《My Mate, My Luna》Ch. 35 Let's Celebrate


"I'm so tired." I whined, crawling into bed next to Tim.

"Well, midterms are over, and it's Spring Break, so you can get some rest." He said to me, wrapping his arms around me as I snuggled closer.

"OK." I yawned, "I'm just going to take a quick nap." Tim chuckled at me and kissed me on the top of my head. Before darkness could fully envelope me a bouncing and screeching Missy came jumping on Tim's bed, landing between us.

"Ahhhh! WHAT THE HELL? " I screamed, instantly angry that I had been disturbed. I was exhausted and just wanted a nap, I had barely been able to keep my eyes open for my last midterm.

Missy was laying between us, squealing and kicking her legs in excitement. Patrick slowly made his way into the room, looking at us all on the bed shaking his head. "Are you going to share with us why you are so happy?" Tim finally asked.

"Spring Break!" She said. I was now getting more annoyed, I sat up with a frown on my face.

I started to growl, "You jumped on me when I was trying to take a nap to scream Spring Break?"

"Oh, chill." She brushed me off, "What's your panties in a bunch?" Missy squinted her eyes at me, "And no. We are all going to Vegas! EEEEHHHHH! Pack your bags peeps! " Her voice getting louder and louder with every word, assaulting my sensitive hearing.

I groaned, "Nooooooo. This was supposed to be a staycation so I could sleep and relax. " I was whining. Tim was looking at me amused, getting a kick out of my childish behavior. I was just about to start stomping my foot when McKenna walked in.

"DON'T stomp that food Allison Nicoletta Thorpe! Pack a bag, you are going! " She was giving me not only the 'I am your Luna and you will do as you are told look' but also the 'I know what you are trying to do so knock it off look'.

I was even more irritated now; I hated my full name being used! A scowl was plastered on my face. "Ha! Now I know your full name. " Tim chimed in, liking that he now knew, since I had refused to tell him my middle name.

"Don't even think about calling me that." I gave him my most intimidating look, also sharing it with the rest of the people in the cramped quarters. "You all suck!"

"Nemo, relax." Tim said rubbing my back, trying to calm me down. I took a deep breath and relaxed into the soothing motions he was making. "You know it will be fun!" He added.

"Yeah, and besides we're only going for 2 nights. You will have plenty of time to relax after. " Missy contributed.

"Whatever, when do we leave?" I had resigned to my fate of going to Vegas, I knew I would have fun, but right this moment I was tired and just wanted to sleep. The event of the past several weeks and trying to cram for midterms had me completely wiped out. Just sitting on the bed, trying to have this conversation with everyone was hard. My eyes involuntarily closing, I was having to fight myself to stay focused.

"Tomorrow afternoon. We will pick you up at one, the flight is at 4. All accommodations have already been made. " McKenna said. "Hopefully by then you will be in a better mood by then." She said before turning on her heels and walking out of the room, hollering a goodbye over her shoulder as she headed back to the pack house.


Missy finally got up off the bed, grabbing Patrick's hand and pulling him out of the bedroom, "Lets give the lovebirds their cuddle time." A sassy smirk on her face. Patrick shook his head again but closed the door behind him.

"Thank the Goddess!" I said, crawling back to my previous position, wrapped in Tim's arms.


I was laying on my bed, reading a book when Allison came trudging in. Quite literally dragging her feet, dark circles under her eyes. She has been so exhausted in the couple of weeks since she was back, with Spring Break starting and midterms being over I was hoping she would be able to get back to a normal workload. Seeing her like this was bothering me.

Allison flopped onto my bed, so she was curled up next to me and softly whined, "I am so tired" as she buried her head into my neck.

"Well, midterms are over, and it's Spring Break, so you can get some rest." I said, wrapping my arms around her and pulling her closer, my way of telling her to sleep.

"Ok, I'm just going to take a quick nap." I barely heard her reply, making me chuckle. Allison's breathing had just begun to slow, letting me know she was just about asleep and before I knew what was happening or could stop her Missy jumped on the bed, shoving herself between us, jerking Allison from the nap she so desperately needed.

