《My Mate, My Luna》Ch. 40 Surprise!


I was standing in the common room leaning against Tim's desk with a jar of peanut butter in my hand eating it by the spoonful when Tim came walking in wearing nothing but a pair of sweatpants. His hair slightly messy and a still sleepy look in his eye. It was the kind of look that had me drooling and wanting to run my hands over his bare chest.

Next thing I knew Tim was standing in front of me, with my spoon of peanut butter in his mouth, "Hey, that was mine!" I hollered at him, yanking the spoon out of his mouth, "Jerk!"

Tim laughed at me and gave me a quick peck on the lips before walking over to the coffee machine and pouring himself a cup, "Are you hungry? Want breakfast? " He asked.

"Not really." I said, "Although, I do want pickles. At least now I know why I've been thinking about them lately. " Tim walked over to the fridge, pulling a jar of pickles from the shelf. "Oooh, give those here!" I said, my eyes getting big as I opened the jar and started chowing down on the crisp dill pickles.

Tim started laughing at me, so I glared at him between bites of my pickle. "What do you want to do today, you don't have any classes, do you?"

"Ah, no." I said to him, "It's Friday, I don't have Friday classes." I said, eating another pickle, "Damn these are delicious."

"That's right, sorry. I almost forgot tonight is the pack dinner. You up for that? "

"Yeah," I nodded. "I was thinking that we should talk to Linc and McKenna tonight."

"You sure you're ready for that? We don't have to do it right away. " Tim said, I appreciate that he is telling me that we can wait.

"Honestly, I don't think this is something we should hold off on. I think it's going to be better for us if we let them know sooner than later. Plus, I know that if I don't tell McKenna right away, she's never going to let me live it down. " I put my hand on my still flat stomach and looked at it, "Auntie Kenz would be angry if we hid her from her, wouldn't she?" I laughed at myself talking to my belly.

I looked up at Tim, amusement and joy in his eyes. "You know you're beautiful right? I am the luckiest man alive. " Blush flooded my face.


We were now standing outside the pack house, "Ready?" Tim questioned. "We can still back out."

"No. No. " I stayed out of breath I was holding, "We can do this. I can do this. McKenna doesn't scare me. " I said to myself, wishing it was true. But truth be known, McKenna sometimes scared me.

"Okay, if you say so." Tim chuckled as he opened the door to the busy pack house. There were dozens of people.

I quickly turned around, "Nope, I changed my mind. I want to go home. " Tim's arms quickly wrapped themselves around me, stopping me from making me get away. "Hey, no fair." You hollered at him.

"Nice try, Nemo. But this is happening. You lost your chance to run. " He said walking me into the dining room, McKenna was helping set the table.

"Oh, look the love birds." McKenna said, putting down the plates and coming over, giving me a hug and Tim a kiss on the cheek. "Feels like forever since I've seen you two."


"It's been since the full moon, so a couple of weeks. Speaking of which, how is Patrick and Missy? " I asked McKenna, my nerves getting the best of me.

She bopped her head from side to side, deciding on what to say, "I only have the guard reports about Missy, but from what I have heard she is doing alright. Patrick is having a very hard time with it. Linc actually sent him to Alpha Ogden's Territory to review a potential business plan. He is hoping that it will be good for Patrick to get away for a few days. "

Linc's booming voice broke through our conversation, "Ahh, Big Brother! You are here! " He came over and gave Tim a quick hug and then scooped me up and spun me around a couple of times while hugging me. "And sister-in-law!" As he put me back on my feet and let go, I felt a little lightheaded.

My balance faltered and I grabbed Tim's shoulder, he quickly helped steady me, "You alright?" Tim said concerned. I nodded my head, hearing McKenna yelling at Linc in the background, something about me not being a top and he shouldn't have spun me.

"Yeah, I'm okay. Just need to sit down. Thanks for the Linc headrush. " I joked as Tim guided me to a chair. A couple of minutes later, I was feeling fine again.

"Sorry about that. Didn't mean to make you dizzy. " Linc said apologetically, walking over to where Tim had sat me down.

"Don't feel bad. It happens, I am fine. Promise. Now, can we go eat something? " I asked and as if on cue, my stomach growled.

As we made our way to the table, I made a detour to the kitchen in search of pickles. Today, I couldn't get enough of pickles, so I grabbed a jar of them out of the fridge to bring them to the table with me. Sitting in my seat next to Tim, I opened my prize, pulling out two of the pickles and putting them on my plate. Unaware of the eyes that were on me, I continued piling my plate full of food.

As dinner progressed, I picked up one of the pickles on my plate and crunched into it. A satisfying feeling as the juice from the pickle filled my mouth. Tim elbowed me, drawing my attention over to McKenna, who was eye balling me. I gave her a look asking, 'why are you being a creepy stalker and watching me eat my food.' McKenna squinted her eyes at me as if to say, "I'm onto you." I shrugged my shoulders and went back to my food.

I found it fun how McKenna and I had a way to talk without having to speak or use the pack link. This uncanny ability to know just what the other is thinking or saying. When we were young it used to scare our parents because we were always up to something.

"Allison, is there something you want to tell us?" McKenna asked innocently, but with just enough sass to tell me she thinks she knows what's up.

"Ah, nope." I said shaking my head, "Nothing I can think of right now." I replied innocently.

"Oh okay." McKenna was playing along with my game. "So why are you eating pickles?"

