《My Mate, My Luna》Ch. 34 Settling in


I walked into our common room and immediately dropped myself onto the worn sofa, wiggling myself into a comfortable position. Instantly relaxing my shoulders in the familiar comfort that it brought me. I had just closed my eyes when the door slammed open and I heard Tim "Honey, I'm home!" I look over to him standing in the doorway struggling with my bags.

The smile on Tim's face made me laugh, looking all proud of himself that he had managed to carry all of my bags up stairs in one trip. "You know, I could have helped?"

"I know, I was trying to be nice." He replied, trying to hide the smirk on his face from me. I pulled myself off the sofa and walked over to him, relieving him of some of the bags. "Thank you."

"No, thank you." I rewarded him with a quick peck on the lips. A smile forming on his face as I did. "I think I could get used to this."

"Oh, I already am." He said, making the rest of his way into the common room and setting down the remaining bags, before turning and towards me, pulling me close to him as he wrapped his arms around me. I could feel myself grinning like a fool, but I didn't care, everything felt right as I stood there with Tim's arms cocooning me from the world.

"Now that's a smile, I want to see every day." Tim said, the light reflecting in his eyes making them sparkle, mesmerizing me. Without thinking I pulled Tim closer and kissed him, a rush of butterflies filled my stomach, and Lily was purring in my head, showing her contentment and happiness with my choice to be with Tim.

I pulled away from Tim, placing my hands on his chest, but still allowing his arms to stay wrapped around me. "What was that for?" He asked.

"Just because I wanted to. You make me feel... happy. " I finally said, pinpointing the main emotion filling me, there were so many, but happy was the easiest way to sum it all up. There was just an ease about Tim that made being simple with him, everything just flowed as it should. There was no struggle, no fighting. I was able to just be, I was beyond excited to see where we were going to go.

"I aim to please, Nemo."

"Well, then ..." I said. "About that nickname."

"Oh, nope." He said, removing his arms, "The nickname stays." Tim was shaking his head.

"But, why? It's horrible. " I whined at him, pretending to be upset.

"Simple, I found Nemo." Tim winked at me and I groaned.

"You are so cheesy." Rolling my eyes, I turned away from him. "Now I'm going to get settled in and take a shower. The I am going to sleep for 100 hours. "


I found that I was so exhausted I slept most of the day Friday, luckily, I wasn't expected to be back in classes until Monday. Which gave me a chance to finish catching up on any work I had missed. When I finally woke up at 11:30 I groaned, wishing I could go back to sleep. Unfortunately knowing that if I did, I would never be able to get back on my normal sleep schedule, so I begrudgingly pulled myself from my bed.

Stomping out to the common room Missy was sitting at the desk she shared with Patrick, with one of her textbooks opened while furiously writing out notes. My movements pulled her from her studies, as she looked up at me with a look of horror crossed her face and then she started laughing.


"What?" I said in a horror, I am not awake to stop picking on my voice.

"Oh my god girl!" She laughed out. "You are a mess!" Missy was now howling with laughter.

"It can't be that bad, plus I just got up, so I have an excuse." I turned to walk to the bathroom to assess the mess that Missy said I was. As soon as I caught myself in the mirror, I was shocked, my hair was all over the place, sticking up in all sorts of odd angles and was so frizzy and puffy. "Damn! I should have fixed my hair last night. Stupid curls. " I muttered.

Grabbing a brush and a lot of product I proceeded to try to tame the mane I called a head of hair. However, no matter what I did, it was not cooperating. Unwilling to spend time on it, I grabbed some hair ties and threw it up in a bun. "There, now you are controlled." I said to my hair, walking back to the common room.

Missy once again looking over at me, "Much better! Not great, but better. At least no one can laugh at you now. "

"You are such a good friend, Missy." I said sarcastically, grabbing myself a cup of coffee. As I sat down with my coffee, Tim walked in.

"Hey Nemo." A megawatt smile plastered on his face.

