《My Mate, My Luna》Ch. 49 The Truth will always be uncovered Pt 2


The next morning Allison and I got up like it was any other day, except we were both functioning like robots. We were both stuck in our own heads with everything that was going on. As we mucked our way through breakfast, I was never happier that the pups had no idea the turmoil that we were going through internally.

After breakfast we made our way to the playground again, wanting to pretend that it was a perfect day like any other, but in truth I just wanted to watch my pups playing, carefree. There was no way around it, but after today their lives were going to be inexplicably changed. Part of me wanted to be selfish, ferreting the pups and Allison away from everything, leaving it all behind, but I knew that was not possible.

Allison sat on the bench, she was watching everything yet nothing at the same time, I could see that her mind was elsewhere, similar to my own. Now that Meghan was outside and standing close to the pups, I too went to sit on the bench next to Allison. Reaching for her hand I intertwined our fingers as I usually did, kissing the back of her hand absentmindedly. Neither of us spoke, we both knew that even if we did there was nothing more that either of us could say. We had said it all the night before.

"Tim, tell me what to do?" Allison begged me to give her an answer, but the truth was I did not know. There were so many things that I could give her answers to, but how to handle this, I had nothing.

Wrapping my arms around her, kissing her forehead I answered, "I do not have the answers, but I wish I did. There is no right answer to this Allison, we have to make a decision and hope that it is the right one, because whatever we do is going to affect not only us, but all of our pups too. " We stood there her head now laying on my chest, swaying back and forth trying to console one another.

After a few more minutes, I finally broke the silence a few minutes later. "I know that Lily is still connected with Tate." That is when I could feel the dam break and the tears that Allison had been holding back fell, I had known that she had been trying to keep that from me, but I knew she never needed to tell me. "Nemo, I always knew. I never tried to kid myself into thinking that just because we are married, and you marked me that you truly belonged to me. The connection from the Moon Goddess is not one that just goes away. You still belong to Tate in ways that I still belong to Nikki. "

"I am so sorry that you got pulled into the middle of all of this. It's not fair to you, you have only ever been there for me, supported me. And now here we are, back in the middle of the bullshit that is my life. I tried leaving this all behind, but it just keeps coming back around. " Allison pulled in a ragged breath, exhaustion in her eyes.

"You did not do this Nemo. I knew what I was signing up for, I knew what I was saying yes to when I stayed. Marked or not, I could have left, but I wanted to stay. " I was trying my best to assure her that she was not to blame for me choosing to stay married to her.


Pulling Allison toward our bedroom I sat her on the bed as I walked into the bathroom. Turning on the water for the tub and added some lavender bath salts to the water. Going back to the bedroom, Allison's hands were covering her face, her hands wet with the silent tears she had been crying. Pulling her to her feet I guided her to the bathroom, where I undressed her and then myself. Allison was stuck in her head and I needed to pull her out, so we could decide how we were going to handle things.

I stepped into the jacuzzi tub, reaching my hand out to Allison. Hesitantly she reached out, as if she was afraid that I was going to evaporate into the atmosphere if she touched me. The pained look on her face caused my heart to constrict in my chest. We sat down in the tub, Allison between my legs her back to my chest.

We sat quietly for what felt like forever before I reached for the loofa. Adding body wash to it, I gently began washing Allison. As I continued my care of her, I could feel the tension leaving her body, in turn making my own muscles to relax. When I was done washing Allison, she pulled away, turning her body so she was now facing me. Taking the loofa from me Allison began to wash my body.

Once Allison finished her task, she slid closer to me, putting her hands into my hair and kissing me ever so gently before turning around, placing her back to my front again. I put my arms around her waist, holding her close to me and kissed her neck. The water was starting to finally cool, but neither of us made a move to climb from the water.

"I am hoping that everything Kimber said is not true, Tim." Allison began, trepidation in her voice. "But if it is, I can not stay in Haven Woods. You know Tate is going to want to be part of Eli and Emma's lives, so much has already been taken from him. "

I took a breath in, trying to calm my racing heart, but I knew she could hear it. I knew Allison could feel the pain that was piercing my heart. "I know." I whispered to her. I gently pushed Allison away from me, finally ready to get out of the bath. Grabbing a towel for myself I wrapped it around my waist, before turning back to my wife, holding out another towel for her. Allison stood, stepping from the bath allowing me to wrap her in the towel.