"Cause they're yummy." I said, replying like a school kid, Tim is trying to hold back his smile, the edges of his lips starting to turn up.


"Well that is curious. Considering you hate pickles. "

"No, I don't. I love them. " I countered her claim.

"Allison Nicoletta Andrews you have hated pickles your whole life. So, what gives? Are you sure there is nothing you want to tell me? " McKenna was pulling out all the stops on this one, using my new full name, although using my middle name got me scowling at her. She knows I hate it! My best friend is smart, almost too smart. I know she knows; she is just waiting for us to confirm.

Finished with my dinner, I stood up and pushed my chair in. Typically, I would clean my place, but tonight I would leave it for the dinner crew. I had something important to discuss with my family. I started walking towards Linc's office, "Are you all coming or what?"


"AHHHHH !!!! ARE YOU SERIOUS? " Came the excited and shrill reply of my best friend as she started jumping up and down clapping her hands like a maniac. "This is awesome! Linc, babe! Did you hear that, I'm going to be an Auntie, times two! And our pups get to play together! "

Even though McKenna was jumping up and down, I was still able to catch what she was saying, "Wait! Are you saying you're pregnant too? " I asked. McKenna stopped bouncing and just nodded her head.

"EEEHHHHKKK!" It was my turn to squeal, but instead of jumping up and down like her I ran to my best friend and wrapped her in a hug. "Cousins ​​and best friends! Our pups are so lucky! " After relishing in the reveal for a few minutes, it was time to come clean and reveal the rest of my secret.

"When?" McKenna asked.

"Late October, early November." I replied.

"December." She replied pointing to her belly.

"YAY! Holiday babies! " I was now more excited than ever, knowing that McKenna and I were pregnant together was great, and that our pups would be able to grow up together, just like we did.

I turned to Tim, trying to get him to let me out of it, but the look on his face told me that there was no way we couldn't tell them. Taking a deep breath and steadying my nerves, I said, "Can we sit and talk? There are a few things we need to discuss. " I was surprised that McKenna hadn't already started to question things based on my due date.

I came clean, telling all my torrid secrets of the tryst that I had had with Tate after my mother had passed. To say the least, McKenna was annoyed that I had given in, but understood the bond and the circumstances. There were times when she was way to motherly and overbearing, but that was her and it made her a good Luna.

"The pups then, they are his." Linc asked the question but said it more as a statement. Tim and I both nodded, more remorsefully than anything. "They are Alpha blooded, no?"

I nodded my head again, "Yes, Tate is Alpha or soon to be Alpha. I am not sure if his father passed the title on yet. " I explained, recounting the events of Tate claiming Kimber as Luna in front of the pack and my subsequent chat with Alpha Blackwell.

"That rotten bastard!" McKenna said growling. "I knew he was corrupt, but this takes the cake." Linc remained quiet, listening, taking everything in.

"Are you going to tell him?"

I looked at Tim, not wanting his support to answer this, "The short answer, brother? Yes. We want to notify him. The long answer, these are my pups. They will be raised by me and Allison, here in Haven Woods. This is their pack; Allison is my wife and mate. These are our pups. "

McKenna had a sour look on her face at the thought of us telling Tate. She wouldn't say it, but I knew she didn't agree with it. If she had her way, I would leave Tate in the past and forget that he even existed. Unfortunately, that is not an option, even though I am with Tim, Tate will always be my mate and father to my pups, even if Tim is going to raise them.

"Have you thought about what happens if he wants one of them to take over as his heir?"

"That's something we can work out later, we will have plenty of time for that, Linc. The pups are not even born yet, but if I am claiming these pups as mine, one of them has rightful claim to be your heir, as long as one of them is a male. "

Linc nodded his head slightly, thinking about everything. "What happens should you have a biological brain?"

"Again, something we can work out later. I am not expecting that there is going to be a rush for any of our pups to take up the Alpha mantle. However, I propose that all of our pups, male and female, be brought up training for Alpha. I want them all to be prepared to run a pack, they should be called by the Goddess to do so. " Damn, my husband was sexy when he talked like this, taking control showing his Alpha. Just listening to him was getting me hot and bothered. His eyes immediately shot to me; I know he could smell my desire for him.

** Stupid hormones ** I shot a mind link to McKenna.

** What? ** she asked.

** I am super .. you know? ** I really didn't want to say the word. McKenna immediately bursts out laughing, drawing Tim and Linc's attention to her.

"You alright Kenz?" I asked innocently, the men clueless to the side conversation we had been having.

She nodded her head, calming herself. ** Jerk, but I know what you mean. ** She said back to me in mind link, causing me to smirk.

"Okay, fair enough brother. I agree, I do believe all of our pups should be trained. And if they will all be close in age; it will be good for all of our pups. " The two men hugged each other again, "I'm so happy for you Tim."

McKenna gave me a hug as well and offered a smile, but I could see that she was missing much of the sparkle that her smile usually contained. Brushing it off I just assumed it was from the shock of their news and ours.

"Congrats to you too, Linc. Nice to see you aren't shootin 'blanks over there. We were all starting to wonder. " He chided his brother and McKenna blushed. Linc shook his head at his brother and wrapped his arms around McKenna pulling her into a protective hug.

"Tim!" I scolded him and slapped his arm. "Be nice."

"I'm always nice, babe. That's how I got you. " I rolled my eyes as this man o 'mine, wondering how I ever got lucky enough to catch his eye.

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