《[DISCONTINUED] the swingset -Tyrus》10


guess who's back


cyrus' pov

I made my way backstage to see Vanessa.

just as I turned the corner I saw the brunette and Kira hugging.


I stealthily hid behind the wall praying not to get caught.

they both pulled away and looked at each other smiling.

I saw Kira look over my way and look me in the eyes. something about it just didn't seem right. she looked almost sorry. maybe not almost. but she looked like she was regretting something.

I decided to come out of my hiding spot and step into the light. I made my way over to the two girls and flashed my fake smile.

"hey" I said with my awkward tone, adding a chuckle to the end.

Vanessa turned around startled, tucking a piece of her hair behind her ear.

"oh hey cyrus. me and Kira were just talking" she said clearly not sure how to tell me what she needs to tell me

"oh?" I said curiously.

anger washed over me. I'm not sure what it was about this particular situation that made me mad, but seeing the two of them hug like this was some kind of get together party made my stomach turn.

I clenched my fists and stared Kira down. something about her made me want to punch something, but now I realize she makes a lot of people feel that way. but for some reason, not Vanessa.

"she's sorry." Vanessa said noticing my silence.

I looked over at Vanessa and glared at her. what an idiot. trusting Kira like theres no tomorrow and hoping for the best? if it was that easy everyone would be doing it. but nobody is besides her.

why does she do things that aren't normal? nobody else does it so why is she doing it. she's just gonna ruin her career and her status. Kira is just gonna hurt her and I can't let that happen. she'll probably hurt all of us and it'll be all Vanessa's fault.


"cyrus are you okay?" Kira said genuinely worried.

"shut up you're just being nice to me so Vanessa trusts you. but guess what? She'll never trust you. get it straight through your head- which may I add might be very easy for you- she doesn't like you. nobody does, so leave us alone before you hurt someone else." I shouted.

Vanessa gasped and was about to speak until Kira started shouting as well.

"well maybe if you weren't such a stupid fag we wouldn't have this problem, did you ever think of that?" she screamed

Vanessa looked at her with horror in her eyes, which soon turned to anger.

Kira looked at her regretting every word she said, as she tried touching Vanessa's arm.

Vanessa slapped it away and was on the verge of tears. Kira didn't seem to want to give up and she went over to Vanessa and tried hugging her.

Before I knew it Kira was already on the floor after being fierce fully pushed by the angered girl.

I looked at the two of them with fright. Kira got up quickly and looked at Vanessa.

"I'm sorry. I'm really sorry you know I didn't mean it I-" Kira started but wasn't able to finish.

"do I? do I really know Kira?" Vanessa said with anger.

she went over to her and pushed her again.

"I don't. I don't know ok I've never known you. we aren't friends. you're mean. we're polar opposites we don't belong in the same category Kira." she said crying already.

people were staring at them and I felt the need to do something but I couldn't bring by it upon myself to stop it.

"were different" she said pushing her again. she kept repeating different while pushing Kira and that's when I realized I needed to stop this.


I rapped my arms around Vanessa's waist while pulling her away, but she kept fighting back. no. I'm not gonna let her go. I kept pulling her away until she calmed down.

3rd person pov

Kira was left with tear stains on her face, waiting for the two teens to come back. They never did.

the crowd slowly died down, and soon all you could hear was the wind hitting the windows, and the sound of rain pouring on the pavement outside.

Kira walked home. alone.

Vanessa's mom picked her up. she fell asleep in the car without her mom saying anything to her.

Cyrus and Tj walked home in silence hoping the rain would stop. they didn't have to say that to each other for them to know that's what they both wanted.

no goodbyes were said, and the thought of saying hello the next day almost sounded bizarre.

the day was almost like a dream. only more lifelike and



hi, that chapter was kind of short but I didn't really know what to write haha. I'm coming back for a bit considering all of things were going through, and not many of you have much to do.

please stay safe everyone, and wash your hands!!! if you go outside wear a mask, and if you consider going to the store and touching items, wear gloves. I know it might not seem necessary but it will make a huge different.

I love you all and I hope you all are okay, and safe! I pray for you and your families and i hope none of you get infected with this virus.

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