《love drought | kth.》thirty


"The party starts in an hour and I still didn't get to bake the cake!" Taehyung's mother stressed to Taehyung and his father. "What am I gonna do?" Since it was only those three at his parent's house, they spoke in Korean.

Taehyung didn't see the big issue about the cakes. He and his parents spent the day before and the day of the party to prepare. "Eomma, we have many dishes. Also, everyone that's coming is bringing something. I think we'll be fine truly."

His mother sighed and slowly put down the pot, "Fine, I just want everything to look good."

"Everything looks great," Taehyung's father pecked his wife's cheek then looked at Taehyung with a smile, "I forgot to ask where is Graycen?"

"She's with her sister and friends," Taehyung answered with a smile, "she also has Elise with her."

"Well, let's finish setting this party up."



Taehyung's sister, Jisoo, was the first one to show up. Taehyung opened the door for her only to be surprised by the sight of her three best friends with here. Rosé, Lisa, Jennie, and Jisoo had been best friends since middle school. Taehyung didn't mind seeing any of them mainly because they all had some sort of bag in their hand.

"We got gifts!" Jisoo exclaimed as Taehyung held the door for all four girls to enter the house.

Taehyung questioned, closing the door then joining the girls in the living room. "For me?"

Jennie waved him off with a laugh, "Get out of here! The gifts are for Elise. Wait- Lisa, we forgot the snacks in the car!" Taehyung amusingly watched as Jennie and Lisa nearly ran outside.

"Good evening, Mr. and Mrs. Kim," Rosé greeted as she lifted the bag of snacks in her hand, "where could I put this?"

Mrs. Kim excitedly clapped her hands, "Oh, I have a big bowl waiting to be used. Come, follow me and Jisoo. Us girls need to stay together and let the men do them!"

Taehyung scoffed playfully while his dad was too busy setting the food out. "That's a lot of food, dad. Are you sure we're gonna eat this all?"

"Everyone better eat all of this! Your mom and I bought a lot of lid trays."

Taehyung rubbed his hands together as he chuckled, "I know I was with you guys."

"Good, that means you know everyone needs to take some food home. Can you go to the door to greet our guests."

"Yeah, no problem."




"Are you sure I should leave my hair like this?" I turned to my dad who had his hair picked out in an afro. He always wanted us to both wear our hair in an afro together. He would call us the "BlacKkKlansman" saying that our afros would be powerful enough to take down the Ku Klux Klan.

"Yeah, I like it." My mother said from the passenger seat of my dad's van. "The loves of my lives look so good. If only Taylor would wear her hair out as well."

Taylor chortled as she was busy having her attention on Elise in her car seat, "I AM wearing my hair out. It doesn't matter what I do with my hair."

"Here she goes," I jokingly point out, "she's about to get over defensive."

"I know damn well your ass is not talking!"

"Language!" My dad blurted out. "I'm busy trying to find the address of this party."


"Dad, I literally sent you the address."

Dad clutched his phone tightly as he was frantically tapping the screen of his phone, "I don't know how to work this phone for the life of me."

"Oh baby, pass it to me." My mom sighed adoringly at my dad as she seemed to fix the issue quickly. "I have a feeling we're going to be late as hell."

Taylor shrugged as she made pouty faces to Elise, "Well, we run on CPT."

I furrowed my eyebrows, "CPT?"

"Yeah, colored people time!" My dad exclaimed which had everyone laughing.

My mom half-heartedly flicked his forehead, "Yeah, yeah, yeah, drive the damn car!"



"They have a pretty house," Taylor commented as she carefully took the car seat out the car, "I wonder if they'll allow me to live there in a couple of years. Like an inheritance."

I rolled my eyes, "You barely talk to them."

"I don't have any reason to."

Dad clearly didn't agree cause he shook his head, "That's your niece's grandparents, you do have a reason. Now let's go, I'll carry the food inside."

"I'll get Elise's diaper bag." My mom said and since it was close to me I handed it to her.

I led the way to the front door for my mom and Taylor, almost missing sight of Taehyung by the door. I noticed that he dyed his hair black which was his natural hair color anyway.

"Taehyung!" My mom pulled him into a hug as Taylor passed the car seat with Elise in it to Jisoo. "How are you these days?"

Taehyung and I looked at each other before looking away sharply. It was as if looking too long would burn. Taehyung answered with a smile, "I've been doing well. Let's get you all inside so we can get this party started."

"Did my friends come yet?" I asked as we all walked in. "They told me a few minutes ago they were on their way."

Taehyung nodded, "Yeah, they're actually sitting in the backyard with almost everyone else."

I said hello to Taehyung's parents before I walked through the sliding door that led to the backyard. I noticed Reece and Jimin in an engaged conversation before I saw everybody else.


It took a few seconds before Reece noticed I was standing there before he ran over to me and lifted me off my feet. I felt so happy to hold him close me again because the last time I saw him in person was two years ago.

