《My Mate, My Luna》Ch. 36 It's all about The Club Life


"I demand you tell me the nitty gritty." McKenna said about the dressing room door.

"I have no idea what you are talking about?" I said innocently. "Haven't we already decided that I'm not going to kiss and tell."

"Grrrrr..." Came McKenna's voice as she walked out of the dressing room, wearing a red sequined dress that just barely covered her.

"You look HOT!" Missy chimed in as she walked out of her dressing room in her own equally hot dress, hers being a flowing black silk, with a plunging neckline.

"So do you!" McKenna said, "You must get that!"

"Only if you get yours."

"Of course, Linc won't be able to resist me in this dress." I was getting a kick out of their conversation. "Now, Allison." Returning her attention to me, "Stop trying to change the subject and spill. What's up with you and Tim? "

I was a bit annoyed at this, she has been trying to get information out of me since I came home, but I had been pretty tight lipped. "We just are." Was my answer as I shrugged my shoulders.

"Well that is not an answer! What does "We just are" even mean? " Frustration coated her words.

Missy then chose to come over and shove a dress at me, "Try this on! You're gonna look amazing in this. " I rolled my eyes but took the dress into a dressing room.

"I don't know what you want me to say to Kenz! Tim and I are just together. I don't know how to explain it. We're just together. " Now it was my turn to talk about the dressing room door.

I got the dress on and clasped the hidden hook that held the dress closed and turned to look at myself in the mirror. Missy had handed me a shimmering silver dress, it had long sleeves and wrapped at my waist, making me look even thinner than I was. The dress fell about mid-thigh and definitely showed off my ample cleavage.

"Hurry up!" Missy huffed. I walked out, stunning the girls into silence.

"I am so getting this! Even though I feel like a disco ball. " I said staring at how the beading caught the light and shimmered

"Um, yeah you're gorgeous. Tim won't keep his hands off you. " McKenna said.

"Truthfully, I don't want him to." Giving McKenna a little bit of what she wanted.

"Ahhh... You're sleeping with him!" She whispered yelling, clapping her hands in excitement. I rolled my eyes at my best friend refusing to answer and shaking my head at Missy and McKenna, I walked back into the dressing room to put my clothes back on.

After we cashed out, McKenna said "Shoes." And pulled us into a shoe store. "We're going to need heels to go with these bangin 'dresses."


The guys decided we were going to get to the club ahead of the girls, so we could make sure we had a VIP section reserved, that and they all wanted to "surprise" us with their new dresses. They had decided that after shopping they were going to fully treat themselves to the spa, not leaving us much choice other than to agree.

The club that Linc found was amazing, it was in an old warehouse and looked like an abandoned building, hence its name Abandon. Looking at it from the outside you would think that it wasn't anything special, but the inside was mind boggling. Each surface had a sleek, clean design, and straight edges. The bar what white, with blue under lighting making is glow against the black walls and floor. You could feel the beat of the music vibrating through the floor, people crammed onto the dance floor drinks in hand. This was a place where you could really get lost and abandon the everyday problems of life.


Sitting in our reserved VIP section, Linc placed an order with the server, giving her his credit card for the tab, her eyes going big when he handed her the black Amex. She obviously knew that if she played her cards right that she would be getting a rather substantial tip at the end of the night.

As we waited for the girls to arrive, I decided to ask the guys about their luck at the tables today. After, Allison called me to tell me they were all going to the spa, we had decided to try our luck at the casino, all going to our favorite games.

"McKenna is gonna murder me."

"I am with ya, Alpha. Missy is gonna have my hide. "

"How much did you lose idiots?" I questioned, smirking at their bad luck. Linc reluctantly confessed to losing $ 2,600, which was worse than Patrick having lost $ 2,000. I about choked, at their confessions

"How much did you lose?" Patrick asked.

"I didn't." Was all I answered until their questioning stares got to me. "Fine, was up about $ 1,600 when I left. Apparently, I am King at Blackjack. But, look at it this way, at least you only lost a couple grand. That is peanuts in your bank accounts. "

"Have you met our mates? They are not the gambling type. " Patrick said.

