《My Mate, My Luna》Ch. 5 After Party



Thankfully the pain of the graduation was over. I could now just relax for the night, Allison was not around. She never comes to these things, usually you would want to be around your mate and don't get me wrong I do, but I can't. I can't let myself get attached to her. As much as I want her, I am going to have to reject her, I just wasn't going to do it tonight. I wasn't going to think about it tonight. It was time to celebrate.

Lukas, Markus and I jumped into my truck and headed out to the Lake, it was already well past sunset. I knew the party would be in full swing and I was not disappointed when we pulled in. The bon fire was already roaring and a few kegs were setup by the tree line. Over to the left of the kegs there was a small roast pit, where our Chef Louis had a pig roasting and all the fixings to go with it. Drake was setup with his DJ equipment and the music was pumping. People danced in front of the speakers where we had a make shift dance floor. Our pack liked to party in style, we pulled out all the stops to have a good time.

Kimber was already there, already half way to being drunk. It was typical of her to over indulge, stumbling across the field. She finally made her way over to me, wrapping her arms around my neck pulling herself up and kissing me, "Hey baby!" she squealed.

"Ugh, Kimber. What are you doing?" I said recoiling from her. Kimber was so drunk that she couldn't tell I was disgusted with her behavior. Not to mention she just did not smell right, she wasn't Allison.


"Having a bit of fun. You know I leave tomorrow night to travel with my mom for the summer." She slurred out. "I am just having one last hoorah with my friends, before I leave and come back to the pack."

"You really should go home."

"But I don't wanna," she whined. "Dance with me!" She said pulling me to the dance floor. It was then that I caught scent of Allison.

"Mate is here! Send Kimber home. We don't want her. We want mate!" My wolf screamed in my head. I pulled back from Kimber.

"Kimber, no you are going home. That is final. You are drunk!" Turning to Lukas, "Get your sister home. Now!"

"Aww.. Come on Tate! We just got here. Not my fault my little sister can't hold her liquor." Lukas complained.

"Now, that is an order! Once she is home you can come back."

"Fine!" Lukas said, rolling his eyes. "Kimber lets go."

"No!" She screamed and pulled away from Lukas. Not willing to take her flack Lukas grabbed her and flung her over his shoulder.

"You are going home whether you want to or not. Alpha's orders."


As soon and McKenna and I got to the field I could smell Tate. My wolf instantly going crazy!

"Allison, just go!" McKenna urged. "You know you want to and I won't hold it against you for ditching me."

"You know I am not like that. We came together we leave together... Besides, he isn't gonna want me anyways. He has Kimber."

Next thing I knew McKenna grabbed me, spun me around, placed her hands on my shoulders and forced me to look her in the eye. "DO NOT EVER! Let me hear you talk like that again. Alpha or not he would be insane to let you go. You are amazing, kind, smart, and not to mention insanely gorgeous."


"Even if I were to believe everything you are saying. You know as well as I do that, he is going to choose Kimber. They have been together forever. Mate or not I cannot beat who she is. But fine... I will go to him." I said, ducking away from her before she could scold me again.

Lily had grown impatient "Mate! Find him NOW!" She pushed. "I have waited all day! I am not waiting anymore!"

"Fine, I concede. Let's find our Mate. There is no need to put off the inevitable anymore." I could not see Tate, but I let my wolf follow his scent. Before I knew it I was standing before him. And I just stood there staring at him. I was completely and utterly mesmerized. I could just imagine that I looked like a drool fangirl.

"Hi, Mate." He finally spoke.


Her eyes were the most beautiful ocean blue you could ever imagine, looking in her eyes made me feel like I was swimming in the Caribbean. I was finally able to pull myself from my trace and said "Hi, Mate."

"Hi Tate." Oh, her voice made me melt, she sounded like an angel.

I reached for her hand, grabbing it I pulled her toward my truck, "Let's get out of here."

"Wh-Where are we going?" She said as I pulled her along.

"Somewhere not here. Somewhere we can be alone."

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