《love drought | kth.》thirty one


It was in the middle of Lisa's dancing to Bad Boy by Red Velvet when we heard the doorbell. The music had stopped and we all shared a look of confusion. We didn't move again until the doorbell rung again.

"I'll get the door."

Taehyung moved to the door and opened it slowly, I didn't get a good view at first because of how far I was sitting. It wasn't until I heard her say, "I'm sorry I'm late," that I knew.

"Everyone this is Diane," Taehyung closed the door as he helped her inside, "Diane this is a mixture of Graycen and I's family."

Taehyung's mother frowned, "Diane? Pardon if I ask, but who are you exactly?"

Diane proudly grinned, "I'm a surgeon at the hospital Taehyung and I work at. Calvary Hospital is the name and I had the pleasure of delivering Graycen's baby. I kinda saved their lives."

It was a bit of awkward silence. I didn't like the way she was acting. It was a little too much pride, but maybe I was just being a hater.

"Well, okay!" Taylor chimed in to fill in the silence. "Thanks for coming. Although the party is going to end in like ten minutes."

Diane shrugged her shoulders as she raised the gift bag in her hand, "Better than never. I got the parents a present." Taehyung took the bag and something else to her which made her sit down. The party continued but I could tell that Diane wasn't really enjoying herself. Hell, I don't think anyone other than Taehyung was content with her there.

We all knew it was time to wrap the party up when Elise woke up from her nap. I think she was really used to her crib so she didn't feel too comfortable to sleep anywhere else. Jisoo and her friends left first, my friends, family, and Taylor left, and then Taehyung's friends (including Diane.)

"Here," Taehyung's mother handed me a big container that was put in a bag, "this is seaweed soup. It helped a lot with when I was breastfeeding Jisoo and Taehyung."

I took the bag from her in a grateful manner, "Oh wow. Thank you so much, Mrs. Kim. I had so much fun, thank you for everything."

"It was a pleasure having you and your friends and family," she pulled me in for a warm hug, "it was great and about the prize from the game, Taehyung has it. Don't forget that you have a home here at any time."

"I won't, Mrs. Kim. Thank you."

Taehyung's dad helped put Elise in the car while Taehyung had put the gifts we received in the car. I just couldn't wait to get home to take a shower and go to sleep.



"She's still not going to sleep?"

After we got home, Taehyung decided to bathe Elise while I took my shower and brushed my teeth. It was about to be midnight and still, Elise wasn't trying to go to sleep.

"Nope," Taehyung held her close to his chest on the sofa in the nursery room, "not that I don't mind or anything. It's nice being able to hold her like this." It was nice seeing them close like this and how comfortable Taehyung was.

"Where's your camera?"

Once Taehyung told me it was in his room on the dresser, I decided to take it. I needed a picture of this moment so I can look at it from years ahead and smile. Taehyung didn't pay me any mind, he was busy cradling Elise and cooing at her. After I took the pictures, I went to join Taehyung on the couch. It was a bit quiet for a bit. I rubbed circles on Elise's back which helped because she fell asleep.


"She finally went to sleep," Taehyung spoke softly so he wouldn't wake her up, "I thought she was gonna be up all night."

"Well, a good thing she wasn't," I answered as I took her from his arms gently, "I'm going to put her in the crib."

Taehyung nodded, getting up as I did. "I'm going to bring the gifts that are in the car. We should put them away tonight, right?"


The first gift we went over was the biggest one. Taylor was nice enough to get us a new car seat saying that the one that she brought was very stable. I'm glad that we had gotten a backup car seat.

"I think we should keep it in my trunk since we won't use it right away," Taehyung suggested which I was fine with, "then we have this elephant that Jisoo got her with a nice little card. That can stay in here."

I pressed one of the buttons that were for little songs then quickly tossed it out the room. "Why'd you throw it?" Taehyung laughed a bit. "That wasn't nice."

"Elise is sleeping and if she woke up I would literally rip my hair off my head." I went to pick up the plush elephant and placed it on the changing table. Next was the basket that my friends all put together which we didn't open. I decided I was going to put it in my the guest room.

"Okay, last gift, my sister and her friends got this." Taehyung pulled out a baby care kit and a set of plush toys from a gift bag.

