《Satin on the Slopes》Chapter 10


"These look ridiculous," I complained, staring down at the boots that Hudson had suggested I try on. Was it possible that anyone would pay money for these? They looked like snowshoes and were certainly heavy enough and awkward enough to be.

"I don't care how they look and I'm the one with the credit card so I have the final say, remember?" he taunted. But his expression was all business as he assessed me. "Are they warm?"

"Ungodly so," I moaned. "I'm going to start sweating if I don't get them off."

"And comfortable?"

"I feel like anything this ugly needs to have the redeeming quality of being comfortable."

"Could you wear them all day?"

"I guess, as long as no one from the general public saw me."

"Then they are perfect," he stated, shooting a bright smile to the clerk who was helping us. "We'll take these, the jacket, and the mittens please."

"Hudson, they are ugly," I groaned, but unlaced the boots and slipped back into my high heels.

"I'm sick of having a popsicle take my pictures. This is my weekend so my rules. Besides, you better behave if you want me to take you somewhere nice for supper," he teased with a wink.

Part of me was so thrilled that I was getting new, warmer gear. It had been so long since I had been able to get anything new for myself because all of my money had to go back to Connor in order to avoid fighting. The idea that I would actually be a comfortable temperature while I was on the mountain was incredible.

But the idea that Hudson was buying something for me made me anxious. I didn't want him to take this to mean something more than it was. And though I knew this was technically all through Rush I didn't want to give I'm the opportunity to feel like he could lord something over me. I had worked so hard to get away from a relationship like that already. I wasn't prepared to hop into the next.

That being said he hadn't revealed any signs of having ill intentions this weekend. He had let me go to my room to change and warm up then he had taken me shopping. And the whole time he had been shooting me those heart melting smiles and telling me that I had to be warm to do my job properly. Aside from bargaining for supper there had been no red flags with him or his purposes. It seemed like he genuinely just wanted me to be comfortable and capable.


And I was excited enough that when we went back to the hotel for a brief rest I ended up pulling out one of my old dresses that I had brought just in case. It was a gorgeous piece that Connor had bought for me early into our relationship and though it was expensive it had a cute, casual flare to it. for the first time in months I put in the effort to curl my hair and applied makeup beyond my normal mascara and concealer.

When Hudson came to my door I flung it open without hesitation, smiling brighter and more genuinely than I had in a long time. For once I felt beautiful and I felt beautiful for me, not for someone else. I wasn't going to be appraised by Connor to see if I had put on weight or judged by other hockey wives.

"Oh...Wow," he whispered, starting by taking in my long legs, the flared skirt, then the low neckline and the funky mess that was my hair. It was then, when I saw those eyes slip away from their usual kindness that I began to worry. Though Tyson was more pushy and much more explicit Hudson had frequently offered to take me out and this dinner had been a bargain for him.

But, despite the flash of lust that crossed his face, he shot me a sweet grin and gestured for me to join him. I went with him.

As we walked through the hotel I stayed a step or so behind him. this allowed me to run my eyes over him like he had done to me, but less blatantly. And I had to say that I liked what I saw. I was so used to seeing him in his snow gear that just catching a glimpse of his eyes was often a shock, but this was something else entirely.

Now it was plain to see how strong his legs were, they must've been for carving down the mountain. His shoulders were wide and his arms filled out the sleeves of his shirt impressively. In that moment he looked a lot like the hockey players I knew so well. All that gave it away was those glowing eyes and that easy expression. Sure his dress shoes weren't as nice and the watch on his wrist didn't shimmer in the light the same way, but the fit body under a button down shirt and well fitted trousers would've fooled the untrained eye.


However it only made me anxious as to where he was taking me.

"So what's the plan for tonight?" I asked as we made it into the parking lot. I hoped I sounded like I was unbothered, but I hadn't gone out for supper with anyone other than my sister since the breakup. this all felt so new to me, even if we were just going as acquaintances.

Hudson just laughed when I walked towards my SUV. "Still no snow tires, princess? Come on, the roads are too slick for that. Let's take my car."

I didn't complain and ambled into the passenger seat of his little orange cross over. I had to admit that for such a small car it was pretty roomy, even with all the gear piled into the back of it. and it was outfitted with tons of tech that my car didn't have. But Connor wouldn't be caught dead on these cloth seats.

"You really need to get winter tires on that car," he said as he reversed out of the parking spot then putted onto the main road.

"So you keep saying," I muttered, glancing out the window.

"I'm serious, it's dangerous."

"I get it Hudson," I said firmly. I didn't want to rude but I also didn't want him to push until I told him about having to pick between a secure place to live and a equipped car to drive.

"I just want you to be safe," he replied, sounding a little hurt. "If you're going to stay on as a photographer for Rush there is going to be tons of driving in bad weather. The worst roads to drive on usually lead to the best conditions on the mountain."

Thankfully, I didn't have to say anything because we arrived at the restaurant. In a city like Calgary it could take half an hour to move a few kilometers but here it was all fast and close by,

"This looks fancy," I mused, looking at the modern, new building. I vaguely wondered if he was trying to impress me, but squashed the idea. We came here because this was all going on his credit card with Rush.

"Did you think I got dressed up for nothing?" he teased.

But all I could think was that I was going back in time. This time it would take more than waiters in white and small portions to sweep me off my feet. I had learned now that money wasn't everything.

When we got the menus I was disappointed. Sure, the place was beautiful and the ambiance was wonderful, but the menu was lacking all I wanted. All I was craving right now was a poutine. Fries slathered in gravy and cheese curds was the only mixture that could hit the spot.

"What are you thinking you're going to have?" Hudson asked, peering over the top of his menu at me.

"Honestly, I'm not sure. They don't have what I want."

"They have plenty of sal-"

"Do I look like a salad girl to you?" I interrupted, letting my menu drop so I could glare at him. My God he was just like Connor.

But Hudson took his time answering, opening and closing his mouth several times before finally getting the words out. "It's very clear that you take care of yourself, but that's all I'm going to say because I'm screwed no matter which side I lean to. I really didn't mean to offend you."

"There are two rules for taking me out. One: I know my car doesn't have winter tires. I don't want to talk about it. Two: Never talk about my food. I am well aware of what I'm putting into my body."

I thought Hudson would avert his eyes, maybe apologize or he could even call me a bitch and tell me I was being rude. But he didn't. that smile lit up his face and he nodded his head as his eyes sparkled with amusement.

"The only thing I'm going to ask you is what kind of wine you want," he murmured, winking at me.

At that I couldn't help but laugh. "The kind is irrelevant the only thing I'm concerned about it the quantity."

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