《love drought | kth.》thirty four



"Not now, Diane," Taehyung answered from his desk. He was going through a case file for an appendectomy surgery. "I'm busy."

"Yes now," Diane still made her way more into the office, "why would you tell Graycen that you love me? Do you think that we're both some game?"

Taehyung looked up from his file to look more at Diane's red face, she was pissed off. "What are you even doing? You're just going to get the divorce knowing you don't want it? It's none of my business, but keep my damn name out of your relationship drama."

"How do you even know?"

Diane threw her hands up in irritation, "Why does that matter? It really doesn't matter, does it? I just want you to think before you do stuff. You taught me that so it'd be hypocritical for you to not apply that to your own life, don't you think?"

Taehyung stood up from his desk, "You need to leave."

"Don't be stupid and allow this to happen because you're afraid," Diane calmed down a bit moving over to him, "it's okay to be afraid. That's why you trust her and just trust that her love for you is strong enough to overshadow that. There are risks in anything, but what's the point if you don't try?"

Taehyung nodded, listening to what she was saying, "I love Graycen. I love her."

"I know you do."

"I just- I am a coward for doing this."

Diane nodded her head, "Yeah, but don't tell me that you need to go and tell her that."



Taehyung busted open the door of his apartment, "Graycen!" He didn't even take his shoes off. The apartment was silent and he felt his heart was going too fast at the moment. "Graycen?! Graycen?!" There was nobody home and he expected Elise to not be there because his parents offered to have her for the night. However, Graycen was supposed to be home.

"Please, pick up your phone." He spoke to his phone as he went to dial her number.

Hello, it's Graycen, I can't get to the-

"No." Taehyung raced out of the apartment and to his car, dialing the number again. "Pick up the phone, please." The number went straight to voicemail as he started up his car. He was in panic mode and went to drive to Taylor's house like a madman. He threw down his phone in the backseat, realizing that the phone was freaking him out more.

Taehyung didn't park in the driveway since there were already two cars. One he recognized as Jungkook's which made him questionably think about it for a second but stopped caring. His mindset was on Graycen at the moment.

"Taehyung?" Taylor raised her eyebrow in confusion when she opened the door to see him. "Why are you here?"

"Graycen," he said in a state of desperation, "where's Graycen?" Taylor screwed up her face as if she wanted to curse him out. It was obvious that she was tired because she was wrapped up in a blanket with her pajamas on.

"Graycen isn't here," Taylor answered with her arms crossed. Taehyung knew Taylor long enough to tell if she was lying or not and it was obvious to him that she wasn't lying. "Why are you even here if she was? You guys get divorced tomorrow and it's about to be eleven at night. Get some rest."

"Do you know where she is?"


Taylor gripped the handle of her front door, No, I don't. And if I did, I wouldn't tell you. Please, go home or just get away I had a long day."

"I just want to make things right." Taehyung sighed but Taylor only gave him a sympathetic smile before shutting the door.

Taehyung went back to his apartment to see if she came back and she didn't. The next stops were his parent's house and her parent's house and they both told him the same thing that she wasn't there. Once he got home after those two trips, he ended up freshening up before sitting in the living room. He left the light on and waited for her to come back. Her car wasn't even parked by the apartment.



When Taehyung woke up the next morning in his bed, he just wanted to lay there. His phone vibrating just as he was about to get more comfortable stopped his moment over. He huffed in aggravation before lazily shifting to his nightstand to get his phone.

Taehyung's eyes widened, rereading the text over and over again. He quickly freshened up and didn't even bother eating breakfast, he went straight out of his apartment after picking up his car keys.

Taehyung swerved his car and honked all the way to the courthouse. A forty-five minute drive ended up being a twenty-five minute and he was lucky that there were barely any police around. It was quite obvious that Graycen had all the divorce papers since they were no sign of them in his place. He needed to get there before she handed the papers to the lawyer. Taehyung parked right in front of the courthouse and couldn't care less if it got towed.


Taehyung turned around to see who called him which was Taylor. "She went inside the courthouse already." Taylor gestured to the stairs leading up to the double doors of the court. "You gotta hurry up."

"Thank you, Taylor!"

Taehyung was panting as he searched the lobby surrounded with people in suits and appropriate dresses. He felt out of place considering the fact that he was wearing an oversized black shirt with matching sweatpants. "Graycen!" He knew it had to be embarrassing for him to be calling out Graycen's name in the lobby, but he couldn't find her in the sea of people. "Graycen?!" His panic levels wouldn't let down, he ran his hand through his brown hair. Not ready to give up, but he was tired.

"Taehyung?" Taehyung's blood ran cold as his head snapped slowly to the sound of his name. Graycen looked at him with a concerned and tired expression on her face, she held the folder loosely against her hip. She cleaned up nice though, she was rocking a dark blue blazer with a matching long skirt. Graycen looked at him up and down, probably questioning the choice of an outfit. "Are you okay? You look sick." Taehyung slowly staggered towards her and his mind was clouded with everything he wanted to say to her, but he couldn't at the moment. Slowly but surely, Taehyung started to saunter to her quickly and threw himself on her, cupping her face to kiss her. Graycen yelped and her arms quickly went to grip his arms while Taehyung closed his eyes and memorized each detail of her lips with his. He really did enjoy everything until Graycen shoved him with all the power she had.

The push was so subtle and hard that it sent flashes throughout his entire body. "You're such an asshole, what the fuck were you doing?!" Graycen nearly shouted with her face red. Taehyung was absolutely terrified about her turning in those divorce papers that his legs started to shake.



