《My Mate, My Luna》Ch. 46 Life Goes On


"Mommy! Mommy! " Little fists were banging on the bathroom door.

"Five more minutes, baby. Tim! " I hollered, quickly trying to finish my shower. No answer.

"Mommy! Mommy! " The little voices sang from the other side of the bathroom door.

Ugh, I sighed to myself, I guess I do not get to shave my legs today. I quickly rinsed my body and hopped out of the shower, wrapping a towel around my hair and grabbing my terrycloth bathrobe. I opened the bathroom door, "Mommy!" They squealed at me in delight.

"Yes, Mommy." I smiled at my twins, their blonde curly hair bouncing as they did. Elias and Emmerson had grown so quickly, looking at them every day I could see how much of Tate they held, same hair color and their green eyes were the same shade of emerald. "Where is Daddy?"

"Daddy, trouble." Eli said, Emma giggled holding her tiny hand over her face. It was astounding to think how much they had grown in the past three years, no longer wobbly as they walked and starting to string sentences together.

"Why what did Daddy do?" Tim said, walking into the bedroom with a blue squirming bundle in his hands. Taking in the scene before him he realized what had happened, "They were banging on the bathroom door again?"

"Bingo, Daddy. You were supposed to keep them occupied so Mommy could shower. " I lifted my eyebrows in smugness, making Tim smile at me.

"Sorry, but Edison woke up and was screaming, I could not very well leave him." He said innocently, holding out our son as evidence. Eddie had made his appearance in our family just as unexpectedly as the twins had, but as I looked into his dark brown eyes, I could not imagine our lives without him. In the three months since he was born, he has brought so much joy to our family since his arrival. He was such a happy, easy going baby, I was truly blessed.

"It's only for two nights, Allison." McKenna said to me. "They will be fine I promise."

"Come on, Nemo. It would be nice to have a getaway, just me and you. Plus, we need to celebrate! You are starting your first internship with Doc Stella. " Tim was trying to convince me to go away for the weekend. He already planned everything and had the car packed. It was supposed to be a surprise that I just jumped at, but it did not go according to plan.

Looking at their faces I finally caved, "Fine, let's go. But it is not that big of a deal. I am not even going to be done with my degree, this internship is not a big deal. " I kissed my babies goodbye, on their rosy little cheeks, "Be good for Auntie Kenz and Kunkie." Kunkie is what they Linc, I laugh every time I hear it. "Mommy loves you."

I climbed into the car; Tim follow close behind after he too said his goodbye's. Tim quickly put the car into drive and took off, not giving me a chance to change my mind by jumping out of the car. "Do not worry, Love. They are going to be fine. " He picked my hand up, intertwining our fingers, lifting my hand up he kissed the back of it. "And you should be proud of yourself and everything you have accomplished! We have a beautiful family, a gorgeous home, and you have one HOT husband. " He shrugged, "If I do say so myself." I laughed at him and nudged him a bit, as I rolled my eyes at his humor.


"I know, but this is the first time we have left them overnight." They were two now, so they were plenty old enough for us to be leaving them but being the first overnight away was hard.

"Trust me I get it. I feel the same way. " I smiled at my husband, sometimes I forget that he has not been away from them overnight either, so we are in this together. "This is going to be good for us, give us a chance to have some alone time." He pumped his eyebrows.

"Ah, gotcha, that is what this is." I smirked, "I can get down with that." I said sassily. "Do I get to know where we are going?"


"Tim!" I hollered. "Get your ass in here now!"

"What? Where are you? " He said, following my voice as I continued to yell at him. "What? Why are you yelling at me? What did I do? " He was so confused.

"Go on vacation, they said. It'll be relaxing, they said. Have a little fun, they said. " I was ranting at him, not all that thrilled.

Listen, love I am completely lost. Who is they? " He was scratching his head. "What is going on?"

"You know I do not think I can go on vacation with you anymore!" Tim's face was contorted in confusion. "It always follows our home." Thinking back to our Vegas trip and now this weekend getaway. I shudder to think what else might have happened in life if we had gone on more getaways.

