《My Mate, My Luna》Ch. 32 U-Haul


For the remainder of Sunday, I had finished everything I needed to do in the house, everything was cleaned and neatly tucked into boxes or dismantled for easy moving. The people who managed the thrift store had come by with their truck to load all the furniture that I would not be taking with me and the rest of the items that I was donating.

"Thank you! You have no idea how much this means to us! There are so many people who will be able to use these things. " The older lady who ran the store once told me everything was loaded.

"I am happy to be able to do it. It's what my parents would have wanted. " I said with a smile as they climbed into the truck to leave. Waving as they pulled away from my house.

Walking back inside I sat at the Kitchen table and called McKenna. After three rings she picked up, "Jolly, how are you?"

"I am doing alright. I needed to ask you and Linc for a favor. "

"Anything," she said. "You know that."

"I need a place to store my things. I am done here McKenna. I can't come back. I also want to know if Linc will take me? "

"Yes, yes, and yes." She shouted into the phone in excitement. "I will find a place for you to store everything. Once you get here, we will get you initiated immediately! "

"Thank you for everything McKenna. So how are things going? " We talked for a while longer, before McKenna asked me about my plans on getting my things out there, she wasn't thrilled that I was going to drive the U-Haul, but it wasn't like I had much choice.

"I want to fly someone out to ride back with you." She said.

"No. Thank you for the offer, but I need this time to myself. It will be cathartic for me. " I assured her.

"Are you sure? You know Tim would be there in an instant. He has it bad for you. " Tim, hearing his name made me feel horrible, about what had happened to Tate. I knew how he felt and yet, I succumbed to a weak moment with Tate. What would Tim think of me now? Would he think of me as tainted goods?

"I'm sure." I said, "But I have to go, I still have some packing to get finished, so I can leave first thing Tuesday." I hated lying to McKenna, but if I didn't get off the phone I was going to cave and the last thing I wanted right now was to tell her that I had slept with Tate.

"Okay, but make sure you call and check in if you are driving. It's 1,700 miles and you never know what can happen. " McKenna ever sounded the Luna, concern and care for everything she did. I was proud of my friend, happy for her.


Monday morning, I got up and went for a run around the territory. It had been too long since I had shifted and let Lily stretch her legs. We had become so disconnected lately that both Lily and I needed the time to reconnect, realign ourselves which we especially needed since the incident with Tate. I had forgiven her for the mishap, not that I was personally feeling any better about it, but I was no longer holding it against her.

As the wind rushed through our fur and the ground crunched beneath our feet, we finally found the peace to meld our minds into one.


"I don't want to leave him." She whined to me.

"I know Lily, but you heard everything he said. There is no instance where he chooses us. " I said, speaking softly with regret.

"I know, but I was still hoping. Knox wants us and gets angry with him. " She added.

"I imagine that he is, it is only natural for us to want to be with our Goddess chosen mate. She creates souls as a pair for a reason. "

"Tate is a fool!" She added, to which I chuckled .

"That is Lily. That he is. "

We then got lost in the trance of the run, memorizing the woods and territory that we had grown up in. Committing it all to memory, relishing in our final run here. The simple conversation we had pulling us back into a harmonious relationship, it was a dangerous thing when the human and wolf were pulling in opposite directions. That's when bad things tended to happen, and I never wanted to lose touch with Lily again like we had recently.


Picking up the U-Haul had been a bigger pain in the rear than I had initially thought, considering I had reserved one ahead of time. But finally, an hour later I was out of there and headed back to my childhood home to pack the last of my things up.

Gail was waiting in the kitchen for me with Ken, her mate and McKenna's father, by the time I got home. "Sorry I'm late. It took a little longer at the pickup than I had anticipated. "

"Oh no worries, dear. We haven't been here long. Besides it looks like you have everything taken care of, we just need to load it all up. " Gail said wistfully, brushing off the fact that I was over a half hour late getting back than I had told them.

For the next hour we packed the U-Haul, it went quite smoothly and there was even room left over. The only things that remained in the house were my personal bags, which would be riding in the cab of the U-Haul with me.

"Thank you for everything you've done, Gail, Ken." I said looking at them. "There's nothing I could do to repay you."

"There is no need for any repayment." Ken said, "You are like a daughter to us, we would have done and still would do anything for you." He added walking over and giving me a big squeeze. Putting a smile on my face. Gail followed behind wrapping her arms around the both of us.

Sucking in a breath I figured I needed to tell them, "So you know I'm leaving the pack?" It came out as more of a question when I meant it as a stated fact.

"We had a feeling." Gail said as Ken nodded his head.

"Linc and McKenna have offered me a place in their pack." I said solemnly, the heaviness of leaving my home starting to weigh on me. Gail wrapped her arms around me one more time then told our goodbyes, I wouldn't be seeing them again before I left. The only thing that brought me any comfort was knowing it would not be long until I saw them again. Afterall, their daughter was Luna of the pack that I was joining.