"Ahhhh! WHAT THE HELL? " Allison screamed, her face and body language showing how angry she was. Missy was either oblivious to this, or just didn't care as she stayed laying between us, squealing and kicking her legs in excitement. Patrick coming into our shared room, just stood in the doorway shaking his head.

"Are you going to share with us why you are so happy?"

"Spring Break!" Missy answered, as if that explained everything. I looked at her trying to push along her explanation.

Allison started to growl as she pushed herself into a sitting position, "You jumped on me when I was trying to take a nap to scream Spring Break?" Her shoulders slumped over in exhaustion. Looking at a usual vibrant Allison, it was hard for me to watch her, concern laced in my face as I studied her. Something was off, but I couldn't quite put my finger on it.

"Oh, chill." Missy said, "What's your panties in a bunch? And no. We are all going to Vegas! EEEEHHHHH! Pack your bags peeps! " Answer Allison's question, but never pause to give her a chance to answer her.

"Nooooooo. This was supposed to be a staycation so I could sleep and relax. " Allison was whimpering and whining now, the beginnings of a tantrum that you would see a young child have when they didn't get their way. It was quite amusing to see as Allison was usually very well put together and composed.

"DON'T stomp that food Allison Nicoletta Thorpe! Pack a bag, you are going! " McKenna scolded Allison as she walked in, standing next to Patrick. A warning look on her face said, 'try me', something I am sure Allison would usually fight her on but was currently too tired to do so.

Trying to push away any concerns I had and lighten the mood I said, "Ha! Now I know your full name. " I had been trying to get it out of her for a while now, but she just kept refusing to tell me saying she hated it.


"Don't even think about calling me that. You all suck! " Allison warned, glaring at all of us. I banked it in my memory for future use with a grin on my face. She should know me better by now knowing I would be using it at some point.

Realizing that she wasn't calming down, I started running my hand in soothing circles on her back. It always seemed to relax her, "Nemo, relax. You know it will be fun! " Allison started to relax; I could feel the tension starting to leave her body.

"Yeah, and besides we're only going for 2 nights. You will have plenty of time to relax after. " Missy contributed.

"Whatever, when do we leave?" Allison snapped. McKenna and Missy are looking at her with shocked looks, apparently, they are also noticing the change in her recently.

"Tomorrow afternoon. We will pick you up at one, the flight is at 4. All accommodations have already been made. " McKenna said. "Hopefully by then you will be in a better mood by then." With that McKenna left, shouting goodbye as she walked away. Missy scurried off the bed, pulling Patrick out the door with her mumbling something about lovebirds, I wasn't really paying attention to her anymore.

"Thank the Goddess!" Allison said, sighing a sound of relief, curling back into her original place. I wrapped my arms around her, this time pulling a blanket up around her shoulders. Within minutes Allison was asleep. Opting to stay with her instead of going to pack, I laid my head down and fell asleep.


Before I realized it, my alarm was going off. Apparently, we had slept through the night instead of just taking a nap. "Five more minutes." Allison said her voice muffled from being planted in her pillow. Crawling out of bed, I shut the alarm off and pulled the blanket up over her again. It was five thirty so there was no need for her to get up yet. She had plenty of time to sleep.

Being the good boyfriend, the brownie points I would add a bonus, I decided I would do laundry and grab breakfast before waking Allison up to pack. That way she wouldn't have much to worry about today. She needed it, she deserved it.

A couple of hours later I was walking back into our common room, clean laundry, breakfast, and coffee in hand. The room was quiet with Patrick and Missy having returned to the pack house the previous night. I put the laundry basket down and brought the food and coffee with me into the bedroom, where I could still hear soft snores coming from. Damn, Allison must be exhausted she has now been asleep for about 14 hours, which was not like her at all.

"Rise and shine." I said in a sing song voice, waving the coffee under Allison's nose.

Groggily she opened her eyes and then rubbed the sleep from them. After blinking a few times, it finally registered with her that I had coffee for her. She sat up, put her back against the wall and eagerly grabbed the coffee, "Oh, a man after my heart! You know exactly what I love in the morning. " She smiled, "Thank you."

