《Satin on the Slopes》Chapter 18


"This is bullshit," Tyson announced with a shake of his head. "This is fucking bullshit and it's high season. We are never going to be able to find a another hotel room and if we don it'll probably be close to seven hundred dollars for a night."

He had been like this since the lobby. I was just thankful that he hadn't accused the person behind the desk too harshly. I had been a customer service rep at one point and I could recall anger customers very easily. I would've been mortified if he had even raised his voice in front of that poor girl. However, Tyson being quiet in the public eye only meant that he was muttering curses to let out his rage later on and I was getting a little sick of it now.

We had somewhere to spend the night and though it was small there was decent living space and there was no way that we couldn't manage.

"It's not that big of a deal," I soothed, tossing my suitcase onto the single bed. There, I pulled out the primary items that I would need to start my editing tonight. I had agreed to this because I needed the extra money, but I still wasn't completely caught up on my old work yet. Shawna wasn't on my case as hard as before but she was still giving me tight deadlines to meet.

"So, you aren't upset?" Tyson asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Sure, I'm a little annoyed by it, but throwing a fit won't fix anything. We have to deal with what we've been given and a hotel in paradise isn't exactly a death sentence." I shrugged my shoulders and booted up my old but reliable laptop.

"Well," he began seeming like he was struggling to grasp my cool and collected attitude. Thankfully, he was seeming to start to calm down as well. "I thought you would be more upset about having to sleep in the same bed, but if you aren't then that is cool too."


At that I had to laugh. My head tipped back and one of the most authentic chuckles left my lungs. It filled the small space.

"Christ, Tyson, it's not like that is our only option. Whether you believe me or not I'm pretty reasonable, much less of a diva than you'd like to think. I'll sleep on the couch or on the floor. Hell, one of my best sleeps in my college days was in a bath tub with a single blanket. I'm pretty flexible."

"Right, right," Tyson muttered, running his hand through his hair. "How about I take you out for dinner to make it up to you?"

My eyes darted to my laptop. I had a lot of work to do, but I also needed food at some point tonight. And so far, Tyson was carrying himself like a gentleman. Well, maybe that was a stretch, but he was behaving himself much better. Let's be honest, free food was about as good as it got.

"Let's go," I agreed, hoping that he would follow in Hudson's footsteps and surprise me with a decent evening. After the stressful day I had I needed this to go as smoothly as possible.

We found a small fast food restaurant and I was pleasantly surprised though Tyson kept apologizing. He told me over and over again that there was almost no way we could get into a sit down restaurant in the middle of high season. Seeing how much of a kerfuffle our bedroom had been I wasn't surprised. But, I was very excited for a greasy burger and some salty fries. And when I saw torn cushions on the bench seats and ketchup dispensers I knew I was going to get my fix.

"So, how long have you been snowboarding?" I asked, shoving a fry in my mouth.


"Since I was ten and before that it I was skiing. I've always loved the snow and the mountains. If snowboarding hadn't taken off for me I still would've done something involving the outdoors."

"Yeah, you and Hudson are both super active, woodsy kind of people, aren't you?"

"Oh yeah, but I'm much more adaptable than he is. Tried to take that guy to an upscale gala once and it was tough. I think he owns one button down shirt and maybe two pairs of jeans."

At that I rolled my eyes. "Are you and Hudson always competing?"

The corner of Tyson's mouth quirked up in a smile while he tore into his chicken burger. "We've always been like that. He came into Rush like four days after me. We both thought that they were only going to keep one of us on so we were always against each other. When we figured that they were keeping us we actually got pretty close."

"How romantic," I teased, resting my chin on my folded hands.

"Shut up," he laughed, throwing a fry at me.

The conversation died down for a moment and I allowed myself to enjoy my burger without guilt. No, it wasn't good for me, but I wasn't going to beat myself up for consuming it. Instead, I would appreciate it as the treat it was and allow myself to be happy about having a decent meal that I didn't have to pay for again.

When I brought my focus back to Tyson I noticed how red his face was.

"I didn't realize that your burger was that spicy," I mused, still smiling with good humor.

"Oh, it's not," he muttered, dropping his eyes. He sucked in a deep breath for strength and brought his gaze back to mine a second later. The redness of his cheeks only seemed to grow before he spoke. "I have just been such a dick to you."

"Yeah, you have," I stated, eating another fry.

"I'm sorry," he whispered. "I don't know what I was thinking. You were in a vulnerable spot and you are just trying to make your way as a photographer and I was harassing you. I thought it was funny or that you would like it. Now I know that neither are true and I'm just really sorry," he apologized. "I don't want to go through this whole trip with you thinking that I'm some kind of shameless piece of shit."

"Hey," I said, placing my hand on top of his. I could feel little pieces of salt from the fries still on my fingers. "I really appreciate your apology. And I really appreciate you not hitting on me and not being a dick through this whole trip so far."

"So we're good?"

"Get me some ice cream then we can say we are even."

~~~Question of the Day~~~

What is your favorite kind of ice cream?

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