《Baby Daddy》Background Info


This book begins towards the end of their fifth year, as they are about to complete their OWLs. I do not own the majority of the characters in this story - all credit to J.K Rowling. I will not completely be following the story 100% and I might be adding in a few things but I will try my best to keep as many of the major events in as possible. Also, in this book Cho Chang and Luna Lovegood are in the same year.

Character Information:

First Name - Delilah

Middle Name - Jane

Surname - Davis

Nickname - Lilah

Hair Colour - Silvery Blonde

Eye Colour - Deep Blue

Blood Status - Pureblood

House - Ravenclaw

Birthday - 20th August

Parents - Mary Davis and Jenna Davis (father unknown)

Siblings - Annalise/Anna Davis

The Davis' are one of the most well known Pureblood families in the Wizarding World. Delilah's mom, Mary, is the daughter of one of the best Wizards there ever was, and that is where they get their massive fortune from. Before Delilah was born, her biological mother married the love of her life Jenna, who at the time had a three year old daughter named Annalise. A few months after they were married they decided they wanted just one more child so Mary got a sperm donor and, nine months later, Delilah was born. Jenna decided to start her own business when Delilah was 5 and now owns one of the best Quill companies out their. Whereas, Mary was a stay-at-home mom up until Delilah left for Hogwarts, when she then started up her hobby of gardening.

Delilah Davis began Hogwarts aged 11, like most other people, and was sorted into Ravenclaw. She is one of the smartest witches in her year along with Hermione Granger, who she studies with from time to time, however she doesn't really talk to the other two members of the 'Golden Trio'. As soon as she was sorted into Ravenclaw, she immediately became best friends with two other Ravenclaws, Grayson Daniels and Ashley Jenkins (who she shares a dorm with, along with two other girls named Cho Chang and Luna Lovegood, and has grown to become friends with).


This is how I imagine the characters aesthetics to be:

Delilah Davis

Ashley (Ash) Jenkins

Grayson (Gray) Daniels

Mary Davis

Jenna Davis

Annalise (Anna) Davis

(But with hair like in the collage above)

Now on with the book!!

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