《Trick Or Treat || Michael Myers X Reader》Chapter Six



I sat up in my seat, two guards accompanying me by standing at my side.

I stared forward at the chair across from me- that was to be my friends.

My eyes only left the seat when the sound of a heavy door being pushed open echoed in my ears.

My eyes widened, I couldn't fight the grin that threatened to squish itself onto my face. My friend was tugged into the small room in chains, he made his way to his seat and sat down.

Now four grown men surrounded us, keeping their eyes narrowed with suspicion.

"Hi," I smiled, trying to hide my excitement. My friend raised his head to stare at me, I had never seen his face- but throughout the long months we were separated, I could tell he had changed.

"Are you happy to see me again? Because i'm happy to see you!" I pressed my hands together, fighting back the urge to try and tackle my friend to the floor and hug him like my life depended on it.

My friend tilted his head to the side, waiting for me to do the same.

My eyes widened as I let out a gasp of realization, I tilted my head and watched my friend intently until he readjusted his head to its normal standpoint.

"I missed you, Michael..." I sighed in relief, the sight of his large frame now sending shivers down my spine.

"I really did..." I nodded slowly, my eyes never leaving his masked face.

He only watched me.

"Tell me you missed me too?" I requested in a soft tone, almost inaudible for everyone but my forever love.

I leaned back in my seat, my heart thudding rapidly against my chest, so much to the point I though my friend might've been able to hear it. I threw that thought to side and waited for him to do or say something- anything.

My friend stared for a moment longer, the silence in our guarded room became tense. I swallowed hard, my body subconsciously slouching forward; a bit of a habit I had grown accustomed to.

"Michael just nod? Something to tell me you missed me?" I pestered, only to gasp when he raised his hands and slammed them onto the table, a loud bang echoing throughout the room whilst his cuffs rattled for a short moment.

I whimpered quietly, my shoulders rising for a moment as my body tensed.

I had frustrated him.

He didn't want to function around the pitiful adults that filled the room to watch us.

I furrowed my brows and allowed my body to relax. I sighed heavily and twisted to look behind me before speaking, "Can you leave us alone for a minute at the least? At least watch us where we can't see, y'know?" I questioned, a faint growl evident in my voice.

The grown men stood silently for a moment, leaving the tallest- and most intimidating to step forward and respond.

He stared down at me, un-phased by the cold glare I shot up at him. "Mind your manners Love." He commanded, leaving me to falter into my seat.


A man who knew how to do his job at least.

"We'll leave you be for a minute at the least. Behave yourselves or else there will be consequences. Understood?" He asked, his voice firm and commanding.

I leaned away from him and crossed my arms, forcing a passive aggressive smile onto my face and closing my eyes, "Sure thing Sport!" I exclaimed sarcastically.

The grown man frowned, "Manners." Is all he said before turning to my greatest friend. "And you? Behave? Nod for me." He demanded and waited patiently for any sort of response from my friend.

I glanced over at him, studying the mask that hid his face for a moment before realizing he was looking at me. His dark eyes spotted through the sockets of his homemade mask, the dim light of the room managing to reflect onto them. Oh how mesmerizing they were. I could stare at them forever.

I inhaled a sharp breath and turned back to the intimidating guard that had stationed himself beside me.

"He agrees." I blurted, jumping when the man shot me a look.

"I know what he's thinking. Just look at him," I smiled softly and looked at my friend, my eyes falling half lidded as I did so.

"The look in his eyes says it all. Now- our privacy please?" I requested, smiling as politely as I could.

The guards took a moment to gather their things before finally leaving us in peace.

I let out a long, drawn out sigh of relief before turning to my friend.

"So..." I began, my eyes drifting down to the table between us whilst my hands sat upon it; my finger gently tracing little circles on the mass.

"Did you miss me like I missed you Michael?" I asked once again.

That long silence filled the room again before he finally leaned forward, his hand carefully shifting forward as best it could to rest atop of my own hand.

His contact sending sharp shivers down my spine, I could feel my cheek begin to burn and I looked away.

"I'm glad you did..."



I awoke with a start.

My body lurching forward and my eyes bursting open, shivers shooting down my spine and triggering goosebumps to coat my arms.

I panted heavily, my eyes falling half lidded once more as I processed the newly familiarized room I sat in.

"Gawd..." I muttered and rubbed my eyes with my trembling fingers before throwing my legs over the bed and hitting my feet on the wooden floor. The planks creaking quietly as I stood up and made my way out of my room tiredly.

I pushed the door shut and wandered to Ms. Olif's room, my fingers curling into my palm whilst I raised my arm to knock on the wooden door. "Morning time madam!" I called into the room and waited a moment for a response.