"I am so confused!"

I started laughing at my poor husband, I was ranting, and he was confused, which just made him look adorable. How he put up with me some days I had no idea, but I was so grateful.

"I'm pregnant." Tim's face dropped and then the biggest smile spread across his mouth.

"Really?" Tim rushed over to me, kissing me. I just nodded my head and smiled back at him.

"Nemo, we have dinner with everyone to get to. You might want to get dressed; you can not go in that. " Tim's words pulling me from my memory. "Although I would not mind."

"Oh shit, sorry." I quickly slapped my hand over my mouth hoping the pups did not hear, but I should have known at least of them did.

"Mommy bad word!" Emma scolded, "Bad Mommy!" Emma, ​​my rule enforcer, never missed a chance to call you out on something.

"Sorry, baby girl. Mommy won't say bad words anymore. " I apologized to the sensitive ears of my daughter. "Out! Mommy is getting dressed! Follow Daddy! " I said, point toward the door.

"All aboard the Daddy Express!" He hollered, the twins falling in line behind him making chugga chugga train noises. As they got down the hall, I heard them all yell out, "CHOOO CHOOO!" Seeing Tim with our pups made my heart melt, he was the best daddy in the world, but part of me still felt guilty about Tate not knowing about the twins.


We were all sitting around the table, the Edison sleeping away in the swing off in the corner. To be a baby again and sleep whenever you wanted, I was jealous. McKenna had just brought out dessert and the Twins eyes doubled in size.

"Mommy, I want ice cweam!" Eli said, clapping his hands.

"Yes, baby boy, you get ice cream." I answered his plea. "Auntie Kenz is getting it now." McKenna had three bowls out in front of her.


When she was done, she handed the bowls out to the kids, "One for Eli, one for Emma, ​​and one for McKinley." McKinley was Linc and McKenna's little girl, the spitting image of her mama, but her personality was all Linc. She was quite adorable.

Missy had been sitting quietly for a while now, "Hey guys. I have something I wanted to ask you. " She seemed rather timid, not like herself.

"Everything okay?" I asked, "You have been quiet tonight."

"Oh, yeah, sorry. Just out of it a bit, I guess. I heard from my mother right before dinner, you know how we get along. " She said. We all nodded in understanding, needing no further explanation from her. "Any way I also heard from my cousin, Jason." A smile gracing her face at having talked to her favorite cousin, pulling her out of whatever funk her mother had put her in.

"That's nice. How is he? " I asked, she often spoke about Jason, mainly about how they used to be very close when they were younger but grew apart and now that he found his mate they were reconnecting. From everything she told us about him I really felt like I knew him, even if none of us had ever met before.

"He is great actually! You know how I told you he found his mate about a year ago? Well they decided to get married. "

"That is really great!" McKenna said.

"Yeah!" She smiled, "When he called, he actually called to invite us to his wedding. Saying he wanted to finally meet my family, you know all of you and the kids too. Jason wants to meet the people that I am always telling him about. His mate wants to meet everyone too. " We all smiled at Missy, hopefulness in her voice that Linc would allow for all of us to travel together.

"When is it?" Linc questioned.

"May, in Georgia. They are part of the Joshuen Height Pack. " She said, "I would really love for you all to meet and since I have never met his mate or been to his pack, having you all there would really make me feel better."

"May gives me enough time to get things finished up. Graduation in the first weekend, as long as it is after that we can go, right Tim? "

Before Tim can answer Missy says, "It's the twenty-first." I nodded my head toward Tim, it would not bother graduation. "I have only talked to his mate a couple of times, but she sounds really nice! I can not wait to meet her; I'm so happy for Jason. "

"I'm good with going, Nemo. Maybe we can even bring Meghan to watch the pups some? "

"Yeah! Miss Meghan, I lobe here. " Eli commented with a mouthful of ice cream. I smiled at my son and nodded my head to Tim, letting him know I was on board.

