《My Mate, My Luna》Ch. 55 Where I'm meant to be


As I sat in a quiet house, I did not know what to do with myself. Tim had the pups for the weekend, and I did not have work. I was not used to having time to myself, I had been so busy with the pups and my new internship that it felt like there was no time to breath. With having free time like this it meant that I did not quite know what to do, it was almost like I was forgetting a long list of things that needed to be done. Yet, when I looked around the house there was not a speck of dirt to be found. After Tim had picked up the pups, I had started a deep clean of the house, something that it desperately needed, yet that did not take near as much time as I thought it would. I could not shake the anxious energy that was bombarding me. The silence was maddening.

I jumped up from the couch, before I realized where I was going, I was parked outside the cemetery. Looking out my window I saw the rows of headstones, the one that I was looking for not visible from where I was parked. I sat in my SUV trying to decide if I was going to get out, it had been years since I had been here, my guilt keeping me away since I had been back.

Reluctantly I pulled the door handle and opened the door, stepping out into the afternoon sun. Slowly I made my way to the back of the cemetery where my parents lay, passing the weather worn headstones of other long-gone pack members. Some all but forgotten, others beautifully tended. I could only imagine the neglect that awaited me at my parents graveside, before leaving I had meticulously tended to the headstone for my father.

Every couple of rows I stopped at an old headstone, one of the forgotten pack members and paid my respects. These were the ancestors that came before all of us, the ones that our pack was built on. Our pack would not be without their support and sacrifices, it was a shame that their family had left their memory behind, that our pack had. Brushing my hand over the top of the marble stone, I crouched down to read the stone, the letters worn by the weather over the years, some of the letters barely legible, the stone read, 'In Loving Memory of George Whyte died August 15 , 1876, Aged 72 Years. ' Further down the stone there was another name 'Maggie Whyte died March 9, 1877 Aged 68 Year.' Seeing the stone was both sad, but also brought a smile to my face.

There was no mistaking that they were mates, that they had been able to spend many years together. When you are a young pup dreaming of your mate, it is a long-lasting love like theirs that you hope for. It is what you are told you should have. As I studied their stone a bit longer my mind was wandering to what if's and maybe so's. Whispering a simple thank you to the couple, I stood and continued on my journey to my parents.

As I came up to the top of the hill where they rested a familiar silhouette was kneeling in front of them. Standing back, I watched for several minutes as he continued his task, completely oblivious to the fact that I was standing behind him, watching. Stepping as silently as I could, I walked within a couple feet of him before speaking, "You know," I started and he jumped up from the ground, whipping around, "for an Alpha you sure are not very observant. I could have been the enemy coming to kill you and you never would have known. "


"Goddess! You scared me, do not do that! " I was now laughing at him. "How long have you been there?"

"Long enough to watch you weed the flower bed and you talking to my parents." Tate looked almost embarrassed that I had caught him. "How long have you been coming here?" I knew Tate had no real connection to my parents, other than the fact that we were mates.

"Ever since you left. I come once a month or so to tend their flowers and wipe down their stone. "

I nodded, "Do you always talk to them?" I asked curiously.

He smiled at me, "Every time. I told them about everything. I have let them know how sorry I was. I talked to them about anything that was bothering me, I have asked them for their forgiveness in hurting you. " As he talked my eyes never left his face, the truth and sincerity speaking to me. This was the Tate that I had fallen in love with all those years ago.

I do not know what made me do it, but I wrapped my arms around him. For a moment Tate was unsure, but then quickly wrapped his arms around me, "Thank you for taking care of them for me." His arms around me felt right, it felt like everything in the world was just as it should be.

"Ally, when are you going to realize I would do anything for you. I would tear my own heart out if it meant saving you. " I pulled away just enough to look into his eyes, eyes that shone with an intensity of love that I had not noticed before, it left me feeling raw and exposed like he was seeing past the façade I had been hiding behind.

Our eyes stayed locked on each other, I could tell that he wanted to kiss me, but was not sure if he should. I wanted him to, but I did not know if I was ready. A fear still resided inside telling, something holding me back. Dropping my arms, I pulled away from Tate, a cold empty feeling now filling me as I turned my back to him facing my parent headstone.

"Listen Ally," I turned my head toward him, so I was looking him over my shoulder. "I know you said you wanted time to figure things out. But I wanted to know, will you go on a date with me. " He was so cute, all nervous asking me.

I took a deep breath and let it out slowly, thinking about it. One too many heart beats passed before I answered, I could feel the anxious energy coming off him in waves. "Yeah." I whispered just loud enough that he would have to strain even to hear with his sensitive wolf hearing.

"Really? You will go on a date with me? " The excitement in his voice made my heart flutter.

Turning back towards him I smiled, "Yes Tate. I will go on a date with you. " I small laugh coming from my throat, "I kind of feel like I am in high school again. A date. I haven't been on one in a while. "

Tate walked closer to me, "Thank you for agreeing to go out with me." Quickly he gave me a kiss on the cheek, leaving an electrified feeling where his lips had touched me. "Tomorrow night, six o 'clock. I will pick you us. Wear something comfortable. " He turned like he was going to leave. "Oh, and Ally, do not wear heels."


