《Baby Daddy》22. Torture


(Credit to J.K Rowling for some of the dialogue in the chapter).

The past few weeks have been absolutely bliss, despite everything that's going on around us. First of all, Indie said her first words:

I was woken up by someone shaking me and calling my name.

"Lilah! Lilah!" whispered-shouted Draco.

"What?" I asked, confused as to why he's woken me up in the dead of night.

"I think Indie's about to say her first word!" he exclaimed.

"What?! Really?" I shot up in the bed to see Draco sitting there with Indie right in front of him.

"Yeah, she's getting so close", he said.

He turned his attention back to Indie and started repeating "Dada" over and over again for her.

She mumbled a few inaudible words but then she finally said it.

Her first proper word.


"Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god! Did you hear that?! She said my name! My name!" he shouted, not even attempting to hide his excitement.

He picked her up and started flying her around the room in his arms, making her, and me, giggle.

"Dada!" she said again, obviously enjoying his reaction.

"Thats right!" Draco grinned, "I'm your dada!"

My heart burst with love and pride seeing how happy they both were. My beautiful daughter and my handsome boyfriend.

I'll admit I was a little sad that she didn't say 'mama' but I was so happy for Draco, especially considering he missed so many milestones in the first four months of her life because I was too much of a chicken to tell him about her. So, in some ways, I was very glad that that her first word was 'dada'.

And then her very first steps:

"Draco!" I called to him, "Draco, hurry. Come quick!"

He swung the bathroom door open and ran over, as I was sat on the floor. "Are you okay?" he asked, concerned, "What happened? What's wrong?"

"I'm okay, but look", I pointed over to Indie who was standing, holding herself up against the bed. "I thinks she's gonna try and walk!" I exclaimed.

"No way!" Draco said. He quickly walked over to the bed and sat down right next to her.

He grabbed hold of her and angled her towards me. I stretched my arms out as far as I could and started calling for her.

"Come on Indie, come to mama!" I encouraged her. She then started walking towards me, but with Draco still firmly holding onto her so she didn't fall.

After she looked steady, Draco let go of her. And, to both of our surprise, she continued to walk towards me without anyone holding on to her.

"Yay! Go Indie!" Draco cheered as he quickly rushed to my side as Indie stumbled towards us.


"That's right, you can do it Indie!" I said, arms still wide.

Finally, she reached us and fell into my arms. "Woohoo!" cheered Draco and I, so excited that our daughter just took her first steps. I can honestly say that I've never been prouder of anything in my entire life.

"Well done Indie!" I exclaimed, bouncing her up and down on my leg, causing her to let out a little giggle.

"I'm so proud of you princess", Draco said, giving her a huge kiss on the top of her head.

A few tears started to roll down my cheek as I realised that my baby was no longer my baby anymore. She was starting to talk and walk on her own now, my baby was growing up.

And now, here I was, watching Indie stumbling around the room chasing after Draco, giggling all the way. She really was growing up fast, I thought

"What's all that noise in there?" someone asked from outside the door, making me jump and Draco and Indie immediately stop in their tracks.

"What do you want?" Draco said, rushing me and Indie into the bathroom, in case they decided to come in.

"Bellatrix wants you", he said, luckily still not coming in.

"Okay, I'll be there in a minute", Draco shouted back.

"No, she wants you now", the mysterious man demanded.

"Fine, I'm coming", he said, annoyed.

"I'll be back as soon as I can my love", he whispered to me before giving Indie and I each a kiss on the forehead and leaving the room.

I always hated growing in this manor, especially as an only child. The manor was too big and no matter what room you were in or how many people were in there, you always felt lonely. The walls are dark, even more so at night, giving off a haunted feeling, which always made me nervous. I'd have done anything to have a secret room that felt safe and cosy, or to have another sibling so I wouldn't be alone so much, but sadly I got neither of those.

So here I was, walking down the gloomy corridors of my childhood home on my way to whatever my horrible aunt wanted from me. I just hoped I wouldn't be too long so I could get back to my room to play with Indie and Lilah.

I felt my breath hitch in my throat when I saw what awaited for me in the room Aunt Bella summoned me to. Because there, standing in front of me, were all three members of the Golden Trio.

Why did they have to get caught?! I cursed to myself quietly.

"Ah, Draco!" Aunt Bella said as soon as she noticed my presence. "Come over here and tell me if this is the boy. You've gone to school with him for the past six years after all."


