《My Mate, My Luna》Ch. 18 Final Moments
The next couple of days went quickly, I was so absorbed in final preparations for my leaving, even though I missed Tate there wasn't much time to dwell on it. He had called me each night before going to bed and last night told me that they would be extending their time at the meeting, so he would not be home until Friday morning. I was heartbroken when he told me that it meant our last days together would be even shorter since I was leaving Sunday morning. But I understood the pack would have to come first, that's the way it was for an Alpha couple. The good of the masses needed to outweigh what you wanted for yourself and your mate. After all, it would be our future responsibility to care for and protect the pack.
I packed all my things that I was taking with me, save a few pieces of clothes that I have out because I am still wearing them. They would be getting washed and put in my luggage for when I flew out. I had scrubbed the house from top to bottom, so other than a quick pick up here and there, Mrs. Jones wasn't going to have to worry about much, after all she did have her own home to think about. Two days ago, I had already mailed out the larger items, which was a hefty bill of $ 85.63, but at least I would have everything I needed for my dorm room already waiting for me when I got to school.
I was also trying to spend as much time at home with my mother as I could, knowing that this was going to be harder on her than it would be on me. And spending time with my mom wasn't easy, as she was already suffering from the loss of my father, it has driven her almost completely mad. She truly is just a shell of a person, I remember how she used to be a vibrant, beautiful soul. All of that shattered the night my father died.
Walking into my mother's room, I opened her curtains letting the morning rays of the sun filter through the glass, "Morning mama." Still calling her mom like I did when I was young, I guess old habits die hard.
Coming out of her sleep, she stretched and rubbed her eyes, "Morning baby girl." She replied in almost a whisper.
"Are you hungry?" I questioned her, already knowing her answer but I asked anyway.
"No." She shook her head at me and added, "But I know you are going to force me to eat something either way."
I chuckled and shook my head, "You know me so well mama." And as if on queue the timer in the kitchen sounded with a shrill beep. "And there would be breakfast. Why don't you come out to the kitchen and eat with me?" I placed her robe on the foot of her bed, signaling to her that I was not going to take no for an answer. "I only have a couple days left before I leave for school. I want to spend some time with you, time that is not in this bedroom with you laying on the bed." My words may have sounded a bit harsh, but it really was more of a plea to her. Letting her know that I needed her, I needed my mother.
Ten minutes later my mother came trudging out of her bedroom, hair a mess. I hated seeing her like this, but it seemed that no matter what anyone did or how much people tried to help her she stayed the same. It was heartbreaking for me, so I grew up quickly and cared for the both of us. It was the only thing that I could do. And now I felt guilty, guilty for wanting to go to school, even more so because I was going away to school.
The guilt must have been evident in my eyes because my mother sat down, grabbed my hand and lightly squeezed it. After a couple of moments, she spoke, "You don't have to feel guilty. You are going to school to be something more, something better. NEVER feel guilty about that."
Tears started to well in my eyes, everything becoming blurry. I looked down at the food on my chipped plate. "Oh mama, I love you." I said, kneeling on the floor in front of her placing my head on her lap. She ran her fingers soothingly through my hair, like when I was a small pup.
"I love you too sweetheart." She wrapped her hands around my face and slowly lifted my head, so I was looking into her eyes. "You know daddy would be so proud of you. So proud of how smart, caring, resilient, and beautiful you are." There were now tears glistening in my mother's eyes, as there always were when she thought of my father. "You have grown up so quickly and taken care of me, when it was my job to take care of you. You have worked so hard, I am truly sorry that I have not been strong enough, that I failed you and your father's memory."
"No..." I shook my head. "No, you haven't failed me mama."
My mother shushed me and continued, "Yes, yes I did fail you. I should have been strong, but I am not. I never truly was. Your father was always the best part of me, he is the one that raised me up. You are so much like him. Everything about you!" I knew she was speaking the truth, because I was like him in so many ways, getting only my stature and eye color from my mother. I just sat there and listened to my mother, this is the most that she has really spoken in the past eight years.