"When have you known me to willingly wear high heels, Tate?"

"Good point. I will leave you to your parents now. See you tomorrow. " He did not wait any longer and all but ran from me. Almost as if he was afraid that I would change my mind if he stuck around. I stared after him until he was out of sight, before turning back to my parents.

There was so much that I needed to tell them, but where to start? I sat down on the green grass, leaning back on my hands. Sitting there in the silence it was almost like I could feel them with me, like they were wrapping their arms around me like they did when I was a young pup.

"Hi Mom. Hi Dad. There is so much I need to tell you. "


The next morning, I felt a bit recharged, it had felt good to go to see my parents. It felt cleansing in a way to tell them everything that had happened, from the beginning to where I was now. I did not glaze over one detail, I needed to get it all out, say it all out loud. There was a renewed energy and power that was coursing through my body, I was not quite sure what it was, but the feeling was invigorating.

For the first time in many months I wanted to run, I wanted to fight. Getting dressed, I made my way to my SUV, my old tattered gym bag in my hand. This was another place I had yet to visit, I did not want to come back here as the same broken girl that had left, but after yesterday I realized that I was not. I was no longer the same young girl anymore.

As I walked in the familiar scent of sweat and grime filled my nostrils, the strong bite left me crinkling my nose, but also filling me with a sense of home and belonging. John was sitting behind the counter the paper in his hand, the same way he always was. He looked up at the door when the bells chimed, seeing me he let out a big grin, one he reserved for special people. He turned to look at the clock, it was reading seven AM. "You're late." Was all he said, turning back to his paper.

"Nah, I'm not late John. I am just on time. " I said with a smile as I started to make my way back to the locker room.

"Your locker is still there, if you remember the combo." I turned to look at him, still reading his paper or at least trying to pretend he was, I caught the smirk on his lips. "Welcome back Allison. Hope it is for good this time. "

I winked at John, the man that had become a surrogate father to me "Yeah, John I think I am. I also have some pups for you to train. " I figured I would try to drop the bombshell nonchalantly.

John was now standing in front of me, "Pups? As is more than one? " He pulled me in for a hug, "Ol 'Grampa John would love to meet them sometime."

"Tell ya what. I will bring them in next weekend. " I smiled at him as he nodded his head.

Putting his arm around me he pulled me toward the back of the gym, headed toward the fighting ring. "Jake, look what the wolf dragged in." A familiar face turned around greeting me with a big smile.

"Allison! Welcome back! " He jumped out of the ring, coming over to hug me.

"She has pups for us to train now."

"Yeah three of them." Shock registered on their faces, "The last few years is a long story, guys. I will fill you in, but first I want to get a long overdue workout in. Between being a mom and my internship at the clinic I haven't done this in a while. "

"Well then let's get to it." Jake said, pulling me away from the safe embrace of John's arm. I had a feeling that he was going to kick my rear today.

Three hours later I was falling on my back in the ring, "I wave the white flag," I was panting and pulled my mouth guard out. "I'm done, you have all killed me today." John sat in the corner of the ring, where he had been my one-man cheer squad for the last hour.

"How about you go get cleaned up and we will get some lunch. Then you can fill us in on your life. " Jake reached down, offering me his hand. I readily accepted the offer, groaning as he pulled me off the floor and I headed for the shower.

John took us to the local diner, the place that served the best pancakes. After ordering our food, John and Jake looked at me expectantly, since they both knew about me, more specifically wolves I knew I did not have to censor what I said. I gave them the abridged version of everything and then they updated me on everything in their lives. Jake had bought into the gym, so he now owned half of it, which was good for John as he was getting older and running the place on his own was getting tough. Jake also had someone and got married, her name was Grace.

I looked down at my watch, what felt like minutes had actually been hours. "Shit! I have to go! " It was now five-thirty. I was supposed to be meeting Tate at six and I still needed to get ready. Jumping up from the booth I headed toward the door, "Sorry to run, but I have a date." Two knowing smiles shone back at me.

"Behave and do not do anything I would not do." Jake called as the door of the diner shut behind me.

I still could not believe that Ally had agreed to go on a date with me. She had asked for time and I understood that, I respected that. But I just felt like I had to try, so when she agreed I was in shock. I took off from the cemetery on cloud nine and had not been able to stop smiling since.

As I headed into my office the next morning, I was having trouble focusing. Sitting at my desk I zoned out, my mind drifting to Ally and the plans that I had for us this evening. "Earth to Tate." Someone said, snapping their fingers in my face finally snapping me from my thoughts and bringing me back to reality.

"What?" I snapped, a little unhappy that someone was disturbing me

"Dude, I've been saying your name for almost five minutes. What gives? " Markus asked.

"Just thinking." The short reply is all that I wanted to give him; he did not need to know any more than that.

"Yeah, just thinking about Allison." I glared at him, "Ooh, I nailed it." He then started singing something about being in a tree and kissing.

