《My Mate, My Luna》Ch 44 Tate Pt 2


Over the next couple of weeks, I was plagued with trying to figure out just how far my father's corruption went. Mainly I wanted to know how much money he had philandered away from the pack. No wonder why things seemed to become more and more run down on the pack lands, I was honestly disgusted to call him my father.

After reviewing all the books and even getting some help from a couple accountants in the pack, we were able to find that there was over a couple million dollars that my father had squirreled away over the last ten years or so. It may not seem like much looking at all the small transactions, but once you add in the interest and money he made from his personal investments that meant his bank account was now north of fifteen million dollars. And that was the total from the accounts we could find, my father was a smart man, so I knew he had to have hidden accounts somewhere.

With the help of my mother, we transferred the funds we could find back to the pack, which I was grateful for. She didn't want anything to do with stolen money, much less anything to do with my father right now. Mate or not she was not in a place that she could forgive him, her heart was too broken. Not that forgiving him mattered much because he was still locked away in the pack cells.

"Markus" I called to my Beta.

"Yeah, Tate?" He responded walking into my office from his, which was just the next door down the hall.

"Can you organize a pack meeting for tonight? I would like to discuss the findings of our investigation and also about punishment for our father's. I don't think the pack members are going to think jail time in our cells will cut it. "

"Yeah, I agree with that. I will get right on it. " He replied, walking out of my office task in hand.


"Good Evening Everyone!" I called out addressing the pack members. "I hope you are well. I imagine many of you are curious as to why I had this pack meeting called at the last minute. "

There were many groans and whispers of curiosity running through the crowd. I held up my hands gesturing for everyone to quiet down. "I wanted to bring everyone together to let you all know the findings of my investigation. I want to assure you that going forward there will be more accountability and changes to the running of this pack, what we unearthed was both disgusting and heartbreaking. " I paused letting my words sink in.

"I found that more than two million dollars was funneled from pack funds, to line not only my father's pockets, but also our Former Beta's pockets." I was about to continue but was cut off by angry rants from the pack members.

"What are you going to do?", "Is this why everything has fallen apart?", "Where is the money now?"

"Everyone, please quiet down, if you give me a chance, I will answer all of your questions." This seemed to calm everyone down for now. "The money that was stolen had been invested, with high yield returns. With the help of my mother, I have been able to recover fifteen million dollars, far above and beyond what was taken from the pack. "

"What's going to happen to that money?" One person called out.

"Good question! That money is going to be put back into the pack! ALL OF IT! " I was making myself clear that the pack was going to benefit from what my father had done. "With the help of my mother, we have transferred all of the fifteen million dollars back into the pack accounts. I have allocated funds to go to repair houses, for anyone who needs help with housing repairs. The roads in the pack are going to be repaired and general pack land cleanup will be occurring. "


General sounds of agreement could be heard, "This means that there will be new jobs being created." I smiled out to my people, "I have also taken the liberty to invest some of the money in new pack business, creating more flow of funds to support our pack. This will also open more jobs for our people, strengthening our pack even more. "

"Thank you, Alpha!", "This is amazing!" The pack appreciates what they are hearing, that under my new leadership that our pack would thrive once again. That would no longer be floundering as it had over my father's tenure as Alpha. It would take some time for everything to happen, but we would slowly rebuild everything my father had ruined.

I once again held my hands to quiet the crowd, "There is one final piece of business that I would like to discuss with you all." As I looked out, I could see everyone was intently watching and listening to me, I waved to my left, signaling to Mark. He came walking over with our fathers, who were in silver cuffs. "The punishment for Former Alpha Blackwell and Former Beta Adams."

Turning to the two men, I recounted their crimes, looks of disinterest decorated their faces. "How do you plead?" I addressed the prisoners.

"It doesn't matter how we plead; this is just a formality. " My father spits at my feet. "You are a judge, juror, and executioner. So, what does it matter? " The Former Beta remained silent, looking to the ground.

"You're right, father." I spit back at him, "I am." Anger at what he had done had been festering deep in my belly for months now and I was finally able to dole out the justice that was so justly deserved.

"Banishment," I said, turning back to the crowd, "Would be too easy, that would allow these two to escape from what they have done. As traitors to the pack, I hear by strip you of your titles that you no longer respect the pack, the pack will treat you with the same kindness and loyalty that you have treated them with. Any property that you own is here by property of the pack, you will be given housing quarters in the pack house, where you can be watched. "

I could feel my father's eyes boring into the side of my face. "You are going to regret this." He sneered.

I reached out and punched him in the stomach, as he was about to help ease the pain, I brought my face to his and said, "I am the Alpha now, I will not be threatened. You are the only one who is going to regret anything. Without power you are nothing, you have nothing. Everything you have will be because I allow it. "

"You will both serve the pack in any way that is asked of you, earning penance and learning humility. Something you've both forgotten. " Nodding to Lukas, he handed me a collar, leaving one for himself. He walked to his father, and I to mine, we placed them around their necks, locking them into place. "These collars are to be worn at all times, a reminder not only to yourselves but to the pack members, that you are outranked by all. That you are a servant to this pack and will be until your final breath. "

"You, ungrateful little shit!" My father bellowed, lunging at me. Before I could react, Adams pulled him back, making my father fall backwards to the ground landing on his backside, feet in the air.


