《love drought | kth.》thirty three


A week after that whole argument, Taehyung came back to the apartment with divorce papers. He didn't say anything at first and only did when Graycen found them herself three days after he put them on the dining table.

Graycen signed the papers and didn't say anything to Taehyung. "Oh, I forgot to tell you that I had brought home the divorce papers. I'm sorry."

Graycen put the pen down and just shrugged, "You don't have to say sorry, you just forgot." Taehyung hated the way she was acting so bad. It was as if she didn't care and it sucked. It was even like that after the argument, she went to pretending like it didn't happen and keeping her distance. Taehyung couldn't even complain because it wasn't a bad distance. It was a distance as if they were just friends that aren't too close.

"The court date is next month." Taehyung informed, just dying for more conversation. "It's on a Monday."

"I know," Graycen smiled for a short of a second, "I read the paper. I'm going to bathe Elise and see if she gets any better at tummy time."



"Okay, but how about this ice cream?!" Jungkook pointed out while Taylor slapped his hand down. "C'mon Taylor."

Graycen decided to go to the ice cream shop with Taylor and Jungkook for a little break. Elise was with her parents and Taehyung was at work.

"Jungkook, ketchup ice cream is nasty. What is wrong with you?" Taylor frowned. "How about we both get chocolate and we share it?"

"No, that's worst." Jungkook grimaced as he looked over the menu again. "Let's get salted caramel, yeah?"

"Fine. Graycen, what are you getting?"

"Cookies n' cream, thanks for paying for me by the way."

Jungkook grinned as he pulled his wallet out, "Anything to make you feel better, Gray."

Once they all got their ice cream, they sat in the parlor to eat and talk. Graycen tried her best to ignore the fact that Jungkook and Taylor were happily sharing one big bowl of salted caramel ice cream.

"Isn't that the girl that was at the party?" Jungkook asked mid-conversation about houses. "The girl who showed up late and wanted cookies for delivering Elise."

Taylor giggled almost too hard, resting her head on Jungkook's shoulder. "Stop, I thought she was a cool person."

"She's alright," Jungkook said with a bit sass, "not the best person in the book, but she's ight."

Graycen turned around to look at who they were talking about and it was Diane. As soon as she spotted Graycen, she waved her over to her. Graycen really didn't want to and Taylor was going to tell her to sit back down, but Jungkook told her it was fine.

"I'll be back," Graycen told them after taking one last scoop of her ice cream. "Hello Diane, how are you?"

"I'm fine, how are you and Taehyung? How's the little baby as well?"


Graycen wanted to roll her eyes so bad, but instead, she smiled. "I'm good, Elise is good, and Taehyung is good."

"How're you and Taehyung?"

Graycen took a step back, "Didn't I answer that?"

Diane shook her head, "No, you answered about you both individually I-"

"Is this your way of being funny?" Graycen asked with her arms crossed against her chest. "Why does that matter? You both are basically sleeping with each other-"

Diane busted out into a fit of laughter, having to squat down to catch her breath. "What the hell are you even talking about? Taehyung and I never done anything, okay? Never even had a first kiss, so what are you on about?"

"Well, he loves you so." Graycen was going to walk away but Diane pulled her back by her wrist. "Seriously?"

"That's what I should be asking you." Diane clicked her tongue. "You got it all wrong. I love Taehyung, I really do. Taehyung doesn't love me back, but he loves you. So, don't take all your anger out on me like I'm the bad person."

Graycen moved Diane's hand from her wrist, "Well, that's not what he told me, okay?"

"Taehyung is a coward," Diane chuckled but Graycen could tell she was angrier than anything, "you don't have to worry about me and Taehyung ever becoming a thing or whatever. Taehyung and I literally had a conversation about this and it's not my job to help y'all relationship out."

"Nobody asked you to."

Diane craned her neck to the side and nodded, "Yeah, you're right. I'm moving away is what I wanted to say and I guess you won't have to be worried about me."

"I was never worried about you, Diane." Graycen shrugged, rubbing her own shoulder. "I don't want you to leave this town thinking that I think of you as a threat or anything. I'm flattered by what you've done for me and Elise, but don't let that get to you. There was never a competition between us on anything, especially about Taehyung. Let's be clear on that because even if Taehyung doesn't want to admit it, our love will never die."

Diane rolled her eyes and laughed, "Well, let's hope he does admit it before you lose your mind. I already know I don't compare to you and it was my dumb mistake to even try to compete with you when you were paying me no mind. I just want you to stop holding everything in, it's not healthy for you. I can just see how you pretend that everything is okay with you two in that apartment. You need to free yourself from those who don't deserve you."