Now that everything was loaded, I decided that I was going to shower one last time and put on some clean clothes for my drive. There was no sense in feeling gross for the first leg of my journey, besides I still had some goodbyes to say.


Once I was cleaned up, I grabbed the last of my belongings throwing them into my luggage bags and carried them out to the cab of the U-Haul. Making my way back into the house I checked all the rooms again, each closet, each cabinet, each drawer making sure I didn't miss anything. Melancholy hung in the air as I made my final passes through what had been my home for my entire life.

I walked out the front door, locking it for the last time. Walking down the stairs and the pathway, I turned to look at the tattered home. No longer the happy home from my childhood, the paint was peeling, the grass was overgrown, and a couple of the shutters barely hung on. Climbing into the U-Haul I started it up and made my way to the gym, which would be my first stop for goodbyes.


Standing in the cemetery staring at my parent's headstone was harder than the day I had buried my mother. So many feelings coursing through my body, so many memories flashing through my mind. Placing the purple lilies over their grave I sat down.

"Hi Mama, Daddy." I said to them, talking to them for what would probably be the last time, at least the last time for a long time. I didn't know if or when I might be back again. "I am moving. I'm going to join McKenna's pack, so I'm not going to be able to come and see you for a while. " Damn I felt kind of stupid talking to their graves like this. I shook my head at my own foolishness.

"There is so much that you never knew, because I imagine you know now that you are watching from above. I feel like such a fool about everything. I hope you can forgive me. " A tear ran down my face, feeling like I had failed them somehow. "I just can't stay here anymore. I am going to finish school. I am going to be a doctor. I am going to be something important. "

I continued to talk to them, telling them about my time at school the friends I had made, how they were more like family. I even told them about Tim, "I think he really does like me. He might even love me? He hasn't told me that. It's just a feeling I get when he's around. " I shrugged my shoulders as if they could see me. Explaining my feelings for Tim, "I know he is not my goddess's chosen mate, but I feel a connection to him, a desire to be around him. Tim is so sweet and caring, I think I could be happy with him. "

I looked at the time on my phone, I had been here for hours. The pack meeting was short, and I wanted to see if he would willingly give me transfer papers to Haven Woods. I didn't want to be hassled on my way to my new pack.

"I love you!" I said, "But I have to go now." Tears falling from my eyes to the ground. I touched my fingers to my lips and then ran them over my parent's names on their tombstone. Before turning and walking away.


It was 5:30 pm, the pack meeting was in less than a half hour and here I was getting the run down by my father. "I will go up, say a few words, let everyone know the plan. Then I will step away, giving you the chance to announce Kimber as your Mate and Luna. "

I nodded my head, not really listening to him. Thinking back to Ally and our conversation at the dinner over the breakfast we had shared. Could I really make a stand against my father? Should I? Ally is my Goddess intended Mate, was I stupid for trying to play my father's game? I should just choose Ally, right?

"Are you listening to me?" My father demanded.

"Ugh, yeah?" I replied, "Hey Dad, I want to talk about Kimber." He looked at me, lifting his brow to me, letting me know to continue. "I don't want to announce here, I want to announce Ally. Ally is my true mate; she is the rightful Luna of our pack. "

Anger was immediately evident on his face, turning red "Don't be preposterous, boy! Ally is a mutt, not worthy to be Luna. Kimber is the one you will announce, or I will give the Alpha title to someone else. Someone that is not as weak and spineless as you. " Hatred spills forth in his words.

"Why do you hate Ally? What has she ever done to you? " I asked curious, but angry that he was talking about her like that.

"That's none of your concern," he let me know that he wouldn't tell me, "Just do as you are told."

"And if I don't?" I challenged him. A fiery gleam then sparked in his eye.

With a menacing tone he said, "Simple, if you don't, I will kill her." I growled at him, he growled back at me we were at an impasse, every fiber of my being wanting to kill my father for even suggesting that he wanted to kill Ally. "And don't think you can just kill me to take my place. If anything happens to me before I pass the title down to you, then I have a contingency instead of having her killed. " He had a smug look on his face.

I was now closing my hands into fists, growing, fighting to stay in control, the threat against Ally weighing on me and Knox. I took several breaths before my father spoke again, "You see boy, I have planned everything out to get what I want. You should know by now that that's how this all goes. " I would do what he said for the protection of Ally and he knew it. "The pack is waiting." He said before turning on his heels and leaving his office, slumping my head in defeat I followed.


I filed into the pack house, standing in the back row hiding against the wall by the door, so I could make a quick getaway if needed. The pack members were all talking, buzzing about what announcement could possibly be made. I stayed quiet already knowing what was happening.

Alpha Blackwell came up in front of the pack, standing on a makeshift stage that they put down to raise him when he addresses the pack. I suppose that was always his way of letting us all know that we were beneath him. Tate stood to the right of his father, but one step back. Looking like a Greek god carved from marble, his eyes roaming around as if he was looking for someone.

When his eyes locked with mine, I felt a tug of the mate bond, calling to me to go to him. There was regret, sadness, and a bit of fear swirling around in his eyes. I was so focused on him that I hadn't heard anything that Alpha Blackwell had just said. Not that it mattered I knew what this meeting was about.