"Let it go, Blackwell. It's over, we lost and now must face the consequences. The better generation has won. " His head hanging in shame. "We are the traitors that they labeled us, we betrayed the people we had sworn to protect. It's time we paid the price of our misdeeds. " They did and they would, for the rest of their lives, pay for what they had done.


With the investigation over that allowed me to refocus on other things that were more important to me, Ally found. I wanted her, needed her. The changes I had been making in the pack would be nothing without her.

I decided to text her, hoping that she would respond to me. I figured that it would be the least intrusive way to start making amends. If Ally could even find it in her heart to hear me out, let me explain I would be forever grateful.

Once I had finally built up the courage to send that first text, any hope I held was immediately washed away. I had made myself look like a desperate fool to a stranger, leaving me feeling worse than before. Another lashing to my already bleeding heart. I took this as a sign that she didn't want anything to do with me, changing her number to me was symbolic of her cutting any link she had to her past.


"Tate, you need to snap out of this funk!" Markus said walking into my room, throwing open the curtains. "Two months is long enough!"

I grumbled at him, throwing the pillow that was under my head in his general direction. "Get out!" I had been doing the bare minimum for the pack as of late, my promises for reform falling on the shoulders of Mark and Luke.

"No can, my friend. We have a pack to run and you click. " He dramatized by pinching his nose together with his fingers. "Get up and shower now, before I haul you in there myself." I rolled over, ignoring his threats.

Next, thing I knew I was flying off the bed and on to the floor as Markus flipped my mattress. Dumping up, I lashed out at him growling. Markus was prepared and had moved out of the way rather quickly. "I warned you." Pointing to the bathroom, he said, "Shower, now!"

Grumbling to myself, I walked to the bathroom, much like a child who had just been scolded. As the hot water hit me, I started to wake up, tension I hadn't realized that had set into my muscles, slightly relaxed. I took my time in the shower, allowing the hot water to wash away the loss that I felt. It was a momentary reprieve, but I would take what I could get.

Half an hour later, I walked out of the bathroom, Markus was sitting on the couch. My bed had been made; the trash that had been scattered around the room was gone. "Ugh." I grunted. "You're still here."

"I am," he said, eyeing me. "If you want her back, moping around isn't going to work."

"Yeah, because she changed her number. How am I supposed to reach her now? "

"I don't know. You are the Alpha, I thought you would have a solution for everything, but apparently the simplest of things is outside of your grasp. You sure you can run a pack? " The snarky sarcasm that Mark was talking to hit home, he was right. I was wallowing and not thinking. This was easy, I was just acting like a heartbroken child.

His words put Knox's haunches up, he was ready to defend his Alpha title, narrowing my eyes, "You are right I am an Alpha, your Alpha. So, a little more respect would be advised. " I growled, letting my true displeasure at Mark's words be known.

Markus threw up his hands in surrender, "Listen Tate, I'm here telling you what you need to hear, take it how you want. I am here as your friend, not your Beta. But pull your head out of your ass and do it soon. We have a pack to run. " With that he left my room leaving me to my thoughts.

As I stood there in my room, I realized that Mark was right. I was being a fool, as an Alpha I had contacts. I would start there, reaching out to Haven Woods. At that moment I made myself a promise no more wallowing, at least until Ally tells me to go to hell herself.


It took me a week. A week to build up the courage to call McKenna, if anyone knew where Ally was it would be her. I knew that after the last time I had spoken to her there was a lot that had happened. There was no doubt in my mind that she was going to chew me up and spit me out. Not that I would blame her, she was Ally's best friend, she was always protecting her.

I sat in my office, picking up my phone and setting it down. I had been doing this for over an hour. Finally, I found my balls and dialed the number. "Haven Woods Pack House, how can I help you?" Came the kind voice on the other end of the phone.

"Ah, Hello." I mumbled, starting to chicken out.

"Hello." The voice said again.

Taking in a deep breath I replied, "Hi, yes. Sorry about that. I am looking to speak with Luna McKenna, please. "

There was a bit of shuffling and hushed voices, I couldn't make out what they were saying, a few moments later the voice came back on the line, "Ah, yes sir. I will transfer you to the Luna now. "

"Thank you." I said, as the phone beeped. I sat on hold for several minutes, feeling as though McKenna knew it was me and she was trying to sweat me out.

Just as I was about to give up, I heard her "Hello."

"Hi." I responded. I could immediately feel the change in McKenna even though we were on the phone and I couldn't see her I knew her well enough to know how she was reacting.

And just as expected she yipped at me, "What do you want?"