"The day that we lost your father, I died on that field with him." A few tears fell down her cheeks, I reached up and wiped them away. Mom leaned into my hand and placed her hand over mine. "I want you to go to school, leave this house and never look back. There are only great things in your future. I just know it. I want you to forget about me and just live. I have been a burden for far too long my sweet daughter. You deserved so much more than I ever gave you." I could feel the guilt my mother had just seeping from her pours, hanging heavy in the air around us.
I took a deep breath, "Don't talk like that!" I said sternly, "I know things have not been the best, but I love you. You are my mother, I will never forget you. I forgive you for everything." Honestly, I knew things were shitty for me growing up and I really did get the short end of the stick, but I never pitied myself or felt the need to dwell on it. I grew from it, I learned how to survive. I became strong. However, I knew that my mother needed to know that I forgave her, even though I did not think that there was anything to forgive. This was the path that the goddess had chosen for me to walk, she worked in ways that no one could understand, and everything happened for a reason.
"I am going to be leaving for school in a couple of days, but I am going to come back whenever I can to see you. And once I am done, I am going to be back here as the pack doctor. That is the deal that I worked out with Alpha Blackwell." I said to her. "Plus, my mate is here." I smiled thinking about Tate. "So, this is always going be my home. My pack." I finished.
I reached up and wrapped my arms around my mother, hugging her as tight as I dared. It felt as though if I had squeezed too tightly, I would have broken her in half. She has withered away over the years from her depression. After a few minutes my mother pulled away and looked me in the eye, "You can leave here knowing you don't have to worry about me. That is all I want for you. Mrs. Jones is going to take care of me, you know this. So, I want you to go enjoy your last few days here with your friends and not with me. Your last memories of this place before going to school should be filled with friends, not your helplessly depressed mother. I refuse to let you be in this house with me." She said with finality, "Now, I want you to go get dressed and go do something."
I stepped away from my mom as she turned to walk back to her bedroom, "I love you mama."
"I love you too baby girl. Don't ever forget that I do love you and that I am sorry for everything." With that she left me standing in the kitchen. My heart a little broken that she did not want to spend time with me, but at the same time knowing that she truly just did not have the strength to be different. That she was broken. This talk with my mother had given me the closure to know that I was doing the right thing and that this is what she wanted for me, that I wasn't being selfish. I was doing what she wanted me to do, I was going to school to be better to make our lives better.
Knowing that my mom wanted me to get out of the house and enjoy my last couple of days here, I decided to head over to McKenna's house. She was always a procrastinator so I can imagine that she still needs help getting packed up.
I walked out of my house, the sun was beaming down with warm rays licking my bronzed skin. I was always lucky and tanned well in the summer, never having gotten a sunburn. Another of the minimal traits I received from my mother. As I walked down the sidewalk from my house a red Mustang GT pulled up along side the curb. As the car came to a stop, the window rolled down and I heard a deep masculine voice, "Hey Allison. I need to speak with you."
Ducking down to see inside the passenger side window and put a face to the voice speaking to me I realized that it was our Beta. "Oh, hi Beta Adams. How are you?"
"Very well thank you. I was just coming to see you." He put the car in park as I walked around the drivers side window so I could speak with him a bit easier.
"What can I do for you Beta Adams?" I questioned.
He reached over to the passenger side seat and grabbed a manila envelope with my name on it. "I needed to drop this off for you. It is the documents you will need for school, along with your schedule that they sent over, room assignment, and your ticket."
"Oh, thank you! I appreciate you bringing it out to me, but you didn't need to do that. I know you are so busy with everything I would have been more than happy to come pick everything up." I said sincerely appreciative that the Beta was taking time from his day to bring this to me.
"It was no problem at all. I had to run a few errands anyways." He held the envelope out the window, and I took it from him. "Good luck at school." He said with a smirk. Bowing my head in submission and respect, as I stepped back from the car Beat Adams put the car in drive and sped away from the curb.
As I walked the rest of the way to McKenna's house, I had an uneasy feeling. Something in my gut just felt off, like something bad was going to happen. Maybe it was just me feeling out of place that the Beta took his time to come see me? After all he is Kimber's father. Does he know that I am Tate's Mate? No, we haven't said anything officially to anyone, well aside from me telling McKenna and my mom knowing. Hmm... maybe he did tell his father and that is why the Beta has gone out of his way.
