《Flashback {Toruka}》Flashback 14(part 6)


Taka remained hunched against the locked door deep into the night. He cried and cried until his tears dried up. The stillness of the night only triggered his aggitated state. He didn't want to stay alone, not with suicidal thoughts still running around his mind.

With heavy steps, he walked towards his source of light; he walked towards the upper story to his teacher.

Reluctance took over his limbs making it hard for him to press the door bell. However, after an internal battle, he listened to the sound of his heart and pushed the button, his only wish was for the door to open. Taka pressed his eyes shut, regretting his decision after the passage of several deathly silent minutes. His feet automatically started to move in the opposite direction when the door cracked open.

He spun around to face his teacher. He looked like an angel as the light of the hallway reflected his silhouette in the dark. An angel with bedhead, Taka giggled as he unconsciously smiled with relief at Toru. For a moment there, Taka almost forgot the purpose of his boldly late visit.

The marks generated by the brutality of his father were impossibly visible from the loose tanktop he threw on, his eyes were swollen with a fiery red colour yet he still beamed at Toru who wanted to break down and cry himself at the pitiful sight. The blondie silently opened his arms wide, taking Taka to his warm body.

The older man tightened his grip until it was hard for Taka to breathe. He didn't want to let go, he didn't want him to feel any more pain, he wanted to make him the happiest person on earth nevertheless reality was cruel. But one thing he was sure of; he would never leave the student's side.


After another sobbing session, Taka started to doze off right on the couch he was sprawled on. Another while passed by and he gave up fighting his exhausted heavy lids and let them fall to rest.

A warm sensation tingled on Taka's plump lips. Something soft was pressed against them. He was trying to open his eyes but was too exhausted to. By the time his eyes finally obeyed his orders and looked around, he was alone, covered with a warm blanket.

"Taka?" Toru asked the next morning, "when is your birthday?"

"April 17, why?"


Taka pouted at Toru's sudden mysterious behaviour before he started daydreaming about spending his birthday with Yamashita-sensei. Would that be possible?

Time ran as fast as a leopard. A couple of months dissolved into the running clock of time while both Taka and Toru did their best in their respective duties. During that time, little Taka spent most of his time at Toru's. The warmth Toru provided him eased the fear of his father's violence, of the house embracing his nightmares.

Before the two even realized it, the seventeenth of April arrived, sweeping a whole wave of hope on Taka. His 18th birthday was special; Toru had invited him to watch a movie and have lunch together.

Taka was squealing like a youthful fangirl while they strolled between the shopping stores in the spacious malls. He felt so happy giving his opinion in the clothes Toru was interested in. "Are these good?" Toru pointed at an attire he picked out "YES! They would suit you so well sensei!" Toru internally chuckled as he requested the smallest size of the garments during Taka's absence.

Then to the bakery shop they headed. A birthday cake big enough for two was ordered, the cream was white and shiny, strawberries lay prettily on top surrounding a squared piece of chocolate where Taka's name was perfectly designed. "Happy birthday Taka" Toru said, the sincerest smile adorning his lips. The blondie slid the newly bought shopping back across the table towards Taka "this is your gift" he announced, as Taka peered at it curiously. The student's eyes widened in shock as he viewed the pair of jeans and T-shirt he loved an hour ago."Weren't you picking them for yourself?" He asked Toru in disbelief "Nope, they were for you all along" "thank you!" Taka thanked the older man holding the garments dearly; they were a gift from Toru, he will forever treasure them.


As the sun went down, Taka and Toru eventually hopped back into the car to get back home. Nonetheless, Taka noticed a difference in the road they were heading to.


"Hold on I want to show you something before we kiss the day goodbye" Toru explained, pretending not to notice the blush at Taka's cheeks at the word "kiss".

Toru's car parked in front of an impressive villa. It was located in the outskirts of the city. Its marble walls shined while the trees sang to the grass beneath in the yard. The window frames were embedded with different beautiful ornaments while the door stood high and mighty holding the name "Yamashita Toru" in shining gold.

"Is this your place sensei?" Taka asked cautiously, rubbing his arms. Will Toru leave him all alone? "No, your name will be added there soon enough" "excuse me?" The teenager asked, far more puzzled than he appeared to be. "This will be our house Taka" Toru didn't explain further before grabbing Taka's hands in both of his. "Will you go out with me Takahiro?"

The words hit Taka like a truck, he felt so numb to think. His mind was raging with thoughts while his legs trembled. Taka clasped his tiny palms to his mouth as tears formed in his eyes. He wasn't dreaming right? Toru did ask him out right? It wasn't another one of his several fantasies. Toru stood there, waiting for his answer. It was all real.

A smile broke into his face, a really wide grin that his eyes appeared to smile. Taka threw himself into Toru's arms "yes!" He whispered so jubilantly that Toru could sense his aura overflowing with ecstasy.

The blonde returned Taka's embrace as he tilted his head to the sky, the moon was beautiful, just like the future he planned for the petite figure in his arms, his lover.

This is the end of flashback 14, I hope you liked it🥺 and if you have any ideas for upcoming flashbacks don't hesitate to tell me😊

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