"You know what I want McKenna."

"Well, you're a little late, Tate." The venom in her voice is not something that could be missed.

"There are things you don't know McKenna. I need to make it right with her. " I was not above pleading or begging at this point. I would do anything.

Her reply was short, curt. "I don't care what your reasons are or were. You're too late. "

"What is that supposed to mean? I just need her number. "

"No, I won't give you her number."

Frustration was now getting the better of me, "McKenna, give me something. Where is she? At least let her know I am looking for her. I only want to talk. "

"Listen Tate, I am not telling you where she is. She is happy, leave her alone. " The bite of McKenna's words was making the gaping hole in my heart bigger. I feared I was out of luck, the one person who could help me find my Luna outright refused.

"Is she in your pack? I know she was in school over there. Please, I'm begging you, I just need to talk to her for five minutes. She deserves the truth. " I begged. If I were standing in front of McKenna, I would be on my knees in front of her.

"It would have been good if you felt that way four months ago. I will not tell you where she is or give you a way to contact her. I won't help you. " A veiled threat hung behind her words.

"I'm begging McKenna, please." Barely stifling the shutter of my breath, "There are so many things that I need to tell her, she needs to know. The truth about all of it. "

"She doesn't need to know anything, Tate. You hurt her enough, your father too. Let her go, she has someone now that she is happy with. She moved on. I suggest you do the same thing. "

"When did you become so cold McKenna. I love Ally more than the air I breathe. And you know she loves me. Please, if nothing else tell her that I called for her. She should know that I am trying to get in touch with her. There are things... "

McKenna cut me off, "There's nothing she needs from you Tate. She has moved on and has someone who makes her happy. I'm not going to ruin that for her. "

"Damnit, McKenna." I shouted as I pounded my fist against my desk.

"Screw you, Tate! I know what happened, I know it all and Allison is going to get left out of it all. She doesn't need the stress of all of it. Have you done enough? Let her go, move on. Do yourselves both the favor. "

With that the line went dead. I had hoped McKenna was lying to me, that Ally was with her pack, that she hadn't just disappeared into the world with someone else. I couldn't bring myself to believe that she was never coming back to me.


Over the next couple of months, I thrust myself into the reorganization of the pack. Pushing the thoughts of running after Ally to the side, knowing that if I went to Haven Woods it could be issues. If I were to just show up on another packs of land, it could be seen as a declaration of war, something that I didn't want. My hands were tied until I could get McKenna to agree to help me.

Today I was checking out the work that was taking place around the pack. I wanted to make sure everything was coming along. As I drove around, I found Lukas on site in one of the areas where construction was taking place. I pulled up and parked my truck, climbing out. Standing there I surveyed the area around me, taking in all the changes that were happening. "Hey Luke, how does the road work?"

"Pretty well actually. The road crew here is just about done, this is the last road on the pack land that needs to be completed. "

"That's great!" I responded, thrilled that they were ahead of schedule. All the hard work that everyone has been putting in has started to really show. The trees that lined the roads were now trimmed up, garbage that had been thrown around was now cleaned up, even the parks had been cleaned up, the pups could be heard playing on the structures.

"Yeah, we even have some outside work lined up after. That is going to pull more money in for the pack and keeps these guys working. " Lukas had a smile on his face as he looked over the working crew.

I was impressed with everything that Luke had accomplished with his revitalization efforts, he really was the one spear heading everything. "Keep up the good work Luke. I am very impressed with your leadership on all of this. "

His face was beaming at the praise. "Thank you, I am trying really hard. I want this to work for everyone. The more work our pack members have the stronger we are. We have come a long way in the last six months. You should be proud, Alpha. "


The summer heat was starting to fade away, you could feel the cooler air settling in, especially at night. This evening was no different, the shorts that people were wearing only that afternoon replaced with jean and sweatshirts, keeping the chill of the air at bay.

I was standing next to the bon fire, watching several of the pups roasting marshmallows on sticks when I felt Kimber come up behind me. "Hey stranger." She said.

"Hey, how are you doing?" Kimber had taken time to reflect on everything, removing herself from much of the pack life.

"Doing alright. I think I'm in a good place right now. I have done... "she paused for a moment"... a lot of soul searching. "

I nodded my head, watching the flames lick the branches I had just thrown into. "How are you?" Came the question that I had grown to detest.

"Focusing on the pack." Which is true, I had focused on the pack bottling up my emotions, suppressing them. It might not be healthy, but it is what helped me push through and deal with not being able to find Ally.

"You know what I mean, Tate. That is not an answer. How does trying to contact Allison? " Ah, there was the question that she really wanted to know.

"Not so. I reached out to McKenna, she won't tell me anything and won't even let Ally know I'm trying to get a hold of her. I've called a couple of times now; she just tells me that Ally has moved on and let her go. " I explained to her, telling her more than I had told anyone else about what had been going on.

"And ... what are you going to do now?"

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