Before I knew it, I was at McKenna's front door, knocking on the red door of their picturesque house. It was like something from a magazine, white picket fence, big front porch with a swing hanging in the far corner overlooking the yard. Red shutters contrasting against the white siding. Stepping up to the door I knocked. A few moments later the door opened, and I was greeted with the smell of lavender and honey, Mrs. Jones always had a calming scent. "Allison! How nice to see you!" She said pulling me into a warm embrace. Ever since my father had passed, she has been like a second mother to me.
"Hi, Mrs. Jones." I said, returning the hug.
She quietly growled at my greeting and scolded me, "How many times have I told you, DO NOT call me Mrs. Jones? Call me Gail or Mama Gail. Either or, not Mrs. Jones."
"I know... I know. I am sorry, Mama Gail." I smiled at her and calling her Mama Gail earned me a smile and another hug.
"You may not be one of my goddess born pups, but you are one of my pups. McKenna is in her room." She said to me. I headed up the stairs that were just to the right of the front door in the entry way. "It is a wreck up there, she still has not finished packing."
"I know. That is why I am here, I figured she needed my organizational skills." I winked at Gail. I set my envelope down on the entryway table, so it would not get lost while I was helping McKenna in her room. Making a mental note to grab it on my way out later tonight.
"I am not sure what she would do if you were not going to be going to school together. She would not have anyone to hold her together." Gail chuckled and shook her head thinking about her daughter's procrastination and in ability to organize. "She definitely got that from her father. He would probably loose his head if it wasn't attached to his neck." I laughed as I continued to climb the stairs.
As I got up to McKenna's room her door was open, and it looked as though her belonging were throwing up into the hallway. "What are you doing?1?" I screeched at her as I walked into the disaster area that McKenna calls her bedroom.
"Oh, thank the Goddess you are here!" She said, flinging her arms around my waist. "I need your help!" The desperation in McKenna's voice was amusing, so I laughed at her as I peeled her arms off from around me.
"Yeah, I assumed as much. That is why I am here girl." I said with amusement. McKenna did not seem as amused by me and I was, and a slight scowl settled on her face. "Or I could just leave." I said and turned.
Before I could even take a step, I was being tugged backwards into her room, "I think not! You are helping me!" She said. She let go of me and started kicking things out from in front of her door, so she could slam it shut. Huffing she looked at me, "You are here until I am packed!" She said between breaths.
"Damn girl!" I chuckled, "What is wrong with you? You are a wreck and your room is a mess?!?" I said raising my eyebrows at her.
"I have no idea. I am panicking. I don't know where to start." McKenna said throwing her hands up in the air and then plopping down on her bed. "You know how I am."
McKenna was my best friend, but my exact opposite, in most ways. I was very organized and methodical, I had to be in order to get everything done, but McKenna was a wild child, forgetful, disorganized, and dramatic. "You are so lucky I love you girl." I chided her.
"I know. Now will you please help me and stop making fun of me?" She whined giving me her big puppy dog eyes.
"Start by telling me what you have done and what you still need to do." Over the next few hours Kenz and I got her room cleaned and her boxes packed and labeled. They would have to be delivered to the post office in the morning, if she had any hope of getting them to the school on time. As I was hauling the boxes down the stairs, I saw Gail. "Mama Gail" I said, she instantly turned and smiled at me.
"What's up Allison?"
"These boxes need to be mailed out tomorrow. It has to be tomorrow! Or they won't get to the school on time for Kenz. They are all ready to go and labeled." I stressed the has to be tomorrow part.
"Got it! Not to worry, Mama Gail is on it." She winked at me and made her way back to the kitchen. I retreated back to McKenna's room to finish helping her.
A couple of hours later and we had worked our way through McKenna's wardrobe. "Finally!" I said exasperated, zipping the 3rd suite case shut. "All your clothes are packed!" I flopped on to her bed, thoroughly exhausted. "Girl, you have way too much junk! You need to purge." I said.