I stumbled forward after I felt someone push me over to her to see if I recognised the boy to be Harry Potter.

"Well?!" she urged, once I'd reached her.

As soon as I saw him I immediately knew it was him but, even though I pretty much hated him, I knew I couldn't tell them. I would never forgive myself otherwise, knowing what I could've caused.

"I can't be sure", I said, hoping nobody could see through my lie.

"Draco," my failure of a father murmured.

He grabbed hold of my neck, making me wince, before continuing, "Look closely son. If we were the once's to hand Potter over to the Dark Lord, everything will be forgiven. It'll all be as it was, understand?" he pleaded, to which I nodded even though I knew I wasn't going to let him be handed over on my hands.

"Now we won't be forgetting who actually caught him, I hope Mr Malfoy", interrupted Scabior, causing my father to let go of my neck.

"Don't you dare talk to me like that in my own house!" he shouted, before mother pulled him back, making him quiet down.

"Don't be shy sweetie, come over", Aunt Bella said, grabbing hold of my hand and guiding me down to properly look at who they believed to be Harry Potter.

"Now, if this isn't who we think it is Draco and we call him, he'll kill us all", she said, referring to the Dark Lord. "We need to be absolutely sure."

"What's wrong with his face?" I asked, not sure how much longer I could lie for before they realise it is actually him.

I didn't realise I was zoned out until my mother tapped me on the shoulder, signalling for me to stand up, which brought me out of my thoughts.

"What's that?" I heard Bella gasp. "Where'd you get that from?"

"It was in her bag when we searched her, reckon it's mine now", he said, but was immediately stopped when Bellatrix hit him it's a curse.

I had no idea what was happening when suddenly she started attacking some people in the room.

"Put the boys in the cellar", she dragged Ron and Harry over to my mother, who then pushed them in the direction of the dungeons, even though I knew she didn't want to.

"I want to have a little conversation with this one, girl to girl", she spat, talking to Hermione.

Shit, I thought. I knew how close she was with my Lilah.

Hermione was being pinned down on the floor by my disgraceful aunt and, as much as I didn't want to watch, I couldn't tear my eyes away because I just had to know if she was going to be okay. But sadly, that seemed very unlikely when Bella started to carve something into Hermione's arm, causing her to scream out.

Hearing her screams of pain and terror physically hurt me. I imagined how I would feel if that was my beautiful Lilah there and I just had to tear my eyes away as I couldn't take it anymore. I felt tears start to appear in the very corner of my eyes so I quickly blinked to get rid of them before anyone saw them.

Bellatrix finally stopped the horrific torture and went over to talk to the goblin who she had ordered out of the cellar. She said a few words to him but I was too far away to hear any of them, but then she wandered back over to Hermione. I prayed that she wouldn't get tortured again because I don't know how much more of this I could cope with.

"The same won't be said for this one", I heard her say.

Suddenly, and much to my relief, Potter and Weasley ran out of the cellar, wands in hand and started shooting curses in Bella's direction. A few were sent flying my way so I had to dodge them as much as I could. But we stopped the duel as soon as we saw that Hermione was being held by Bellatrix, with a knife to her throat.

"Drop your wands", she demanded but the boys hesitated. "I said drop 'em!" she shouted, to which the boys threw their wands onto the floor, not wanting anything to happen to their best friend.

"Pick them up Draco, now!" she ordered me and I did as I was told, not wanting to experience her wrath.

"Well, well, well. Look what we have here", she said as she walked forwards with Hermione. "It's Harry Potter! He's all bright and shiny and new again, just in time for the Dark Lord."

"Call him", she said, turning towards me. "Call him!" she repeated louder when she saw I didn't roll up my sleeve.

When I didn't move again, my father stepped forward and rolled up his sleeve as he prepared to call the Dark Lord.

He paused, however, when there was a squeaking noise from above, causing us all to look up. Dobby, our house elf from a few years ago, was unscrewing the chandelier. After a few seconds, it suddenly came crashing down to floor, almost hitting me, but I narrowly missed it as I scrambled towards a chair.

Harry then rushed over to me and tried to grab the wands from, which I let him do, but not too obviously in case anyone was watching.

I then ran out of the room as fast as I could, not looking back once, to go and check Indie and Lilah were alright.


Author's Note:

Let me know what you thought of this chapter! xx

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