"So, Linc can we go?" McKenna batted her eyelashes at her mate.

"Yeah, we will all go." Linc said nodding his head, no doubt already thinking about logistics. Linc was nothing, if not organized and methodical which was the exact opposite of McKenna. They balanced each other very well.

McKenna smirked, "Allison, maybe this time you will come back pregnant with number four."

I straightened my face and then squinted my eyes at my best friend, "HAHA" I said dryly, "Don't you think you are funny. And no, this time it's Missy's turn. " I rotated in my seat to look at her, McKenna doing the same.

Her face got red, along with the silent and ever stoic Patrick who was sitting by her side. "You guys are horrible." She laughed, "We will have pups when we are ready. We are not ready. " She said, Patrick letting go of a breath I am sure he did not even realize he was holding.


"McKenna you done yet? Nemo, needs to get in place. " Tim hollered at McKenna who was taking the hundredth picture of our family, me standing proudly in the center wearing my black cap and gown, holding Eddie in my arms as Eli and Emma stood in front of us, holding our hands.

"Yeah, yeah. I am done. I think I got a couple really good pictures. " She smile. "Eli, Emma come with Auntie, we are going to go sit so we can watch Mommy get her diploma." The twins ran over to McKenna, giggling and laughing as they went. Eli looked back at me and grinned, it stopped me right then and there, making my heart ache. He looked so much like Tate.

Tim spoke, pulling me from my thoughts, "Here let me take Eddie so you can go get in place." I handed over our now walking baby, well he was taking wobbly steps, but before we know it, he will be running around with his brother and sister. "I'm so proud of you, Nemo." He said, giving me a chaste kiss.

"I love you." I said, wrapping my arms around Tim and our son. "I love you both." I gave Edison a kiss on his rosy cheek, earning one of his megawatt smiles in return.

I pulled out my Tim's arms and made my way to the procession line up, after four years here I was, finally getting my degree. As I waited, I thought back over the last few years of my life, there had been so much that had happened in such a short time, making me truly thankful that I had been able to accomplish this. An unplanned marriage, three babies in as many years. I was a mom, a mom to two wonderful little boys, and one very strong-willed little girl. The thought of my pups bringing a smile to my face.

It was crazy to think how everything had worked out. None of it would have been possible without Tim, he had become not only my best friend, but my biggest cheerleader, and he loved me unconditionally. He was up for midnight feedings and diaper changes; he took on the main role as caregiver as I worked and went to school. He was the unsung hero of today, yes, I was the one that had done the work to graduate, but without him being there every step of the way it would not be happening.

Think back over the times I wanted to give up and cave, Tim was always there to rescue me. Especially with the kids, he was always so devoted. Even when I was trying to do something nice for him, he always seemed to be there for me. Tim was my rock, my sanity, I loved him and was thankful that he had decided to stay by my side. I honestly do not think I could have asked for a better partner or father for my pups.

It was three thirty AM and I was exhausted, I had yet to go to bed choosing to stay up in the quiet of the night finishing my term paper that was due the following afternoon. As was the story of my life, I was always struggling to balance, family, school, and work often choosing to forego sleep. I had just saved and printed my paper, as Edison started squirming from his basinet that sat beside me. Since I was going to be awake, I decided to keep him with me, so Tim could get some sleep tonight.

I picked up my fussing baby, cooing at him "Hey, Eddie. What is wrong little one? Shhh... Shhh. " I gently bounced him as I made my way to the changing area we had set up. Laying him down I started changing his diaper, Eddie getting more and more frustrated as I continued. By the time I had finished he was now screaming, his little face was red.

"Edison, you are alright, I promise." I spoke to him, something I liked to do, talk to the pups like I would any other person. "Let's go get something to eat. Are you hungry? " As I walked towards the kitchen, I gently bounced him in my arms, hoping it would lull him a bit.

Edison had calmed down slightly as I made his bottle and warmed it up. Taking him back to the living room I situated us on the rocking chair and fed him. He greedily sucked down his bottle, "See you were hungry, weren't you little man." I cooed to him, as I shifted him to burp him.

