《After The System Punished Me to Give Birth》Chapter 22


When Rong Hua rushed over from Rongcheng to Rong Ci's House back overnight, she found Rong Ci lying on the recliner again in a daze. Rong Hua was speechless, she came in through the window and ran over to pull at his arm, "Get up, I heard movement next door, take me over for breakfast."

Rong Ci avoided her hand and said in a low voice, "Go by yourself."

Rong Hua realized that his complexion was wrong and asked him, "You didn't sleep well?" Rong Hua knew that this person would be grumpy if he was forced to wake up or if he didn't sleep well.

Rong Ci didn't even look at her, he said, "I've already eaten." The truth was that he hadn't eaten anything, he felt panicked, his throat was blocked and he suddenly lost his appetite. He abandoned his chopsticks and left, he didn't know what was wrong with him.

Rong Hua believed his words and said, "Alright, I'll go and find Ali first. In the afternoon, I'll invite you to the Lin Ji pavilion for dinner to celebrate your birthday."

After Rong Ci agreed, Rong Hua left him and ran next door eagerly. As soon as Rong Hua entered the room, she made to hold Ling Li's arm and nestled against him, acting like a baby in a very intimate manner. Su Jingyang, who had passed the level of strangers with her, always felt that she was acting too close to Ling Li.

Ling Li was actually not accustomed to doing this with her, but every time he heard her soft tone, he felt a little softhearted and couldn't push her away.

Ling Li heard that she hadn't eaten breakfast yet and went to the kitchen to serve her porridge. She said, "Ali, just sit down, I'll get it myself!" She then pushed Ling Li back and excitedly went to the kitchen to get a bowl of porridge familiarly. Su Jingyang had just come to the water tank to scoop up some water, Rong Hua glanced at him and her eyes flashed slightly, she held the bowl of porridge and walked to his side, smiling, "Jingyang, did you know that today is Ah-Yi's birthday?"

"I know," Su Jingyang got angry, throwing the water scoop back into the water tank, he straightened up to say to Rong Hua: "He even forced me to cook longevity noodles for him but didn't even eat a bite after I made them so carefully. I think he's just playing tricks on me deliberately."

Rong Hua was surprised when she heard this, "He didn't eat it? He said he'd eaten it."

Su Jingyang said, "I didn't make the food he ate."

Rong Hua looked at his face for a moment and then suddenly shook her head and sighed slightly. Her expression was filled with endless sadness for a moment and her tone trembled, "Ah-Yi, he has lived... a very unfortunate life. His father's gone and his mother doesn't love him. He'll inevitably become sad when his birthday comes, he definitely didn't mess with you deliberately."

Su Jingyang had already guessed that Ah-Yi's family must've been unhappy, so he wasn't particularly surprised by what Rong Hua said. He just couldn't help but asked softly: "His mother... why doesn't she love him?"

Rong Hua said with grief: "I don't know, how could I know. Anyway, his mother treated him badly ever since he was a child. She doesn't care, even shunning him, she only loves her precious little son. After Ah-Yi's father died, that woman became even more arrogant. Once she was caught cursing Ah-Yi to die, my poor Ah-Yi hid his hurt in his heart but he always resisted it, pretending that it didn't matter to him and saying that he was fine."


Su Jingyang was stunned and couldn't believe it. It took a long time to find his voice: "How could there be such a mother?!" Cursing her own son to death? Even if her craziness wasn't small, it was still vicious to curse her eldest son to death. And they were from Rongcheng, so this so-called curse shouldn't be just a verbal one.

"Why not? Father and mother have never been pronouns for goodness. Many bad people are fathers and mothers." Rong Hua chuckled, her eyes cold, "She does much more disgusting things, anyway, Ah-Yi grew up like this but still suffered a lot. If she hadn't been Ah Yi's mother, I would've killed her long ago."

Rong Hua's expression told Su Jingyang she wasn't lying.

The anger in Su Jingyang's heart also disappeared, he couldn't help but start to think. Could it be that Ah-Yi couldn't eat it just now, not because he thought he was the third wheel, but because he suddenly thought of his sad family situation?

