《My Mate, My Luna》Epilogue


I stood at the sink of the kitchen, looking around at the chaos that laid in front of me. There was a mess on every surface, but I suppose that is to be expected when you are hosting a large family gathering. Luckily everyone was primarily outside, since we were doing a barbeque, so I had a chance to clean it in peace.

I was currently wiping down the counters that were covered in flour from the cake that twins had decided to make for their younger brother Everett, as today we were also celebrating her second birthday. "Seriously, Nemo? In here cleaning? " I looked up to find Tim leaning in the open doorway to the backyard.

"Yes, seriously, I'm cleaning. If I do not do it now, I will be too exhausted by the time everyone leaves to even move. " I was a bit exasperated that he was giving me any type of grief about things.

Moving myself over to the sink I started to wash a few of the dishes that were there when two arms snaked around me, hands finding a resting spot on my growing belly. "You need to go enjoy the party, Ally." Tate said in my ear, kissing my cheek. "This is your first real day off from the clinic and Luna duties in too long. Let me handle clean up. " Tate continued rubbing my belly, something that he found calmed me down, soon I found myself leaning back on him forcing him to support most of my weight.

"You know this is the last one? I said, "I do not think I have it in me to do this again. It's so exhausting! "

I noticed from the corner of my eye Tim was shaking his head at us as he grinned, "What Tim?" He shook his head again, "Just spill it." I was feeling a bit snappy, because Tate was right, I was exhausted from having little to no time off, plus the pups, and now being pregnant again there was just nothing left for me to give.

"Nothing, but you realize you say that same thing each time, right?" I took the towel that was sitting on the counter and threw it at him.

Unfortunately, I missed, figuring it out when I heard a displeased cry, "HEY! What was that for?" Tim was now snickering.

I opened my eyes to see who I had hit with the towel, "Sorry Emily, I was aiming for your husband. He is being a twit. Could you do something about that for me?" I asked, to which Emily quickly chased Tim from the house. I could hear their laughs as they got further from the house, the pups quickly joining Emily in ganging up on Tim.

Tim and Emily had gotten married four years ago, they made a perfect couple and I could tell that they were very much in love and genuinely happy. I also couldn't ask for a better person to be in my pups lives, although things were awkward at first, we quickly became friends, she is now my closest friend.


Moving out to the back yard, I decided to relax on one of the chaise lounges chairs. Laying back I was enjoying watching everyone, it was something that I had always enjoyed. And as usual my mind started to drift.

Their wedding ceremony was so beautiful, with just family and close friends. I even had the chance to deliver her and Tim's pup, a little girl that was actually only a few months older than my youngest pup, Everett. Figuring they would do their own thing with names, since obviously I had a thing for the letter E, I hadn't put much thought into the names that they were choosing. However, they too decided to keep with the same theme, reasoning that they didn't want Eloise to feel left out. When they told me I just chuckled at them.

Thinking back about friendships my heart still hurt at the loss of McKenna. The last time I saw her was the day of their wedding, I knew she was coming, but still I don't think that I was fully prepared to see her. At the reception she had approached me.

Tate and I were sitting at our table, tucked in the corner by the bride and groom. I was wearing by baby blue bridesmaids dress, Elias and Emmerson still in their wedding attire sat across from us, while they finished eating. Eddie was off on the dance floor showing all the girls his moves, as he likes to say. As I watched him showing off, I couldn't help but chuckle and wonder who he got all his swagger from, since I knew it wasn't me, he really was a mini version of his father. As I watched him command attention, I knew that he was going to make a wonderful Alpha one day.

I caught McKenna waving at me from across the room, I had effectively ignored her all night and had no interest in talking to her. The more I thought about it and dwelled on things I realized that there was no way that we could ever be friends again, honestly there was no need for us to interact together.

Noticing that she was coming our way I groaned to Tate, who reached under the table to grab my hand offering whatever support he could. Linc was next to McKenna, the look he had on his face led me to believe that he himself didn't quite trust his mate either, which made my heart break for him.

"Hi Allison." She said timidly, "How are you?"

"I am well, thanks. How about you?" I said, then also thought to include Linc, "And you Linc how are you doing?" It was really my way of talking to McKenna without truly having to talk to her. I wasn't sure if I could be nice.