"Could you be any less mature?" I pretended to snap at him, but really, I was smiling. Markus more than anyone knows the torture the last few years have been on me and I knew that he was genuinely happy that Allison was back. Him and Lukas were less than pleased the day that Ally left, leaving that note with them. It took them a while to forgive me.

"She agreed to go on a date with me tonight." I finally said, "That is what I was thinking about. I cannot stop. Getting her out of my mind is a futile attempt, especially now that she is so close to me. And now with the pups, I just want us to be a family. " I confessed to my Beta and best friend.

Markus gave me his knowing look, "Oh, I know. There is not much that happens around here that I do not know. " He smirked at me, "You are an open book these days Tate. You are wearing your thoughts and emotions on your face. So much for being the stoic Alpha. " He teased.

"Shut up!" I said, punching him in the arm. He saw it coming but was not quick enough to get out of the way, but just quick enough that the full force of my punch did not catch him. "Get your ass back to work, do you have borders to patrol?"

"Not today, that is Gamma duty." He laughed, "Today is my day off. See how much you are not paying attention to? "

"If it's your day off what are you doing here? Cause I have plenty of work I could make you do. " I knew that would catch his attention.

Markus' eyes grew wide and he jumped up running for the door, "See ya!" He called as he ran out the door, forgetting to shut it in his quick attempt at fleeing. I laughed at the sight of my best friend running from me. Ever since Ally came back there has been a renewed sense of lightness that settled over the pack, like the we were finally complete. The missing puzzle piece was finally found, all that was left was to officially make her Luna.


It was now six-fifteen and I was pacing on the porch of Ally's house, well what was supposed to be our house, but for now it was for her and the pups. I was still holding out hope that one day it would be the house we would share. Waves of panic and nervousness kept washing through me, preventing me from knocking on the door, I felt like a teenage kid again going on his first date.

Suddenly the porch light flicked on, shocking me, quickly followed by the door opening. Ally stood there, laughing at me with a smile that radiated from her eyes, instantly stopping me in my tracks. "Were you going to knock on the door tonight or just pace?"

Ally stood there, waiting for me to say something, but I lost all my words as my eyes took her in, she was completely flawless in her dark blue summer dress, that was covered in small flowers with her hair set in a French Braid. I put my hand on the back of my neck, rubbing it trying to find words, any words so I no longer looked like the idiot I was being.

"Um... Ah..." There was a very amused glint shining in Ally's eyes, she was thoroughly enjoying my awkwardness.

With a laugh, she walked onto the porch shutting the door behind her, "Well, Mr. Smooth why do not we get this date started? " Realizing that she was taking charge with my inability to even form words I followed her to my truck.

"Idiot!" Knox snarled at me, "Mate probably thinks we are dumb now."

"Stuff it Knox. She thinks it's cute. " I responded, not liking his jabs at me.

"Lily is laughing at me."

"You're an Alpha toughen up."

A deep growl came from Knox, "Mate should not laugh at us. You are a fool! " I quickly cut off the mind link with Knox realizing that he was looking to pick a fight with me since his pride had been wounded. Sometimes he could be a bit gruff.

As I backed out of the driveway and onto the road, Ally spoke up "Was Knox giving you a hard time?" The inquisitive question making me look at her in surprise.

"How did you know?"

"Lily, apparently he is refusing to speak to her. She keeps saying that she did not mean to hurt his feelings when she laughed. " I shook my head as if to say he will get over it. I knew Ally understood what I was trying to say. A few moments of silence fell between us, but it felt comfortable. "So, where are we going?"

"Just wait for it, we are almost there." And about fifteen minutes later we were pulling in. "

A chuckle left Ally's lips, it was a sound that I knew I was never going to grow sick of hearing, "Watson County Fair? Really? " There was a tone of disbelief in her voice, like she could not believe that I would bring her here.

"Yeah," I said opening the door of my truck to jump out before running around and opening her door. Ally climbed out and looked at the fair grounds in front of her. "This was one of the best nights of my life, how could I not want to bring you back?"

Ally grabbed my hand, tugging me toward the gate, "Good, now I want cotton candy and a stuffed unicorn." I shook my head as she continued to pull me along. This carefree side of Ally was not something that she showed very often. Being able to see her like this again brought a happiness to me that had no measure.

"Stop being so sappy. You are really a fool! " Knox was now speaking to me again.

"Stop being such a grumpy old man." I countered to him.

"We are Alpha, stop acting like a pup." I mentally rolled my eyes at my wolf.

"Ease up and relax a bit Knox. Enjoy the time with our mate. " Hopefully he would settle a bit and enjoy the evening with Lily. He had had a rough time being apart from them, maybe more than I did, so he had hardened himself to emotions. I was hoping that he would slowly open up again, but I knew he would never quite be the same as before.

After hours of Ally pulling me around the fair, doing anything and everything that she wanted to do, we were finally at the final part of the evening. The vendors were starting to shut down and many of the rides had already closed up for the night. There was one more ride that I wanted to take with Ally, so with the last of our tickets, we climbed on the Ferris Wheel.

We climbed into our seat and buckled in, I was not expecting it, but Ally put her stuffed unicorn to the side and slid in closer to me. "Remember this?" I asked her, she nodded her head.

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