I was really moved by the gifts. "Oh, this is so cute!" It felt like a dream baby shower seeing everything really. "What was our gift for winning the coconut shit?"

Taehyung reluctantly answered, "It was a reservation to some fancy-ass restaurant. Our family friend owns the place so basically, they're being nice enough to pay for our dinner."

"Dinner?" I didn't know how to feel with me and Taehyung alone at dinner. It would feel too much like a date. "When?"

"The offer is off by next week," Taehyung said, "my parents volunteered to take Elise that night. I'm down I haven't been out for a dinner in a while."

"So dinner it is."

Taehyung nodded slowly, "Great."



"No, but seriously thank you both so much," I expressed my gratitude for Taehyung's parents as we were dropping off Elise, "at first I was a bit wary about this, but I'm grateful for this."

Taehyung's dad grinned as he was holding Elise close to his chest, "I know how stressful it must be for you both. Even if you guys didn't win the game I'd still find a way for you guys to unwind."

"Thank you again," Taehyung spoke as he was backing away from the door, "we'll be back for her in no time."

"Oh no!" Taehyung's mother laughed. "Take your time I wouldn't mind having a whole night with my granddaughter."

"We'll see. Goodnight." Taehyung said as he was heading to his car. "Call us if you need anything!"

After Taehyung unlocked and even opened the door for me, I got in. It was a bit uneasy for us to actually spend time together. It felt a lot like a date and it kinda worried me a lot. We listened to some local radio station and tried to squeeze in a casual talk which was quite forgettable. I don't know how we could possibly have a normal dinner together.


We arrived at the parking lot of the dinner sooner than I thought we'd be. Taehyung kept being a gentleman opening and closing the door for me while I was getting out of the car and entering the restaurant. Immediately when we stepped inside, a middle-aged man came to greet us.

Taehyung's parents must've been on really good terms with the owners of the restaurant because we were sat down quickly and tended to.

"Is there anything you'd like to drink we have the finest wine here?"

I pouted a bit. I really did need a glass of wine and I was glad that I was able to. Apparently, drinking is fine as long as it's two hours before breastfeeding and if it's a moderate amount. I made sure to take the cheapest red wine which was $15 while Taehyung insisted on steering clear from alcohol. Instead of wine, he got some type of mineral water.

The waitress came back with our drinks fairly quick. "Okay so you both are Graycen and Taehyung Kim, right?"

Before I could even correct her, Taehyung smiled, "Yes we are, thank you for your service tonight."

The blonde woman grinned as she sat down our drinks, "You are both very welcome. Are you guys ready for your first course? Tonight there will be four courses."

I was shocked about us having a full-blown dinner that we didn't have to pay for. This was very much my first time having dinner where there was more than one course, "Uh sure." Eventually, the tension that Taehyung and I had in the car dissolved into a comfortable environment. We spoke about pretty much light topics like the party, Jungkook and Taylor's obvious crushes on each other, and our families. For our first course, we had salmon sashimi with pickled onion and baby cucumber flowers in Amahari-Argan oil. I felt so bougie eating this fancy food and it only intensified when we had got our main course. We both had a roasted rack of Lamb with truffled orecchiette "Merguez Bolognese" and Harissa-Lemon Confit Emulsion. The fact that I didn't know what any of that was until I tried it was mind-boggling.

We decided to pack our dessert and third course which smelled so good even sealed shut. Taehyung left a fifty dollar bill as a tip and I decided to put out a twenty to add in I didn't really carry more than forty dollars that night for some reason.

"Oh look," Taehyung pointed at some theater, "we should catch a show only if you're not tired?"

I was a bit tired, but I was desperate for more time together.

"We should and look haven't you want to watch Hamilton since forever?" Taehyung didn't answer before he held onto my hand basically waltzed both of us over to the theater. Luckily there wasn't a big line because although I was desperate for more time with Taehyung, I was not down to stand in a long line.

"Hello, may I get two tickets for Hamilton?"

The ticket-holder responded to Taehyung's request, "Two tickets are fifty-five dollars each." I was so close to turning around and Taehyung must've sensed that cause he squeezed my hand. "I advise you to make it quick though because the show starts in two minutes." I didn't have time to suggest another activity or anything because Taehyung moved quickly to pay the man. After we got our tickets and instructions on how to get to the correct room, we both were basically running to the room.