"Hey." I said smiling back as Tim walked over to me and planted a kiss on my forehead. Which then earned a raised eyebrow from Missy and a glint of humor reflecting in her eye, I knew I was going to have to talk to her about this later. I turned my attention back to Tim, ignoring her.

Tim was now sitting next to me, holding my hand and I turned my body, so I was leaning into him careful not to spill my hot coffee as I moved. Letting myself sink into Tim I realized just how comfortable and safe I felt, something I wasn't used to.

"Are you hungry?" He asked and I immediately nodded my head. "Get dressed, we will go get food." Without saying a word, I jumped up and ran to my room throwing an old pair of worn out jeans and sweatshirt on. I wasn't trying to impress anyone today; I was recovering from the last two weeks.

I walked back out to the common room where Tim was waiting for me at the door. He was leaning against the wall, playing on his phone, with my coat in one hand. His dark hair, messy as usual, complimenting his lean muscular figure, Tim looked up from his phone catching my eyes scanning his body a smug look settling onto his face as he realized I was checking him out. As his eyes made contact with mine and involuntary shiver raked through my body. How was he able to make me feel this way?

Shaking myself from my inappropriate thoughts I walked over to him, grabbed my jacket and walked out the door. Tim following behind me.


As I stood at the door waiting for Allison to come out of her room so we could leave I let my attention fall to my phone, playing a round of Candy Crush. After years of playing it, it was still able to hold my attention and keep me wanting more. Who knew you could be so addicted to a ridiculous matching game, but I was, and I loved it.

I could feel Allison's eyes wandering over my body before I gave in and looked at her. It was a feeling that I hadn't felt in a long time, not since Nikki, so I took the time to enjoy the tingles it sent through my system. It gave me a sense of happiness, Allison made me feel alive again, something I didn't think I would ever feel again. It was a shock to me that not only was she having an effect on me, but apparently, I was having the same effect on her.


Looking up from my phone I caught her eyes and she froze, and visible shutter ran through her body. The look on her face told me that I wasn't supposed to catch her checking me out. Allison wasn't all that stealthy, if she only knew how many times, I would watch her and pray that she would be mine, because lets just say it would embarrass her to no end. The Moon Goddess really did answer my prayers and ever since Allison kissed me, I have been thanking her over and over.

Allison grabbed her coat from me and headed out the door. Before I could leave, I heard Missy say in a sing song voice, "Don't do anything I wouldn't do."

"We're just getting food." I replied, following behind Allison, leaving Missy to chuckle at her comment.


Allison and I had become almost inseparable over the last couple of weeks. When we weren't in classes, we were together, I even managed to sneak over and hang out with her during her shifts at the clinic. McKenna really didn't like this because when she put it, I was 'messing up her Allison time'.

"Seriously Tim, don't you have something better to do?" Whined McKenna.

"What are you talking about? My girl is here, what else could be better than being here with her? " I replied spinning myself around in the chair that I was sitting behind the welcome desk at the clinic.

"This is my Allison time. I don't get here much; you get her all the time. " Allison shook her head at McKenna and me, smiling as she did it.

"Sucks to be you McKenna, I'm not going anywhere. Tell Nemo here. " I said I hoped Allison would be with me. I threw in batting my eyelashes at her and giving her my sweetest puppy dog ​​eyes, they seemed to get me what I wanted.

"Ooohhh nooooo." She shook her head as she exaggerated her words, "You two are NOT going to make me choose. Nuh Huh. "

"She's my best friend." McKenna sassed at me.

"She's my girlfriend." I snapped back to here, neither of us willing to relent.

"You two are childish. I have to work. " Allison said walking over to the filing cabinet with papers needing to be put away.

I continued to spin in my chair and McKenna continued to shoot daggers at me which made me laugh like the Cheshire Cat. Just being near Allison made me feel like a love-struck teenager again. She walked back over and wrapped her arms around me, placing her chin on my shoulder.

"Timmy?" She said, I scowled, I hated being called Timmy and she knew it. "Timmy, would you mind going and getting me a coffee? Pretty pleeeeeaaaaase. " And placed a quick kiss on my cheek.