I handed her the bag and she opened it, "An Asiago Cheese Bagel? MMMM, goddess you are the best boyfriend ever! "

You smiled here, "You think?" She nodded her head taking a big bite of her bagel and licking cream cheese off her lips. My breath hitched, damn even when she wasn't trying to be sexy and seductive, I just couldn't help myself. "What would I be if I did laundry too?"

"That would make you a God." She said.

"A good you say?" I laughed. Allison caught on to what I was saying.

"You did laundry?" She didn't even wait for me to confirm, she jumped up and kissed me. "Thank you! You are amazing! I owe you. " Allison put her coffee on the table along with her bagel, wrapped her arms around me and kissed me again, this time pulling me into a deeper kiss.

"Let's take a shower." She suggested, making my eyes perk up at the suggestion. Allison started walking towards the door, I sat there staring after her, not moving. She started pulling her shirt over her head as she went leaving her in only a bra. Dropping it in the doorway she turned back to me, "You coming?"

Not jumping any further cue, I jumped up and ran after her. Allison giggling, oh how I loved that giggle. Any worry about her exhaustion from the day before completely forgotten.


Tim was amazing! He had allowed me to sleep in this morning, even doing my laundry. How did I manage to get so lucky? He truly was a blessing. Even Lily has come to terms with not being able to be with Tate. When I had left and come back to Haven Woods Pack it mutated the mate bond, which I was grateful for, now Lily was no longer suffering and was able to relish in the affection and care that Tim gave us. We were finding our piece of happiness.

We were now waiting for the plane to take off, as much as I was angry yesterday about having my nap interrupted, I was excited to be getting away. I had never been to Vegas before, so even thought we would only be there for a couple of nights it was going to be a great experience.

"Psst! Psst! " I heard from the person sitting behind me, I turned and rolled my eyes.

"Really McKenna?" I said chuckling here, "You're weird."

"I am not!" She tried and failed to sound offended, putting a shocked look on her face. Making me laugh. "Are you feeling better?" She questioned. "Last night you looked rough."

"Yeah, I'm good. I was just exhausted. I am still a bit tired but feeling more like myself. Sorry about my attitude yesterday. I've just been a bit on edge with midterms and all. " I explained.

"You sure that's all?"

"Yeah, I'm sure. Everything is good. " I felt Tim squeeze my hand, bringing my attention back to him for a second before I added, "Besides, I have this great boyfriend who did my laundry, let me sleep in, and brought me breakfast in bed." I winked at him with a smirk forming on his face.

McKenna was now focusing on her mate, "Hey Linc! Why don't you do that for me? "

"Thanks, Tim, for making me look bad." Linc said, shoving Tim's seat all of us starting to laugh.

"Oh, Little Brother, you don't need me to make you look bad you do that one all on your own." Patrick now catching the conversation was laughing, earning a sharp look from Missy.

"Not sure why you're laughing Patty. Not like you do that for me either. Maybe you two should take lessons from Tim. " Instantly Patrick stopped laughing and was making googly eyes as Missy. Looking at the two couples I could see that they were all completely enamored with one another.

As we were all talking the plane had begun taking off and now, we were comfortably climbing into the sky on our way to Vegas. A smile on my face, "Why are you so happy?" Tim whispered in my ear.

"Just thinking of this really great guy I know. You should meet him. I think you would get on really well. " I chided him.

"Is this guy by chance your boyfriend?" He said, making himself look sad.

"Oh, that he is, and he makes me very happy. I am one lucky girl. " I kissed his cheek and laughed together, off in our own little world.


"Alright my Lovelies!" McKenna said, "Here are the keys to your suite! Meet back down here in one hour, we're going to dinner. " She handed out everyone's keys all of us following and climbing onto the same elevator. They had booked two suites, one for Tim, me, Patrick and Missy to share as it was a two bedroom and then a separate suite on the same floor for her and Linc. Since I didn't have to pay for any of it, I wasn't going to look a gift horse in the mouth. The elevator dinged and we all tried running for the door at the same time, causing a pile up.