A couple minutes later and he let out a manly little burp and then almost instantly started fussing again. "What is wrong baby?" I asked, knowing he could not answer. "Let's walk, maybe that will help."

Keeping him laid against my chest I walked around the living room, gently rocking and bouncing him, trying to soothe him. It seemed to be working, but then he would start to get louder and angrier. Twenty minutes later I was becoming a frenzied mess, "I do not know what is wrong, Eddie. Mommy just does not know. " As I bounced around the house talking to my infant, I heard that pattering of feet coming down the stairs.

Looking over Emma was coming down the stairs, her thumb in her mouth, pulling her stuffed gray wolf with her. "Mommy." I heard Eli call quietly from the top of the stairs. I closed my eyes briefly, breathing in, trying to calm my fraying nerves. Silently cursing Tim for sleeping through this, but at the same time not hating him for it. He was often the one up in the night taking care of the kids, I owed him this.

Looking at the analog clock that hung on the dining room wall I could see that it was now four-thirty. Currently the twins were sitting on my lap, Emma with her head pressed into my chest crying, Eli sitting there just crying, needing to go to sleep, but refusing to let me move. Eddie was in his swing, something that usually calmed him down, but right now was not helping. He was still crying, kicking his little feet in anger. I started to cry, feeling like a failure, helpless. I felt like I could not do anything right.

I was so caught up in my own head I did not hear Tim come down the stairs. Quietly Tim walked over to where I sat with the twins, carefully he pulled Emma off of me, turning her so she was in his arms. Grabbing Eli's hand, he said, "Come on big guy, come with Daddy." Eli shook his little head no.

"Mommy!" Eli yelled back at him, grabbing hold of me. Tim, reached down and with his free arm, pulled Eli into his other arm. Adjusting Emma and Eli he walked up the stairs, not more than a few minutes later he was coming back down the stairs.

"Now, you little man. Why are you so angry? " Tim picked the screaming Eddie up out of the swing, bouncing and shushing him on his way over to where I sat, still crying. "Come on, let's go." He said pulling me up from the chair. Wrapping his arm around me I laid my head on his shoulder as he kissed the top of my head. "Time for bed, love."

Tim tucked me into bed, much like he did the twins every night. "You are too hard on yourself Nemo. I love you. " He whispered in my ear before kissing my forehead, Eddie still in his arms as he continued to calm him down.

Now it was onto the next stage of my life, finishing my internship rotations at the clinic, so I could officially get my licensing as a pack doctor. Which I was ahead of schedule on all thanks to Doc Stella as had managed to get me into the internship program early based on my previous schooling and certifications as an LNA.

My thoughts had pulled me away from the commencement ceremony, before I knew it, they were calling people up on stage to collect their diplomas. My row stood, I looked around trying to spot my family in the crowd, but they were lost in the sea of ​​people. I carefully followed the line of people before me, waiting for my name to be called, I bounced nervously from one foot to the other biting my lip.

** Calm down, love. I can feel your anxiousness. ** Tim's voice sang in my head.

I tossed my head side to side quickly looking for him, ** Where are you? **

** On your left. Look for the blonde headed beauty. ** I looked through the crowd, my eyes finally falling on my husband, Emma sat on his shoulders. I smiled at him, locking our eyes together.

** I love you, Mr. Andrews. ** Blowing him a kiss.

** Love you more, Nemo. Just you wait until tonight, so I can show you just how much. ** He winked with a grin on his face.

I smiled at my family, the true happiness and love that I felt filled me, in that moment I was truly appreciative for everything that I had. My name was called next and I made my way up on the stage, from the crowd I heard Eli yelling, "THAT'S MY MOMMY! GO MOMMY! ", While McKenna, Linc, and Tim all shouted" WHOO, WE LOVE YOU! "

My face instantly turned red, all eyes from the crowd were on me. I turned and faced my family, waving and blowing kisses to them as I walked off the stage.

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