"I missed you so much!" I said so quickly as if he was gonna disappear. "You have no idea."

"I do! I missed you more, girl." When he put me down we quickly caught up with each other until my other friends joined along.

Tom, Jacob, Tony, and I were my only friends in high school besides Taylor and Reece. We were so close that we called each other "The Fantastic Four" and I met them all at a science fair. Tom was who I really connected with first.

"It's so good seeing you again," Jacob grinned as he pulled me into a hug, "I'm sorry we didn't get to go to your baby shower, but we all bought gifts."

"Thank you all, I appreciate it."

We stayed outside for a little bit more, getting to know more about Jisoo and her three friends. I already met them before because they came to the wedding when Taehyung and I got married. They were all so sweet, but all I kept noticing was how Rosé and Lisa were so affectionate towards each other. It was almost as if they were dating and it made me happy. I always suspected Rosé had a crush on Lisa.


They weren't the only ones either. I watched carefully as Jimin laughed at almost every single thing Reece said or did. It was almost predictable the number of times I betted that Jimin was gonna throw his head back and lean his body over on Reece.

"I see the look in your eye," I heard from behind me before I got bumped lightly, "you're thinking what I'm thinking, right?"

Jungkook stood right beside me as we stood in front of the sliding door, watching everyone. "That Reece and Jimin need to hook up?"

"I was actually talking about how good the strawberry mochi looks, but yeah that works too."

I chuckled, "You're always thinking about food and it never fails. So, what do you wanna do? Wanna play matchmaker?"

"Playing what?"

I was startled at the sound of Taehyung chiming in on our conversation.

"Your legal wife, but also not wife, wants us to play matchmaker."

I nudged Jungkook's side in embarrassment. Taehyung had an amused look on his face though, "Who are we trying to hook up?"

"Reece and Jimin."

"Reece and Jimin?!" Taehyung echoed, pretty loudly causing Jungkook to pinch his ear. "Ouch!"

"You're trying to blow our cover, genius." Jungkook clicked his tongue. "I'll go over there and work my magic."

Taehyung grimaced and quickly pulled Jungkook's before he got too far, "Don't. Just let them do their thing."

Jungkook fought the urge to protest, I could tell. He was biting his lip and looking everywhere else but Taehyung. "Fine, fine! I'm going to go inside and play with Elise."

"I'm going with you." I quickly volunteered, I didn't wanna stay with Taehyung. The awkwardness would be far too much to handle. "Let's go."

When we got inside, I was blessed to see Taylor and the parents with Elise. It was amazing to see the love she was getting. It was also a beautiful thing that my parents and Taehyung's parents were as close as they were. They kept talking about the dishes they prepared and old couple stories.

Although Taehyung and I were gonna get divorced, nothing really changed with the dynamics within our family. My mom and Taehyung's mom still loved dancing to slow jams while our dads still loved talking about tennis Typical. I couldn't ignore the way Jisoo and Taylor became closer to along with her friends.

All of this made us eating together lighter. I breastfed Elise outside while everyone was inside, I had excuse myself. I was thankful Taylor changed her diaper because I didn't feel like changing any diapers at that moment.

"Did you eat anything at all, love?" Taehyung's mother stopped me at the sliding door from getting any farther. "I haven't seen you picked up a plate since you were here."

I sheepishly answered, "Yes, I had an apple."

"An apple?!" Taehyung's mother frowned. "Oh no! I'll hold Elise and you can go make your plate." She didn't have to tell me twice because after Elise was secured in her arms, I hurried to the catering table. There was a nice blend of soul food and then Korean food.

I kept it simple though only taking a small portion of bibimbap, potato salad, and two pieces of songpyeon. Thankfully, Taylor had cranberry juice already reserved for me on the table. I sat by Namjoon and Taylor, then I say across from Taehyung and my dad.

We all talked, laughed, complimented the food, and Taehyung even had his camera snapping pictures. Somehow Taehyung's mom and I taking a picture with Elise sparked an argument if Elise looked like me or him.

"I'm telling you that Elise takes up after my baby girl!" My dad exclaimed mainly directing his opinion to Reece and Yoongi. "Doesn't Elise look more like Graycen, Jisoo?"

"Mr. Harrier, I'd rather not say." Jisoo lifted her hands up in self-defense. "However, I would love to say that Elise definitely is influenced by me. I'm a high class visual."

Taehyung handed his camera to Jungkook then took Elise from his mother's arms, "Okay, take a picture of Graycen and me with Elise and we'll see."

I leaned over slightly in Taehyung's space as he properly held Elise up with his right arm and her head held up safely with his shoulder. Once the picture came out it was like a high school lunch table. Everyone was riled up and joking, Elise's face read pure astoundment. This was probably the most exciting setting she has been in.

"Okay, it's gift opening time!"