"Then don't tell them." I shrugged.

"Don't tell us what?" McKenna said as she sat down next to Linc, pulling him into a kiss.

"Damn, you two. That's something I don't want to see. Get a room. " I chided them. "Where's Nemo?" I asked.

"She had to use the bathroom. She'll be up in a minute. " Missy said sliding into Patrick's lap.

"Tell me Patty, how much did you lose today?" Patrick was shifting uncomfortably.

"Uh, babe, you look smokin 'in that dress." He kissed her mark, trying to distract her from the question.

I wasn't one to waste this opportunity, so I feasted on them, earning glares from the guys, "Patrick lost two grand and Linc almost three." As I watched the two men get scolded by their mates, a shimmer caught my attention, turning my head I saw the most breathtaking woman ever. "If you'll excuse me." I said to the group, getting up, I walked towards my girl. I feared if I left her alone for too long that another guy would think he could swoop in. That was a risk I wasn't willing to take.

Grabbing her around the waist and pulling her close, I brought my lips to her ears and said, "I think that dress is a bit dangerous. Any wolf would eat you up in that. " I nipped at her ear, Allison instantly becoming putty in my hands.

"Thank you, kind sir, but I do think I could protect myself." She batted her eyes at me.

"Seriously though, you are gorgeous." I said.

"Thank you, now come dance with me." Allison said, pulling me on to the dance floor.


The day out with the girls had been so much fun. After shopping we went to the spa, where I was able to nap as I was massaged and pampered was divine. My quick recharge getting me ready for a fun night of partying at the club.

The club was amazing, as we walked in my eyes immediately found the guys, Tim was like a magnet for me. Always drawing me in, but I had to find the bathroom first before I wet myself. "I will meet you at the table, I am going to find the bathroom." I said, ushering the girls over to the men. They just nodded to me.


Luckily, there was no line for the bathroom, so I was able to get in and out rather quickly as there were 10 stalls lining the walls. Good to know that this place was prepared for the large number of people who would soon be lined up waiting. I walked back out of the bathroom and was just about to walk over to our table when Tim walked up to me, wearing a pair of dark wash jeans and black untucked button up shirt, the muscles of his arms rippling underneath as he walked. I quickly snapped myself out of the thought trail I was on, if I didn't stop now, I might just take him to the bathroom for a quickie.

He grabbed me around the waist, the feeling of his hands on my body causing me to shutter involuntarily. Bringing his lips to my ear he said, "I think that dress is a bit dangerous. Any wolf would eat you up in that. " As he nipped my ear a flood of desire pooled in the bottom of my belly causing me to melt into him. Damn him and the effect he had on me, the more we are together the less control I have.

"Thank you, kind sir, but I do think I could protect myself." He sure was becoming more brazen with what he said, but I found it sexy as hell and wanted more of it.

"Seriously though, you are gorgeous." His eyes showing the lust he had for me in them.

"Thank you, now come dance with me." Not giving him a choice this time, I wrapped my body around his on the dance floor. I was determined that I was going to dance some of the sexual tension away.


Tim and I walked off the dance floor, leaving Missy and Patrick there. I needed a drink, so we walked back to our VIP area. McKenna was sitting on Linc straddling him, "Gross! Why don't you two go back to the hotel? " I said McKenna blushing pulled herself from Linc.

McKenna shook her head picking up her drink and chugged it down. We had only been here a little over an hour and I could tell that she had already drank enough that she probably had a nice buzz going, even though they didn't last long they were still fun.

"Not yet, I still want to dance with my girls!" She jumped up and grabbed my hand, pulling me back to the dance floor as I chugged my drink down, not getting a chance to enjoy it. I looked at Tim with a look saying, 'save me', but he just chuckled and shrugged his shoulders at me. Traitor.

McKenna kicked Patrick off the dance floor attempting to steal Missy's attention. For the next hour we danced. At that moment I couldn't have been happier, I felt free and young for the first time, ever. No worries about school, mates, parents, bills. I was able to just be in the moment and it felt good.