Alpha Blackwell stepped off the stage, everyone's attention now on Tate. Our eyes locked together. Hope pulsing through me that he would choose me, give me a reason to stay. That he was going to fight for me.

"Good Evening Everyone. I am happy and proud to be standing here in front of you tonight, addressing you as your Future Alpha. " His silky voice vibrating through me. He quickly glanced around to the crowd and then back to me.

A wave of sorrow washed through me, causing me to close my eyes and take a breath. Realizing that the wave of emotion was his, not mine. Then his voice registered in my head, he was only speaking to me.

** I am so sorry. *** My heart shattering again. I knew this was coming, so why did it hurt so bad?

"Tonight, I am happy to announce your Future Luna, the person who will stand with me as we guide and protect all the members of this pack."

** I wish things were different, but I have to protect you. Protect them. Please understand. *** I shuttered as I sucked in a ragged breath, trying to control the tears that threatened to fall. I was tired of crying; I was tired of him crying. I watched him pleading with my eyes to change his mind, not to do what I knew he was about.

** I hope you know that I do love you. I always have and I always will. *** I shook my head, the only way I had to tell him that I didn't believe him, to stunned to even reply through the link. Nothing worked, none of it, I didn't mean anything to him.

"Your Future Luna and the person I am choosing to stand by my side, Kimber Adams. Kimber will you join me." As he said her name, I grabbed my chest, my heart felt like it had been ripped from my chest. The pack members around me clapped, many shouting congratulatory comments. The taste of bile filled my mouth, gagging me.

I looked at him one last time, looking him in the eye, showing him what he had done to me and I quickly turned and walked out the pack house door. Almost immediately I bumped into someone, distracted by the events that had just unfolded.

"Excuse me, I am sorry, I didn't see you there." I said, putting my hands up to steady myself. I was not paying attention to who it actually was, that I had run into. I started to walk away, when the words and power behind them stopped me in my tracks.

"Did you really think I would let him be with someone as weak as you?"

"What?" I asked a bit startled by the comment. Finally registering who was speaking to me.

"Just look at you, sniveling right now. I knew that you were never going to be good enough for him. That is why I had you separated when you were younger. Not to mention I hated your father. Always sticking his nose where it didn't belong."

"What are you talking about? My father was a good man." I defended the memory of my father, anger rising within me, pushing the feelings of betrayal out of my mind momentarily.

The Alpha chuckled, "Oh little girl, so naive. Your father was not as good as you think. He tried to overthrow me, so I had him killed. Always thinking that he was better, that I was a bad Alpha, not good for this pack. Thought he could be everyone's savior." He snarled

"The rogue attack was a cover, something I did for your mother because I loved her. See, your mother I felt bad for. I loved her once, she was an angel in my darkest of times, but then... Then she met your father, and everything changed. Not only did he take my angel, he tried to take my pack. That couldn't go unpunished." I was reeling at what he was telling me. Alpha Blackwell was a disgusting man.

"Too bad he didn't succeed." I snarked. At this point wishing that my father had succeeded and wondering why he tried to overthrow Alpha Blackwell, if it was even the truth. Alpha Blackwell sounded more delusional than anything. Honestly considering the state of the pack, it was no surprise to me, but it still broke my heart that my father had died doing so. "What are you getting out of telling me this anyways?" I asked.

"I want you to know the worthless stock you came from, not your mother that is, but your father. He was never good enough for her." Venom dripping in his voice like he was trying to destroy my father's name, his legacy. "With your father dying in a 'rogue' attack I could justify giving your mother money without suspicion, I was hoping she would come to her senses after a little grieving, but she was never the same. I would have given her the world!" his face dropped for a second, almost like he was mourning my mother.

"The guilt over seeing her like that made me decide to give you that deal. I did it for her, not you. Your mother was the only woman I ever loved and to see her waste her life on your useless father, well..." he trailed off leaving the rest to my imagination. I shook my head and squinted my eyes in disgust, I wanted no needed to leave this place.

For some reason Alpha Blackwell was pouring all his secrets to me, a stupid idea if I did say so myself, but who was I to stop him. "When you and Tate were young, I knew you two were mates. Your wolves had identified each other young; a rare thing, but he was always so protective over you." At this point disbelief was clearly evident on my face, because the Alpha perked up as he continued his story. "That is when I stepped in and forced the two of you apart, muting the mate bond. I was hoping that it would have stayed muted for a while longer, but in the end it doesn't matter. For as much as I loved your mother, I couldn't let you be with Tate because of who your father was."

"You truly are a despicable man." I said to him with hatred. "Do you even care how many people you are hurting?"

"Watch your tone, little girl. I am the Alpha; you will show respect." I bit my tongue, so much more I wanted to say, but this was not the time to do it. Alpha Blackwell handed me an envelope that he had been holding, but that I had paid little mind to before now. "Take this." He commanded.

"What is it?" My suspicions getting the best of me as I grabbed the envelope.

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