《Baby Daddy》16. Reunion


"Delilah?" the familiar voice spoke from behind us.

Oh no.

Draco and I quickly jumped apart as we turned around to the person who just interrupted us. My sister.

"What are you doing here D?" she asked as she looked at me confused.

"Um- just, you know, s-shopping for some clothes", I stuttered.

"With him? And why the fuck is he holding Indie?!" she pointed at Draco and pulled a disgusted and disappointed face.

"Yes I'm shopping with him, have you got a problem with that?" I snapped back, gaining a bit of confidence.

"Do you have any idea of the crime he has just committed?! I mean he fucking killed Dumbledore for crying out loud!" she whisper-shouted, so no one around us could hear what we were talking about. I felt Draco flinch beside me at her harsh words.

"You know absolutely nothing! And besides, he has the right to spend time with his daughter!" I spat.

"Daughter?" she questioned. "I thought you said Grayson was Indie's father?" Shit, I forgot I didn't tell her that Draco was actually the father.

"Oh, I- um..." I was at a loss for words, I didn't know what to say.

"Is he the father?" she spat, "Tell me right now Delilah, is he the fucking father?"

I couldn't form any words so I just nodded and stared down at me feet.

"You're joking right? You have to be joking, please tell me you are!" she asked, not believing what she was being told.

"I-I'm not joking Anna. I was just to s-scared to tell you the truth so I-I told you it was Grayson. I thought you'd be really mad."

"No shit! He's a fucking bully and a murderer Lilah and what do you do? You go and get yourself fucking knocked up by him and don't even bother to tell me!" she shouted, causing a few people to look our way.

"You don't know what you're talking about!" I snapped, finally having enough of her hurtful words. "You don't even know him Anna so do us all a favour and mind your own fucking business!" I grabbed Draco's hand and my clothes and pulled him to the front of the store to pay for our clothes, leaving Anna gobsmacked.

After we'd finished paying, I went to the toilets to get changed out of the dress, as I was still wearing it, and into some more suitable clothes.

"Where are you going?" Draco asked as I let go of his hand.


"To change into some more comfortable and less revealing clothes", I said, which made him frown. "Unless you want people to be staring at my cleavage and ass for the rest of the day?"

This made his eyes widened and he looked around to see who was looking at me, jealously swimming in his eyes. He looked at me and started to push me towards the toilet door with his free hand, saying, "Well hurry up then, we don't have all day!" I could tell he was worried by what I said and that he wanted to be the only one to see me in that dress, so I went in and got changed.

After I had gotten changed, I emerged from the toilets in my new clothes. "Much better", Draco smiled, then grabbed my hand and started walking us away.

"Where do you want to go?" he asked when he realised he had no idea where he was going.

"Fancy having some lunch?" I said when I saw the time.

"Yeah, sure. I'm pretty hungry. Where do you have in mind?"

"I know just the place", I replied.

I led him to a small little cafe in the corner of the shopping centre, whilst we walked in comfortable silence. He was looking around, admiring the area, but trying his best to avoid having physical contact with any muggles.

"Here we are!" I announced, opening the door and pulling him in.

"What is this place?" he asked as his eyes scanned the small coffee shop I had taken him to.

"It's a little cafe I used to come to when I was younger, every time we were in the area", I smiled at all the memories that were going through my head just from being in here.

"Nice", he said as we took a seat at an empty table, placing Indie in the little high chair, "So what kind of stuff do they have?"

"They have some salads and sandwiches to eat, and then to drink they have all sorts of things like teas, lattes, hot chocolate and cappuccinos."

"Cup of chinos? What's in that?" he asked, as I assume he'd never heard of it before.

"It's a type coffee", I giggled, "and it's called a cappuccino". Once he realised his mistake, he too joined in my laughing.

"I should take you to muggle places more often", I told him. "I love seeing your face scrunch up in disgust at all the 'mudbloods' and you pronouncing things wrong. It's very entertaining", I said, still laughing a bit.


"I'm okay staying in the Wizarding World thank you very much", he smiled, declining my offer much to my dismay.

"Fine", I huffed, even though I knew that if I asked him to come somewhere with me, he probably would as he wants to keep me safe. "So, what would you like?"

"I'll have whatever you're having, since you seem to be the professional at all this muggle stuff", he said before attempting to call a waiter over, waving his hand to get their attention.

"No, Draco", I said, pulling his hand down, "we have to go up and order it ourselves, they don't come and serve you".

"Well that's terrible service. What until my father hea-" he stopped, realising he wouldn't be able to tell his father about this as he would have to explain who Indie and I were, and he'd have to admit that he went shopping in a muggle shopping centre.

"Okay," I said breaking the silence, "I'll go and get our food for us. I'll be back in a minute". Draco nodded and turned his attention towards Indie as I walked over to order our meals.

Not too long later, I came back with our meals in hand and set them down on the table.

"So, what do we have?" Draco asked as he inspected the food and drink I had just placed in front of him.

"The drink is a hot chocolate and the sandwich is a ham and cheese toastie. I know it's basic, but it's what I get every time I come here."

"No, it looks nice", he said before taking a bite. I waited to see his reaction before I began eating mine, and was relieved when he nodded his head in approval.

"Are you okay?" Draco asked after there was a few seconds of silence as we started eating. "You know, with your sister and everything", he added on when he saw I didn't know what he was talking about.

"I mean yeah, I'm fine I guess", I began. "She does this sort of thing all the time and gets it into her head that she's always right and knows what's best for me. We've always been incredibly close, and I think she's just being protective of me. She'll come around eventually though, I know she will, she just needs some time to let it sink in and get used to it."

"I must be nice having people that care about you that much, I only really have my mom", he confessed.

"Don't say that Drac," I grabbed his free hand that was resting on top of the table and intertwined our fingers. "What about you're friends? I'm sure they care about you."

"No, they definitely don't. I wouldn't even call them my friends. They're just people I hang out with from time to time so I don't look like a loner. I'm sure they probably didn't even notice when I was missing for most of last year", he admitted. I could feel tears started to form in my eyes, I couldn't imagine not having anyone to lean on when I'm sad or going through something.

"I'm so sorry, but you've got me and Indie right? And you're mom", I reassured him. He smiled at my words.

"Thank you", he said, as we went back to eating our lunch.

We talked for the rest of lunch about all the memories I had in this exact cafe and shopping centre, and he told me a bit more about his favourite memories from his childhood as well. I was really enjoying getting to know Draco.

He's a pain in the ass to begin with, but once you get to know him and start to break through all the walls he's built up, he's actually a really nice, kind person.

When we'd finished eating, I grabbed my bags of clothes and Draco took hold of Indie in one hand, and my hand in the other and we walked out the cafe like a little happy family.

"It's probably time to get going", Draco said, with a slight frown on his face, "before father notices I've gone".

"Yeah, I guess your right", I said, also frowning slightly. I've had such an amazing day and I feel, as a family, we've all bonded very well. And, dare I say, I think Draco had a fun time too, especially considering we were constantly in the presence of muggles.

"Thank you", he said out of no where.

"What for?" I asked, wondering why he was thanking me.

"For today. I actually had a nice time. I love spending time with you and Indie, without having to worry about what's going on in the world around around us."

"Me too", I said, smiling at his confession. He brought his hand up to my cheek and stroked it, before pulling me towards him and kissing me delicately.


Author's Note:

What did y'all think of this chapter? Do you have any predictions or suggestions of what's to come? xx

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