《After The System Punished Me to Give Birth》Chapter 3 | Part 1




Su Jingyang scolded the dog system again and fell into contemplation afterwards. According to the system, his mole still hasn't darkened¹, which meant that he was probably not pregnant at the moment.

He felt a bit better because of this, but it didn't mean that his situation was any better, because as long as he wasn't pregnant, he would continue to be forced by the system and sent to the unknown man's dream.

The more Su Jingyang thought about it, the more his butt hurt!

Although he was conscious of his sexual orientation as early as high school, he hid it well until entering society, so his emotional experience was basically zero. To be honest, he had fantasized about that kind of thing, but he expected everything to happen on the premise of having feelings. Rather than sleeping with someone random while in a daze, and being rudely overwhelmed.

But looking at the situation right now, it seemed that this problem can't be solved by doing it once or twice.

Terrible, terrible in capitals!

Su Jingyang couldn't feel sad for long so he got up with difficulty, it was because.... he was going to starve to death! ! !

Since he came to this world, let alone eating, he hadn't had time to even drink a glass of water, add along a whole night of extensive exercise and he was now hungry enough to eat a cow².

Su Jingyang can't reverse what already happened, it was useless to needlessly sigh, life still had to go on and he can't starve to death in this ruined temple with only cockroaches and ants for company.

After dragging his feet for a while, Su Jingyang was surprised to find something was wrong, it was as if there was something wet coating roots of his thighs... Su Jingyang quickly realized what it was. Although there was no one around to see it, a blush still rose in his face. His limbs stiffened for a while, and he followed the sound of water until he found a small creek³, he hurriedly took off his clothes and quickly rinsed it.

He dragged the time until it was almost noon, the sun was scorching and hot, draining the moisture from the mountains and forests, and the air only managed to sweep in heat waves.

After washing himself inside and out, Su Jingyang became a little greedy for coolness and didn't want to leave, but since it was the first time he bathed in the wild buck naked, he was afraid that someone would come and see him so unsightly⁴.

He wiped the water off his face and body, and then began to put on his pants and robes, shaking his wet hair as he dressed.

Suddenly, his action of putting on clothes paused, and he abruptly turned his head, his eyes quickly scanning his surroundings.


There was no one.

Su Jingyang felt very puzzled as he continued to dress, why was there a persistent feeling of being watched... he was probably just too hungry.

After Su Jingyang got dressed, he supported his waist and weakly walked towards the street market.

When he arrived at the lively market, Su Jingyang looked at the stalls lining the streets, swallowing his saliva, his eyes flashed with light.

He was now starving and could eat ten big meat buns in one breath, but a millennium-old problem hinders him— he has naught one cent, no money!

He didn't have the time to find a job to earn money, so he could only temporarily ask the system for help, but the system viciously replied: "Die! Starve to death!"

"...." TM, go to hell.

Fortunately, Su Jingyang wandered for a while and found a large family that was actually giving porridge. His eyes turned green and he rushed to get in line eagerly. He didn't feel embarrassed standing amongst a group of tattered and dirty beggars.

The most important thing to have before finding work was a full stomach.

Hungry, he stretched his neck from time to time to count the people who were still in front of him. He was so absorbed in counting that it took a long time for him to realize that the person behind him coughed softly from time to time.

Su Jingyang couldn't help but look back and saw that behind him was a young man who was about his height. He looked a little younger than him, with a fair complexion, his brows were beautiful, his lips light, and clothes so worn that you could not even see its original color. His body was very thin, and he trembled slightly every time he coughed.

Su Jingyang looked at his expression and asked in a low voice, "Are you alright?"

That person, who had just stopped coughing, obviously didn't expect that Su Jingyang would talk to him and stared at him for a while, facing Su Jingyang's round and bright eyes.

He pursed his pale lips, and his own light brown eyes became slightly alienated, he said to Su Jingyang: "I'm fine, thank you."

Su Jingyang heard the indifference in his tone, also smiled indifferently, and turned back around.

After that, the person behind him still occasionally coughed but he was obviously restrained a lot.

Su Jingyang waited in line for a long time and it was finally his turn. He was ready to drink his porridge with joy, but he became dumbfounded when someone directly passed a spoon full of hot porridge.

No- no bowl!

There seemed to be a quacking crow flying over in his mind, and he became so excited when he realised this fact that he almost took off with the pot directly, forget it all⁵!


