《SelfShipping/ My Stories》What Use To Be








'That sound is going to drive me crazy.. more crazy then the hive thinks i am...'

This was his life, laying helplessly while listening the patter of water droplets that leaked from the cracks of his tunnel or prison he could call it. He couldn't remember the last time he properly stretched his legs, when was he fed last? He couldn't climb to freedom in his state, he was weak and malnourished. His broad snout dragged along the graveled earth he rested on, tongue attempting to taste what was around him but his lacerated muscle hardly reached past his teeth. A twitch of his tail helped the disoriented tyto find his water source as it splashed the small pool. He heaved himself onto wobbled legs that was left unbalanced by the lack of support on his backside from his missing appendage. He stumbled on three talons to reach the water, laying himself down by the shallows to push his maw through the water in attempt to scoop it into his belly. Drops slipping passed his scared snout as he near choked while leaning his head back to get as much of the liquid in his throat. His hoarse wheezes being barely a whisper as he coughed any unwanted substance from his lungs. Then the crackle of pebbles falling caught his attention, snapping his head back to find the sound as a squished thump landed in his grounds. He flipped his body over then twisted back to face away from the waters. Nose poking to find the source of the new sound until he hit something warm and oily, dragging his teeth along the surface. He recognized the small prey, scoffing the food down in quick succession as his talons gripped the light meat. For queen knows how long until his next meal arrived, he'd keep this stored in his third stomach to let it last. He had to make his meals last, he couldn't hunt like he use too. Dragging his satisfied body back to the spot he started from. He rested his neck against the gravel and waited.






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