming that hand down on the table in a more than dramatic display of confidence and determination. But now...even though I did help him. Did I mess something up?


At this rate, Sakura is going to actually get us all thrown out...

Seeing the kunoichi's hand raised high in the air, and glancing quickly at a frowning Sasuke and unresponsive Naruto, I couldn't sit still anymore.


I cut off the sentinel that was about to say Sakura's number and then announce the numbers of the rest of our team. My voice was gentle and quiet, so aside from Sakura, the only people who could hear it were the ones closest to me and some of the chuunin and jounin in the room.


The girl snapped her eyes towards me, her eyes widening in surprise.

"Cei, what is it?"

I just smiled at her, gentleness radiating off my very being.


Her surprised expression slowly turned into a frown.



We stayed that way, looking at each other. After a while of silence I flashed her a bright smile, white teeth glistening in the light.

"Really Sakura, no need. You're worried for Naruto, right? Well, come on, its Naruto. He believes in himself, so you should too. Plus, even if we fail, what's so bad about staying genin for the rest of our lives?"

I lifted my hands up in an exasperated motion, eyes closed as I slowly shook my head with an amused smile on my face.

I mean, really. It literally means nothing, whether we ever graduate from being genin. After all, I mean come on, Sasuke and Naruto in canon? Like, that's as good a proof as any that genin could be complete monsters too...

Sakura's face was contorted in displeasure, but I spoke once more, my index finger elegantly pointing at a certain blonde ball of enthusiasm.

"Just look."

Almost as soon as I said it, Naruto raised a trembling hand into the air. Sakura turned her shocked eyes to the blond, before sending me a glare, saying

Wtf "he believes in himself"?! What crap are you trying to feed me here Cei?!

I just smiled at the look and tilted my head in his direction, hinting Sakura to look again. She gave me a judgmental look, glaring at he until the sudden sound of hands slapping a table made her jump. Instantly, her head turned towards the noise, that just happened to come from where I was pointing. I smiled in satisfaction.

Naruto had slammed his raised hand down on the table with considerable force, his fierce eyes burning with determination fixed on Ibiki's. At this moment, I was puffing with pride.

Ohhh, Naruto my little sweetiepuff~ I knew even if I helped him he wouldn't pass up the oppotunity to put forth his speech. This is destiny, my child~

Okay, well, my parent, in this case.

"DON'T UNDERESTIMATE ME! I don't quit and I don't run! You can act tough all you want, but you guys aren't gonna scare me off, no way! I don't care if I do get stuck as a genin for the rest of my life!"

He suddenly stood up, the force making his chair fall over.


I was wallowing in pride and self conceit. I really think my ego needs a few blows right about now...

Ahh, so I was right... the reaction was just a bit delayed...

A smug smile spread on my face, and I was too lost in my own amazingness to even bother acknowledge my constantly growing narcissistic streak.

Ibiki regarded Naruto with cold, disdainful eyes as he gave him one last reminder.

"This decision is one that can change your life. If for any reason, you would rather quit, now's your last chance."

Naruto met Ibiki's cold eyes head on, his eyes the most serious I have ever seen them.

"No way, I never go back on my word. That's the way of the ninja."

I saw how all the other participants seemed to light up at Naruto's words, their expressions feeling with confidence. I closed my eyes and leaned back in my chair.

Ah, well. Now this farce is over...

Apparently, Ibiki thought so too. Casting glances at the chuunin sentinels around the room, he observed their nods and smiles of approval. Nodding in return, he turned back to face the rest of us.

"Well then, I admire your determination, if nothing else. For those of you remaining, there's only one thing left to do... and that's for me to tell you, that you've all passed the first exam!"

I ignored the gasps and sounds of shock and joy, perfectly happy that this ridiculous farce was finally over...

But sadly, my happy bubble was rudely popped when the window shattered into a thousand pieces. I watched on with a deadpan expression as a shadow jumped into the classroom, two kunai shooting out to get stuck in the ceiling, a big dark cloth with white letters unfurling and hanging down between the two kunai.

It only took me a glance to draw my conclusions. I buried my head into my hands with a groan.

Anko, that crazy woman! Do the concepts of class and finesse mean nothing to these damn ninjas?!

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