"Doing well Allison, thanks for asking." But I think Linc knew what I was trying to do, "I am going to get a drink, anyone need anything?" We all shook our heads and I thought 'Sneaky little snot! He ducked out to force me to talk to her.' I should have expected this.


"We are going to dance." Emma said, "We are done eating." She often times liked to speak for her brother forcing him to go along with whatever she was saying. Although Eli was still eating, he got up and dutifully followed his sister as Tate chuckled at them.

McKenna watched the twins walk away before sitting in Emma's chair across the table from where Tate and I sat. "How is everything going Allison?" McKenna asked, the conversation coming a bit forced.

"Things are going well, thank you for asking. How is Haven Woods?" Being that I was fully planning on becoming Luna I figured now more than ever would be a good opportunity to practice my diplomatic skills.

"Things are good." We sat silently for a few minutes, "Uh, Tate," McKenna said getting his attention, "I wanted to thank you, I know you didn't have to, but thank you for not fully exiling my mother. I know you could have, but then Linc wouldn't have been able to bring her to our pack."

Tate's eyes darkened just the slightest bit, I don't think many people would have noticed, but I did. "You are right I didn't have to." Was the only response that he gave, which I could tell was almost like a slap in the face to my former best friend.

McKenna turned back to me, "I won't take up much more of your time, I really just wanted to say that I am truly sorry for what I did in my part to keep you two apart. I know now looking back that I was wrong and believe me when I say I have paid my dues for it." She was doing her best to try to explain that she was sorry, but there was still part of me that felt like it was more of a show than anything, that she wasn't truly sorry for any of it.

"Thank you for apologizing, McKenna. However, this changes nothing." I knew I sounded cold, but I truly didn't care. "If you are looking for forgiveness, then you can walk away knowing that you have it, but I will not forget, and our friendship is over." Tears were forming in her eyes, any hope that she had before was just dashed by my words. "We will have a civil relationship for family sake McKenna, but us, this" I moved my finger between us, "isn't going to happen."

Linc able to feel his mate's distress came back over to the table, McKenna stood not saying another word, her back to us. I looked at Linc, but meant the words for both of them, "I am sorry that things happened like they did. We are tied together by family, so know that I do care, but past that, I am not able to offer anything." I could see McKenna's shoulders slump, I knew that she had hoped that at some day things would be as they had been before, but the fact was is they wouldn't.

Later that night, once everyone had gone home and the pups were all in bed, I was relaxing in the living room with a hot cup of tea, snuggled up into Tate's side as he was watching one of the weird shows that he likes. Honestly, I couldn't stand the shows, I wasn't much of TV person, but this was the only time in a day that we had together to unwind so I suffered through them.

The shuffling of feet down the hallway carpet caught our attention as our eldest pups head popped into our view. "Mommy, Daddy, I can't sleep." Elias said rubbing his eyes.

I set my tea down, while Tate paused the show he was watching. Holding out my arms I said, "Come here baby."

"Mmmooooommm, I'm not a baby." Eli whined back at me as he came and curled up snuggled into me, while laying his head on his father's lap.

We sat there contentedly for a few minutes, me running my fingers through Eli's hair, the way that he loved and always made him sleepy. A big yawn sounded from him, letting me know that my tactics were working.

A few more minutes and his eyes started to droop a bit and Eli sat up, "I am going back to bed. I feel tired now." He said and I smiled. It never took much, but sometimes he just needed a few minutes of Mom and Dad time away from the craziness of his siblings.

He got to the hallway and turned back to us, "You alright bud?" Tate said, furrowing his brow at Eli's pause.

Eli looked at me, "Dad, one day I hope the Moon Goddess gives me a mate that I can love as much as you love Mommy." Eli quickly came back and gave us each a hug and kiss on the cheek, putting a smile on my face.

Before Tate let go of Eli, I heard him whisper to him, "One day you will have you own mate and your own Luna. And I know you will love her with your whole heart, just like I love your Mommy." I know that those words were meant between a father and his son, but I couldn't help but overhear the special moment.

Eli made his way back to his room and I snuggled deeper into the side of my mate, "I love you Tate."

"I love you too, Ally. More than you will ever know." 

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