《After The System Punished Me to Give Birth》Chapter 14


Of course, Ling Li opened the door in the end and invited him in.

Ling Li soon left to oversee the soup in the kitchen, Su Jingyang hugged Ah-Xuan who was still sobbing, and Ah-Yi sat at the table and looked at him boredly.

Ah-Yi found that he coaxed the child with great patience and said: "Your uncle is quite competent." At first, seeing him desperately protect for the child, he thought the child was his own. It turned out that he hadn't even married yet, it made sense after all, who would want to marry such a stupid thing?

Su Jingyang didn't want to pay attention to him, but it was the first time he heard a compliment coming out of his mouth, he couldn't help but reply: "Of course."

Su Jingyang's spiritual support in this world was Ling Li and Ah-Xuan. With their company, he didn't feel lonely and miserable. He had a home to go back to every day and finally felt a little safer in his heart.

Su Jingyang walked back and forth in the hall a few times and Ah-Xuan gradually became quiet, his wet eyes were open, lying motionless in his arms.

Su Jingyang hugged him and sat down. As soon as he sat, he unconsciously raised his hand and moved his shoulder. The place where he was bitten before didn't hurt, but it was a bit numb and itchy.

Ah-Yi tapped his fingers on the table lightly, he chuckled when he saw his movements, "Could it be that you were also bitten?"

Although his tone wasn't very smug, the sound of it made Su Jingyang inexplicably unhappy, he glanced at him coldly and said: "You know about this? People who know too much will be silenced." Su Jingyang knew that this guy thought he was bitten by Ah-Xuan. He didn't bother to explain, of course, there was no need to explain to him in the first place.

Ah-Yi smiled slightly, his eyes curved and he said: "I'll kill you."

Su Jingyang took a deep breath and said earnestly, "Young man, as a senior, I'll teach you a truth: always be polite to the people you meet. Don't act too arrogantly. Beware that you'll have to pay back in the future."

Ah-Yi folded his arms, he looked at him and said, "When we meet again in the future, I'd be happy to to still talk to you like this."

"..." Bah, what!

Just then, Ling Li came in with the dishes. Su Jingyang focused on the dinner table, six dishes and one soup, meat and vegetables, unprecedented richness, just smelling it wheated the appetite. Su Jingyang didn't even bother to care about that guy, he couldn't wait to pick up his chopsticks to feast.

Ah-Yi ate relatively quietly and didn't continue teasing Su Jingyang, Ling Li ate while feeding Ah-Xuan, expertly balancing his actions.

At the end of the meal, Su Jingyang couldn't eat anymore. He put down his chopsticks and slumped into the chair contentedly, "Ali, the food you cooked is so delicious, it's a shame not to open a restaurant."

Su Jingyang thought that he would be able to surprise Ling Li soon, and couldn't help feeling a little bit of joy and pride in his heart.

"It's fine if you like to eat." Su Jingyang used to say similar things before to praise him, Ling Li pursed his lips and smiled, he handed a kerchief to wipe Su Jingyang's mouth.

Ah-Yi in the audience listened to Su Jingyang's words, he said to Ling Li in harmony with the atmosphere and mood: "I'll visit you when you open the restaurant. I'm worried that I'll have no place to eat."


After Su Jingyang wiped his mouth, he couldn't help but glanced at Ah-Yi several times with inquiring eyes. This kid shouldn't have... any intentions towards Ali, right?

After finishing dinner, Su Jingyang laid down and finally couldn't help but run to Ling Li's room, he tentatively asking Ling Li if there was anything wrong with Ah-Yi, Ling Li thought about it and shook his head, Su Jingyang simply said bluntly: "Ali, I think he's treating you specially."

Ling Li's light brown eyes stared at him thoughtfully for a moment before he said, "He's treating you specially... he's just the most basic courtesy towards me." After that, he added, "I treat him the same way. "

"Special to me? He's obviously bad to me, right?" Su Jingyang was angry.

"That can also be considered special treatment."

"..." Su Jingyang couldn't refute this.

Ling Li looked at him steadily for a while, he kept his eyes hooded and continued folding the clothes, his voice didn't have any emotions, "Besides, we haven't even known him well enough, why do you think so much? It's impossible."

Su Jingyang subtly noticed that something was wrong with him, after hesitating for a while, he asked softly, "Ali, are you angry because of my wild guesses?"

Ling Li immediately shook his head, he raised his head and smiled at him, "No, how can I be angry with you? It's just that I think we're pretty good now, with Ah-Xuan and... you. I don't want to change anything. I don't want to think about it either." Ling Li said in a calm and low tone at the end, as if he it was really just what he thought, and to show that he really wasn't angry with Su Jingyang.