A small smile sat plastered on my face as I waited, my eyes focused blankly on the white door before me.


I giggled quietly to myself and nodded, "Okay! A little longer in bed! I'll make breakfast for the both of us and then i'll get you up!" I explained before turning and skipping clumsily down the stairs.

Almost immediately when I parted from my short chat with the older woman that shared the house with me, my thoughts returned to Michael: my one and only.

My eyes fluttered shut as I clasped my hands together and intertwined my fingers together.

He must've been thinking about me none stop.

Oh, god. I love him so much.

And he loves me too.

"I'll help you soon my love." I purred softly and parted my hands to run my fingers through my hair.

Without another thought I rushed to the front door after grabbing some essentials and exited the house to fetch both Ms. Olif and I some food to eat for breakfast.

Yes, i'd lied to her about me being the one to make some food, but I had to seem at least a little talented.

I'd buy some food.

As I walked along the sidewalk, I realized how upbeat I seemed today.

It must be the fact that the day Michael would be freed from the never ending pressure to end his sisters life was coming closer.

I was excited to please him.

Even if i'd never be able to see him out of that asylum, at least i'll know he loves me for what i'd do for him.

If he did manage to get away from that Sanitarium though-

We'd be happy together.

We'd make each other happier than everyone else that inhabited this sorrowful planet.

We'd be never ending.

I snapped out of my thoughts, nearly bumping into a light pole while I walked. "Oh sh-" I huffed and shook my head, an embarrassed blush covering my face as I proceeded to look around to make sure no one had seen my near collision with the mass just in front of me.

"Dumb people. Why would you put a light where someone's walking?" I muttered and rolled my eyes before shifting around it and proceeding down the sidewalk.

My wandering continued until I arrived at the nearest diner. That's where i'd get some fresh food I could use to fool Ms. Olif back at the house.

I'm a genius.

I marched into the diner, a confident look in my stride, though it faltered when I spotted a familiar face.

Laurie. I recognized her easily.


This could work.

I inhaled a deep breath, hesitating for a moment before nearing the counter and taking a seat on one of the stools beside her.

I waited quietly to be greeted by a waitress or someone of that nature and glanced over at the younger girl beside me.

"Oh!" I blurted and gasped, putting on my best performance to seem surprised to have run into her.

"Hey, I remember you." I smiled and tilted my head, resting my head on my palm as my elbow propped it up.

Laurie shifted to look at me, almost surprised to see me.

She smiled nonetheless and nodded, "Laurie. And you're Y/n, right?" She asked, arching one of her eyebrows.

I nodded quickly, a grin spreading across my face. I clapped swiftly before finally responding, "Yep! That is indeed me!"

Laurie bounced her shoulders and proceeded to direct her full attention to me. "So... What is it you're here for?" She asked curiously, causing my heart to bounce in my chest.

"Oh, I just came to pick up some food but I could stay and eat here. Lady at home can fend for herself for a while am I right?" I joked, a snort following after.

Laurie laughed quietly and shrugged, "I guess so!" She blinked a few times and glanced over at the counter as a waiter set her plate of pancakes down in front of her. She thanked them quickly before turning back to me, her lips parting to speak but I had already been a step ahead of her.

"So how's the family?" I asked, unaware of how odd that question really was.

The young girl seem taken aback for a moment before clearing her throat, "They're fine. Been preparing for good ol' Halloween. Spookin' everyone," she paused to giggle.

"You met me yesterday though, why're you asking?" She asked and furrowed her brows in confusion.

I coughed and covered my mouth, my nerves growing wild for a moment.

"Oh! I dunno, just curious is all. Since I don't really know anyone else." I explained and bit my bottom lip.

The blonde nodded with another little shrug, "Makes sense. Uh, i've got babysitting to do on Halloween too, sucks since I wanna have some fun." She added absentmindedly.

"On Halloween of all days? C'mon, really?" I asked, not exactly caring that much about her struggles. My mind was drifting to planning on a way to get Laurie alone as soon as possible.

All for Michael.

"For Halloween i'm just gonna hang out and do some research, it's actually been going on for a few days." I explained, tapping my finger against the counter.

Laurie cocked her head to the side for a moment before nodding slowly, "Order your food and eat with me, then can you tell me about what you're researching?" She pursed her lips.

I nodded fast.

Maybe a little too fast?

"That sounds nice," I answered before I turned to look at the waitress that had just arrived on the other side of the counter.

I glanced at Laurie and held up my finger to signal for her to hold on, "One moment and then i'll fill you in on everything." I stated kindly before turning to the woman before me.

Maybe Laurie could assist me in my search for Angel?

My dear Michael your mind will be at ease soon.

|| 💜💜

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