《After The System Punished Me to Give Birth》Chapter 5 | Part 1


The next afternoon, the sky became gloomy and the air was humid and stuffy, all of which were signs of rain.

There were no guests inside the store. Su Jingyang stood in boredom at the entrance of the store and looked out. The pedestrians who passed by looked in a hurry to go home. The street vendors also began to close their stalls to take shelter from the rain. Su Jingyang looked for a while and yawned. He figured going back to the counter and resting for a while, he didn't sleep well last night and had been sleepy the whole day.

Yu Guang inadvertently glanced around, but found that an aunt carrying a vegetable basket not far away from him had accidentally fell and couldn't get up.

Su Jingyang was startled, he rushed over to help her up, and assisted her in picking up all her vegetables. Fortunately, she didn't have any serious problems in the end. The aunt was very grateful to him and said a few thankful words.

Su Jingyang's behavior was subconscious, and he didn't take it seriously, but when he was walking, he suddenly found faintly flickering, and colorful small circles orbiting around him, slowly attaching to him before finally assimilatong into his body and fading.

Su Jingyang opened his mouth slightly in surprise and then remembered what system no. 1 said about collecting energy. Was this the positive energy collected after doing good deeds?

Hmm... This special effect, the best he could do was a dollar.

Su Jingyang was still worried about not having a full stomach before, and then he was busy with the store these days, so he didn't have time to think about it and do good deeds. Now it could be regarded as a reminder for him. It seems that he needed to be more active in the future.

Even though there was little hope of doing so, it was better than doing nothing. He could leave here someday afterall.

The system always appeared at the right time, mocking Su Jingyang,"It told you a method, but with all due respect to youryou won't be able to collect enough even if you work yourself to death¹."

The corners of Su Jingyang's mouth twitched, he didn't want to pay attention to it because he knew that the more he argued with it, the more energy it got.


Su Jingyang was delayed outside for a while, but soon returned to the store. Before he was about to enter, he noticed an extra person inside.

It wasn't a customer, but a child with a thin body wearing a light gray coat, he was about three or four years old, facing Su Jingyang and cautiously tiptoeing, reaching out for the snacks on the table.

However, his arms weren't long enough and he couldn't pick up the cakes. Instead, he knocked over the teacup. Su Jingyang hurriedly caught the teacup and stabilised it.

Su Jingyang let go of the teacup that had been restored with a sigh of relief², and looked back at the child again. He stood there staring at Su Jingyang with saliva dripping down from the corner of his mouth. Although his complexion was fair and his appearance was delicate and cute, he looked over-obsessed and too fascinated. After a glance, one would immediately know that this wasn't a normal child.

Su Jingyang froze for a moment. Thinking back on the rumors that he had heard, a speculation appeared in his mind almost uncontrollably.

Isn't it... such a coincidence...

Su Jingyang looked out the door, but there was no adults.

Su Jingyang couldn't help feeling strange. He squatted down and saw that a drool bib was tied to his chest. He loosened it and wiped the child's saliva, but the more he wiped, the more the child's saliva flowed, his big eyes went pass him, and looked at the top of the table.

"Want to eat?" Su Jingyang smiled, the child also grinned, smiling back at him, showing white teeth, but only said a few gibberish, it seemed that he wasn't very good at talking.

Su Jingyang's heart felt stunged, he reached out and took a piece of soft pastry from the table and placed it on the child's hand. He grabbed it in his little hand and without eating it, chuckled happily, turned, and ran out.

Su Jingyang was afraid that he'd be lost from the running, so he hurriedly caught him.

Beautiful but stupid child, even if you thought about it there couldn't be many in town. Su Jingyang was already sure pf the identity of the child, but he was very surprised why Ling Li wasn't with the child.

Not long after, there was heavy rain and thunder. The child was so frightened that he hugged Su Jingyang’s thighs and refused to let go. Su Jingyang held him in his arms and sat at the table, his mouth muttering comforts amidst the child's screams, the trembling little body was vigorously drilled into Su Jingyang's arms.


Su Jingyang hugged him, "I'm not afraid, not afraid."

Although the child was wearing old clothes that were in no longer to be worn, his body was clean and fresh. It could be seen that Ling Li meticulously took care of him and loved him very much.

After coaxing the child, Su Jingyang couldn't help but look at the thick rain and fog outside. The child was wandering outside by himself, it was either because he was lost, or because something happened to Ling Li, which caused him to be unable to take care of the child.

Su Jingyang was hesitant and about to inquire Ling Li's residence, when he suddenly saw that a panicked but staggering figure appearing on the empty street being assaulted by the rainstorm. The man was very thin and didn't hold an umbrella, so he was soaked and looked very embarrassing. He shouted something anxiously all around, even though the sound of falling rain covered most of his voice, Su Jingyang still heard him and saw his body finally collapse.

Su Jingyang didn't even think about it, he hugged the child and stood up, striding to the door to call his name, "Ling Li! Here! The child is here!!!"

Su Jingyang was afraid that he wouldn't hear him, and deliberately raised a sign, but Ling Li looked back when he heard his name as if hypnotised, and saw Su Jingyang at the door of the garment shop, and his arms was his intact child.

Ling Li was almost crawling over, and nearly fell to the ground when his legs softened at the doorway. Su Jingyang hurriedly freed a hand to help him up.

"Ah-Xuan, Ah-Xuan, Ah-Xuan..." Ling Li's clothes were all wet and clinged to him, and his eyes were almost scary. He stretched out his hands to hold the child, but he was afraid of getting the child's clothes wet, just constantly calling the child’s name, holding the child’s little hand tightly, and kissing and kissing his little cheek, Su Jingyang could feel his body trembling all over.

When the child saw him, he stretched out the pastry that had been in his hand since earlier to Ling Li's mouth with a vague but obviously happy cry. To Su Jingyang's ears it almost sounded like he was saying papa.

Tears from the corners of Ling Li's eyes fell alongside with the rain. He took a small bite, and then let the child eat it by himself, letting him chew on it.

Su Jingyang touched the child's head, this little guy was quite filial.

Su Jingyang quickly let Ling Li in. He stood too close to the door, and the rain splashed on him, but Ling Li hesitated for a moment, and shook his head with a pale face.

He had been feeling unwell for a while, and he was so dizzy that he couldn't hold on any longer. Darkness engulfed his vision and he fainted, but he then woke up and found that his child was gone! He had the desire to die at the time, because he knew how malicious the people in this town were towards him and his child.

He looked for him with panic and despair for hours, and even prepared himself for the worst, but it was alright, it was all alright, his child was fine.

Ling Li recognized that this was the person who borrowed his bowl last time. He had called his name after seeing him, so he must've already known about the rumors. Even though, he was still willing to let him into the store. Ling Li was very grateful, but he didn't want to cause him and be scolded later.

Ling Li expressed gratitude and said in a very hoarse voice: "I'll take the child back. Thank you so much today. I will definitely repay you if I have the opportunity."

But Su Jingyang seemed to know what he was worried about, and motioned to him to look at the rain raging behind him, "It's so fierce, an umbrella can't hold it back, what should you do if the child gets sick from the rain? I think you should come in to hide and leave once this onslaught gets a bit weaker."

1- Changed it a bit

2- Added some things~


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