"Will you stop calling me Timmy?" I said squinting my eyes here, trying my best to look mad but fail miserably.

"Yes." Allison said with a smile.

"Fine I will go. I will be back soon. Because anything else? "

"Umm ... surprise me. Oh, and get McKenna a coffee too, please. " I just nodded my head and headed out, turning back I saw a sly grin form on McKenna's face. That little trickster got me to leave giving McKenna her way. What a snot Allison was, just thinking of putting a smile on my face.


We were like magnets, moving together, pulling and pushing each other. We fell into a comfortable rhythm of being together, everything flowing naturally as we had always been together. Like we were made for one another, it felt almost too perfect. Like something was going to happen to change it. It was almost a foreboding feeling I had, but I wasn't going to think about it. I wasn't going to worry, I just wanted to enjoy Tim and our new relationship.

Today I had a shift at the clinic which meant I got to see McKenna. Since being back I hadn't gotten a chance to spend much time with her as I was trying to finish catching up in my classes and she had Luna duties to attend. Unfortunately, this morning Tim wouldn't let me leave without him so here I was stuck between him and McKenna as I was trying to get actual work done.

I was trying to organize papers that needed to be filed when I heard McKenna's shrill whine, "Seriously Tim, don't you have something better to do?"

"What are you talking about? My girl is here, what else could be better than being here with her? " He was spinning around in the chair to my left as he had been most of the morning.

"This is my Allison time. I don't get here much; you get her all the time. " They were starting to frustrate me, so I just shook my head and smiled, trying to reign myself in before I lost it on them. Hopefully I was doing a good job at making them think I didn't want to murder them.

Then came the puppy dog ​​eyes, he really thought he was as cute as they could save him. If Tim only really knew he was driving me nuts today, "Sucks to be you McKenna, I'm not going anywhere. Tell Nemo here. "

"Ooohhh nooooo. You two are NOT going to make me choose. Nuh Huh. " I was trying to push off my feelings of annoyance, pushing away from the desk gathering my piles of paperwork.

"She's my best friend." McKenna said, I rolled my eyes.

"She's my girlfriend." Tim replied, I closed my eyes and took a cleansing breath. Neither of them aware of my annoyance.

"You two are childish. I have to work. " I snapped, getting up to file the papers in my had. McKenna glanced over at me like she was assessing me. Tim on the other hand was lost in his own little world, just spinning and spinning. Honestly, it was starting to make me queasy watching him.

Once I was done filing the papers I walked over to Tim and wrapped my arms around him putting my chin on his shoulder, I needed him to stop spinning in circles. "Timmy?" I knew he hated being called Timmy, but I needed something that would annoy him enough to leave, "Timmy, would you mind going and getting me a coffee? Pretty pleeeeeaaaaase. " I quickly kissed his cheek.

"Will you stop calling me Timmy?" He said.


"Fine I will go. I will be back soon. Because anything else? "

"Umm ... surprise me. Oh, and get McKenna a coffee too, please. " Tim gathered his jacket and walked out of the clinic door. As soon as he was outside, I dropped to my chair sighing with relief, he was wearing me out today.

"Thank the Goddess. That should take him a little while "I said, looking over to McKenna. "He was driving me nuts!"

"I could tell, it's written all over you. Are you okay? " She asked, a look of concern on her face.

"Yeah, I'm just tired. I feel like I could sleep all the time. "

"Really? That's not like you. Have you talked to a doctor about it? " McKenna was now questioning me.

"No," I said shaking my head. "I am fine, there is just a lot going on. Studying for midterms next week, working, and catching up on classes. I have just had a lot of late nights. Even a few all-nighters. " I explained away McKenna's worries. "Just typical college life." I shrugged my shoulders like it was no big deal.

"Okay, if you're sure."

"I am sure, after finals I have a week off, to rest and recoup from everything. A week that I desperately need to do nothing! Thank you, Spring Break! " The last of McKenna's worries disappeared.