Seeing that he was thoughtful, Rong Hua was no longer as annoyed as she was just now, she hit the iron while it was hot: "I'll go to Lin Ji pavilion to invite Ah-Yi to dinner. Let's celebrate with him when the time comes, if there are more people, it'll be more lively. This way, maybe he'll feel better."

Su Jingyang raised his eyes and looked at her. Seeing her face full of earnestness, he nodded and agreed, "Alright, I and Ali will prepare in advance." He wasn't such a narrow-minded person.

Rong Hua immediately smiled, she winked at him prettily and then went out to look for Ling Li with a bowl of porridge.

Rong Hua ate two bowls of porridge and a plate of small spring rolls. After they all set off to Lin Ji pavilion, she returned to Rong Ci's house contentedly, still humming a small song.

Rong Ci had already sat up, he crossed his arms, staring at her with a bit of sullenness in his dark eyes: "What nonsense did you say to him just now?"

Rong Hua was questioned by him, she raised her eyebrows and asked a series of rhetorical questions: "Where did I talk nonsense, everything I said was all true. Is your mother good to you? Didn't your mother curse you? Curse you to die young? All these years, you watched your mother be kind to your brother, don't you feel uncomfortable in your heart?"

"I'm not uncomfortable at all." Rong Ci was speechless for a moment before looking at Rong Hua and saying solemnly: "You don't understand, don't talk to him about this indiscriminately."

"Yeah, let's not say anything! It's just me who's nosy." Rong Hua rolled her eyes and remembered something, she said to Rong Ci: "By the way, Master Wizard's about to leave the customs, half a month later, you should take Ah-Xuan back and let him have a look." As Rong Hua said Ah-Xuan's name, her eyelids twitched twice. Rong Hua cursed irritably and raised her hand and patted her eyes to stop it from jumping.

Rong Ci said that he heard. He turned his head and looked out the window, his mouth twitching twice.

Rong Hua was also happy, "Oh, your infatuated chicken is here again."

Rong Hua specially chose to go to Lin Ji pavilion in the afternoon because she thought that there would be relatively few people eating at that time, only after going there did he discover that it was still full of bustle. As soon as Rong Hua came, she rushed to the kitchen to help Ling Li, but in the end, she couldn't help much. Ling Li took the time to push her aside and sit her down, stuffing a quick chicken cake into her hands and letting her wait.


Rong Hua had to wait there obediently while eating the chicken cake, her eyes following Ling Li's figure.

Rong Hua always showed a particularly well-behaved attitude in front of Ling Li, it seemed like she wasn't the cruel little Rakshasa in the eyes of the people of Rongcheng, but just a good and worry-free child.

During this period, Ah-Xuan ran in and saw her eating, he greeted her and ran over to pester her to feed him. Rong Hua squeezed the remaining half of the chicken cake, stiffened all over, and stared wide-eyed at Ah-Xuan who was lying with his knees and opening his mouth waiting for her to feed him as if she was choked for a moment and didn't know what to do. The nanny eventually came over and picked up Ah-Xuan, she then took some food and took him to play in the yard.

Rong Hua let out a sigh of relief and then continued to eat tremblingly. The more Rong Hua ate, the more she felt that she was choking, Rong Hua thought that her mind seemed to be a little broken recently.

Su Jingyang was greeting guests on the second floor of the restaurant. They were a few guests from a table who were introduced by Liang Lu. They often came and were good customers, but there was a problem. Every time they had to call Su Jingyang to go over and make him drink two glasses before letting him go. Su Jingyang didn't drink a lot of alcohol, every time he would only down a cup before his vision became dizzy, after drinking two he wouldn't be able to walk a straight line.

This time they agreed to only let him take a lightweight spirit, he drank it happily and greeted a few more guests with a smile, after that he broke free from the dinners.

Alas, being a boss was really not easy.

Su Jingyang raised the back of his hand and touched his cheek that was starting to heat up. He was about to walk downstairs when he happened to see Rong Ci who was going upstairs, he was wearing black clothes, with hair tied up and grim eyebrows.

