《After The System Punished Me to Give Birth》Chapter 2 | Part 1


Su Jingyang laid down on the straw for a long time and couldn't bring himself to get up. Physical discomfort was one reason, for the most part it was because of the sadness in his heart.

His nose reddened slightly, and his bright black eyes were wet and pitiful.

He had a forced one-night stand with a unknown man¹, and there loomed a possibility of pregnancy... pregnancy! Giving birth and getting pregnant! But he was a man!

This new knowledge completely turned his twenty-three years of existence upside-down².

Su Jingyang's trembling hand touched his belly and retreated quickly. He sighed with red eyes, was he.... already³?

What should he do if he really was pregnant? After birth, will the child call him father or mother?

Bah, baah⁴, why think so far ahead!

Su Jingyang thought about the series of event that happened yesterday, could only feel heart becoming extremely broken. What did he do wrong to run into such a crazy system? ? ? !

Why? ? ? !

A soft sigh full of sympathy abruptly broke the silence, "I know you're innocent, I'm sorry.... I made you suffer."

Su Jingyang was taken aback, his eyes rolled, and he was a little surprised.

It sounded like the system, but it doesn't seem to be it. The system would not have such a good tone of voice or say such gentle words to him.

"Do not doubt, I am the system, but..." It seemed to have a formed a wry smile, "I am suppressed by it, and I can't come out often."

"....." Can't understand. What is suppressed by it, and what can't come out often.

As if it heard Su Jingyang's doubts the system sighed again, and helplessly explained to him.

Su Jingyang opened his eyes wide, laying on the hay, listening to it in confusion and finally figured out— it turns out that the system was designed to help women solve problems before and was a good system, But when dealing with and resolving various family conflicts, love problems, mother-in-law relationships, and meeting all kinds of scumbags, it unconsciously absorbed too much hostility and negative energy, and was greatly affected. Over time, the system completely collapsed.


After the system completed its self-repair, it discovered major bad news— it split into two like and became like a crazy person!

Moreover, the system no. 2 that formed was full of extreme resentment and hostility and was particularly extreme when dealing things, the original system simply couldn't stop it. As it absorbed more and more negative energy, it suppressed the original system, and acted more and more frantically.

".... So you're the normal one and the crazy that I encountered before was the split?!"

The system said: "Yes, it has heard too many women complaining, and especially hated men who badmouths women, so..."

Is that why I suffered because of just a sentence? Su Jingyang took a deep breath. Why was he so unlucky? !

The system paused for a moment, and then said: "It had already killed a lot of people before this, your situation is relatively minor, so you can consider it merciful."

When Su Jingyang heard this, he almost coughed out blood because of grief and angrily held his extremely painful butt. Is this TM⁵ still showing mercy to him? ? ? ! ! He was going to die soon because of the pain⁶, okay? !

"Then.... what happened to those who were treated without mercy?" Su Jingyang especially wanted to know.

The system said:

Su Jingyang quickly caught the key point, his eyes lit up for a moment, and his tone became excited, "Then because it's merciful to me, you can still save me???"

The system was silent for a while, embarrassed: "To be honest, I am suppressed by it, and there is no way I can help you, nor do I have the ability to immediately return you to your previous world."

When Su Jingyang heard this, the corners of his mouth drooped in disappointment. The system continued: "So, you can only rely on yourself."


Su Jingyang immediately perked up, "Really, really???? Then can you tell me what I should do? Tell me!"

Seeing him so happy, the system immediately poured cold water on him, "Don't get happy too early in, because what I'm about to tell you is extremely difficult to do."

The corners of Su Jingyang's mouth that had just raised drooped once more, he cradled his head under his arms, and his voice became a little frustrated, but he knew that he should've expected it.

He comforted himself, "Difficult is alright, it's better than being hopeless," Su Jingyang said to the system: "No matter what, you should still tell me."

So, the system told him. Su Jingyang summed up what he learned after listening to it... it should be: doing good deeds, and getting everyone's gratitude and praise were equivalent to collecting positive energy. The more grateful, the more energy there would be.

When the positive energy collected by him offsets the negative energy of the system no. 2⁷, he can go back.

But their problem is that the negative energy value of the system no. 2 was sky-high⁸. If he wanted to offset it, he may not succeed even if he did good deeds for a lifetime.

Not to mention that the system also said:

"....." Su Jingyang gave it a dull smile. He tilted his head and his eyes fell on the dilapidated idol, his face full of lovelessness.

Even if he did do this, he might still be forced to give birth to ten or eight by that crazy system no. 2 if he's too late... it was scary just thinking about it.

Su Jingyang was full of sadness and did not want to speak. The system hesitated for a long time before saying: "Actually there is a shortcut, but..."

This system no. 1 was gentler than gentle, but why was it so easy to hesitate?

Su Jingyang said: "Don't hesitate, just say it if you have something to say."

"Then I'll say it," The system said: "This is actually a world designed so men can give birth."



1- I'm not very confident in this translation

2- While a lot of people might have issue with this, it's actually very logical. For a man to suddenly to find out he could get pregnant is similar to a girl suddenly finding out the she could get other people pregnant. It's like having two eyes for your whole life (in MC's case twenty-three years) and then suddenly getting thrust in a world where everyone had three eyes and being told you had a defect because you only had two eyes (OK, I know I've strayed but at least I got my point across). Not to mention that he suddenly gained a new superpower (getting pregnant) that he never dreamed or even remotely thought he could have (a bit like Midas' touch). I think this turn of events is pretty logical.

3- Pretty close but not really the orig context

4- Should be.... spitting onomatopoeia....?

5- Should be slanf for.... motherf*cker....?

6- Eh... I'm not really that sure...

7- Not specified but should be right

8- Not literal but close

9- Same with 8

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