I was finally able to get through and was the first one in our suite. Running in I saw one wall was floor to ceiling windows, looking out across the Vegas strip. This was going to be an amazing view come nighttime with all the lights. Looking around I noticed that there was a bedroom to the left and one to the right, I ran to the one to the right as I was closest to it. Everyone else was standing in the living room / kitchen area still scoping out that area.

The first bedroom was cute, but the bathroom was tiny. I ran to the bedroom on the left, and into the bathroom a Jacuzzi tub. "DIBS!" I called flopping onto the bed.

Missy came running in at my declaration, her mouth dropped. Then she walked into the bathroom, "No Fair!" She yelled. Tim came walking in with our bags.

"Too bad, so sorry. Should have been faster. " I picked on here. Acting insulted Missy whipped around and using her hand flipped her hair over her shoulder. We both laughed. This was going to be great! I had a feeling this weekend was going to be one that none of us were going to forget.

"Everyone gets changed, we only have half an hour before McKenna expects us for dinner. Here and Linc made reservations. " Patrick said, walking into the bedroom I had claimed for Tim and myself. Apparently, he was going to be the voice of reason this weekend.


The next morning, I woke up, feeling more like myself. A little more pep in my step. Deciding that I wanted to spend some time at the pool I wasn't going to shower, cause I was going to have to do that after being in the chlorine any way. Instead, I just opted to put on my white bikini with a black wrap overtop.

As I walked out of our room, I could see Tim holding the door open for the bellhop, who was bringing in our breakfast cart. The smell of the sausage making my mouth water. He brought the food over to the table and left, giving Tim a tip on his way out.

"Morning boyfriend." I said give Tim a quick peck before turning my attention to my true love, coffee and pancakes. I loaded my plate and then smothered them in syrup. I could never get enough of the sugary maple goodness. When I took my first bite I moaned, at which time Patrick and Missy made their way out of their room.

"Want us to leave so you can be alone with your pancakes?" Patrick quipped.

His little joke catching me off guard, since he's usually the quiet one, so I couldn't help my retort. "It wasn't the pancakes; it was the sausage. "

Missy spewed her first sip of coffee out of her mouth and Patrick's face turned bright red, while Tim's mouth fell open. All of them shocked at the comment that had come out of my mouth. I shrugged and stuck another sausage link in my mouth, trying not to laugh at my inuendo as I chewed.

"You horn dog." Said Missy with a wink, finally composing herself and cleaning up the mess she had made. Patrick made his way to the door as someone knocked on it.

"You know Patrick, you are seriously wounded too tight, my friend. Missy you really gotta do something about that. " The words were out of my mouth before I could stop myself. Geez what was wrong with me, guess my mind was sitting in the gutter today.

"Allison!" McKenna scolded as she walked in with Linc. I looked over, oh so that is who was knocking on the door.

"What?" I said, like I had no idea why she was scolding me.

"Get your head out of the gutter and be nice. I heard your sausage comment too. "

"Ah, come on. That was a good one. " I said laughing at myself. "I don't know what's wrong with me, but my mind is in the gutter today. Y'all are warned. " I said, pointing to all of them as I shoved another bite of pancake into my mouth. "Well now that that is covered, lets go to the pool!" I said, gathering my bag and heading out, making everyone follow behind me.

For about an hour we played in the pool, enjoying the warm water and sunny skies. Missy, McKenna, and I decided we wanted to lay out and dry off for a bit, so we went over to the pool side bar and got us some drinks and claimed our chairs that overlooked the pool so we could watch our guys.

The girls had gotten out of the pool as Allison climbed the steps, I watched her hips sway, the white bikini that she was wearing leaving nothing to the imagination. My eyes raked over her tall, lean body as she walked over to the bar and ordered a drink, the bar tender clearly checking her out, setting me on edge.

Patrick elbowed me, "Dude, you could stop staring at her anytime now."

Shaking my head, "What are you talking about? I wasn't staring. "

"Yum, yeah you were. You even have some drool. " Linc said.

"Oh, shut up, you two are just as bad with Missy and McKenna."

"Aren't." They said in unison.

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