Su Jingyang smiled, knowing that he didn't like to talk about this, so he didn't go on.

Ah-Xuan laid on the bed wrapped in a quilt with his face flushed. Because his sleeping posture was bent, he made a slight snoring sound, Su Jingyang walked over and reached out to help gently turn him over, he waited for him to breathe smoothly and not snore anymore before getting up and sat down to Ling Li's side and help him fold clothes.

"Ali, why are you staring at me?"

"You look good."

Su Jingyang hummed, "It's still my Ali who has good vision, unlike some people, who actually said that I look ugly."

"Some people..." After a moment of silence, Ling Li watched him and asked softly, "Was it Ah-Yi?"

Su Jingyang nodded angrily, Ling Li lowered his eyes again, the corners of his mouth moved, as if he was smiling but not smiling. After that, he silently folded clothes without saying a word.

Su Jingyang helped Ling Li fold clothes before returning to his room. Su Jingyang didn’t remember when he fell asleep, only vaguely remembering that the candle light in Ling Li's room was lit for long time. The faint light of the fire swayed constantly in the cold night.

Su Jingyang woke up early the next morning, Ling Li had already prepared his breakfast and Su Jingyang sighed slightly when he saw his expression was as usual.

Just as he was about to sit down for breakfast, Ah-Xuan ran in and hurriedly pulled his sleeve, "Uncle, chicken, chicken, chicken!!"

Ling Li and Su Jingyang both went out with him in confusion. Ling Li counted, there were only four chickens hanging around in the yard, one was missing.

At this moment, the door was knocked, accompanied by the screams of a chicken.


Su Jingyang immediately thought of something and rushed to open the door. In the cold morning, a handsome young man was wearing only a single white robe, standing expressionlessly outside the door while carrying a chicken in his left arm. It was half yellow and half white, the same one who escaped yesterday.

"This..." Su Jingyang swallowed.

Ah-Yi stuffed the chicken into Su Jingyang's arms, his black eyes were as cold as a knife, his voice seemed to have been squeezed out with difficulty, "Please- take care of your chicken."

After speaking, he turned and strode away, returning to the next door and closing it with a bang.

"..." Su Jingyang took the chicken back, feeling that this chicken was really too much. It was obviously his own chicken but it was constantly thinking about the wild man outside, it couldn't even wait to fly over so early in the morning. How can they go on like this?

Su Jingyang discussed with Ling Li and tied its foot with a long thread. It could walk around in the yard, but it can't fly, this way it couldn't be derailed.

After finishing all this, Su Jingyang hurriedly ate breakfast, be took his identification card and bank notes to work and waited for Liang Lu to come by and take him to sign the agreement to get the deed.

When the shop was in hands, he could start preparing for decorations. When it opens, he'll be the shopkeeper and Ling Li would be the chef. Perfect!

Su Jingyang arrived at the bookstore in a happy mood and had just dropped his butt on his stool. Ah-Yuan, who had replaced Su Jingyang the day before, ran over like a gust of wind and said to Su Jingyang with an exaggerated expression: "When you were away yesterday, something big happened!!!"

Su Jingyang heard his lively tone of voice, and asked in a daze: "What's the matter?"

Ah-Yuan told him angrily that when the bookstore was about to close, an old lady ran to the bookstore and almost tore all the books in the bookstore. People all over the street were watching the excitement. The people in the shop didn't go home until midnight last night.

Su Jingyang felt his head cramp when he heard the words old lady. When he asked, he found that it really was the old lady from the Hao family!

Su Jingyang thought, God, when did I provoke such a Lafayette¹? ? ?

Ah-Yuan said, the old lady Hao allegedly found a few unscrupulous picturebooks hidden inside her grandson's bedroom, all of which had been ripped up, obviously he had often read them. In her eyes, her grandson was a good boy who only read poems and books of knowledge. How could he look at such dirty things?! Driven by anger, she questioned grandson, her grandson cried and said that when he came to the bookstore to read books, the people in the bookstore lured/threatened him to buy it, which made him lose his focus to study hard.

The old lady naturally thought that this was definitely not the fault of her precious grandson, she went to the bookshop aggressively with heavy steps. By matter of coincidence, the book that Su Jingyang left on the counter was opened by the wind. The old lady's eyes were so good, she saw the contents of the pages at a glance! Suddenly, the old lady exploded like a firecracker, she rushed to the bookshelves and flipped through, shouting and cursing unreasonably.

In short, her grandson was good and everyone else was wrong.

Su Jingyang suddenly thought of a sentence: It's not that old people are getting bad, but the bad guys are getting old. The old people he had come into contact with before were all kind and he hadn't seen anything like this before. And that Hao Jiasheng was really amazing! His inside out was rotten but he still had the face to say that it was because of other people. They really were of the same family!

