《After The System Punished Me to Give Birth》Chapter 19


Su Jingyang woke up later that evening, he opened his misty eyes and found Ling Li sitting by the bed, his expression shining with unconcealed joy.

Su Jingyang thought he was happy because of the Lin Ji Small Pavilion. Su Jingyang sat up with Ling Li's support and was about to speak, but Ling Li couldn't wait to tell him the great news. The impact of this news made Su Jingyang unable to recover for a long minute.

Su Jingyang still felt it was bit incredulous, with his hair all tangled, he said, "A-are you serious? Ah-Xuan has a chance of being cured??!"

Ling Li nodded solemnly and told Su Jingyang what Ah-Yi had said.

Su Jingyang raised his hand and patted the quilt fiercely. His eyes were bright and he was ecstatic: "If that's the case, that would be great!!!"

This way, Ah-Xuan and Ling Li could be freed, how can Su Jingyang be unhappy?

Ling Li had always known that Su Jingyang loved Ah-Xuan, but seeing now just how excited he was made him know that he was no less happy than himself. He couldn't restrain the turbulent throbbing in his heart and clenched his hand tightly.

Su Jingyang asked: "Wait, you said... a wizard?"

"Yes." Ling Li looked at him and said warmly: "When I was very young, I heard that the Rong clan stayed in power because of their powerful magic. I never thought that it would someday be helpful to Ah-Xuan."

"Then, when do we leave for Rongcheng? Now?" Su Jingyang was originally not superstitious, but the existence of the system had convinced him that there were many unknown forces in the universe. What's more, this world was originally a novel. Since the author, the god of the world, wanted the Rong clan to be powerful magicians they must've given some cheats.

Su Jingyang opened the quilt and was about to get up, Ling Li helplessly stopped him and covered him with the quilt again, saying: "Don't worry, Ah-Yi said that it may take a while, he said that the wizard was in meditation. And... he said he wasn't 100% sure, we shouldn't be happy too soon."

Su Jingyang said: "You know, there are no absolutes, but hope is better than hopelessness."


Su Jingyang gradually calmed down after the surprise. He put away his smile and asked Ling Li curiously: "Huh? By the way, how could Ah-Yi know the wizard of the Rong clan?"

Su Jingyang was very worried whether it was just a lie from Ah-Yi to please Ling Li, so he deliberately used these words to coax Ling Li's heart away. But this sort of lie wasn't easy to expose and Ah-Yi didn't look like that sort of stupid and reckless person.

Ling Li said: "He is from Rongcheng but it's merely his friend who knows the Master Sorcerer. When the time comes, he will help."

"Hmm?" Su Jingyang opened his eyes wide when he heard this. His first reaction in his mind turned out to be, "He's from Rongcheng, so is his full name... Rong Yi¹?"

Ling Li couldn't help but chuckle slightly, he then said: "Not necessarily, I heard that only the City Lord's lineage has the surname Rong."

Su Jingyang hummed², "It turned out to be like that."

When he heard Ling Li say Rong clan, he thought that he was referring to all the people in Rongcheng, but it seemed that he was just referring to the nobility of Rongcheng. That wizard must've been the subordinate of some nobleman. Su Jingyang couldn't help but start to worry. Was Ah-Yi certain he could let the wizard come and cure Ah-Xuan? Maybe he would just view them as a waste of time...

Seeing him frown, Ling Li stayed quiet besides him. Su Jingyang glanced back as Ling Li tidied up his messy hair.

Su Jingyang pursed his lips and smiled, his eyes curved up and his bright smile was filled with sweetness.

"Ali, Ali." Su Jingyang called his name, he had a hunch about what he was going to say.

Ling Li held his hand tightly. He smiled at him, his eyes were soft but quiet, with a deepness that one couldn't see through.

"Thank you, Jingyang."

"Thank you, you're so kind to me, I should thank you even more." To put it simply, Su Jingyang had no father or mother since he was a child, no one had treated him as meticulously as Ling Li. With Ling Li, Su Jingyang really felt like having a loved one who cared for him.