The servant in charge of distributing the porridge saw that he didn't even have anything in his hands and impatiently started to drive him away, "Move aside, don't stand here."

Su Jingyang was full of regret, his eyes lingered on the pot and he couldn't bear to leave. He never expected that he, who had never been hungry even in the orphanage, would have such a day.

"If you don't dislike it, you can use mine," The person standing behind handed over a coarse porcelain bowl. Su Jingyang turned his head in surprise and took the bowl under the signal from the person's eyes. Su Jingyang repeatedly said thanks, the man just turned away, a faint expression on his face.

Su Jingyang finally received a bowl of porridge, but he knew that there was only one bowl, and the owner had to wait longer to use it. In order not to delay anymore, he started pouring porridge into his mouth as soon as the bowl was filled. His feet jumped jerkily and tears poured from his eyes because of the pain⁶.

A few maids helping in the porridge shed saw his embarrassing appearance and got together to tease him.

Su Jingyang felt blisters in his mouth as soon as he finished it. He quickly wiped his mouth and returned the empty bowl to the person behind. When the person silently took it received it, Su Jingyang discovered a red mole on the palm of his hand and was taken aback. It turned out that he was a duo.

Su Jingyang originally wanted to wait for him to get his share and thank him again. However, the servant who was serving porridge suddenly looked for trouble for some reason, and he knocked the empty spoon on the edge of the pot with a mean face and an attitude. He rudely said: "You belong to the same family, right? Each family can only receive one portion, so, go and scram!"

Su Jingyang hurriedly turned back when he heard this, waving his hands vigorously: "No, no, we're not from the same family, we don't know each other."

The man held an empty bowl in his hands, staring ahead without making excuses. His whole person was without any waves, with a calmness that was alike a pool of stagnant water.

Su Jingyang wanted to explain again. The servant was impatient and drove them out directly. He was very unceremonious. The people in the line behind began to impatiently urge them to hurry up. A servant girl next to him came over and muttered: "Forget it. Don't make a scene, it's just a bowl of porridge...."

The servant was still maliciously mocking them, and at last he began to scoop up a spoonful of porridge but then deliberately poured it back into the pot, and then filled the bowl that the man was reaching out with nothing.

"Your reward. Go scram, get out of here, and stop getting in the way!"

The man pursed his lips sand said nothing, holding the empty bowl, he turned around and left.

After witnessing all this, Su Jingyang felt a burst of anger. Although giving away porridge was indeed a kind deed and they shouldn't demand much, but that servant was obviously taking an opportunity to deliberately make things difficult and was full of malice.

Su Jingyang looked at the back of the man leaving and hurriedly chased after him, almost running out of breath, and finally managed to stop the person who had already walked far away.

"I'm really sorry, I dragged you into it." Su Jingyang apologized to him with eyes full of guilt.

The man's eyes looked bit puzzled because of being stopped, and Su Jingyang's apology. He looked at Su Jingyang's cheeks flushed from the sun, his eyes seemed to be more than little surprised and the corners of his mouth twitched before he whispered: "I'm fine with you, you didn't drag me into it."

Su Jingyang thought he was only saying it to comfort himself and was very touched, but then he heard him say: "You just arrived in this town, right?" Su Jingyang was very surprised, not knowing how he knew it, the man said, "Don't take it to heart. They deliberately targeted me."

"Targeted you? Why?" Although the person in front of him was estranged, the young man had a clear spirit, and no one would judge him as a wicked person at first glance. Why would he be targeted by others? Su Jingyang frowned and couldn't understand.

The man shook his head and did not answer. He just said to Su Jingyang: "If there's nothing wrong, then I have to go. There's something urgent in my house⁷."

Su Jingyang hurriedly moved away after hearing this, no longer blocking the man's way, but he still followed him and walked along with him, "I really appreciate what you did today. I want to repay you when I have the opportunity in the future. What's your name and where do you live?"

Holding his bowl, the man only left a cold sentence: "There's no need," He then quickened his steps, mixed into the crowd, and soon disappeared.

1- Tried my best because it didn't make any sense to me

2- Not literally but very close

3- Should've been small waterfall, changed it to creek instead

4- Same with 1

5- I really didn't understand what Google was trying to tell me. I did my utmost here, but please take with a five pinches of salt

6- Added some things to make it have more sense/easier to understand

7- Not very literal but does the job

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