Allison walked to the dresser pulling one of her silk nightgowns out, tossing it to the bed before grabbing me a pair of boxers. We both dried off and dressed, before climbing into bed. The words that needed to be said hanging in the air, waiting for one of us to speak them. But we were both still processing, deciding, thinking not wanting to make any rash decisions or say something that can not be taken back.

Pulling Allison into my side she curled her body into mine, laying her head on my chest. Many times, this is how we had made decisions. Late at night, laying in bed, with no distractions, just her and me. "Eli is Tate's master; Eddie is the heir to Haven Woods. That is not going to change. We have two Alpha pups to think about. We need to decide how to navigate for them. " The silence finally driving me mad, I spoke.


"Tim, I'm so lost, but I know I'm going to have to go back. I want you and Edison with me. I do not want to do this alone, but I know I can not stay where McKenna is. Everyone has made decisions for me, about me, many without me. So many choices have been taken from you too. But this, this is a choice that I can make, I just want you to be okay with it. I know it is selfish and I am sorry for that. I am sorry for what I know this is doing to you. " I knew that Allison needed to get this off her chest, so I did not interrupt her. "I always thought I was strong and independent, but this has shown me that I was never as strong or independent as I thought. I need you to let me make this right. Right for myself, right for Tate, and right for the twins. I am just as much to blame for things as everyone else and I will never forgive myself.

"This is not your fault Nemo. We all made choices, I made mine and I do not regret them. I hope you know that I would never trade my decisions for anything. Because of them you brought love and light back into my life. Something I did not think I would have again after losing Nikki and my wolf. " I kissed her forehead.

"I love you so much, Tim. I never wanted any of this to happen like this. I am so lost. "

"I love you too." Allison turned over, her back now facing me, quickly she reached over grabbing my arm, pulling it around her, snuggling close, cocooning herself in my arms.

As her breath started to even out, I knew she was close to sleep, I put my lips next to her ear and whispered, "If it meant your happiness, I would walk away from us. As much as I love you, I know he is always going to love you more. " I was now choking on my words, I knew that I needed to say them, but I did not want to. I did not want Allison to think that I was going to give up, but I felt that these words needed to be said. "But make no mistake I will never walk away from my pups."

Allison hugged my arms closer to her body. There was no more need for words, we may not have all the answers to everything, but we knew what was right. We needed to let Tate in, just how remained to be seen.

I laid there for a while, thinking through everything, weighing the options. Allison had fallen asleep, so I climbed out of bed, carefully pulling away from her so she would remain sleeping. Grabbing my phone, I walked out to the living room, even though it was late I knew she would answer my call and after a few rings, she did not let me down. "

"Tim, what's going on? Is everything all right? " Came the calm, concerned voice on the other side of the phone.

"Doc, I need you answer a question for me." There was silence, I knew she was waiting for me to speak. "What can you tell me about being marked by someone that's not your mate?"

The sounds of happy giggles pulled me from my thoughts, bringing me back to the present. My pups playing so carefree on the playground, Edison trying to chase after his brother, Emma doing her best to slow Eli down so Eddie could catch him. The thought of tearing their world apart and shattering their reality was the part in all of this that was tearing me up more than anything.

Losing Allison, I could handle, this I knew. I'd been through worse losing Nikki. But I knew I would never survive losing them, each of them had a piece of my heart and it was slowly tearing apart.

Allison squeezed my hand, looking at me with sad eyes, "You will not lose them. That much I can promise. " Although she spoke it clearly and with conviction, it sounded more like a whisper in the wind.

I had arrived at the Joshuen Heights Pack. Jason came out to greet me with Nick. I thought it was a bit odd that Kimber was not with them, she was always the first to meet me whenever I came to visit. I had been uneasy this entire trip and now not having Kimber there to greet me with Jason and Nick furthered the unease that I felt.

"Kimber is around back at the playground." Jason said, "She asked me to have you go back there. Says she has something for you. " I looked at Jason with skepticism but made my way to the back of the packhouse. "For what it's worth Tate, I told her not to do it like this. I am sorry."

Jason's apology and the fact that Nick was following behind now had me more concerned than ever. What could possibly be so important? Why was it all of a sudden, I felt jittery, like the next moments were going to be defining life moments?

As I stepped out on the patio and instantly, I could smell her, apples and cinnamon. But there was something slightly different, almost floral to her scent now, her scent was more intoxicating now than it had ever been. I could not pinpoint why, and I did not care it was Ally! My Ally; she was here! I was instantly excited, a million emotions running through me. How had Kimber managed this? How could she hide this?