Ling Li’s eyes flashed with tears and he stared at him for a long time, his voice choked and trembled slightly: "Anyway, thank you for existing."

Ling Li's tearful and restrained appearance made Su Jingyang feel sour. Su Jingyang didn't want to make him cry, so he exaggerated pain, saying that the wound on his face was painful. Ling Li was interrupted by him, he wiped his eyes and hurriedly got up: "Does it hurt? You must bear it first, I'll go get you medicine."

Ling Li quickly took some medicine from a cabinet and wiped it on Su Jingyang. Seeing him so distressed, Su Jingyang immediately laughed and said it didn't hurt anymore. At this time, Ling Li knew he had done it deliberately. He glared at him with his frowned lips, but his expression was still extremely soft.

At dinner, Ah-Yi came over. Su Jingyang knew that Ling Li had asked him to come over for dinner in order to thank him and was calm.

Ah-Yi came in, glanced at him, and naturally sat next to him.

Su Jingyang's buttocks squirmed on the stool, but he finally didn't move.

As long as this person didn't take the initiative to tease him, the two of them could still coexist peacefully.

During the meal, before Su Jingyang could ask about Ah-Xuan, Ling Li was already asking cautiously. Ah-Yi answered him very carefully, one couldn't see the slightest impatience. What Su Jingyang watched while sighing.

Sure enough, he had a completely different face in front of the person he liked!

Ling Li's eyes were a little worried, "I'm afraid that the wizard will only take orders from city lord Rong and refuse to cure an unrelated foreign child."

Su Jingyang swallowed the rice in his mouth and finally butted in with a sentence, "I think we should still try, their city lord has a very good heart, we can directly ask the city lord and let the wizard help us."

Ah-Yi was fiddling with the chopsticks in his rice bowl when he suddenly raised his eyes to look at Su Jingyang, his pupils flickering.

Ah-Yi smiled somewhat speciously and asked Su Jingyang casually, "How do you know that Lord Rong has a good heart?"

"I heard." Su Jingyang replied while scooping up the soup.

"You heard?" Ah-Yi said, "I think you've heard hearsay, he's actually... not very good."

Su Jingyang immediately disagreed upon hearing this, he put down the spoon and stared at him, defending: "He broke the stereotypes and allowed those from Rongcheng to intermarry with foreigners. He has prevented many emotional tragedies, wise and majestic, is it fun for you to slander others like this behind their back? You're from Rongcheng too."

For some reason, Ah-Yi glared at him and his tone became more aggressive: "You don't know him, you just say he's a good person. Did he give you money?"

Su Jingyang wasn't happy anymore, he didn't eat his food and he didn't drink any soup. He opened his eyes wide and glared at him: "Then why do you speak ill of him, does he owes you money? Does he owe you twenty thousand taels???"

Ah-Yi paused before answering: "Even if you owe me tens of thousands of taels, I won't hold a grudge."

"..." Haha, it's great to be rich.

Without blinking, Ah-Yi stared at Su Jingyang who was sulking. He sighed and concluded: "Anyway, once you see him, you'll definitely not like him."

"Who said that, I'll definitely like him!" Su Jingyang immediately grunted, unconvinced.

He didn't insist on defending a city lord who he hadn't even seen, but he didn't want to admit defeat. Su Jingyang stressed his point angrily: "No matter what, he's definitely better than you! Both of you are the same age, but why is there such a big difference.")

Ah-Yi continued to stare at him earnestly for a while and finally turned his face away, his shoulders were trembling and he said with a low chuckle, "...What a fool."

Su Jingyang picked up his soup spoon and took a sip of soup only to find that Ah-Yi was shaking his head with the corners of his mouth raised smiling at him, as if something was funny.

Su Jingyang murmured something incomprehensible, just then Ling Li put a piece of sirloin in his rice bowl and asked him to eat more. Su Jingyang didn't bother to talk to Ah-Yi again and continued to eat and drink his soup.



1- It sounds like easy in Chinese but doesn't mean that

2- I have no idea what Google gave me


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