The DJ switched the song to something slower and smoother, giving us the perfect out to go back to the guys and get more drinks. "Kenz you look like you're going to fall asleep." I said looking at her as she curled into Linc's side. She had partied herself so much that she only answered with a nod.

"Well then, that's my cue to get my Luna back to the hotel." Linc looked ecstatic that he was able to finally leave.

"Ahh, is poor little Linc tired?" Tim chided his brother.

With a chuckle Linc says, "You know these places have never been my scene, but I just can't tell my Luna no." Patrick wanted to join in on the fun coughed up to cover him saying "Whipped." Which in turn made all of us laugh as we said our good nights to Linc and McKenna.

The four of us sat around drinking, laughing and having a good time when Missy reaches into her bag and brings out a vile of clear liquid. Shaking it in front of us she says, "Ready to have some real fun?"

"What is that?" The three of us questioned at the same time.

"Silver Falls." Was her simple reply.

I gasped and Patrick scolded here, "You can't have that! It's illegal. If Linc found out, you would be punished and me for knowing and not saying anything. Do you know what position you are putting me in? " Anger at his mate coming off of him in waves.

Tim was shaking his head, "Missy, do us all a favor. Put it away and when we get back to the hotel get rid of it. It will be our little secret. "

"You are all a bunch of party poopers!" She said with a frown. "Linc doesn't need to know." A grin still shining on her face as she tried to convince us to partake.

"No! I want nothing to do with that. Do you know what it does? A wolf could completely lose control, black out. Each wolf reacts differently. " I was trying to reason with Missy, making her realize what she was doing could be dangerous for not only us, but for humans. Using Silver Falls opened us up to exposure, and our existence being kept secret was imperative to our survival.

"You are being dramatic. Nothing bad is going to happen. You really should live a little. " She said taking them time to look us in the eye. Receiving head shakes from all of us telling her we wanted nothing to do with it.

"Fine. Your loss. " She sighed, putting the vile away. The three of us felt relieved that she had seen things our way.


The next morning, I woke up, completely disoriented. I sat up and looked around the room trying to figure out where I was and how I had gotten here. A wave of relief washed through me as I realized I was in our hotel room, Tim snoring softly beside me.

I looked over at the alarm clock, the large block numbers said it at 8:32. In shoved Tim, "Wake up." He simply grumbled at me and rolled over, pulling the covers tighter around him. I reached over again and grabbed the blankets pulling them off him, the sunlight coming through the crack in the reflect back off my hand as I did so. The glint caught my attention, so I inspected my hand noticing a diamond ring on my finger, with a wedding band.

"TIM, WAKE THE HELL UP RIGHT NOW!" Panic filled my voice as I shoved him this time with enough force to throw him off the bed. Lucky for him he was able to get his feet on the floor first before he fell completely.

Tim looked at me, he was pissed I had just thrown him off the bed, "WHAT WAS THAT FOR?" I looked at him and gasped, immediately landing my hand on his neck. As my fingers touched the mark on his neck, my mark, he shuddered my other hand flying to my mouth that had fallen open.

Shock registered on Tim's face, he pulled away and walked to the en-suite bathroom to inspect himself in the mirror. "Tim, what happened last night?"

"You market me!" He said the tone of his voice letting me know he wasn't sure how he felt about it. Confusion racing through us as we tried to piece together the events of the previous night.

I held up my hand, showing him the rings on my finger, "Well, I think you married me." I was a bit snotty and short in my reply. Tim slowly looked down at his hand and held up his own ring. To say the least we were both stunned, I sat quietly trying to remember what happened last night.

"What is the last thing you remember last night?" Tim questioned, climbing back on the bed with me.

I dropped my head to his shoulder, "Being at the club. I don't even remember getting back here. What about you? "

He thought for a second, "Things are hazy, but I remember dancing after that thing with Miss..."

We both jumped out of bed, heading for the door, instantly angry at the thought that she had given us Silver Falls after all. I was going to kill her. "You may want to put clothes on." Tim said, my brain just registering that I was naked.

