《My Mate, My Luna》Ch. 4 Graduation


McKenna and I were ready to go. We had 30 minutes before we needed to be back at the High School for the commencement ceremony. I figured I would try one last time to get mom out of the house.

"Mom let's go! The Ceremony starts soon, and I really want you there." I yanked the quilt off of my mother, while McKenna grabbed her hands pulling her into a sitting position.

"I can't Allison! I just don't have it in me." She yelled back with anger in her voice. "Why can't you just leave me alone?! I want to be left alone!" She said with finality.

"I don't leave you alone because you are my mother and I love you." I was starting to tear up.

"Just leave her McKenna. We don't want to be late." I said with defeat. McKenna let my mother go.

Quickly she grabbed her quilt and laid back down on her bed, starting at the wall that held a portrait of my father. Before walking out I said "You know mom, you are not the only one that lost dad. I miss him too. I am sorry that you are sad, but you know I lost both my parents that day." I knew what I said was mean, but it was the truth and it was about time that I finally said it. I needed her but she was not there anymore, not since we lost dad.

I waited a few minutes to see if she would say anything and then finally, she said, "Please turn off the lights when you leave. I am tired." It was not the response that I was hoping for, but it was the only one that I was going to get. So, I turned walking out the door, shutting off the lights as I left. Not much longer and I would not be here, I would across the country studying to be a Pack Doctor.

Our entire class was gathering in the school library, where we would get into our lines, girls in white robes, guys in purple. I was standing in the corner with McKenna when suddenly I could smell him. Tate was here. He walked in with Kimber on his arm like they owned the place. In a way I guess they did, he was the future Alpha, she was his girlfriend.


It was then that my wolf decided to growl, as I watched Kimber hanging on Tate's arm. Suddenly I felt a sharp elbow in my left side, "Knock it off! What are you trying to do?" snarled McKenna.

"Sorry" I whispered, lowering my head and turning away from Tate and Kimber. Maybe if I did not watch them, I could pretend that they weren't there.

"Go! Mate! Now!" Lily screamed in my head. I could feel her trying to take control. I knew that if I were to look into a mirror right now you would see my eyes going from their usual icy blue, to gold, to black and back again as I fought to maintain control. It would just cause a riot if I were to run over there and rip Kimber off Tate's arm.

"No! You need to calm down! He isn't going to want us any way. If he hasn't come over here, we should just leave well enough alone." I told Lily.

"You don't know he won't want us." Said Lily with sadness.

"Yeah, well then why hasn't he come over here?"

"Maybe for the same reasons you won't let us go over to him."

"Kimber" both Lily and I said together. Finally, Lily relented and thankfully just in time.


Before I even walked in, I could sense her. I could sense Allison. This was going to be harder than I thought. I hadn't told anyone, it would just create issues. Issues I was trying to avoid. As I walked into the library I tensed, just as Kimber let go of my arm. "I am going to go find Ashley." She said, completely unaware of my discomfort. Not that I really expected her to pay attention, she never does. Kimber is very self-focused.

I spotted Markus over in the corner and headed his way.

"Yo, boss. What is up with you? Your eyes keep changing." He said to me with an amused look on his face.

"Dude! Quit calling me boss. One, you know I hate it. Two, nothing is wrong." I replied sternly. But even though I said it with conviction, I did not believe my words and was shifting from foot to foot. And then my eyes fell on Allison, she was so beautiful standing there in her dark blue skater dress, with white flowers. Her hair down, ringlets framing her face. I was completely lost in her.


"Oh..OH..OHHHH.." I heard Markus say as he elbowed Lukas in the ribs and pointed. "I think someone has found their mate." He mused. "Tate, go to her. You are just making this harder on yourself."

"Yeah," Lukas chimed in "I know this is not what you were planning, but you know the Goddess, she gives us what we need, not what we plan."

I know that they were both saying was the truth, but I was still fighting it. "You both know that this isn't that simple for me. Goddess knows I wish it was."

"Listen, you are Alpha..."

"Soon to be Alpha. I am not Alpha, yet." I corrected.

"Semantics, you are the Alpha. Things can be however you want them to be." Markus finished.

"No, they can't be. You know my father has things planned out. I am supposed to make Kimber my Luna. Our parents have had this planned forever."

Lukas chimed in, "Listen, I know she is our sister, but she is a bitch! She is not Luna material, we know it, you know it, the pack knows it." I let out a low grumbling growl, which made Markus and Lukas throw up their hands in a mock surrender. "Whatever do what you want. Just know we know you are making a mistake if you choose Kimber. You should go to your mate, not to mention she is total hot, in a sexy librarian kind of way." This made me growl even louder, my eyes turning black, only snapping out of it when the principal walked in clapping his hands to get our attention.

"Listen up Ladies and Gentlemen, get into your lines just as we have practiced. In 5-minutes time we will begin the ceremony and you will all walk out and find your seats."

What felt like forever later we were finally in our seats, we had speaker after speaker. And then suddenly it was time for the Valedictorian Speech. What I heard was the most beautiful voice and it sounded as if she was speaking only to me, the first part of her words not registering with my brain as I was caught up in her.

"... Today marks the first day of the rest of our lives. This is a time for us to figure out who we are and what place we hold in this world. Are you meant to be a doctor, lawyer, teacher..." she trailed off, she shifted and you could see she wanted to change the path of her speech, but wasn't sure if she should, "... whatever it is you need to take your own path, forge your own future. Do not let yourself be defined by the expectations of your parents, be defined by the expectations you have for yourself. You only have one life. Now is the time to live it. Live it to the fullest. Make mistakes, ask for forgiveness, get lost on a journey to Peru. Wherever life's journey takes you, make the story your own!" I know that there was more to what she was saying, but I just could not bring myself to actual register the words or the meaning, I was just lost in her voice, her smell.

What finally pulled me from my trance was the sound of a roaring applause as she stepped from the podium and returned to her seat. The Principal once again walked up to the podium and was now calling names as each classmate walked across the stage to get their diplomas.

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