Graycen spoke in a snarky tone, "You would know, huh?"

"Oh, I would and it's a good thing I don't anymore." Diane moved her red strands of her from out of her face. "I don't want to leave town with you still allowing your past to define you."


"I know you're only leaving town because you don't wanna see his face. It's gotta hurt working with someone you truly love and all he sees you as is a scapegoat." Graycen raised her eyebrows. "I don't want you to leave town worrying about my relationship."

"I'm leaving this town because I got a new offer," Diane responded matter of factly, "what about you? Are you even working? I mean..."

Graycen snorted and went to look her up and down, "You're not fooling me or yourself. You're leaving one of the best hospitals in the world for something less than what you're capable of because your boss doesn't love you. You're putting yourself down for a man. You're talking to an entrepreneur, I'm a whole boss and you're working under others. Let's not forget that. So, I hope you leave this town knowing that you're the coward here."

"I fix people's problems. My job isn't something easy."

Diane and Graycen eyed each other down. Graycen smiled almost mischievously, "So you fix other people's hearts, I'm guessing? I mean you are a surgeon, I hope you fix yours soon."

"Ironic like seriously ironic coming from you, Graycen. You put on a front like everything's okay, but you've been through more than most of us. Let me chill out though. I'm not going to say anything that's going to end with both of us getting a battery charge, but good luck to you, Graycen," Diane smirked then winked. "I hope I don't see you in divorces court, bawling about how he won't admit his feelings."

"And I hope I don't see you on Love Island since you can't seem to find anyone who has feelings for you! Moving away because someone doesn't love you must be tough." Graycen walked away first, kinda feeling empty.

Taylor looked at her sister with wide eyes, "I cannot believe I witnessed a literal burn match."

Jungkook just shook his head, "No words."



Graycen felt like a hypocrite for what she said to Diane. She felt like the biggest hypocrite because she called Diane a coward for moving away because someone doesn't love you back, and yet she was planning on doing the same thing.

"Hey, you're still up?"

Graycen was in the living room, on her phone when Taehyung came to speak to her.

"Yeah." Graycen didn't know much to say. "I'm not really tired." It was close to midnight and sleeping was the last thing on her mind.

"Oh okay, well goodnight-"

"I actually want to talk to you, Taehyung." Taehyung went from walking towards his room to sitting next to her on the couch. Graycen moved over more to make sure they weren't too close to each other. She didn't want to sit too close to him or feel intimate at all.

"I just wanna first off that I'm grateful and very thankful that you have been here for me and Elise," Graycen smiled and made sure to look Taehyung in his face, "I'm very happy mentally and being here has helped a lot. However, I am not happy right now at this very moment. It took a while for me to actually value a lot of things and it sucks that it took me going to a psychologist to see that.

You know I do wanna be more than the mother with postpartum depression, but I can't do that when I'm confused or in a space where it's not necessarily comfortable. When I'm confused I tend to act irrationally so the other night when I snapped it was because I was confused. I was confused about how you treat me so good then say you don't love me. I can't allow you to confuse me anymore.

I feel like we did connect in some type of way, but I can't tell if we connected because you're kind or because I'm not all the way there mentally. We never talked about any of the times that we kissed and it was just like? I was confused about how it pained me more than it felt good. It pained me because it was if there was a connection, but you hated it. People just don't randomly kiss at times, ya know? I was just very lost about that."

Taehyung sighed, "I get what you're saying, Graycen. It's just now I feel like you're the person that I fell in love with, but it's hard at the same time. It's hard because I'm reminded of how much you changed and the things you've said and done. When I'm reminded of what happened it's like a 'wait, this can't be the person I fell in love with because the person I fell in love with would never do or say that.' It's confusing and difficult to me and I just don't want to tap into those feelings, I guess. I just know that the woman you are even if you changed or not is who I l-" Taehyung stopped mid-sentence to just sigh.

Graycen waited for him to continue but he didn't so she just spoke again with no hostility, "I can't live here anymore, Taehyung." Graycen had to turn her head away because of the look on Taehyung's face. It was pure dread and Graycen didn't know how to read into it. "I'm not blaming you for not loving me back. I just don't know because one second you forgive me and then the next you don't. I can't blame you for that it's just confusing because if you don't forgive me then why do you treat me the way you do? It's as if you do it out of pity and I don't like that.

I'm a grown woman I can handle straightforward pain more than you getting my hopes up and crushing it pain. You're not obligated to pretend that you love me or disregard your pain because of my mental state. So, I can't live here. It's not only affecting me, but it's affecting you."

Graycen didn't cry that night.

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