"No, what the actual fuck?" The tears dropped from her eyes finally and she was nearly screaming. "Why'd you kiss me like that when we're going to get a divorce? Is this a joke to you, huh?!" Everyone was starting to pay attention to them now.

Taehyung tried to reach out his hands towards her, but she only shoved them away. "Do not touch me, Taehyung." The anger and distraught started to sink in for her.

"Graycen, listen to me," Taehyung begged as he gripped her forearms. "Please listen to me."

"No, no way, nope." Graycen chanted, struggling against him and Taehyung's gripped tightened just a little bit as he really started to panic.

"No, I was wrong and I swear that-"

"Taehyung, stop it."

"I am not in love with Diane and I never loved her and I never will love her," Taehyung told her through the tightness of his own throat, "I was just afraid and-"

"You need to let go of me."

"I don't want to lose you or what we have together," Taehyung kept speaking, "I'm sorry for confusing you and making you think that I don't value your feelings."


"I just-"

"Just stop it!" Graycen sobbed, trying to push Taehyung on his chest. "Just stop it, Taehyung, please." Taehyung frowned at the sight of Graycen breaking down in his arms. Graycen brought up her hand to cry onto the envelope. Taehyung decided to give her a bit of space and watched in guilt.


"You told me you wanted the divorce," Graycen cried into her palms, "you're the one who wanted this and then you told me you didn't love me and you loved somebody else."

"I know."

Graycen wiped her face then looked up at him, "Why are you doing this? You just can't keep changing your mind, do you know how tiring that is for me? How fucking dare you?"

"Graycen, I know-"


"I know, Graycen. I fucking know." Taehyung felt his eyes getting teary too because he has loved her for almost most of his life. He really couldn't imagine a life without her being his lover. "I love you, Gray. I love you, I love you, I love you. I'll say it as many times as you want me to because fuck I love you and I can't just lose you."

Graycen sighed, still crying. "You're such an asshole."

"I love you."

"Like seriously?"

"I love you."

"Taehyung," Graycen dropped the folder on the floor, "I don't want the divorce either." Taehyung closed his eyes at that to avoid tears from falling, but they did anyway. "I was thinking over the course of the days and it's possible to forgive and not forget. I don't mind you doing that and I don't want to ever hurt you again. I won't ever hurt you again."

Graycen wrapped her arm around Taehyung's torso and buried her face on his chest, still crying. "I'll do whatever it takes to make sure we're on the same page with everything." Taehyung pulled her in even closer to him. "You're definitely paying the court fee and fine though."

"I don't mind," Taehyung pulled back enough to cup Graycen's face. Graycen's wet and red eyes made unwavering eye contact with his. "I love you." Graycen bit down on her lip before grinning ear to ear as she leaned up to put their lips together. Taehyung leaned onto her, making sure to take his time to kiss her because she wasn't going anywhere. They both knew they had hard work to do to strengthen their relationship, but they were ready.

Graycen sure could hear the wedding bells chiming in her head.

It felt like the honeymoon phase for the next coming months. Graycen felt very loved and cared about when she was with Taehyung. One of her best moments after the dramatic ass courtroom yelling match was her and Taehyung sitting at the park. Elise was resting in the sling that Taehyung had secured on his chest.

"You know what's one of the moments that made me realize that I'd always love you?"

Graycen took a deep breath, "Oh boy."

"It's nothing bad," Taehyung promised as he looked at Graycen devotedly, "I remember when I first got accepted into med school. I had the key to your first small ass apartment—"

"—stop it was small but cute!"

"You barely had counter space in your kitchen," Taehyung countered before he spoke again, "anyways I came back from the meeting I had that declared my acceptance into the med school. I had on my suit and tie and you were having a bubble bath. You weren't expecting me to come."

"I really wasn't."

"But I remember screaming that I got accepted and you pulled me into the bath tub with you and held onto me so tight." Taehyung recalled with his eyes watery. "I'm sure you heard how fast my heart was beating."

"I did," Grayson laughed as she placed her hand on his knee, "I was scared shitless but I was happy for you."

"I've been hiding something from you," Graycen felt her heart drop but then saw that Taehyung was pointing at his bag that he brought, "check in there." Graycen took her time to get the bag and saw three canvases. When shewas able to take out all three, she gasped.

"Are these portraits of me?!"

"Yeah," Taehyung shyly responded, "you've been having this 60s actress look to you lately so I just had to paint you." Graycen was so shocked at how he got away with it without her finding out. "There's one more thing in the bag."

Graycen's hands were shaking but she ended up digging into the bag and pulling out a small, black velvet box. Once Graycen opened the box there was a ring. Just one look and Graycen can tell it was expensive.

"I know you deserve way more than a ring," Taehyung asserted, "we deserve a big wedding and a honeymoon for now. I hope you can accept this new ring in means of new beginnings and then in the future we can have a big wedding and honeymoon."

"I—I accept," Graycen cried and it wasn't surprising since she was an emotional person. Taehyung was just grateful that there were happy tears, "I know we have a lot of things to work on but I love you a shit ton and I know we're gonna be better and great parents for Elise."

"We can and we will."

They finally ended their love drought. Even if the love they had for each other never faded.

Thank you to everyone who read this rollercoaster of a story and it was one of the most tiring, yet favorite things to write. I have two stories up right now that I've been working on if you're interested in that. Please leave your feedback and any questions. Thanks for making it this far although the story was exhausting and long.

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