《This Gift I Was Given (The Boys That Lives In My House)》Chapter 33


Samara texted me and told me she invited some people and she can't wait for tonight.

Me and Mary are in my room getting dressed for tonight.

"I can't wait to meet everyone" Mary says as she fixes her hair

"I don't really know to many people here I mostly just hang out with Samara and Felix" I tell her

"You haven't lived here too long, you still have time to meet more people and tonight's a great opportunity"

"Yeah I'm not very good at making friends" I laugh and shake my head

She gives me a small smile.

I'm so happy that Mary and Eli are here, I've missed them more than I thought I did. I'm not ready for them to leave yet because I know when they do I'm going to be alone again, I mean I know there's Larry and Samara and if you want to count Felix, but I'm not close to any of them I'm starting to get close to Samara so maybe we will be good friends soon.

"And done" Mary says and does a little twirl while giggling

"Me too " I say and look at myself one more time in the mirror

We walk downstairs and I see Samara and Cole and a couple of other people in the living room.

"Hey" I say getting there attention

"There you are" Samara smiles

"Sorry we were finishing getting ready " I apologize " this is Mary and that Eli" I tell Samara and Cole "and this is Samara and Cole" I finish introducing everyone

"Hello" Cole says in a flirty tone to Mary

"taken" is all I say to Cole hoping he gets the message and Eli wraps his arm around Mary waist just in case he diddnt

"Nice try" Samara tries not to laugh


I notice a lot of people I've never even met let alone ever even seen at our school is here.

"Let's take a group shot" Mary announces

"No no no!" I shake my head and look over and see Felix squeezing by people and steps in my kitchen "you came" I say as we make eye contact. I almost didn't think he was going to come

"Sorry it took me so long it takes awhile to get here" he jokes

"Haha" I playfully roll my eyes

"I'm glad your here because we are going to do a group shot" Mary says to Felix with a smirk playing on her lips

"Even Jess?" He says like he doesn't believe it

"Yep" I nod

"Okay let do it" he says as Eli pours us all a shot

"Okay one, two three." Mary counts down and we all gulp down our shot

"O God" I say as the back of my throat burns

"You okay there" Felix laughs

"Super" I give him a thumbs up as I'm about to vomit

"Hey isn't that the guy Felix beat up?" I ask Samara as me and her and Mary stand in the corner talking

she looks over her shoulder and sees him "yeah he's a jerk" she rolls her eyes

"Why did they fight?" Mary says intrigued

Samara looks at me then at Mary, I honestly want to know too "okay don't say anything but I found out that" she says and stops her sentence and looks at me with sad eyes

"What?" I really want to know now

"Well Felix over heard him saying some um pretty nasty things about you" she mumbles the last part " and then they got into a verbal fight and he also brought up some stuff about Felix past and then Felix punch him" I try not to act upset about people talking bad about me.


"So he was defending Jess" Mary says and looks at me from the corner of her eye

Why would Felix defend me when he doesn't even like me? Why didn't he tell me?

"O " Is all I can think of to say

"Don't tell him I told you" she says worried

"I won't" I say as I look over at Felix talking to Eli

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