《Skaikru ☣ Bellamy Blake [2]》Expansion


Since the escape of Clarke and Nia, things have gotten even more guarded. But Marcus Kane was determined to find a way to prevent more bloodshed. And a way to achieve that was to try and install a listening device inside Chancellor Pike's office.

He had recruited those that he could trust to help hoping that they would continue to help him. So, there he stood in the hallway with Nathan Miller trying to quickly install the device before they were caught. But before they could make any more moves forward the sound of someone greeting Pike made them pause.

Thinking quickly, Kane sent Miller to plant the device while he stalled. Once he got Pike in sight he sighed seeing Bellamy standing beside him. He had tried countless times to talk with Bellamy but the boy didn't seem to listen to reason. He had even shut out Nia, the one person who would pull him through his thoughts.

"There you are. We need to talk about these things Jaha's been distributing." He spoke out but it wasn't the topic they needed.

"No, we don't, that Abby's department. I have much more immediate concerns." Pike interjected moving to get pass.

"Like the imprisoned Grounders." Kane responded quickly keeping them in their place.

"Interned, for their safety as well as ours." Pike reasoned going to move.

"They came here for our help. If we're not going to give it to them, we should at least send them home." Kane continued. He had remembered when Pike had just been elected, Nia had wanted to get those in medical and send them back. But the conditions they were in forced her to leave them in their care. He felt obligated to fulfil this wish after everything she had done for them in the beginning.

"They're a liability. Let them go, they'll tell their people what they know about us. Our defenses and capabilities." Bellamy input.

"And Nia wouldn't." Kane send the comment back catching them off guard. "I know she's missing, as well as the girls beside her, but let's face it, she knew more than anyone about this place. If she had wanted to tell them, we wouldn't be standing here. Now we're talking about Lincoln and Alec here. They were more loyal to her than most."


"No, we're talking about the enemy." Pike fired back. He knew that the mention of Nia might get into Bellamy's head and he needed him to remain by his side.

"Not all Grounders are the enemy." Kane tried to reason.

"Kane, we've been through this, all right. The election decided it." Neither of them noticed Miller walking from behind them and Kane glancing over.

"Public opinion is a funny thing, Charles." Kane kept the focus on him so that Miller could get by without being noticed.

"My job is to keep us safe. Not to be liked." Pike finalized walking away from Kane.

"Then keep us the good work." Kane announced as the two continued in the direction they were headed. He let out a breath that he was holding once it had cleared.

Since the confrontation with Kane, the mention of Nia had indeed been running through Bellamy's mind. He had not once expected that Nia and the girls would escape but they had been able to pull it off. Now he wanted nothing more than to bring them back so that he could protect them. But a part of him was grateful they were gone, then they couldn't get interned. His attention was brought to Pike when he began to speak.

"Okay. Let's get this meeting started. Welcome Farm Station's own Monty Green and Factory girl, Zoe Monroe, as we begin out next crucial phase, expansion and salvation. And this will lead the way." Pike announced to the room and holding up a vial at the end.

"Dirt?" Monroe questioned trying to figure out the plan.

"Soil. Fertile, arable soil. Vastly more rich than anything we've found since landing. We'll clear the trees and plant within the month." Pike explained their plan.

"We start with soy beans and corn. They grow the fastest." Hannah supported but their attention was on Monty who had made his way toward the map.

"What's wrong Monty? You don't like corn?" Riley teased as they watched him overlook the map.


"I've never had corn, actually. Is this where we're going?" He pointed out to a spot on the map. It was then that Bellamy realized what he was doing. Before everything happened, Nia had taught him about her people and soon enough Monty became interested and she began teaching him as well.

"That's right." Pike confirmed their suspicions.

"There's a village here. What about the people who live there?" Monty asked remembering the teachings from Nia about where villages would be located. During scouting they had to know what boundaries to cross and where places were located.

"That's Sector Four. We talked about this. The people there are not a threat." Bellamy supported Monty's comment. He remembered Nia's words that not all were warriors and most couldn't defend themselves.

"We need that land. With the loss of Mount Weather's resources, Arkadia will be starving in less than a year." Pike stated the reasoning for it.

"With all due respect, sir, you still haven't answered Monty's question." Bellamy continued.

It was then that Pike noticed the change in Bellamy and that could only mean one thing. Kane's comment of Nia before had gotten to Bellamy more than he expected. That when he realized that Nia had a bigger hold over Bellamy than anyone ever could. But right he had maintain his hold over the boy.

"You know the answer. Every field must be cleared of stones before it's tilled." Pike provided the explanation.

"We were spotted by a child. So, they'll be expecting us. But they lost their fighters when we took out the army. We don't expect resistance." Hannah informed them.

"They're Grounders. They'll resist." Monty responded. The group that had been there longer knew the Grounder's spirit and how they were stuck to their ideals.

"Even if they don't, the commander's message was clear. Blood must not have blood. That doesn't mean we can start taking-" Bellamy went to speak against the idea of taking from the village but Pike wouldn't stand for it. He needed Bellamy to remain by his side so that the camp would. If Bellamy began to side with Kane then that's it they would give into the Grounders and it'd be over for him. So he went with they best way to keep the boy by his side.

"What would you prefer? Die fighting for you home? Or starve to death? Will you do what needs to be done for your people to survive or not?" Pike knew that if he were to bring in Bellamy's guilt then the boy would be sure to do what was necessary to keep the plan in place. He would use Bellamy to keep everyone in place.

As Bellamy thought of it he thought of his ghosts as well. How they tormented him and stayed with him. Having Jade and Nia in his life kept his ghosts at bay but now with no one with him they seemed to be making more of an appearance. But he knew that he couldn't let another one of his people die for his mistakes. So, if he had to add on more ghosts for that to happen then so be it.

"We'll do what needs to be done." He supported without hesitation.

Bellamy Blake was losing himself and with no one to pull him back. All his actions now would be thoughtless with the only intent to keep his people safe. But it would prove to be more difficulties for him when he wanted what he wanted most. To keep his girls safe.

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