《Satin on the Slopes》Chapter 20


As I sat down at the little table with Jen and Richard my shoulders were so tight that they were almost up to my ears. I hadn't realized it when Hudson had texted me the address but now I was very aware that I knew this place. In fact, I used to be a regular here. And I knew a handful of the men milling around. I shrunk down lower in the booth, hoping that the low lighting and high seats would prevent them for seeing me.

"Relax," Jen whispered, placing her hand over mine. "He'll show up."

"I don't think she's worried about that," Richard said, his eyes locked onto Calgary's favorite goalie. I have given him the nickname "The Wall" and somehow it had just stuck. The man that I would've called a friend at one point now terrified me. If Richard and Jen hadn't been here with me I would've bolted a long time ago.

Richard was right about my fear, of course. There were few moments in this life when he wasn't. But I was still facing this head on. On the drive here- before I knew the location- I had decided that this was a good thing. Generally speaking there were two Achilles's Heels when it came to me and men. Firstly, my ex fiance was an incredible hockey player. My bowling partner wasn't the first person who got all starry eyed at just the thought of him. Secondly, Jen was drop dead gorgeous. Any man with a pulse would have a hard time not running their eyes over her at least once. I would have a hard time being with anyone if I knew they found my sister more attractive than me.

And if those two things didn't ruin the evening I'm sure Jen would take it upon herself to do just that. Sure, it would be well-intentioned, but she would interrogate him in a way that would make any old school father proud.

Hudson would be appalled and I wouldn't have to wrestling with the idea of dating a client and jeopardizing my career again.

"Hey everyone," Hudson greeted, snapping me out of my deep thoughts. The intense grimace that covered my face vanished, melting into a broad grin. And when I ran my eyes over his tall frame I felt my mouth water. Screw the peculiar poutine, it seemed eye candy was all I neeeded. In that poloshirt and those jeans he was more than enough to look at.


Jen noticed the change and I watched her face light up as well. She leapt to her feet and opened her arms, tossing them around a startled Hudson.

"You must be Hudson. We've heard so much about you," she gushed.

Oh yes, she was definitely playing the embarrassing parent card better than I could have hoped. She excitedly introduced him to Richard and then gestured for him to sit. I scooted inward on the bench, pressing myself up against the wall. I didn't want to take any chances tonight. I knew that something as simple as proximity would be enough to make me unravel.

"You look really familiar," Hudson said as he slid in beside me. Those long legs shifted around under the table to maneuvered through the limited leg room. His knee rested against my thigh. My breath caught in my throat.

My entire body felt like it had been scorched by such a simple touch. But it didn't matter. This conversation was already going exactly as I had planned it. Jen had been on a few magazines in her time. He recognized her from that, they would laugh, then she would jump into her pageant life. I would say nothing because she had every right to be proud of herself for this accomplishment. Hudson would become fully enamored with her while Richard would lovingly hold her hand and smile triumphantly at the star struck fool.

"I went through the pageant circuit," Jen hinted, the pride already glimmering in her eyes.

But Hudson shocked us all. "That's incredible, but I'm not the kind of guy that would keep up with that sort of thing. I don't remember the last time I read any magazine or even watched a commercial on TV."

"She's also is a nurse at the Calgary Hospital. Seeing as your sport is quite dangerous that might be how you know her," Richard offered.

"You're right," Hudson announced with a giddy nod. "You were the nurse that helped me when I shattered my ankle."

"Right!" she gasped. "I remember you. Your ankle was twisted to the side and yet you were still convinced that you had just sprained it. I thought you were going to start yelling at me when I told you that you probably wouldn't be able to snowboard for the rest of the season. Oh my God when you threatened to get up and walk on it just to prove a point I almost passed out."


"I was pissed. I thought I was going to lose my contract with Rush over it. I knew that it wasn't your fault and you were so nice through the whole thing, but you're right, I did want to lose it on you." He laughed and turned to Richard. "What do you do?"

Any normal person would be intimidated by Richard's profession. I know that I was when I had first found out. It was hard to sit across from a man who could so easily determine and detect your imbalances. Over time I learned that Richard had his own flaws and he was like the rest of us: a work in progress.

But Hudson didn't seem to care. He only seemed interested in what Richard had to say about his job. And, oddly enough, Richard seemed just as delighted to talk about Hudson's snowboarding career until the waitress delivered our drink and appetizer. And when the conversation between the men slowed down Jen retrieved her phone out her pocket and announced that she promised Richard's sister that they would call her today. I knew it was bullshit but I said nothing as they got up from the table, leaving just Hudson and I.

"How was your trip to Whistler with Tyson?" he asked while I poked at the warm spinach did with a pita. i was looking anywhere but at him.

"Great. He was actually behaving himself. I was pretty surprised."

My original plans to derail Hudson were not panning out. However, he wasn't exactly pursuing me so I had no idea how to act. I knew what I wanted and I knew what I needed as a professional, but I was getting neither which made it difficult to play my cards.

"You shouldn't trust him," Hudson blurted.

"Excuse me?" I shot back, feeling my eyebrows raise. My gaze stayed on the creamy dip.

"Just don't, okay?" he pressed, but he was glaring down at the table instead of looking at me.

Now I blatantly stared at him. "Aren't you his friend?"

"That's different," he insisted.

"How is that any different? You can be his friend but I can't be?" I demanded hotly

"Just trust me. He's great for me, he just might not be so great for you."

"Fantastic, I'm supposed to trust you but not him yet you're giving me no reason to do either," I snapped. "How about I find out who is good for me and who isn't?"

Hudson opened his mouth to reply but his phone rang, causing the table to vibrate. He snatched it up and frowned when he saw the caller id. "I have to take this, but I'll be right back."

If I had a car I might've stormed out of here and not come back. I had never been the kind of girl who made a scene, but I was finally coming into myself as an individual and I didn't appreciate Hudson telling me what to do or who to associate with. Plus, with all the tension between us i was so on edge that a blow out only seemed reasonable at some point.

Alas, it didn't matter because I didn't have a car. So I just fumed to myself and pulled out my phone, hoping the food would come soon. As I flicked through my photography social media I moved myself away from the wall, sliding into a more comfortable position in the middle of the booth. I prayed at a couple of mindless minutes would allow me to move forward with a civil dinner for the rest of the night.

I didn't realize that- with my head down and my eyes busy- I was opening myself up for an attack.

One moment I was staring at my phone, happy with my increased number of followers.

The next I was ice cold and soaked.

My hands dropped my phone in shock and I sucked in a gasp as it clattered onto the table. I think I would've let out a scream if my whole body hadn't contract so tightly with the intense chill. As my body began to shiver an ice cube that had balanced itself on my shoulder hit the seat beside me and I stared down at my knitted shirt, stained red. And when a berry scent hit my nose tears filled my eyes. It was a punch in the gut I had never imagined.

I was drenched in the drink that the bar had started serving on the night of our engagement.


The word made my head jerk up, yanking me out of my frozen daze. All I saw was three sets of shoulders walking away from me.

~~~Question of the Day~~~

Do you have any pets?

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