"So, tell me all about your new boyfriend." She was lifting her eyebrows up and down like Goofy, making me laugh.

"You want me to tell you about me and Tim?" I asked.

"Uh, yeah. You are my BFF. We tell each other everything and now we are practically sisters! " She squealed.

"We have always been practically sisters." I responded.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah," She said waving her hand at me dismissively, "But now, we're with brothers, so we will be sisters-in-law, real sisters. So, spill... "I could hear the inuendo in her voice, I knew exactly what she wanted to know. She wanted to know if I had slept with Tim.

I wasn't in the mood to discuss my sex life with McKenna, there were things she didn't know and many more that she never needed to find out about, best friend or sometime a girl likes to keep things to herself. So, I easily redirected here, McKenna could never talk about shopping, "You've been planning the Welcome Ceremony, right? When are we going shopping? I am going to need a new outfit. " As soon as I said that she was off on a tangent, her desire to hear about Tim and I completely forgot.


As left the clinic, having been forced out by Allison, I was grumbling to myself, "She's so lucky I like her." Chuckling at my own joke. As I walked toward the coffee shop, I had become lost in my own thoughts and happiness about Allison, that I never noticed Linc.

He was right next to me when he shouted, "HEY TIM!" Causing me to jump.

"GEEZ!" I yelled, "You scared the crap out of me, dude. What the hell? " Linc was laughing now, barely holding it together. I swear if he didn't have his hand on my shoulder he would have fallen to the ground. "Grow up, would ya!" I scolded him.

"Dude, Tim, you should have seen the look on your face. Priceless. Scaring you never gets old. " He mused; it's something he has done to me ever since we were young. Always finding a way to hide himself and jump out at me at the last second. Often times he walked away with a black eye, but it never deterred him.

"Whatever Linc!" I said, continuing to walk to the coffee shop, he followed behind. "What do you want?"

"Haven't really seen ya, so I wanted to check in. You are my brother after all. "

"Yeah, yeah. Things are going really well. " A smile appearing on my face, my annoyance at him now forgotten that I was thinking of Allison.

"Does a certain curly haired girl have something to do with that smile on your face?" Oh, so that's what this was. He was info seeking.

"Tell me, Linc, isn't Allison giving all the dirty details to McKenna? Is that why you are asking? " Linc looked away and started whistling. "Ahh, say no more. I hear ya loud and clear, little brother. "

"McKenna will kill me if she knew I said anything."

"Good thing you didn't say anything." I winked at him, "And I'm not gonna say anything. If Allison hasn't said anything, neither will I. "

His face turned ugly as we walked into the coffee shop, "Seriously, you need to give me something. You have no idea how scary my mate is. "

Now it was my turn to fall over laughing, "Are you telling me that the big bad Alpha is scared of his little itty-bitty Luna?" Fear fell across Linc's face and he just nodded his head, his eyes as big as saucers which made me laugh even harder.

After ordering the drinks and food I walked over to one of the tables and sat down, Linc sitting down across from me with his own coffee. Every couple of minutes Linc would look over at me expectantly, but I pretended that I didn't notice the glares he was giving me. Damn, this was amusing I loved making him sweat.

"Tim, seriously, give me something." He was now begging; my day keeps getting better and better. "How could you do this to your favorite brother?"

I was more amused now. "You are my only brother, so nice try. Besides, it's fun to make you squirm. Always has been, always will be. " I took a sip of my hot coffee, careful not to burn my mouth. I could tell Linc was getting more and more uncomfortable.

Linc, gave me his sad puppy dog ​​eyes. The ones that always worked on me when we were younger, the ones that I always gave in to. "Damn, fine. What do you want to know? " A smile came over his face, I could see him mentally giving himself a fist bump. "You know how to play me, jerk."

"Just give me something, anything to take back to McKenna so she'll stop hounding me."

"Fine ... Fine ... Fine." I said, putting my hands up, defeated. "Nothing much to tell. We are figuring it out, things are good. "

His face fell, "Seriously, that's all? Please, I'm begging to give me something! "

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