"Taehyung wait, stop!" I pulled his arm hard when I realized we were left instead of right. "We're supposed to go right."

"Oh shit, you're right!"

As if things couldn't get any better as soon as we found the right room we were stopped to get bag checked. Which was so dumb because what if a shooter came into the theater already? Why wouldn't they check everyone at the doors before anybody entered? "Ma'am, you cannot have any food with you."

"Sir, she's not going to eat. Please let us in, I promise we won't eat inside."

The guard stared Taehyung and I up and down before nicely allowing us in. We missed like nearly a minute of the musical which I didn't mind. However, Taehyung did mind and it was funny hearing him complain about it. We got last-minute seats so we were basically at the end, but thank God we both had good eyesight. Elise will have that to her advantage hopefully when she gets older she inherits our strong eyesight. Not even halfway through the show and Taehyung and I broke our promise.

We were playing a dangerous game and we knew it because we were literally sneaking the tiramisu cake that was in our bags from the restaurant. All was going well until some idiot from the front of us screamed out a lyric in the wrong key and the cake fell over my dress. Literally went inside my bra and down my cleavage. "You gotta be kidding me, wow. I'm going to the bathroom-"

"No," Taehyung objected as he discreetly put the cake back and stood up, "I'll go and get napkins. It's going to look suspicious obviously if you go."

"Okay fine."

It was hard for me to try and cover up my chest until Taehyung came back with the napkins. but I managed myself well. As I rubbed as much as the cake I can, Taehyung slipped off his long coat. "You're going to need this because your dress looks badly stained."

"It's not that bad, is it?

Taehyung only answered with a raised eyebrow, "Okay so it does look bad. I'll take it."

The rest of the musical we paid attention, laughed, and I even cried at the ending of it. I was always emotional over something so Taehyung and I really wasn't surprised at that. The walk to the car was full of us recounting our little night out.

"Everything was great until my dress got ruined." I sighed as I looked down at my dress. "Like this is pretty bad if you think about it."

Taehyung took one good look at my dress then exploded into a fit of laughter, "Yeah Gray, that is pretty bad." My heart kinda did some squeeze at the nickname he called me. "Also, isn't that the dress you wore when we went to Cabo?"

I was actually stunned that he remembered that. "You remember this dress?"

Taehyung chuckled, "Yeah? Why wouldn't I?"

I didn't answer instead I looked at the people walking around the lit-up streets, "Why wouldn't I remember that?"

"You're going to bother me until I answer you?" I rolled my eyes at him which I didn't do with anger it was more of a playful thing.

"Maybe not, but I had a great time. It's been a while since I've had a good time."

I nodded in agreement as he unlocked his car and even almost went out his way to open the car door for me, "You know you don't have to do that for me, right?" I had my hand holding on to his bicep. "In other words, yes it was a great time. Except for when you dropped the cake on me."

Taehyung gasped overdramatically which had me dying of laughter. This was the times I missed when he allowed his goofy personality to take over. "Me? It wasn't me you flinched at the guy in front of us singing and it dropped."

"Yeah because you were laughing so loud as well. Damn, I was scared."

Taehyung chuckled as he opened the door for me, "Not going to lie, I want to go pick up Elise right now. Should we?" I was glad he asked that because I missed my baby girl so much, the way she changed my life has been almost indescribable.

"Yeah, let's go."



"This house is going to be overwhelmed with baby stuff, damn."

When we came back from our outing and went to pick up Elise, we decided to put together some things. Elise was awake in her baby bumper, playing with a small plush toy. We were finally putting a little bit of the gifts we were gifted into the nursery room. Well, I was and Taehyung was just literally making a little closet. We were working nonstop and it actually felt good to me.

Staying home with Elise was a blessing because I did love her and witnessing her slowly adjust to everything was blissful to see. However, I did feel a bit unproductive because I wasn't working. It made me feel indifferent seeing Taehyung work and provide while I was just in the apartment taking care of Elise. I mean I still help with bills, but I still felt like I was falling short. I paused to breastfeed Elise and to just sit. Once Taehyung finished putting the "closet" together he joined us.

"You know I still haven't tried skin to skin with Elise? I think I've been too busy."

I smiled at the hint that he wanted to do skin to skin contact, "Your shirt has to be off for it to be effective."

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