《Trick Or Treat || Michael Myers X Reader》Chapter Nine



The seemingly bland breeze coming from the air conditioning washed over my face, gently waking me up so that I could begin my day.

I sat up slowly, lifting my hands and rubbing the sleep from my eyes. Only to flinch when a stinging sensation made its way up my hand and to my damaged knuckles.

And then the memories of my odd behavior returned to me, making me frown and lower my hand.

I swallowed the lump in my throat and stood up, licking my lips in the process. I sighed, looking at the shattered mirror I had broken just the night before.

I felt so little emotion today compared to just hours before.

With a tired grunt I ambled my way downstairs to fetch some easy breakfast, not at all bothering to try to wake up Ms. Olif.

She could sleep in a coffin six feet under for all I care.

I rolled my eyes at my sour attitude, the dark mood accompanying me most likely caused by my lack of progress on my research.

Eventually, I arrived in the kitchen to search for a nearly empty box of cereal. I set it on the counter and spun around to grab a jug of milk.

I made my simple breakfast and took my seat at the dining room table.

I sighed softly, resting my chin a top the palm of my hand whilst my elbow propped it up. My free hand holding my spoon and scooping cereal into it before directing its way to my mouth.

I felt bland today.

Bored and hopeless.

Minutes passed and I was nearly done with my bowl of cereal, only to be stopped by the sound of the home phone ringing throughout the room.

My heart skipped a beat and I quickly stood up, whacking my leg on the table and cringing, "Shit! Fuck!" I whisper yelled before clumsily making my way towards the raging phone.


I took ahold of it and put it to my ear.

"Hello? Is Y/n there?" It was the Strode girl.

My mood seemed to have brightened at the sound of the teenagers voice coming through the telephone, as a wide grin spread across my face.

"Laurie!" I blurted.

"It's me! I'm here!" I leaned back on my heels.

"So, i'm gonna be heading to school soon and I just thought imd let you know that I didn't forget about our search for that Myers girl!" Laurie exclaimed, continuing soon after her short pause.

"So, while i'm at school I thought you should go to the library and look for old newspapers and stories on the Myers family. Stuff like that. They've gotta have something!" She explained, showing off her smarts effortlessly.

I nodded silently, my heart skipping beats at the thought of progressing my search for the sake of my one true love.

"For sure! I'll get started on that right away! Thank you Laurie darling." I thanked the young girl before we proceeded to say our goodbyes and hang up the phone.

I stood still for a moment, my excitement setting in.

I squealed, taking a step back and jumping up and down, spinning around to accompany my joy. I began to clap soon after, laughter escaping my maw.

"I'm going to help you my love! Everything is working out!" I shouted joyously.

I had to clean up and then leave for the library as soon as possible!

Laurie would assist me greatly, she would gather intel at her school and I could find information at the library, then eventually have her run to the police station in search of details.

The police knew who I was, so knowing I was the one seeking out the information might've been a bad idea.

This is why Laurie Strode would be so handy.


I cleared my throat and wiggled my hips before skipping to the table and taking care of my half eaten breakfast.

After cleaning up I ran upstairs, impatient due to having such a burst of anticipation go off inside of me.

I went through my clothes that I had gotten after being released from the sanitarium, along with the clothes that I had yanked from Ms. Olif's closet.

Once dressed in my usual attire I walked my way to the bathroom where a none shattered mirror awaited me.

I ran my fingers through my messy hair and placed my hands under the sink after turning it on. I splashed my face and inhaled deeply, taking in my features as I stared at the mirror.

I practiced expressing emotions on my face for a minute of two, smiling, frowning, looking mad or sad, so on so forth.

Finally, I ran down the stairs and to the living room. I snatched my small hand bag and keys before throwing the door open and running outside, almost forgetting to close the door might I add.

Once outside I made sure to calm myself down and walk at a decent pace, I had to make sure to look normal along with acting it.

Time to go to the library.


Michael lay silently, almost as if he were dead.

His back against his uncomfortable bed as he stared up at the dirty ceiling of his room.

His dark eyes staring past the roof and at the imaginary sky that he had created in his head.

He looked almost lifeless, as he wasn't moving one bit. It didn't even look like he was breathing.

He was waiting for the time to come.

The time to return home and find his lost sister and end her life like he had his older sister all those years ago.

He could also find that one girl he'd been with since he'd come to the sanitarium.

He knew how much she took an interest in him.

And knowing that made Michael feel good.

Great even.

Someone thought of him as more than evil. More than a shape. More than a man that had killed his family name.

Someone looked at him as if he were a god.

It felt amazing to feel that powerful.

It made him fond of Y/n.

He liked having control over her.

He missed those days when she was still with him.

Talking to him and understanding him even when he didn't speak.

Begging for him to protect her from the guards even though they were the ones considered the heroes by societies standards.

She was absolutely in love with Michael. And Michael knew that.

He wasn't sure how exactly that feeling for someone felt, but he did know he had an odd soft spot for the younger female.

Michael sat up slowly, being pulled from his thoughts when he heard the rattling of keys coming from his door.

"Mikey," the guard greeted the tall male when he took a step into the room.

Michael stared blankly at the man, uninterested in being dragged around the large building today.

Soon enough though, he'd be able to the break free and return home.

He just had to wait a little while longer.

Michael always was the patient type, but in this case, he felt more trapped in his own head compared to usual.

He had to be there with Y/n.

With Angel.

He was pulled from his thoughts once again by the sound of handcuffs being clicked into placed around his wrists.


Just a while longer.

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