The eyes of the two collided and they stopped at the same time.

Su Jingyang wasn't drunk and could still recognize his face. Thinking of what Rong Hua had said, he took the initiative to speak to him: "I left a room on the second floor for you. It's at the very end, you go sit down first."

Rong Ci didn't move, he frowned and looked at him: "...Did you drink?"

Su Jingyang smiled, his drunken cheeks were red and his speech tone was slower than usual, he sounded lazy, "I drank some, what's the matter?"

"You have a business, how could you drink in broad daylight?"

"I naturally drank with guests." Su Jingyang said: "The customer is god, how could I refuse."

Rong Ci's face was dark, he stared at him and said, "Why can't you refuse, you can choose not to drink."

Su Jingyang thought what he said funny, he didn't want to argue with him too long so he said: "Why shouldn't I drink? They spend money to buy my wine and drink it for me. Wouldn't it be a good deal for me?"

Rong Ci laughed angrily because of his answer, "I always thought you were stupid. I couldn't tell that you were smart enough to think of that."

Su Jingyang took his irony as a compliment and said shamelessly: "Thank you."

He continued downstairs, and stopped just two steps next to Rong Ci at the entrance of the stairs, Liang Lu suddenly appeared there and beckoned at him cheerfully: "Boss Su, come downstairs!"

"Eh! Right now!" Su Jingyang just happened to be looking for Liang Lu about something, when he heard his voice, his expression instantly lit up. He stopped arguing with Rong Ci and immediately ran around him and went downstairs, pulling Liang Lu towards the counter.

Because the business of Lin Ji pavilion was unexpectedly good, Su Jingyang mainly wanted him to help recruit shopkeepers to help them fight, otherwise, he and Ling Li would definitely be worn out by tiredness.

Su Jingyang asked Liang Lu for help a lot before. This little thing shouldn't bother him, but the situation this time was a bit special. Ling Li was worried that someone with ulterior motives would discover his existence and cause Lin Ji pavilion's reputation to plummet. Su Jingyang also understood his concerns and felt distressed but there was no alternative. After much deliberation, it was simply safer to find Liang Lu.

Su Jingyang spoke very quietly because of the noisy voices in the lobby. Liang Lu was leaning on the counter and had to lean a little closer to listen. After listening, he became silent while thinking of a response. He noticed something and turned his head to find a black-clothed young man on the stairs. He was staring at him with eyes as sharp as a knife.

The corners of Liang Lu's mouth curled up leisurely as he continued to be silent.

Su Jingyang noticed that Liang Lu suddenly looked away and stopped talking, he followed his eyes and saw that Rong Ci had been standing there for quite a while. Su Jingyang felt strange so he said to Liang Lu: "Wait." He then walked out of the counter and ran up the stairs to ask Rong Ci: "Why don't you go in? You can't find the place, right? The upper floor isn't big, it's easy to find."

He remembered that this person had indeed never eaten in a private box before. Su Jingyang simply led him to the only spacious private box in the store.

Su Jingyang poured tea for him and said gratifyingly: "I especially saved it for you to celebrate your birthday, savour it."

Rong Ci was originally looking around the private box, when he heard his words he looked back at him suddenly, "Did you keep it especially for me?"

"It's not me, it's not me." Su Jingyang quickly denied it, he then smiled at him with bright eyes, "If it's not me, can you guess who did?"

Su Jingyang's meaning was obvious, that is, Ling Li.

In fact, it was indeed Ling Li who had cancelled the reservation of a regular customer and gave the box to Ah-Yi. Su Jingyang just wanted to say it to make the person in front of him happy and let him know that Ling Li cared about him. Maybe this time his always sullen his face finally wouldn't look like someone robbed him of his wife. Su Jingyang has already decided to wait for the opportunity to pull Rong Hua out and leave Ling Li and Ah-Yi alone without any third wheels!

As soon as Su Jingyang denied it, the minute arc of Rong Ci's mouth instantly flattened. Rong Ci's eyes were cold, his face was cold and his tone was extremely bad. "I won't guess, go away."

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