I had so many thoughts running through my head, but I was frozen in place, my eyes locked on her. She was standing next to a bench, watching a few of the kids that were running around the playground, squealing in excitement as they played. Ally was as gorgeous as ever, her hair was longer now, but still having the same curl to it. There were slight changes to her face, her features more defined now, more mature. And her body, she was still lithe, but there were more curves, her hips more pronounced. I wanted nothing more than to run to her, pull her into my arms and bury my nose into her neck.

There was a little girl that came running at her, like Ally was her safety net. I watched as Ally scooped her up, the little girls bouncing blond curls in full motion as she talked animatedly to Ally. There was also a little boy, with the same blond curls standing close by, holding the hand of another little boy with dark brown hair. I was trying to piece things together, were those her pups? I know that McKenna had told me she moved on, but did she really move on that quickly? The two older pups looked to be about three, I was trying to do the math in my head, but I could not quite get there. I felt like a knife was being jabbed into my heart as Knox was hurt and angry.

"They have to be her pups! Those should be MY pups! " Knox was growling at me. I could feel him begging to cut loose and I was doing my best to rein him in.

"Knox calm down! We will figure it all out. " I was snarling back at him. "If you do not stand back, I will wall you off." My threat to lock him away resonated with him, so he backed off, growling at me the entire time.

I finally broke out of my stupor and started walking towards her and then I heard her say it, "Mommy loves you." And again, the knife was lodged into my heart, she did move on. She had pups with someone else. How would I ever win her back now? Despair was setting in with every step closer I became.

I looked over to Kimber, her eyes telling me that things were going to be okay. That everything was going to work out. I had no idea how she could be so calm and pulled together right now. How could any of this be okay?

I returned my attention to everything unfolding simultaneously in front of me. A dark-haired guy was now on his knees in front of the two blonde haired kids, they were calling him Daddy. This must be the person that Allison has chosen, the father of her pups.

Instantly I hated him, I may not know him, but I hated him none the less. He had everything that I ever wanted, with the only person I ever wanted it with. As I watched him, I realized I knew him. It took me a few seconds to place him, but then it clicked. He was the one that threw a fit at Haven Woods pack house that morning, he was Linc's brother. I never had caught his name though.

Knox was growling, "Mate! My mate! " He was acting more feral today than most. I was struggling to contain him, as my emotions were already on edge, my control was waning.

As I got closer, Kimber came to stand by my side and I am not sure when they showed up, but Mark and Luke were there too. Good thing because I might need them, Knox was not making this easy on me. I watched Ally, each of her moves, my eyes never leaving her. I lost her before I was not about to give up so easily.

Ally turned around and put her face next to his ear, I could not quite make out what she was saying to him, but whatever it was it had him visibly relaxing, ever so slightly. But he still stood there looking like a man that was willing to fight for what he wanted, for his family.

As soon as he arrived, I could feel him. Lily was hypersensitive, panting in my ear, if I had let her loose, I guarantee she would be running around like a puppy dog ​​with a bone. It was quite embarrassing really how she was acting, even though no one else could fully sense how she was acting I was still embarrassed for her.

Tate started walking closer, taking his time like he was unsure how to act. Almost like he thought if he moved too quickly, I would try to bolt like a caged animal. Little did anyone know, that is how I felt. I was a caged animal, caged by the lies and deceit from people I was supposed to be able to trust.

Tim had called to his brother, asking him to bring McKenna, Missy, and Patrick with him. If we were going to do this, I wanted everyone there to witness it, all of them had played a part whether intended or not in the mess that was my life.

They approached as Tate did. I knew McKenna saw him; I knew she now saw Kimber. I wanted to see how she would react, and just as suspected she was tensing, her anxiety raising. I could feel the change in her, letting me know that she was hiding something.

"Allison, what's going on?" McKenna said to me, but I did not answer her. Linc was looking a bit confused as to what was going on. "Allison! Answer me! " She was trying to demand answers now, but I still ignored her.

"Follow me. All of you. " I said, turning my back on the group, Tim standing by my side we walked to the room where Kimber had brought us last night.

As we walked, I felt a pressure in my mind, like someone was trying to push through my walls. Curiosity got the best of me at that moment, so I dropped my walls just enough to let whoever it was through.

** I would follow you to the ends of the earth, Ally. ** I was a bit shocked when I heard his voice in my head, it was something that I never thought I would get to experience again. It made me feel things that I did not think I had any right to feel, happiness, joy, excitement, love. As all these emotions rushed through me, I could not help but feel guilty too.

I turned and looked at Tate over my shoulder, giving him a tight-lipped smile, replying through our link, "I know."

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