Sometimes you just have to see it personally, otherwise you wouldn't believe that there's actually such wonders in the world!

Su Jingyang squeezed together at mealtime with everyone at noon, he then sat back to his position, muttering in his heart that the old lady probably wouldn't come back again to make trouble. While he was thinking about this, he tilted his body and looked outside. He didn't expect such a fucking coincidence: speak of Cao Cao and Cao Cao will arrive²!

Su Jingyang saw the old lady's gloomy face and immediately wanted to avoid the disaster, but it was too late. The old lady of the Hao family narrowed her eyes, she still remembered Su Jingyang's face. She rushed in and stretched out her hands towards Su Jingyang. Su Jingyang put up a decent defense, but he still couldn't stop her completely. Her thick and hard nails mercilessly scratched his face, and all sorts of dirty words came out and made Su Jingyang feel like he was bathing under a dog-blood sprinkler³!

Obviously, at this time, she had already determined that Su Jingyang, who had a history of seducing, was the one who lured her grandson into buying the erotic picturebook.

The other people who were still eating heard the movement and rushed over to pull off the old lady. But more or less because of her old age, they were a little lax and failed to hold her back. Su Jingyang was scratched again and hurt. There was a hiss, and while avoiding the attack of old lady Hao, he ran out.

Damn it! Can't he even hide?!

He deliberately didn't want to pester the unreasonable old lady, but the old lady didn't let him go and actually chased him on the street and dragged him to fight. Su Jingyang's heart exploded with anger and he couldn't bear it anymore. He dodged her hands in the chaos, and with a backhand wave, hit her face with a slap. Her face was slapped and her neat bun was scattered, she let out an angry roar from her throat and grabbed Su Jingyang's hair with an even more brutal expression, "I'll kill you! I'll kill you, bitch! Kill you! I'll make you die! I'll kill you!"

Su Jingyang kept hiding, not because he couldn’t beat her, but because he was afraid that he would further aggravate the situation, but his patience was limited after all. Su Jingyang heard her calling him a bitch and a seducer, Ah-Yuan was also caught in the crossfire, his eyes gradually became cold.

Damn it, he wanted to hit her so bad! But if he fights back he'll lose money! It's not like he didn't have money, but beating her to the equivalent of a hundred taels of silver of medical expenses was a problem!

Su Jingyang gritted his teeth secretly and was about to fight back, but the old lady suddenly yelped, her body was lifted heavily by force and she fell backwards and onto the ground. The old lady who was as strong as a bull the moment before suddenly couldn't get up.

"..." Su Jingyang's cold expression thawed and the crowd broke up. He lowered his arms and turned his head in astonishment, he looked at the person who darted to his side, only to find that the handsome black-clothed boy turned out to be a familiar face!

Su Jingyang's surprised expression turned into shock, "W-why are you?!"

It turned out to be Ah-Yi. How could this guy be here?

Don't tell me— was he the one who helped him just now?!! Su Jingyang felt that life was truly full of surprises!

"Can you move?" Ah-Yi's dark eyes looked at him with an undisguised expression of disgust, "It's perfectly normal for you to say that you can't beat me, but you were beaten so badly by an old lady in the middle of the street. You even ate four bowls of rice last night, where did all those food go? Nowhere."

Su Jingyang had been verbally attacked by him once or twice, but today, he felt helpless to refute and extremely ashamed. There were people on the street just now pointing and watching. He had held back his anger for a long time, his eyes widened and he said to Ah-Yi: "I've even eaten four bowls of rice, what's wrong with that? What's wrong?!!!"

Su Jingyang felt that he should be grateful to him at this time, but this guy was so rude that he couldn't say any words of gratitude!

Ah-Yi glanced at him lightly, looked away, and said, "Nothing, you're great."

Su Jingyang wasn't stupid enough to think this was a compliment. He snorted, turning his face away and not caring about the old lady of the Hao family who was groaning/moaning on the ground and couldn't get up. The onlookers also stood far away, and no one came to help her.

At this moment, Su Jingyang saw Liang Lu leading a group of officers and soldiers, walking hurriedly toward their direction.



1- Lafayette was a famous French General, infamously known for the massacre of the Champ de Mars which killed between 30-50 people and wounded many others. Basically, Su Jingyang was implying grandma was a hot-tempered nuclear.

2- Cao Cao was a Chinese figure characterised in legend as cruel as the tyrant he set out to depose (source: reddit Sirtoastymuffin), basically the Chinese version of call the devil (because Cao Cao was sorta considered the devil lmao)

3- Dog blood= drama, basically he was saying that he felt like was became the center of the drama

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