"Good call. Here you are going to want one too. " I said, grabbing robes from the back of the door. This would have to do, I was a woman on a mission, Tim following closely behind.

I walked into the living room, where Linc and McKenna were sitting, startling me and distracting me from the current mission of wanting to murder Missy. I stopped in my tracks, "What are you two doing here?"

McKenna was tapping her foot on the floor and Linc had a look on his face that had me cowering down in submission, I had never seen Linc angry like this before. "Care to explain?" McKenna's voice seething in disgust.

"Explain what?" I asked innocently, wishing I could explain whatever it was, but knowing I had no recollection of it. She turned her phone to me, showing me a video, a wedding video. The video of Tim and I getting married. There I was with a veil, walking down the aisle of a Vegas Chapel to where Tim stood next to an Elvis impersonator.

My heart sank, I was utterly embarrassed and covered my face with my hands. "I got this at 1:24 this morning. What did you two do? " She scanned her eyes over both of us.

Linc stood up walking over to Tim. Shoving his neck to the side, inspecting his new mark. "And you market him! What's wrong with you?!? " McKenna had a mix of emotions on her face and began to rant, something she did when she was very upset and unable to clearly explain her feelings.

"I knew you two liked each other, but this? This is too much! We were supposed to have a nice weekend, cut loose a little. We thought we could trust you two of all people to be reasonable and not do something like run off and get married. How do you think this is going to look like the pack? Hmm... did you even think of that? Allison, you just lost your mother and all that crap with Tate! "

"McKenna" Tim hollered, "That's enough, Luna or DON'T talk to her like that." Tim was defending me to McKenna, earning him a growl from his brother who was standing in front of him.

I wanted to cry in shame, embarrassment, anger, I couldn't pinpoint just one emotion. I didn't deserve to be scolded like a five-year-old. I hadn't done anything wrong, intentionally anyway. Not that marrying Tim or marking him was wrong, maybe a bit fast, but not wrong. I knew it was fast, but deep down I knew I really cared about Tim, I loved him.

Missy and Patrick walked out of their room, rubbing their eyes. Missy whined, "What is all the yelling about? You woke us up. "

My eyes shot up to her and I leaped at her, "YOU!" I screamed, "YOU! THIS IS YOUR FAULT! " Her eyes got big, Tim ran behind me pulling me away from Missy and Patrick placed himself in front of her growling at me, "Friends don't do shit like that!" Missy had fear in her eyes, she knew I was beyond angry and ready to snap.

"Enough!" Linc's powerful Alpha voice rang through the room, instantly quieting all of us, "Sit, now." He said, following his command in submission we all sat in the living room. Tim and I on the love seat on the left, Missy and Patrick in the chairs on the right, and Linc and McKenna between us on the couch acting as a buffer.

Silently we all glared at each other for a few minutes, trying to figure out how to get to Missy and rip her apart without Patrick catching me first, which would be very hard considering he was holding her protectively on his lap. Instead I just let my emotions come off of me in sheets, directing the full force of them in her direction.

Tim was holding one of my hands, gently squeezing it with his other arm wrapped around me, running up and down my arm, doing anything he could think of to help me calm down. However, nothing was working my emotions were all over the place, one second I was calming and relaxing into him and then I would catch the look on Missy's face and be instantly angry again and ready to pounce. There was no in between.

"Lily get a hold of yourself. I can't control everything much longer. " I pleaded with my wolf.

"It's not me." She said to me, "This is all you. I'm quite happy actually. " I could feel her happiness coming through, projecting it to me. I could just imagine her with a happy look of contentment and wagging her tail.

"Thank you, Lily." I said, by projecting her mood to me, it was able to help me reign in my other emotions. Only leaving me with confusion as to why my mood was rapidly changing as it was. Everyone in the room must have noticed the improvement in my mood as I finally visibly relaxed and melted into Tim's side. Placing my head on his shoulder.

"Are you okay now?" Tim whispered to me.

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