"I do not!" McKenna exclaimed. "I use everything I have, I just need a better organizational system. Which you just gave me." She shrugged her shoulders with a grin.
"You know this is not the first time that I have organized everything for you, right? You are actually going to have to keep it this way." I scolded her for messing up my previous efforts.
"I know, I know." She rolled her eyes at me. We both laughed. "I guess it is a good thing we are rooming together at school. You will definitely be able to keep me organized there." She said. "Maybe if I am forced to live it for a while, I will learn it and do it myself?" She said it more as a question, one that I was not going to answer. We both knew that no matter how hard I tried or how many times I reorganized things for her she was just always going to be messy and I was going to be the neat freak.
I looked at the clock it was already 6:30. Jumping up from her bed, I said "Okay, I am gonna get home. I have to make dinner and I am going to gym tomorrow for my last workout while I am here. So, I want to get there early."
"Your home away from home. Going to say good bye?" McKenna asked.
"In a way, although it is not good bye, just see ya later. You know, until I come home." I scrunched my nose at her making a silly face. McKenna looked at me like I had two heads with the face I was making and before long we were both making silly faces at each other and laughing until our sides hurt.
As I settled down and stopped laughing McKenna got up and gave me a quick hug, thanking me for my help. On my way out, I picked up my envelope that the Beta had dropped off to me earlier.
After I got home and cooked dinner, I brought my mother a tray of food. As usual she was laying in bed, although this time she was at least asleep and not just staring at the wall. I hate when she was just staring at the wall. Honestly, it kind of creeped me out a bit when she did that. At least watch TV or something.
I took her dirty dishes into the kitchen and quickly washed the dishes. Exhaustion was finally setting in from the day's events. I swear it felt like I had run a marathon with how much work needed to be done to get McKenna organized and packed. That girl is something else, that is for sure. I chuckled to myself thinking of her quirky ways. I would be lost in this world without my best friend, she has helped me through so much and so has her family.
As I walked into my room, I grabbed my night shirt and a clean pair of undies. I then walked into the bathroom, before I went to bed, I was going to wash the day off of me. I love getting into bed feeling clean. It really is a Catch-22 for me, since I also love the feeling of showering in the morning, invigorating yourself for the day. As I was standing in the shower a wave of sadness washed through me. It was the first time in the last few days that I had slowed down enough for my wolf and I to have the time to think about Tate. We missed him.
I quickly washed my body and hair, climbing out of the shower I wrapped my body in my plush blue towel and my hair in a smaller white towel. Drying off my body first I quickly put lotion on and then my clothes, placing the towel in the dirty clothes hamper. I then pulled the white towel from my hair and worked de-frizz product through my hair with my fingers. Grabbing my pick, I picked the knots out of my hair, then scrunched it allowing the natural curl to come through and dry into my hair.
Grabbing my phone, I decided I was going to call Tate. If we couldn't be together then the least, I could do was hear his voice. Besides it was the time of day he was usually finished with the Alpha duties and had free time to be able to get away. Maybe hearing his voice would help the hurt in my heart I was feeling from him being at the Alpha meeting. I know it may sound childish, but I wanted him all to myself.
"That is not childish!" My wolf scolded me. "He is our mate!"
"I know, Lily, but still some people..." I started but got cut off.
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Dimensional Originator
Adam is having a terrible time. To start the day off he died in a car accident. And that isn't even the most painful thing that happened to him. That would be merging with a strange crystal. After that he ended up stuck in an endless black void. He does eventually get rescued. But quickly realizes his soul has been put in the body of a fallen noble and his fate is to be little more than a breeding slave for the cultivation clan that purchased him. To top it all off his new body had been bedridden for weeks and he can barely get out of bed. Not everything is terrible though. The crystal he merged with is called a dimensional originator. Using life and death energy he can create miniature universes. Given enough energy and time he could even create an entire universe. For a moment Adam thought things were looking up. Too bad the author finds things going horribly wrong far more entertaining. Warning: If this fiction was a movie I'd rate it as somewhere between PG-13 and R for violence, gore, and nudity.
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DISCONTINUED Started: 03/09/2020Ended: 06/22/2022
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