After we straightened up our eating an area, we all sat on the chairs that were set in a circle. Each person had to present the gift they bought and it was an adorable idea. Everyone had something to give us whether it was for us personally or for Elise. Speaking of Elise, she was knocked out in Taehyung's arms during and after the gift opening. There was one gift in particular that resonated with me though. My parents and Taehyung's parents created this custom made photobook for Elise, but there were also pictures of Taehyung and I from us growing up in there. It was cool and even had photos of us from babies to high schoolers in there. There were like three photos of Taehyung and I together in that book from when we were friends in high school. I loved that gift the most.

"Okay, we cannot have a party without some fun games. Now can we?" Taehyung's mother smiled while Taehyung gathered our gift bags. "We're gonna be playing a partner game that I thought was really funny and cute."

Jisoo volunteered to take care of Elise in her room while we played games and I allowed it. Jisoo was a very excited auntie who loved her niece. Apparently, the game that Taehyung's mother had planned was called Blind Sense, she had paired us together and of course, I was paired with Taehyung.

The objective of the game was for one of the blindfolded players to eat all the food on a plate. Each player from the group has to eat from the plate and the winning group gets a reward. I was excited because who doesn't like free gifts?

The pairs were a bit wild. Just a few were my parents, Taehyung's parents, Jungkook and Taylor, Reece and Jimin. At the sight of Reece and Jimin paired together had Jungkook and I giving each other a mischevious smirk.

After we were all prepared, we all received bowls and spoons. Tony and Jennie were picked to be the judge of the game and to make sure nobody was cheating. Taehyung was blindfolded first and on the blow of Jennie's whistle, we began. Feeding Taehyung was a struggle because he spent most of the time, grimacing. The food that we were all given was ice cream with soy sauce.

Everyone eating the atrocity couldn't stop groaning. I wasn't trying to lose though, it went time. I was stuffing Taehyung's face to the point where the ice cream was staining his cheeks.

"Graycen, I only have a mouth."

There were only two spoons left and Jungkook was catching up to us and I couldn't let that happen, "I refuse to live with my life if Taylor and Jungkook's annoying asses beat us so open wide or I'll shove the whole bowl down your throat."

Taehyung popped his mouth open, "Charming." Taehyung and I managed to work together diligently despite the way he would screw his face up.

"Done!" I shouted out then Taylor did as well like a second after. "Taylor, you're cheating."

"Because I'm better than you?" Taylor snorted as she ripped Jungkook's blindfold off, earning a grunt from him. "You and Taehyung are going down, period."

Taehyung took off his own blindfold, "We'd love to see you try."

Well, we sure did see them try. When it was time to swap it was if I was getting played. We had to eat six Oreos dipped in orange juice. I can't even count the times that I accidentally bit Taehyung's finger. We worked hard though and if you thought I was competitive wait until you see Taehyung. He was literally coaching me to swallow and was literally insulting my throat for being "too slow." Then again, we still tied up with Jungkook and Taylor.

"Okay, now it's time for a tie-breaker!" Taehyung's mother handed Taylor and me a coconut. "This game is called coconut mania and this heavily relies on teamwork. The first round requires the coconut to be between you and your partner's foreheads. If you use your hands to touch the coconut you're out. The goal is to not drop the coconut."

I stared at the coconut in my hands before holding it to my forehead, Taehyung didn't even move closer until I had told him so. Using my peripheral vision, I saw that Jungkook and Taylor had no issue. They were both engaged in a light-hearted conversation.

"Okay, we're starting the game!"

The game started off a bit rocky at first. We had to follow commands as if it was Simon Says. I wished that Jungkook and Taylor would just give it up. Cause Taehyung and I wasn't going to give up without a fight. It was clear that round one was just going to continue being a tie so Taehyung's mother switched to round two.

"Okay, next move is to put the coconut in between your stomach," Taehyung's mother instructed then smiled at her husband, "Junghwa and I played this game back in the days. The goal is to move the coconut from your stomach to your lips. If you touch the coconut with your hands you are out."

Once the whistle was blown, Taehyung and I were moving like rabid dogs. It was crazy how this game frustrated the hell out of us. Jungkook and Taylor were no better, but at least the coconut moved a little bit from their stomachs.

"Why are they gonna win?!" Taehyung was close to touching the coconut and I couldn't let that happen.

I used both of my hands to grab both of his, "You cannot touch the coconut and stop worrying about them!" It was a bit of an awkward situation, but if holding his hands was going to help us win then so be it.

"We need a plan."

Looking back at that moment we were truly ridiculous. "There is no time for that, do you wanna be losers? Do you really want us to actually lose to THEM? Imagine Elise hearing that we lost to them when she gets older? You know those clowns won't ever shut up about it."

"Damn," Taehyung chuckled a bit, "you're right about that. How about I bring up the coconut to you?"

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